हृदयेश त्रिपाठी
नेपाल अहिले गम्भीर राष्ट्र राज्यको निर्माणको प्रक्रिया सुरुआतको प्रतीक्षामा आतुर छ । वर्तमान राज्यको बनावट एकांगी, स्वरूप एकात्मक र चरित्र दमनकारी तथा विभदेकारी छ । सबै पक्षमा हुने भेदभाव संस्थागतस्वरूप ग्रहण गरेको छ । यो देश हाम्रँे हो तर राज्य हाम्रँे होइन भन्ने भावना मधेसी समुदाय, आदिवासी-जनजाति, दलित र महिलाहरूमा प्रबल रहेको छ । र्सार्थक संविधानसभामार्फ राज्यको न्यायपर्ूण्ा समानुपातिक पर्ुनर्संरचना गर्न गराउन समाजका यी समूहहरू आतुर रहेका छन् । राष्ट्र र राज्य निर्माणको प्रक्रियाको थालनी तलबाट नै हुनर्ुपर्छ र प्राकृतिक विकासक्रमको बाटो अपनाउनर्ुपर्छ, अनिमात्र यसको स्वाभाविक विकास हुन्छ । अन्य कुनै प्रकारको अप्राकृतिक हस्तक्षेपले कुरूप राष्ट्र र राज्यको निर्माण हुन पुग्छ । अन्ततः नया“ भिडन्तको सूत्रपात हुने गर्छ । वर्तमान नेपाली राजनीतिक परिदृश्यमा अप्राकृतिक स्वार्थपर्ूण्ा र सारमा होइन कि रूपमा मात्र केन्द्रित प्रक्रिया अपनाउन खोजिंदैछ । भावी जोखिमलाई नजरअन्दाज गरी यसप्रकारको नाटक मञ्चनको प्रहारको निसाना मधेसलाई बनाइ“दैछ । फलतः मधेसीद्वारा जारी अधिकार र सम्मानको संर्घष्ालाई बदनाम गराउन भारतीय भूमिकाको प्रचारात्मक अभियान षड्यन्त्र तहत सुरु भएको छ । मधेसको संर्घष्ा वस्तुतः भेदभाव र अपमानविरुद्धको संर्घष्ा हो र यो आन्दोलन देशको समग्र आन्दोलनको एक अभिन्न हिस्सा हो । यो नेपाली भू-भागको आन्तरिक विषय हो र यसको समाधान संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राष्ट्र राज्यको निर्माणबाट मात्र सम्भव छ । तर जुन ढंगले यस आन्दोलनलाई बदनाम गराउने चौतर्फी प्रपञ्च रचि“दैछ, त्यसले मधेसी जनतालाई उसको अधिकार र सम्मान नदिने षड्यन्त्रको आभास दिन्छ । त्यसरी नै मधेसका सशस्त्र समूहलाई इमानदारीपर्ूवक वार्तामा नल्याई ती समूहलाई असामाजिक तत्त्वको रूपमा परिभाषित गरी मधेसमा सैन्य परिचालन गर्ने भित्री तयारी भइरहेको अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ । यदि यसै विषाक्त चिन्तनका साथ काम कारबाही अगाडि बढ्यो भने देश अकल्पनीय अवस्थामा फस्नेछ ।
बहुजातीय, बहुसामुदायिक र बहुधार्मिक र बहुसांस्कृतिक समाजमा राष्ट्र निर्माण सम्पन्न गर्नु एक चुनौतीपर्ूण्ा कार्य हो । यसले उदार कुशल व्यवस्थापनको माग गर्छ । केन्द्रीय राज्यसत्ताप्रति शासक र शासकीय गुटले आफ्नो र्सतमा 'बफादारी र प्रतिबद्धता' खोज्ने गर्छन् । तर ठीकविपरीत राज्यको बनावटबाट बन्चित समूहले न्यायपर्ूण्ा सहभागिताको माग राख्दा राज्य निर्माणको प्रक्रिया नै क्ष्ँतविक्षत गरी अन्ततोगत्वा जड र अपांग राज्यको पक्ष्ँमा कथित क्रान्तिकारी र परिवर्तनकारीहरू पनि उभिन पुगेको विश्वमा अनगिन्ती उदाहरण छन् । नेपालको हालसम्म भौगोलिक एकीकरणमात्र भएको छ, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, भावनात्मक, आर्थिक र न्यायपर्ूण्ा राजनीतिक एकीकरण हुन बा“की नै छ र गत आन्दोलनको सफलतापश्चात् यही बा“की एकीकरणको प्रक्रियाको सुरुआत भएको हो । यस प्रक्रियालाई सहज र प्रँकृतिक ढंगले अगाडि बढ्न दिनु नै आजको नेपाली राजनीतिको मूल चुनौती हो । अन्यथा देश फेरि पनि राष्ट्र-राज्य निर्माणबाट अनिश्चितकालका लागि बन्चित रहनेछ । राष्ट्र, राज्य, राष्ट्र-राज्यको भिन्नतालाई नबुझेर वा आफ्नो ढंगले मात्र बुझेर पनि धेरै जटिलता थपिएका छन् ।
मार्क्सवादी परिभाषाअनुसार साझा आर्थिक जीवन, साझा भाषा, भू-भाग, विशिष्ट संस्कृति, चेतना र मनोविज्ञानको आधारमा सिर्जित जनताको ऐतिहासिक समुदाय नै स्थिर राष्ट्र हो । राष्ट्रको निर्माणले सामन्तवादी आर्थिक, सामाजिक, राजनीतिक संरचनालाई समाप्त पार्छ । उदारवादी परिभाषाअनुसार राष्ट्र, जनताको त्यो समूह हो जसमा साझा पहिचान अर्थात् साझा भाषा, इतिहास, संस्कृति, साझा भू-भाग र चेतनाको साझेदारी हुन्छ ।
अतः राष्ट्र निर्माण एक मनोवैज्ञानिक-सांस्कृतिक अवधारणा हो भने राज्य एक राजनीतिक-कानुनी अवधारणा हो । राज्य एक राजनीतिक समूहलाई जनाउ“छ । तर्सथ राष्ट्र र राज्यका बीच सामीप्य हुन पनि सक्छ, नहुन पनि सक्छ । सबै राष्ट्रहरूस“ग आफ्नै राज्य वा स्वतन्त्र सत्ता हुन पनि सक्छ, नहुन पनि सक्छ । त्यसैले सन् १९१९ को भर्सर्ााज सन्धिअनुसार हरेक राष्ट्रलाई आफ्नो राज्यनिर्माण गर्ने अधिकार रहन्छ भन्ने आत्मनिर्ण्र्ााो अधिकारलाई सुरक्षित गरिएको छ । ततपश्चात् राष्ट्र-राज्यको अवधारणा बढी प्रचलनमा आएको हो । राष्ट्रको यस र्सवमान्य परिभाषाअनुसार नेपाल एक बहु-राष्ट्र देश हो । वस्तुतः मधेसी, आदिवासी-जनजाति, दलित, महिला र उपेक्ष्ँित क्ष्ँेत्रको जारी संर्घष्ाभित्र राष्ट्र-राज्यको निर्माणको आकांक्षा अन्तर्निहित छ । र यो निःसन्देह सुखद पक्ष्ँ र अवसर पनि हो । यो अवसर गुमेको खण्डमा यसको विलोमको प्रक्रिया सुरु हुन सक्छ । तर जुन ढंगले मधेस आन्दोलनलाई बदनाम गर्ने गराउने अभियानको थालनी भएको छ, यसबाट मधेसलाई सुविचारित ढंगले नै चक्रव्यूहमा पार्ने योजना भइरहेको सहजै अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ । तर दर्ुभाग्यवश यो योजना सफल भयो भने मधेसमात्र होइन कि देश नै चक्रव्यूहमा पर्ने निश्चित छ ।
मधेसको वर्तमान अवस्थाका लागि जति शासकहरू जिम्मेवार छन्, त्यसभन्दा कम जिम्मेवार मधेसी नेताहरू छैनन् । मधेसको नेतृत्वपंक्तिमा त्याग र बलिदानको इतिहासको अलि अभाव छ । सत्तँलिप्सा र पदलोलुपताले गर्दा तिनका चरित्रलाई धूमिल गराएको छ । एकता र एकबद्ध प्रयासको र्सवथा अभाव रहेको छ । जनता इमानदार, सरल र संर्घष्ाशील छन् । नेतृत्वपंक्तिको विभाजनको आधार, राजा पक्षधर, कांग्रेस, माओवादी, एमाले, राप्रपा, भारत, चीन, अमेरिकाका पक्ष्ँधर भएर कार्य गर्ने प्रवृत्तिले गर्दा भएको हो । तर जनता विश्वसनीय मधेसी जनताको पक्ष्ँधर नेतृत्व खोजेका छन् । संक्षेपमा, मधेस नेतृत्वको अभावको अवस्थाबाट गुज्र“दैछ । फलस्वरूप जनतामा थप निराशा र आक्रोश समानान्तर रूपले वृद्धि भइरहेको छ । आममधेसी जनता र विशेषतः जुझारु युवा जमातको प्रबल चाहना छ कि स्थापित अधिकांश मधेसी नेतृत्व एक ठाउ“मा उभिई मधेसलाई अधिकार र गौरवसम्पन्न बनाउने अभियानमा समर्पित भई लोकतान्त्रिक निकास दिनुपर्यो । अन्य दलको नेतृत्वको बनावट हर्ेदा ती दलबाट समावेशी- समानुपातिक सम्भव नहुने मधेसी जनता धारणा छ ।
विभिन्न परस्परविरोधी अनुशासनमा बा“धिएका मधेसी नेतत्वबाट आफ्नो हित पूरा नहुने तथ्यप्रति मधेसमा मतैक्यता छ । मधेसका सशस्त्र समूहहरू पनि विभाजनको विकृतिबाट मुक्त छैनन् । कतिपय समूहको सुस्पष्ट राजनीतिक एजेन्डा भए पनि कतिपय समूह एजेण्डाविहीन भएर कार्यरत छन् । फलतः विविध किसिमको विकृति र भड्काउ देखा पर्दैछ । जसले मधेस आन्दोलनलाई बदनाम गराउन मद्दत पुर्याउ“छ भने जायज मागप्रति विमुख गराउने र सही विषयलाई ओझेलमा पार्ने कार्य गरेको छ । यस्तो विषम परिस्थितिमा मधेसी जनताको चाहनाअनुरूप विश्वसनीय लोकतान्त्रिक राजनीतिक शक्तिको निर्माण गर्नु आजको आवश्यकता हो ।
मधेस अझै र्सार्थक आन्दोलनको मुडमा छ, विश्वसनीय नेतृत्वको खोजीमा छ । राज्यको उधारोमा मात्र दिन चाहेको छ तर मधेसीहरू नगदमा खोजेका छन् । राष्ट्र-राज्यको निर्माण प्रक्रिया सही ढंगले बढाउने हो भने मधेसको न्यायपर्ूण्ा सहभागिता सुनिश्चित गर्ने आधार र वातावरण बनाउन जरुरी छ ।
Govt doing homework for constitution amendment: Minister Pokharel Kantipur
चक्रव्यूहमा मधेस
MJF Wants Polls Held at Earliest Possible Himalayan Times Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala resign on moral grounds for failing to hold the polls on November 22. ...... Saying that the forum will not seek the help of any armed group in the Terai region, Mahato said, "Ours will be a peaceful agitation." He said the armed groups flourished in the Terai after the government failed to address the issues of the Madhesi people. ....... the armed groups active in the Madhes should go for dialogue with the government. "Their demand for a secessionist state seems more like a bargaining ploy," said Yadav. .... Clarifying that the forum was not against people of pahadi origin, he said that its protests were directed against the government. ..... Asked why the forum was against the Maoists, Yadav said, "It is a misconception. We are not against the Maoists."
NC-Maoist Rift will Result in Crisis: Nepal incidences of abduction, murder, violence and donation have been increasing in the Tarai, he said, "The government which cannot curb such acts does not have the moral authority to stay in power." .... Urging the government to hold talks with forces staging agitations in the Tarai
Armed Groups Killed 28 in East Tarai in 7 Months Ninety-three out of 145 abductees were released with the help of Armed Police ..... 312 persons associated with armed criminal gangs were captured, while five were killed in clashes with the armed police in the east Tarai. During the same time, three more persons were shot dead for violating prohibitory orders. ..... During the period, security personnel seized 53 pistols, nine guns, 32 bullets, eight explosives, 17 motorcycles, six mobile phone sets and a truck. Security personnel assigned to control violence and criminal activities in the bordering areas of Tarai captured smuggled goods worth Rs 16.7 million
PM should resign on moral grounds – MJF chief NepalNews Chairman of the Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) Upendra Yadav has said Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala should resign on moral grounds as the government led by him has failed to fulfill the mandate of the people's movement II. Addressing a press meet in Nepalgunj on Saturday, Yadav also said that if PM steps down then it would pave the way out of the prevalent crisis. "The incompetent coalition government has lost the moral authority to stay in the government," he said. Yadav also alleged that the mandate of the people's movement II - elections to a constituent assembly, establishment of democratic republic and peace and order have not been fulfilled by the government. Saying that the country has been held hostage to the whims of Nepali Congress, Maoists and CPN-UML, he said a new government should be formed to free the country from this. He also accused the government of failing to contain growing incidents of murder, abduction and looting in the country. "This government has become unable to arrest even murderers of journalists. In this situation the prime minister should resign to pave the way out of the prevalent crisis."
Sujata wants 1990 constitution revived, accuses Sitaula of 'ambushing' NC
Winter session will resolve political deadlock, claims Sitaula NepalNews
NC, Maoists agree to accelerate dialogue to resolve deadlock Senior leaders of the two parties met at the Maoist central office in Buddhanagar Saturday morning. Maoist leaders Dr Babu Ram Bhattarai, Ram Bahadur Thapa and Mohan Baidhya and Congress leaders Shushil Koirala, Prakash Man Singh, Dr Ram Baran Yadav, Mahesh Acharya and Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat were present at the meeting.
Sujata accuses Sitaula of 'ambushing' NC and the country "In the hope that the Maoists will improve, the NC gave up all its stands. And now Sitaulaji has ambushed not only the party but also the country" ..... a government minister said that the government was engaged in homework to 'implement' the proposals on republic declaration and proportional representation system passed by the parliament recently.
We’re against separate tarai: Upendra Yadav Kantipur "We oppose the concept of a separate Madhes," said Yadav, talking to the Post after inaugurating the Forum's office in Nepalgunj, adding, "What we want is an autonomous Tarai within a federal Nepal." ..... met the prime minister Friday morning before flying for Nepalgunj .... the Forum, however, will not enter into any alliance with the royalists and the armed groups operating in the Tarai. ..... "The government must immediately start a dialogue with the agitating groups," he added. ..... the prime minister immediately asked Peace and Reconstruction Minister Ram Chandra Poudel, who was also present during the delegation's meeting with Koirala, to implement the agreement promptly. "But we said such assurances cannot convince us this time."
Chure Bhavar to set up peace force his organization has been constituting a peace force similar to the Rakshya Bahini formed by the dissident faction of Nepal Sadbhavana Party-Anandidevi (NSP-A). ....... the CBES has already set up such a force in Siraha, Saptari, Udayapur, Rautahat and Sarlahi districts with ex-army and ex-police personnel, nationalist youths and others. ..... the peace force would not be of an offensive nature but would take retaliatory action against anyone who tries to attack it..... CBES plans to set up a 50-member peace force in each district, and 500 ex-army and 300 ex-police personnel have already joined the force. .... Maoist combatants who escaped from the cantonments have also come in contact with the CBES.
Govt leadership cannot be changed: Shekhar Koirala
Festive mood of Chhath continues
Maoists sound warning to set up interim govt and parliament Prachanda Friday warned to set up “an interim government and parliament” from the street-up if the government doesn’t implement the motions ...... slated to meet with civil society leaders, rights activists, and representatives of marginalized, indigenous and Madheshi communities ..... The House passed the motions after major left parties, including the CPN-UML, CPN-Maoist, the People’s Front Nepal, the CPN-Unified and the United Left Front decided to support a motion each tabled by the UML and the Maoists.
MPRF issues 5-day ultimatum to govt to enforce accord
UML activist abducted from Saptari
Maoists want immediate cabinet reshuffle; demand early integration of PLA into NA NepalNews the government must be restructured as early as possible in order to make it more representational......... the peace ministry be replaced by a powerful Peace Commission represented by all the parties to peace process. ..... Raghuji Panta proposed that a seven-party alliance should emerge as an executive entity. He made it clear that the UML is ready for a change in government leadership if there is seven-party consensus.
Shekhar Koirala dares parties to change govt leadership through the parliament
Maoists announce 12-day protest march in western Terai The protest “Tharuwan Republican People’s March” will pass through Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali and Kanchanpur districts along the highway. The Maoist-affiliated Tharuwan Mukti Morcha is active in these five districts. ...... the rallies would be taken out serially for 6 days in Dang, 5 days in Banke and 3 days each in Bardiya, Kailali and Kanchanpur. ...... mass gatherings will be held in 12 different places in Dang, 10 difference places in Banke and 6 places in Kanchanpur, Bardiya and Kailali
UML starts internal discussion on its role in winter session Party general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal had earlier directed the party leaders not to speak in favour of Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala. Some UML leaders want immediate implementation of the House decisions while few others including K.P Sharma Oli are opposed to this idea.
Abductions continue in Terai
Mahato warns of fresh stir in Terai
Mahato for separate Madheshi front
MPRF warns of fresh stir Kantipur
Mahato warns to launch 3rd people’s movement from Terai all preparations have been made on coordination with other agitating groups in the Terai, and Madhesh Defense Battalions have been formed in 18 districts to make the movement decisive. ...... the motions endorsed by the special house session for a republican set-up and fully proportional system for the CA was acceptable for the disgruntled faction of NSP, Mahato urged the government to enforce the house directives. ...... On November 5, Rajendra Mahato had said that his party was forming a joint front with the armed outfits in the Terai to launch the decisive movement in the region by mid-December.
104 bandas since April Uprising! nine were Nepal bandas, seven Valley bandas, 30 terai bandas and 58 localized ones. ..... People living in the tarai are facing the brunt of such strikes. The entire tarai region remained shut down for as many as 30 days in the past seven months. ..... there was not a single banda for the first five months after the April Uprising .... The first political banda came eight months after the April Uprising when Limbuwan activists called a banda in eastern Nepal in December 2006, demanding a proportional electoral system and a federal republic.
Maoists beat govt in breaching CPA: Study
Cabinet ministers approve strong measures to improve security
PR system would lead to disintegration: Deuba
एमालेमा मतभेद सातदलीय गठबन्धन सरकारको नेतृत्व परिवर्तनबारे एमालेभित्र मतभेद देखिएको छ । महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपालले आफ्ना मन्त्री र पार्टी नेताहरूलाई प्रधानमन्त्रीको पक्षमा वकालत नगर्न निर्देशन दिइरहेकै बेला स्थायी समिति सदस्य केपी ओलीले तत्काल सरकारको नेतृत्व परिवर्तन गर्न नहुने अडान राखेका छन् । महासचिवले कांग्रेसलाई नेतृत्व परिवर्तनबारे सोच्न आग्रह गरेका छन् भने ओलीले अहिलेको राजनीतिक संकटको कारक माओवादी भएको निक्र्योल निकाल्दै उसको आलोचना गरेका छन् । नेपाल र ओलीले बिहीबार सञ्चारकर्मीमाझ परस्परविरोधी अभिव्यक्ति छुट्टाछुट्टै दिएका हुन् । ..... माओवादी युद्धकालीन अवस्थामा झैं जनयुद्ध र जनविद्रोहको नीति निरन्तर अगाडि बढाएर विनाशको बाटोतर्फ अग्रसर हुनु उनको आरोप थियो । '१२ बुँदे समझदारीमा शान्तिपूर्ण राजनीतिक मूलधारमा आउने प्रतिबद्धता व्यक्त गरेपछि त्यो पालना नगर्नु अहिलेको मूल समस्या हो,' उनले भने ।
धुमधाम छठ
'Implementation of agreements a must to keep peace process intact' NepalNews unity among the seven parties, review of the peace process and implementation of agreements and improvement in management and procedures of the peace process. ..... Martin also expressed dismay over the continued extortion, abductions and killings in Terai region including by the members of the Maoist party
PM meets with Upendra Yadav, promises to fulfill MJF demands The meeting has come in the wake of warnings by Yadav of re-launching Terai agitation from November 21. Yadav has said that the cancellation of Constituent Assembly election and the non-implementation of pact signed by the government and the MJF were compelling him to resume agitation.
Chhath being celebrated across the country
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