िहजो बल्ल पिहलो पटक सत्य नारायण मन्िदरको नेपाली कार्यक्रममा मलाई पहाडीहरुले पिहलो पटक बोल्निदए। दुइ िमनट बोलें पिन। शुरुमा त उद्घोषकले म ितर हेर्दै "कोही पत्रकार हुनुहुन्छ भने उिभएर अाफ्नोपिरचय िदनुहोला" भन्यो। राजदुतले पिन मितर हेरेर इसारा गर्नुभयो।
पिहलो पटक त नभनौं। कर्मा ग्याल्डेनजीले अािदवासी जनजाितको धेरै पिहलाको एउटा िमिटङमा मलाई बोल्निदएको हो। त्यो हो पिहलो पटक। तर त्यो एउटा कार्यक्रम नभएर एउटा िमिटङ िथयो।
सबभन्दा अिघल्लो पंक्ितमा ताराजी, कर्माजी र मलाई बसाइयो। बाहुन, जनजाित, मधेशी। मिहला चािहंदेिखनँ। मृदुलाजी अथवा नर्मदाजीलाई अगािड ल्याउनुपर्ने िथयो।
अिघल्लो कार्यक्रममा कर्माले प्याच्च "मिदसे" शब्द बोल्दा मलाई झनक्क रीस उठेको हो। अाज भेट्दादेख्दा, र सँगै बस्दा फेरी मन पग्िलयो। उ बेलुकी िछट्टै सुतेर िबहान दुई बजे कामकालािग उठ्नुपर्ने मान्छे। योकार्यक्रम सिकएपिछ तपाई र म गफ गरौं भनेर मैले भने। कर्माजीले हुन्छ भन्नुभयो। मैले भन्न चाहेकोकुरा यस प्रकार िथयो।
"म न्यु यर्क अाएको दुई वर्ष कट्यो्। यस दौरान नेपाली समुदायमा मलाई सबैभन्दा बढी घत लागेको व्यक्िततपाईं। यो कुरा मैले पिहला पिन publicly नै भनेको छु। बाहुन, जनजाित, मधेशी, मिहला नेताहरुमा सबैभन्दाबढी घत लागेको तपाईं। तर तपाईले प्याच्च मिदेसे शब्द उच्चारण गर्दा यो मान्छेसँग अब किहले बोल्िदनँजस्तो लाग्यो। तपाईले sorry भन्नुस् र अबदेिख मधेशी भन्नुस् let's go back to being friends." भनेरभन्ने योजना िथयो।
तर मेरो दुई िमनटको मन्तव्यको बीचमा नै "ज्वाला िसंह" भनेर जुरुक्क उठेर िहडेको वयक्ित कर्मा। यही होमधेशी जनजाित solidarity भनेको?
न्यु यर्क मा ANTA स्थापना गर्ने व्यक्ित म। िवनोदजीले नमान्दा िवनय शाहलाई न्यु यर्क च्याप्टरकोअध्यक्ष बनाएँ। The infighting of the powerless त्यहाँ पिन भयो। त्यो एउटा सानो पद िवनयलाई यितठुलो status symbol अनुभव भयो, िनहुँ खोज्न शुरु। बोलचाल बन्द। उ त अब िसकागो गइसक्यो। अस्ित एउटानराम्रो दुर्घटनामा परेछ। उसलाई त केही भएन, तर गाडी upside down। थाहा पाएर मैले फोन गरें। त्यसकोभोिल पल्ट फेरी फोन गरें। Let bygones be bygones, let's be friends again भनेको त I am not interested भन्छ।
मैले यो कहानीहरू िकन सुनाएको भन्दा The infighting of the powerless को कन्सेप्ट बुझाउनकालािग। अाफैमा मारामार। नेपालमा मधेशी समुदाय जसरी powerless छ िवश्वमा नेपाली समुदाय त्यसरी नै, अझत्योभन्दा कैयौं गुणा powerless छ।
NRN Movement लाई Chamber of Commerce बाट mass based बनाउनुपर्ने अावश्यकता छ। दुिनयाकोराजधानी न्यु यर्क। अमेिरकामा रहेका डेढ लाख नेपाली मध्ये ४०,००० त न्यु यर्क मेट्रोमा नै छन्।
त्यसकालािग एउटा छाता संगठन बनाउनुपर्ने हुन्छ। छाता संगठन त बनाउँ तर नेता मैं हुन्छु भनेर ताराजीलेिहन्ट िदया िदयै छ, छ मिहना देिख। अरे बाबा, नेता को हुने भन्ने कुरा मैले िनर्णय गर्ने नै होइन। चुनाव हुन्छ। चुनाव लड्नुस्। कसैले नदेखेको राण प्रधानमन्त्री जस्तो एउटा NAC भन्ने संगठन छ, ताराजी चािहं त्यो राणप्रधानमन्त्रीले न्यु यर्ककालािग पठाएको बडाहािकम जस्तो। मान न मान मैं तेरा मेहमान। न कसैले भोटिदनु छ न केही, नेपाली समुदायको नेता मै भन्दै ताराजी िहंड्नुहुन्छ। हुन त to his credit वहाँ America Nepal Friendship Society को duly elected president चािहं हो र त्यो संस्था न्यु यर्को सबैभन्दा ठुलो नेपालीसंस्थाहरू मध्येको एक हो। र Manhattan मा बस्ने high class को मान्छे, पढेलेखेको महाको िवद्वान, Columbia University जस्तो one of the top 10 universities in America मा पढाउने मान्छे लगभगप्रत्येक जसो weekend Queens पुग्िदरा हुन्छ ताराजी अिन Queens को mini Nepal का नेपालीहरू दङ।
I don't dislike Taraji, and he knows it. But the only legitimate leader in the community is a duly elected one. ५०० सदस्य भएको संगठनको िनर्वािचत नेताले म ५०,००० नेपालीको नेता भन्न पाइँदैन। र योमेरोलािग ego issue होइन। न्यु यर्कको स्थानीय राजनीितमा नेपालीहरूको जुन utter powerlessness छत्यो powerlessness को कारक तत्व नै नेपाली संगठनहरू mass based नहुनु र छाता संगठनको अभाव हो।
मञ्चबाट खगेन्द्रजीले मितर हेरेर भनेको जस्तो लाग्यो, "१९९० मा बाबुराम भट्टराईलाई यहीं न्यु यर्कमाभेटेको हो।" मधेशी अान्दोलनका सबै नेताहरूले मलाई पत्याउँछन्, र नेपाली राजनीितमा दुई जना छन् जसकोलेख कतै अायो िक म पिढहाल्छु, प्रदीप िगरी र बाबुराम। तर म िहंसाको राजनीितमा िवश्वास गर्ने मान्छेचािहं होइन। पिहला पिन िथइनँ, पिछ पिन हुने छैन।
अरू संगठनको नाम शुरुमा भिनयो तर मेरो संगठनको नाम भिनएन। पिछ कुनै संगठनको कोही बोल्न चाहनेइच्छुक हुनुहुन्छ िक भन्दा खेरी मैले उद्घोषकलाई गएर एउटा चीट समाएँ। संगठन: हाम्रो नेपाल, प्रेिसडेन्ट: परमेन्द्र भगत, दुई िमनट पाउँ। नत्र भने वक्ताहरूको िलस्टमा मेरो नाम िथएन।
पिछ मृदुलाजीकोमा िडनर पार्टी भयो। ४०-५० जनालाई नै "करोडपित मृदुला" ले खाना खुवाइन्। "मलाईउपेन्द्र महतोको इमेल ठेगाना पठाइदेउ" भनेर भिनन्। हुन्छ भनें। त्यस पार्टीमा बकाइदा साथ वंशतामाङजीले एक जना सांसदज्युलाई "unbiased पत्रकार" भनेर पिरचय िदनुभयो।
िवश्वमा अमेरीकाको राष्ट्रपितभन्दा बढी powerful पद कुनै पद छैन। बराक अोबामा भनेको अमेरीकाकोअर्को राष्ट्रपित, he is next. त्यो बराक अोबामाले मलाई पत्याइसक्यो। Queens का पहाडीले अझैपत्याएका छैनन्। ंManhattan For Obama Organizational Kickoff Meeting मा बोल्न लगाइएको पिहलोव्यक्ित म। जब िक त्यहाँ Harlem का State Senator मेरा अात्मीय साथी र न्यु यर्क राज्यबाट अोबामालाई endorse गर्ने पिहलो elected official Bill Perkins पिन िथए। तर Queens का पहाडीहरू अझै मलाई पत्रकारपत्रकार भन्दै िहडेका छन्। कस्तो strong prejudice.
मेरो एउटा िनतान्त राजनीितक संगठन छ। त्यो एउटा िडजीटल डेमोक्रसी संगठन हो। तपाईलाई एउटा उदाहरण िदउँ। उपेन्द्र यादवको नयु यर्कको कार्यक्रममा २५ जना पिन िथएनन्। तर उपेन्द्र यादवको न्यु यर्क भ्रमणको पाँच घन्टा िभडीयो अिहलेसम्म िवश्वमा एक हजार पटक भन्दा बढी हेिरसिकएको छ। कहाँ २५, कहाँ १०००। त्यो परमेन्द्र भगतले पत्रकािरता गरेको होइन, त्यो परमेन्द्र भगतको िडजीटल डेमोक्रसी संगठनले अाम सभा गरेको हो।
Instances Of Advice Taken By Obama 2008 From Me
- The Largest Rally In US Presidential Campaign History
Give Me A Huge Rally In This City Before Summer Is Over
Michelle Obama Is Just Fabulous - Barack's Mother Makes An Appearance
Barack Has To Talk Much About His Mother - Long Walk To Freedom
Long Walk To Freedom: Just A Third World Guy Dazzled By The City
PM says Nepal-India joint efforts required to solve terai problem NepalNews He also blamed the Maoist-affiliated Young Communist League (YCL) for supporting the criminal groups in intensifying criminal activities in Terai.
Parties should accept House directive: Speaker Nemwang Speaker Subash Nemwang has said all the parties in the parliament should accept the proposals on republic and proportional election system that were passed by the parliament Nov 4.
Thousands of students and teachers abducted in Nepal in 5 years: UNESCO report
City stinks as KMC halts garbage collection
MK Nepal tries to dispel Congress' fears regarding communist unity
India objects at UN officials meeting terai armed group India has sent a strong worded message to various UN agencies operating in Nepal with regard to a meeting between UN officials and Nepali armed groups on Indian soil. ....... in September, UN officials held a secret meeting with a faction of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha in Muzaffarpur in India's Bihar state without giving prior information to the Indian authorities. ...... "Their discussion was confined to humanitarian, not political issues," Martin had told.
Martin meets with Prachanda at Prachanda's residence in Naya Bazaar ...... the two Maoist leaders also met with a visiting South African leader Mac Maharaj. ...... Maharaj shared experiences of South African peace process with Prachanda and Dr. Bhattarai. Maharaj was a close assistant of South African leader Nelson Mandela
Govt introduces Arms and Ammunition Ordinance slapping jail-terms from six months to seven years and fine amount from Rs 5,000 to a maximum Rs 50,000 on individuals found guilty of possessing illegal arms. ...... the ordinance was enacted as a large number of people are found to be openly carrying weapons even after the Maoists joined mainstream politics
Deuba advises UML and Maoists to follow politics of consensus
PM says changing of government leadership is not a big deal NepalNews He likened the efforts of the communist parties to change the government leadership as 'changing of the torn shoe'. "It will be decided only after the seven-party meeting ..... dared the communist parties to try and garner two-third majority in the parliament ..... Koirala also said he wanted to see the constituent assembly elections held by the end of the current Nepali year (mid-April, 2008).
UML gen secy asks NC to improve style of governance a programme organised by Terai Independent Justice Forum to mark Tihar and Chhath festivals. ...... "There is an empire of criminals evolving in the country," he said, adding, "There is no point in just making speeches to improve security."
Journalist Shah's dead body found the body of Shah, which was buried on the ground, at around 1:30 p.m. from the forest between Sapahi and Kakari VDCs. ..... The body was discovered some 2-km north of the place pointed out by the Maoist investigation report published on Monday. He was abducted a month ago from Pipara VDC by four Maoist cadres and was shot dead on the same day.
UML minister says House directive cannot be implemented Those two proposals were passed for no other purpose than to engage the Maoists [in the peace process],” Minister for Education and Sports Pradeep Nepal ..... the seven parties should form a broad political alliance by including other political parties represented in the parliament. ...... ruled out the possibility of change in the government’s leadership
Employees in Siraha and Sarlahi, too, in agitation Village Development Committee (VDC) secretaries based in Sarlahi district have warned of joint resignation from November 18 ...... four different Terai outfits have demanded Rs 5.8 million extortion from them – Rs 2.5 million by Samyukta Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha, Rs 1.5 million each by JTMM Jwala and Goit factions, and Rs 300,000 by Nagraj group of Terai cobra. They have been asked to cough up the amount before Tihar. ...... The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has also concluded that security situation in Siraha and Saptari districts are very fragile.
Special Session and After: Thinking Past the Nepali 'Post-conflict' The transitional movement was recognized as another money spinner as international crisis firms and professionals who had made their names and fortunes in Somalia, Afghanistan, Timor or other similar human tragedies descended upon Nepal to set up shop in partnership with local subalterns. The first order of business was to establish the demand that could then be supplied by these experts. ...... the 50,000 plus army of observers being marshaled to witness the event and the 60,000 see-through boxes dispatched from Japan to hold the secret ballots. ....... a half-baked project whose completion was neither ascertained, nor even intended ...... The leadership can always plead democratic immunity in every act of omission and commission. ...... the CA entrepreneurs ..... the present election fiasco is an inevitable failure of a faulty paradigm whose basic premise starts not with the innate intelligence and commonsense of the people but their ignorance. ........ The lack of substantive momentum and direction during the past year and half and the national sense of being caught in a morass is a good indication of the exhaustion of the intellectual paradigm that guided the April uprising. To put it bluntly, not much thought was put into what was to be done after the April bonfire. ....... the existing first-past-the-post electoral system will continue to benefit the politically dominant Brahmin-Chhetry groups far in excess of their actual numbers in the population. ......... the federal structure must be accompanied by a proportional representation process. Only then will the numerically significant but politically weak cultural, ethnic, and caste communities have a viable opportunity for inclusion in the national process. ......... Is the UN too worried about the latest cancellations here? Perhaps not. More mess in the Third World means more business, more budget, more jobs. One just needs to pass through the business class section of an airline flying into Kathmandu to see the laptop welding army of bright-eyed college graduates coming to town to do election and peace. As things complicate, UN seeking to make more elbow room for itself by seeking extended, expanded role in the host nation. Historically also, wherever UN has stepped in, it usually tends to stick around for a decade, if not longer. ......... During his previous four stints as prime minister of the Kingdom, G.P. Koirala remained a strict secularist. He was never seen near a temple or a ritual. After having presided over the conversion of the only Hindu Kingdom into a secular state last year, it is ironic that this life-long agnostic is suddenly acting like a born-again Hindu. ............ CA was gamed to extract popular consent for the regime, not open up informed choices for the citizens. ..... the CA elections and the rest of the political process does not appear to be intended to empower the people through reason and information. It is, on the contrary, designed to infantilize them by playing upon their worst fears and emotions. The rule of law is being substituted by fear where insecurity, suspicion, and virulent demagoguery have become the primary ruling instruments. The nation is literally being made to live from minute to minute in bated breath as it awaits it fate outside the gates of Baluwatar and Singha Durbar while those inside wheel and deal, day and night, in perpetually extending sessions. The emotional manipulation serves two functions: buys borrowed time for the regime while reducing popular expectations of the political process to abysmal nil. The sum total? National degradation and societal demoralization.
Nepal needs a close look Nepal takes pride in its independence, being the only country other than Bhutan and Thailand in the region not to be colonised, but it paid a different price for it. ...... Two companies of Indian Infantry were poised to land in Kathmandu in 1950 in case there was "anarchy", but the force was not needed. In 1959, during Nepal's first multi-party election, Indian Army Gorkha signallers were deployed for communications. ....... . In 1965, King Mahendra requested India for reorganising and re-equipping the Army. In 1970, on Nepal's request both the checkposts and training teams were withdrawn but the military cooperation continued unabated without any physical presence of Indian Army trainers. The special military relationship was symbolised by the Army Chiefs of the two countries being made honorary Generals of each other's Armies. ...... the Government of Maldives asked for -- and received -- military assistance to defeat a serious mercenary threat. ...... India has either planned or dispatched military succour to Seychelles, Mauritius and Fiji. ....... Like the Southern Command in Pune is responsible for contingency planning and tasks in the island countries like Sri Lanka and the Maldives, Lucknow's Central Command has for long been involved in planning possible missions in the north, including Nepal. ....... Exercise Tribhuvan was a study carried out in the late 1970s to assess the possibilities of a Communist takeover of Nepal. ...... Nepal's sensitivity about its sovereignty and territorial integrity is manifest in the ladder-point security check of Indian Airlines flights at Tribhuvan Airport. Indian security staff frisk passengers on an elevated platform, avoiding use of Nepalese soil. ........ The Maoists have the capability and the hardliners the intent to skirt the electoral process and seize power.
Media requested to black out Maoist news in various parts of the country, local journalists continued to protest the Maoists for killing Shah. ..... Shah was killed after he was lured by the Maoist workers who promised him to tell about wood smuggling
Prachanda gets 'raw meat gift' for Shah's murder journalists of Nuwakot district sent 'raw meat gift' to Maoist chairman Prachanda ....... Two pieces of chicken meat were packed and posted in the name of Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the real name for Prachanda. A letter stating that parcel has been sent to Dahal was also handed over to Maoist's district office.
Prachanda, Nepal see no possibility of immediate change in govt leadership NepalNews
21 dead and 1951 injured in Terai agitation 21 people were killed and 1951 injured while properties worth Rs 15.66 crore were damaged during the agitation. .... The commission had been formed on May 25.
Terai outfits step up assaults against local bodies' officials
UML urges Maoists to stop attacking media persons
Martin hopes uncertainty will end soon
Congress leader doubts election amid existing lack of security NC vice president Prakash Man Singh said, "People are worried with the lack of state presence." .... "Even though our party president is the prime minister and our party leader is the Home Minister, we have to say that it is very difficult to think that CA election can be held due to lack of law and order"
Govt employees based in Saptari district resign en masse More than 400 employees of government offices, local bodies and corporations based in Saptari district have said that they have sent a joint resignation letter to Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala alleging that government did not pay attention to their security. .... they have sent it through post to the PM. ...... after the murder of Prabhu Narayan Yadav, an official of Saptari District Development Committee, two weeks ago. ..... the growing insecurity caused by various armed and criminal groups in the terai.
YCL cadres rough up NC leaders in Lamjung
RPP convention in December
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