सबैभन्दा राम्रो उपाय हो दलीय पुर्ण समानुपाितक चुनाव। दलीय पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन र मधेसी बन्दुकधारी समुहहरूसँग अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता। सबै मधेसी र जनजाित पार्टीहरूले यी दुई मागकासाथ एउटा िनर्णायक अान्दोलन छेड्नुपर्यो। अन्तिरम संिवधानको चौथो संशोधनकालािग। यी दुई माग पुरा नगरे अप्िरलको घोिषत िनर्वाचन हुन निदने। राजाको नगर िनर्वाचनलाई जसरी परास्त गिरयो त्यसरी नै परास्त गर्ने।
जम्मा ३०० सीटकालािग दलीय पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन। पार्टीको िलस्टमा कमसेकम प्रत्येक तेस्रो नाम मिहला हुन पर्ने, त्यस बाहेक कुनै िनयम नहुने।
ज्वाला, गोइत अािद इत्यािदका सैिनकलाई क्यान्टोनमेन्टमा पुर्याउनुपर्यो, नत्र भने चुनाव कसरी हुन्छ? राजनीितक इमान्दारी देखाउने हो भने शान्ित वार्ता युँ हुन्छ।
दलीय पु्रण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनमा नजाने हो भने, शान्ित वार्ता नगर्ने हो भने चुनाव अगािड मारकाट हुन्छ, चुनावका दौरान मारकाट हुन्छ र चुनावपिछ पिन मारकाट भइ रहन्छ।
शायद िगिरजाले त्यही चाहेको हो, तर मैले चाहेको त्यो होइन। मैले चाहेको शान्ित र प्रगित हो। िगिरजाले िहंसा र status quo चाहेको छ। पहाडी बाहुनले मधेसी, जनजाित, दिलत र मिहलाका अाँखामा छारो हाल्ने िदन गए।
चार राज्य: कोशी, गण्डकी, कर्णाली, मधेस
बन्दुकधारी मधेसी पार्टीहरूसँग गफ गर्न १० मिहना िढला भइसक्यो
एक मधेस एक प्रदेशकालािग चािहने मोर्चा
पहाडी नेताहरूले मधेशी अान्दोलनबारे बुझ पचाउन खोज्ने दुष्प्रयास
मधेशी अान्दोलनमा अझै पिन अिनश्चय
िनर्वाचन प्रक्िरया बारे बखेडा
नेपालमा ४०% मधेशी, मधेशमा ४०% पहाडी
राजेन्द्र महतोसँग बेइमानी भएको छ
माधव नेपालको तालु, प्रचण्डको तालु, िगिरजाको तालु
मधेशी अान्दोलनले छलाङ मारेको छ
माअोवादीले मधेशी अान्दोलनसँग फेिर िनहुँ खोज्न थालेको छ
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन िवरूद्धका कुतर्कहरु
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनकालािग िगिरजालाई कसरी घुँडा टेकाउने?
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनकालािग मधेशी, जनजाित, दिलतले अान्दोलन गर्नुपर्छ
पहाडी पार्टी काँग्रेसने मधेशीयो के साथ बेइमानी करनेका िनर्णय कर िलया है
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन अौर एक मधेश एक प्रदेशका नारा पर्याप्त है
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको बाहुन फर्मुला मधेशी िवरूद्धको षडयन्त्र हो
तराईमा िहंसाको राजनीितक समाधान छ
जनजाित र दिलतले पार्टी नखोल्नु मानिसक दासता हो
ज्वाला, गोइत, टाइगर और कोबराको चुनाव क्यों लडना चािहए
In The News
EC unveils election programme NepalNews the parties contesting the CA election will have to submit their closed list of candidates for proportional representation system on February 22 while registration of candidature for direct voting will be open from February 22 to 25. ..... the candidates would be given election symbols on March 2.
NSP-A on the verge of yet another split and a faction led by vice-chairman and industry minister Shyam Sundar Gupta. ..... Party chairperson Anandi Devi Singh expelled Gupta from the post of vice-chairman as well as the general membership of the party on Sunday, accusing him of “breaching party’s principles and democratic norms”. ...... Amid rising differences, Gupta recently went on to declare himself as the senior vice-chairman and had been representing the party in the meetings of the top leaders of the seven-party alliance. ...... the party is all set to Gupta him back from the government and nominate another leader
Army chief reiterates his position on non-politicisation of NA
Terai-Madhes party applies for registration at EC Thakur had, on Saturday, said that his party would not take part in election before rights of Madhesis are ensured and proportional representation based election system adopted. Thakur’s party won’t take part in polls before Madhesi rights are ensured Addressing a mass meeting in Birgunj, on Saturday, Thakur said that though he is not against an election, in principle, the Madhesis won’t enjoy ‘rightful representation’ in the current context. ...... He said he will take part in polls only if fully proportional system is adopted. He asked the government to hold talks with armed Terai outfits. ..... “The Special Task Force is engaged in suppressing and creating terror. They must be withdrawn. Otherwise, we will seize their weapons and fight back,” he said. ...... Thakur also urged the government to withdraw government officials of hilly origin from Madhes. ....... some Madhesi leaders are planning to travel to India to hold talks with Jai Krishna Goit, the chief of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM), which is launching violent activities in Terai. Leaders like Upendra Yadav and Jaya Prakash Gupta of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) and Rajendra Mahato of Nepal Sadbhavana Party are preparing to sneak into Indian border from Janakpur area on Saturday night
Sujata backs constitutional monarchy
Maoists fully committed to election, says Gajurel
EC ready for April 10 election
RPP still not confident about CA polls
Over dozen arrested in Rautahat for waving black flags to UML chief NepalNews
Women stage rally demanding 33 pc representation
NC remained indifferent to Madhesis: Thakur
Thakur’s party not to boycott polls
RPP and RJP begin efforts to unite
PM nominates three NC MPs Nagendra Jha, Laxman Raya Yadav and Rishikesh Tiwari as MPs to represent Sarlahi, Saptari and Parbat districts
EC sets registration deadline for new parties January 14 deadline for new political parties to register .... The EC had earlier registered 125 political parties
RPP nominates MPs to fill vacant positions Ras Narayan Yadav (Sarlahi), Abhishek Pratap Shaha (Kapilvastu) and Narendra Chaudhary (Salyan) .... In place of Netra Prasad Shrestha, who has settled abroad, the party has chosen Chaudhary.
Tarai frontline Madhesi militant groups are preparing for a showdown Prashant Jha in Nepali Times Chandrashekhar, the newly appointed head of Jwala Singh’s intellectual front, Tarai Buddhijivi Mukti Morcha, and Arjun Singh, head of the student front, look thrilled. ....... and believe that tit-for-tat attacks on madhesis or aggressive state security deployment would benefit them. ...... Jwala has emerged as the most powerful armed group in the tarai, claiming a strength of 25,000 ..... they do have about 500 people each in several of the sensitive districts ..... “But the pahadi is the symbol of the state. We want madhesi self-rule.” ...... “Kathmandu thinks these are rag tag groups of 20-25 people,”complains a Janakpur police official, “but several villages are dominated by them.” ....... Besides Jwala’s JTMM, the other militant groups are Goit’s JTMM, the Samyukta Janatantrik Mukti Morcha (SJMM) headed by Pawan aka Prahlad Giri, and the Madhesi Mukti Tigers of Praful Yadav. Bisfot Singh’s group has merged with SJMM. ....... increasing collaboration between all of the armed groups ...... Jwala’s activists say they want an autonomous single Madhes, and an election without such a commitment is meaningless. ..... “It is their CDO, their SP, their election system. Only pahadis will win. Kathmandu doesn’t want polls but if they go ahead, we will unleash a killing spree. It will be like Kashmir or Iraq.” ...... Jwala himself travels around the Indian towns of Darbanga, Muzaffarpur, Hajipur, Samastipur, Madhubani, and more recently, Gorakhpur. ....... JTMM activists say they are careful not to carry arms in India and face little problems here. “The local people and leaders are with us, and the SSB is neutral,” said one. Local support for the JTMM is visible. A passenger on a bus tells us: “We are fully with madhesi groups. We are the same and this is their fight against slavery.” ...... They all belonged to mainstream groups and now appear to have found a cause that gives them a sense of purpose, solidarity, and adventure. The caste mix of Jwala’s JTMM is largely Dalit and non-Yadav upper and intermediate castes. ....... At a recent meeting of his district chiefs, Jwala Singh asked them not to harass madhesis anymore, reportedly saying: “Madhesi people will slap us if we don’t change.” ...... the command structure is hollow, leadership is inexperienced and the organisation needs money. There is no ideological program or a clear work plan and activists have gotten used to the easy route. ...... “Wait for the violence in the next two months. We are preparing for a decisive movement.”
Running out of time The three madhesi groups (led by Upendra Yadav, Rajendra Mahato and Mahant Thakur) are preparing for agitation. Armed groups have sounded out a warning ....... all it will take is the killing of a few candidates, localised riots and blasts to derail polls. There is no administration, people are terrified, and alienation from the state is intense. ........ people just don’t trust the seven parties in Kathmandu and are sure they will put off polls again, using the madhes as an excuse. ...... the Mahato-Yadav front is talking to Mahant Thakur to set up a broader alliance. ..... None of the madhesi groups have a strong organisation. ...... they have begun coordinating with armed groups. ...... At the first mass meeting of the Yadav-Mahato front in Biratnagar, a host of speakers defined the agenda in different ways: full proportional representation, dissolution of the interim house, a caretaker government, a fresh census, implementation of promises, a commitment to autonomy. But leaders know they will need to come up with minimum reasonable demands. ..... The Maoists know they will lose out if there are more delays. Koirala has told aides the NC will be in real crisis if polls fail. ....... there will have to be a fourth amendement of the interim constitution with a change in the electoral system. Madhesi leaders complain that if they put up more than 20 percent candidates in the proportional system, they will need to give representation to other communities. ...... “If we get 100 seats, based only on madhesi votes, we can only send 33 madhesis. This should be applicable to national parties, not regional groups. We should be allowed to put up 33 percent candidates, our population ratio, while being allowed to skip the obligation to be proportional,” explains Mahato. ..... Unless the government is pro-active in the next fortnight, expect an increase in violence, an agitation, and no situation for elections in the madhes.
Running out of time The three madhesi groups (led by Upendra Yadav, Rajendra Mahato and Mahant Thakur) are preparing for agitation. Armed groups have sounded out a warning ....... all it will take is the killing of a few candidates, localised riots and blasts to derail polls. There is no administration, people are terrified, and alienation from the state is intense. ........ people just don’t trust the seven parties in Kathmandu and are sure they will put off polls again, using the madhes as an excuse. ...... the Mahato-Yadav front is talking to Mahant Thakur to set up a broader alliance. ..... None of the madhesi groups have a strong organisation. ...... they have begun coordinating with armed groups. ...... At the first mass meeting of the Yadav-Mahato front in Biratnagar, a host of speakers defined the agenda in different ways: full proportional representation, dissolution of the interim house, a caretaker government, a fresh census, implementation of promises, a commitment to autonomy. But leaders know they will need to come up with minimum reasonable demands. ..... The Maoists know they will lose out if there are more delays. Koirala has told aides the NC will be in real crisis if polls fail. ....... there will have to be a fourth amendement of the interim constitution with a change in the electoral system. Madhesi leaders complain that if they put up more than 20 percent candidates in the proportional system, they will need to give representation to other communities. ...... “If we get 100 seats, based only on madhesi votes, we can only send 33 madhesis. This should be applicable to national parties, not regional groups. We should be allowed to put up 33 percent candidates, our population ratio, while being allowed to skip the obligation to be proportional,” explains Mahato. ..... Unless the government is pro-active in the next fortnight, expect an increase in violence, an agitation, and no situation for elections in the madhes.
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