Tie The Bell: Elections In November
New Common Minimum Program
A consensus has already been reached on a commitment proposal for a federal democratic republic. That is a good thing. The parties also have to agree on a few more things. The number one of course would be to agree on holding a fully PR election. There would be only one rule. Every third name on a party's list must be female. Other than that there would be no rules. And the total number of seats would be brought down to 300 from near 500 now.
A party could have a list that is only three long, or only 30 long. This arrangement would be better than any talk Poudel Bahun can hold. You are asking all grieving groups to go to the people. It is the people who have the power. Take your grievances to the people.
But holding respectful dialogue with all the armed Madhesi groups has to be the key element of the new common minimum program. That is more important than agreeing on a fully PR election. What does holding respectful dialogue mean? You release all their imprisoned cadres, you take back all cases filed against them, you put all their soldiers into cantonments, and you invite them to participate in a fully PR election for a constituent assembly. If they want a Madhesh state, they will have to go to the people, not to the parties in power.
Jwala and Goit and now Mahto have all said they will foil the elections scheduled for November. I think they can do it. All they have to do is call for a Terai Band for a few days on and around November 22. That would be easy to do. Political groups much smaller than them have been doing it. Why can't they do it?
Unless you agree for a fully PR election, the Maoists will not let elections happen. All they have to do is refuse to participate.
And unless you hold respectful dialogue with Jwala, Goit and others, they also will not let elections happen, not in November, not in April.
Tie The Bell: Elections In November
New Prime Minister
Kick Girija out. That is Mr. Political Paralysis. And it is not just his illness and old age. That guy has a major attitude problem. That prejudiced Bahun has been driving everyone nuts for months and months and months.
Now that the two Congress factions have come together, and the next senior leader in the Congress is Deuba, I think Deuba gets to become Prime Minister.
Girija should go ahead and retire. That guy is the roadblock on issues of intra-party democracy, and on DaMaJaMa empowerment.
Tie The Bell: Elections In November
Fully Proportional Election
You can delay it, that is all you can do. So why delay it?
Tie The Bell: Elections In November
Register More Parties
If the elections are delayed, the Election Commission must open up. New parties have to be registered for a few months. New parties should be allowed to register for until three months before the elections.
There is a Madhesi Janadhikar Forum. There is a Federal Democratic National Forum, which might emerge as the Janajati party. And I feel an urgent need for a Dalit Adhikar Forum.
And I sincerely hope all the Madhesi MPs in all the big parties form a new party. Madhesi People's Party, MPP.
I think if this new possibility emerges, Rajendra Mahto is better off registering a new party that is simply called the Nepal Sadbhavana Party. Let his opponents be. He has a larger mass base than them in the first place.
If fully PR elections be held, there would be no need for a Madhesi Alliance, and it would be just fine to have two Sadbhavana parties, and two MJFs.
There are going to be a dozen Madhesi parties. Most of them will stay small, a few will disappear. The MJF might emerge pretty big, as might one of the Sadbhavanas.
Tie The Bell: Elections In November
Land Reform Commission
All land and property seized by the Maoists and other armed groups should go to this commission which will exercise temporary ownership. After the country gets a new constitution, parliamentary elections will be held. Parties will go to the people with their separate land reform proposals. The final status of ownership will thus be decided by the people, the voters.
That is the middle ground between the Congress wanting all the land to go back to the original owners and the Maoists saying they have already redistributed the land.
Revolutionary land reform will be when every family in the country is given at least one small plot of land, and every such family then gets the option to either sell off that land, or put that as collateral to get a bank loan on good, easy rates with which they can start a business, or invest in their farm, or whatever. Land reform not accompanied by this easy credit program will not have much meaning.
Tie The Bell: Elections In November
Elections In April
If not in November, then it will have to be in April, two years after the historic April Revolution.
Tie The Bell: Elections In November
Dissolve Interim Parliament Before Election Campaign Begins
That is standard procedure. A sitting MP can not go and campaign for re-election.
Tie The Bell: Elections In November
In The News
RPP, RJP & NPF ready to file candidacies Kantipur Nepali Congress, the largest ruling party also has not prepared the list of its candidates yet due to the ongoing confusion. ..... it would not be possible to conduct the poll on schedule if dates are deferred again .... "We need at least 15 days to print such ballot papers." ..... The EC has to print at least 50 million ballot papers in 241 types for the upcoming CA poll.
UML blames NC, Maoists for stalemate
Alliance may break over poll system: Gajurel CPN-UML leader Modnath Prashrit .... lambasted the idea of restructuring Nepal on a federal system based on race and ethnicity. ..... However, Pradeep Giri of Nepali Congress and left leaders Lok Narayan Subedi and Rishi Kattel spoke in favor of proclaiming Nepal a republic from the interim parliament and adopting full proportional electoral system.
Minister Mahato resigns; 22 arrested as NSP-A faction launches agitation Stating that he will not register another party, Mahato said that he would rather disrupt the November 22 elections. ..... All of the arrested were taken to Armed Police Station at Maharjgunj and released later in the afternoon. ..... according to the EC Act 2007, while settling a dispute over claims to the name, election symbol or flag of a political party, it should send a notice to the concerned parties asking them to furnish their views within 15 days. But the deadline ends today for filing the closed-list of candidates under the proportional electoral system for the Constituent Assembly election slated November 22. ....... The NSP-A dispute has been a serious challenge for the EC which is not able to settle the row under the existing legal provisions and limited timeframe. ....... As per Clause 26, sub-section (6) of the Act, given adequate evidence, the EC may give recognition to a party which has a majority of office bearers, members and members of the central executive committee whose names were submitted while applying for party registration. And the EC may register the other party either as a separate political party or as a separate group of the same party. ........ Prior to settling such a dispute, the Commission shall establish a bench comprising the Chief Election Commissioner and other Commissioners to hold hearings. Such a bench will give its final verdict within 15 days of the date on which the concerned parties are to furnish their evidence. The bench enjoys the full powers of a court of law. ...... Singh, widow of veteran Madhesi leader and founder of the NSP the late Gajendra Narayan Singh, was unanimously ousted by the general convention. The convention appointed Mahato as the new party chief. .... Singh's supporters have, however, challenged the legitimacy of the convention and appealed to partymen to attend a soon-to-be-held general convention of their own. ..... The sacked leaders of the establishment side include former vice-chairman Bharat Bimal Yadav, former general secretary Hridayesh Tripathi, lawmaker Gobinda Tharu and central leaders Dr Dambar Narayan Yadav and Khushi Lal Mandal, among others.
Proportional electoral system will defer CA polls: UML the polls would be deferred if the parties switched to the proportional system.
Maoist banda affects life in 5 districts in Terai Only yesterday, the Gupta faction of Madeshi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) had imposed the Mades bandh to protest the Kapilvastu violence.
Poudel appointed NC Veep Koirala appointed Ram Chandra Poudel as the party's Vice-president and Dr Ram Baran Yadav as general secretary.
Nepali women less equal the citizenship provision remains discriminative against women in that they can't issue citizenship to their children as men do.
कांग्रेसमा ७९ सदस्यीय कार्यसमिति
सहमतिको अर्थ भागबन्डा 'पूर्ण समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीमा हुने बित्तिकै चुनाव ५-६ महिनापछि सर्छ,' उनले भने । समानुपातिक प्रणालीमा गए अन्तरिम संसद्को अधिवेशन बोलाउनुपर्ने, अन्तरिम विधान परिवर्तन गरी ऐन-नियमहरू ल्याउनुपर्ने कारण चुनाव ढिलो हुने उनले बताए ।
महतो पक्षद्वारा आन्दोलन घोषणा काठमाडौं, असोज १२ - नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टीको महतो पक्षले आफ्नो समूहले आधिकारिकता नपाएपछि निर्वाचन आयोगको निर्णयविरुद्ध आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम घोषणा गरेको छ । निर्वाचन आयोगले आनन्दीदेवी सिंह अध्यक्ष रहेको संस्थापन पक्षलाई मान्यता दिएपछि महतो पक्षको राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिको शुक्रबार बसेको बैठकपछि शनिबार विरोध कार्यक्रम घोषणा गरेको हो । उक्त पक्षले शनिबार ५ बजेसम्म छुट्टै पार्टी दर्ता गर्न आयोगले दिएको समयमा दल दर्ता नगरी आन्दोलनमा जाने निर्णय गरेको हो । आयोगले आनन्दीदेवी पक्षलाई आधिकारिक मान्यता दिँदै महतो पक्षलाई छुट्टै पार्टी दर्ता गर्न शनिबारको समय दिएको हो । आफ्नो पक्षले मान्यता नपाएपछि राजेन्द्र महतोले नैतिकताका आधारमा उद्योग, वाणिज्य र आपूर्तिमन्त्री पदबाट शनिबार राजीनामा दिएका छन् । पार्टीले आयोगविरुद्घ सर्वोच्च अदालतमा जाने निर्णय गरेको छ । बैठकले मधेसका सम्पूर्ण मुद्दा सम्बोधन नगरी संविधानसभा निर्वाचनको माहोल बन्न नसक्ने दाबी गर्दैमा आन्दोलनमा जान लागेको हो । महतो पक्षका सहअध्यक्ष लक्ष्मणलाल कर्णले आफ्नो पार्टीले मधेस आन्दोलनलाई नयाँ उचाइसम्म पुर्याउने बताए । आइतबार तराईका सबै जिल्लामा निर्वाचन आयोगको कार्यालय घेराउ गर्ने, असोज १७ देखि १९ गतेसम्म मधेस बन्दको घोषणाको कार्यक्रम गरेको छ । प्रहरीले विरोध कार्यक्रममा हस्तक्षेप गरी महतो, कर्ण, अनिलकुमार झा, प्रवक्ता सरिता गिरीसहितका नेता-कार्यकर्तालाई पक्राउ गरेर तीन घन्टापछि छोड्यो । निर्णयको स्वागत सद्भावना -आनन्दीदेवी) को संस्थापन पक्षले निर्वाचन आयोगको निर्णयको स्वागत गरेको छ । उसले आफूले कुनै पनि प्रकारको विरोध कार्यक्रम नराखेको जनाएको छ ।
भोट माग्दै मधेसी महिला सबै राजनीतिक दलले ५० प्रतिशत मधेशी महिलालाई उम्मेदवारी दिनुपर्ने माग गरेका छन् ।
लोकतान्त्रिक आन्दोलनमा इन्टरनेट १ सय ६८ मुलुक सामेल प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता सूचीमा वर्मा १ सय ६४ औं स्थानमा छ । कुल साढे पाँच करोड जनसंख्याको ०.५६ प्रतिशतको मात्रै इन्टरनेटमा पहुँच छ र सन् २००५ को तथ्यांकअनुसार २५ हजारसँग मात्रै इमेल ठेगाना छ । ...... विश्वकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो समाचार संस्था रोयटर्सदेखि भ्वाइस अफ अमेरिका, हिन्दुस्तान टाइम्सदेखि बैंकक पोस्ट र अनलाइन जर्नालिजम रिभ्युदेखि बीबीसी न्युजसम्मका दर्जनौं परम्परागत मिडिया र वेबसाइटले मेरो अन्तर्वार्ता लिएका थिए जसमा उनीहरूले मुख्यतः नेपालजस्तो गरिब र पिछडिएको देशका पत्रकारले पनि कसरी इन्टरनेट प्रविधिमार्फत सेन्सरसिप छल्दै लोकतन्त्रका पक्षमा सूचना फैलाइरहेका छन् भन्ने उल्लेख गरेका थिए । एउटा बेलायती वेबसाइटले त मलाई 'नेपाली सलाम पाक्स' को उपाधि दियो । -सलाम पाक्स ती चर्चित इराकी ब्लगर हुन् जसले २००३ मा इराकमाथि अमेरिकी आक्रमण भइरहँदा विश्वका ठूला मिडियाले समेत प्रसारण गर्न नसकेका युद्धका प्रत्यक्ष विवरण बगदादबाटै आफ्नो वेबसाइटमा लेखेर तहल्का मच्चाएका थिए ।) निश्चयै, इन्टरनेटमा मिलेको त्यो अनपेक्षित ख्यातिले म र 'युनाइटेड वी ब्लग' टिममा उत्साह मिलेको थियो भने ज्ञानेन्द्रका जुन्ताले केही गर्लान् कि भन्ने डर पनि बढेको थियो । एक दिन सैनिक जनसम्पर्क निर्देशनालयका एकजना मेजरले मलाई सैनिक मुख्यालयमा बोलाएर 'तपाईंलाई परिचयका लागि मात्रै बोलाएको, साइटमा लेख्दा जिम्मेवार हुनुहोला' भन्ने चेतावनी मिसिएको अनुरोध गरे । हामीले लेख्न छाडेनौं, राति दुई बजेसम्म पनि नसुती कम्प्युटरअगाडि मच्चिँदै वेबसाइट अपडेट गरिन्थ्यो । ..... शुक्रबारको दमनपछि आन्दोलन केही साम्य भएकाले शनिबार बिहानबाट केही मात्रामा इन्टरनेट सुचारु भएको समाचारहरूमा उल्लेख छ । इन्टरनेट खुल्नु र बन्द हुनुभन्दा पनि चिन्ताजनक चाहिँ दमनका कारण जनसहभागितामा आएको कमी हो । बेलायती अखबार 'द टाइम्स' का एकजना संवाददाताले रंगुनबाट शनिबार एउटा विशेष रिपोर्ट पठाएका छन् जसमा भनिएको छ- 'हिजो वर्मेली लोकतन्त्र आन्दोलन मरेको हुनुपर्छ या त्यो पुनः संगठित भइरहेको पनि हुनसक्छ ।' म दोस्रो विकल्पमा विश्वास गर्न चाहन्छु किनकि जनसहभागितामा तीव्रता आयो भने इन्टरनेट खुल्नु नखुल्नुले खासै अर्थ राख्दैन । आन्दोलन गर्ने आखिर जनताले हो, इन्टरनेटले विश्वसामु उजिल्याउने मात्रै हो ।
त्यो कपिलवस्तु र यो कपिलवस्तु सञ्चारमाध्यम पहुँच अभावमा घटना सम्बन्धमा अफवाहको लर्को लाग्यो राजधानीमा । मुस्लिम समुदायको आक्रमणले पचासौं मारिएको र हजारौं हराएको खबर आइरह्यो । ........ राजधानीमा एउटा यस्तो त्रासको अनुभूति गरायो कि साँच्चै त्यहाँ दुईथरी समुदायबीच निरन्तर भिडन्तको अवस्था छ । ...... आफ्नै अगाडि श्रीमान् मारिएका थिए । सामूहिक बलात्कार भएको थियो । .... जीवनभर कमाएर बनाएको झुप्रो र भएभरको सम्पत्ति एकै छिनमा जलाइएका थिए । कमाउन गएका छोरालाई थाहा छ कि छैन, बुहारीहरू र दुई नातिनातिना बेपत्ता थिए । ....... भंैसी, बाख्रा र कुम्लोकुटुरो बोकेर 'पुग्यो मधेस' भन्दै पहाड लाग्नेहरू बग्रेल्ती भेटिन्थे । ....... मोइदको हत्यासँगै पहाडी बस्तीमा आक्रमण सुरु भयो । चन्द्रौटा, कृष्णनगर, विसनपुर, गणेशपुर, वीरपुर, खुरहुरिया, जौभारी, बहादुरगन्ज लगायतका क्षेत्रमा पहाडी समुदायका घर छानीछानी ध्वस्त पारियो । ....... भदौ ३० गतेको यो घटनाको बदलामा भदौ ३१ गतेदेखि मुस्लिम समुदायका व्यक्तिको घरबस्ती तथा सम्पत्ति खोजीखोजी ध्वस्त पार्ने काम गरिएको छ । शिवपुर, जगदीशपुर लगायतका क्षेत्रमा मुस्लिम बस्तीमा आगो लगाइयो । मस्जिद र मदरसामा समेत आक्रमण गरियो । असोज ३ गते जगदीशपुरमा प्रहरीकै नियन्त्रणमा रहेका तीनजनाको हत्या गरियो र आधा दर्जन गम्भीर घाइते बनाइए । त्यसपछि मुस्लिम समुदायका व्यक्तिले बस्ती छाडे र भारततिर पलायनको बाटो रोजे । ....... आक्रमण जसले जसलाई गरेको भए पनि लुटेरा तथा मौका छोपेर चोरी गर्नेहरू देखिएका थिए । ...... पछिल्लोपटक जब पहाडी समुदायले केही मुस्लिम बस्तीमा आक्रमण गरे त्यसमा पनि माओवादीकै हात रहेको बताउनेहरू भेटिन्छन् । ..... मोइद कपिलवस्तुमा प्रतिष्ठित थिए । उनको क्षेत्रमा मुस्लिम समुदायका मान्छे उनलाई नायकका रूपमा मान्थे । ....... त्यसको दुई सातापछि माओवादीले मोइदको घरमा आक्रमण गरे । रातभर माओवादीसँग युद्ध गरेर मोइदले आफूलाई बचाए । ....... पछिल्लो कालमा लोकतान्त्रिक मधेसी मोर्चा खोलेपछि जनतान्त्रिक तराई मुक्ति मोर्चा-गोइत) र मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमले उनलाई आफ्नो पक्षमा लाग्न आग्रह गरेका थिए तर यी दुवै पक्षको प्रस्ताव अस्वीकार गरेका थिए । ..... यसरी मधेसी समुदायको मध्य क्षेत्रमा पहाडी सकुम्वासी जमिन दिएर बसोबास गराइनुको पछाडि पञ्चायती राष्ट्रवाद प्रमुख कारण थियो । यसो गर्नमा एकातिर तराईमा पनि पहाडीमूलका व्यक्ति हुनुले राष्ट्रियता बच्नेछ भन्ने गलत बुझाइ ...... भदौ ३० कै दिन एक हुलले बुटवलमा मस्जिद जलाउने प्रयास गरेका थिए । प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएपछि जल्न पाएन । शिवपुरको खैरीमा एउटा मस्जिद र मदरसा जलाइएका छन् । यसले घटनामा धार्मिक रंग दिन खोजिएको स्पष्ट देखिन्छ । ...... कृष्णनगर पुग्दा भेटिएका मुस्लिम युवा नेपाली प्रेसले आफूहरूलाई बेवास्त गरेको गुनासो गर्दै बंगलादेश र पाकिस्तान छुट्टएिको उदाहरण दिइरहेका थिए । उनीहरूको भनाइ थियो- 'हाम्रै मान्छे मारिए, हाम्रै घर जलाइए र हामी नै दोषी बनाइएका छौं ।' उनीहरूले प्रेसले पहाडी समुदाय विस्थापित भएको, घर जलेको समाचार बनाएको तर मुस्लिम बस्ती जलेको, मस्जिद र मदरसा जलेको कुरा प्रकाशित नगरेको गुनासो उनीहरूको थियो । ........ युद्धविराम भएपछि उहाँले काठमाडौंमै हिसिलाजीलाई पनि भेट्नुभएको हो .... यो प्रतिक्रियावादीको षड्यन्त्र हो । संविधानसभा चुनाव नचाहने र माओवादीलाई बदनाम गराउनका लागि साम्प्रदायिक दंगा फैलाउन चाहने दरबारिया शक्तिको काम हो । ....... दिउँसो १२/ १ बजेको हुँदो हो ७० जना महिलालाई सामूहिक बलात्कार गर्यो । गाउँहरू जलाइए । हामीलाई ०४१ सालमा त्यहाँ जग्गा दिएर बस्ती बसाइएका हुन् । ...... ५२ जनालाई उनीहरूले समाते । पछाडि हात बाँधेर पिट्दै लग्दै थिए । उनीहरूले मार्नका लागि लग्दै थिए । बाटाबाटै प्रहरीले हाम्रो उद्धार गर्यो नत्र मारिने थिए होलान् । ...... हामी घर पुगेर बसेका मात्र थियौं, हुलका हुल मान्छे गाउँमा पस्न थाले । लाठी र धारिलो हतियार हातमा लिएको त्यो समूहले भेटेजति घर तोडफोड गर्न थाल्योे । म बूढो मान्छे घरमै बसेर त्यो सब हेरिरहें ।
सबै थोक लुटियो कपिलवस्तुमा हिंसा-प्रतिहिंसाका सिकार निर्दोष नागरिकहरू देवीपुरका सबै घर खरानी भएका छन् । ... बस्नेत र खनाललाई बेस्सरी पिटेर बलिरहेको भूसको आगोमा जीवितै हालेर मारएिको थियो । बाबुलाई जिउँदै जलाइएको दृश्य आफ्नै आँखाले देखेका छोरा केशव बस्नेत, १४, त्यहाँबाट भागेर जोगिएका थिए । ..... मारएिका चारै जना गाउँका चल्तापुर्जा हुन् ..... दुई छोरा र चार छोरीकी आमा तुलसरी अब कहिल्यै त्यस ठाउँमा र्फकन चाहन्नन् । ...... छुट्टाछुट्टै सबैले चिनेका नाम मात्र जुटाउने हो भने पनि आक्रमणकारीहरू चिनिने अवस्था छ । .... सदरमुकाम तौलिहवामा रहेको माओवादी पार्टी कार्यालय रहेका दुइटा घरमा पनि मोइद खाँका समर्थकहरूले भदौ ३० गते नै आगो लगाएका छन् । ..... भोलिपल्ट दाङतिरबाट प्रतिशोध साँध्न सातवटा मोटरमा आएको अर्को समुदायले शिवपुर गाविस, खैरीका ४८ घरमा आगो लगाएको छ भने पाँच घर तोडफोड गरेको छ । छवटा ट्रक पनि ध्वस्त पारएिको छ । त्यस्तै, पूर्वतर्फबाट आएको आक्रोशित भीडले चनई गाविसको खैरन्द्रपुरमा एउटा कपास फ्याक्ट्री जलाएको छ भने चार घर र चार गाडी जलाएका छन् । ....... "१४ दिन भएको थियो नानी जन्मेको, देशीले मार्छ भनेर सबै हिँडे, म पनि हिँडेँ ।" ........ शिविर व्यवस्थापनमा प्रहरी र माओवादीले सहकार्य गररिहेका छन् । खासगरी माओवादीका 'वाईसीएल' कार्यकर्ताहरू निकै सक्रिय देखिएका छन् । ..... "७५ प्रतिशतजति दलित रहेको ..... तीन दिनसम्म खोलामा जम्मा हुने, फेर िघर र्फकने गर्दै बसे । नजिकका मधेसी मूलको समूहले 'हामी मरेर पनि तपाइर्ंहरूलाई जोगाउँछौँ' भनेकाले उनीहरू बसिरहेका थिए । ...... कपिलवस्तुको यस क्षेत्रमा पहाडी र मधेसी समुदायबीच हिंसात्मक घटना भएको यो पहिलोपटक होइन । ०४६ सालयता यहाँ पटकपटक साम्प्रदायिक भिडन्तहरू भएका छन् । ..... पहाडी मूलका विस्थापितहरू नेपालतिर फिरेका छन् भने मधेसी मूल र मुसलमानहरू भारततिर लागेका छन् । ...... हल्लैहल्लाले खाएको छ कपिलवस्तुलाई । यति मान्छे हराए, मारएि वा बेपत्ता पारएि भन्ने हल्लाले थप त्रास बढाएको छ । महिलामाथि बलात्कारको हल्ला अझै व्यापक छ । ..... मोइदको हत्या सम्भवतः लामै समयसम्म रहस्यको विषय बन्नेछ, जसरी त्यस हत्याले खनेको साम्प्रदायिक खाडल चाँडै पुरनिेवाला छैन । ...... ......... गाउँमा हल्ला आयो- जिमिदार मर्यो रे ! हल्लाले गाउँ नै आतङ्कित भयो । "कोही नभाग, देशी आउँछ रे, सबै जम्मा हुनुपर्छ" भन्दै थिए, देशीले सबैतिरबाट घेरा हालिसकेछ । ... हामीलाई नभाग् भन्यो । त्यसपछि हामीलाई ऊखुबारीमा लगे । म 'लास्ट' मा थिएँ । मलाई लतारेर घिसारे । आधा बाटोमा पुगेपछि भागेँ । इज्जत लुट्न खोजेका थिए, पाएनन् । रातभर िऊखुबारीमै राखे । ..... आधा बाटो हिँडेर हल्लानगर आउँदासम्म पनि पहाडिया आए भन्दै थिए । ...... .............. एक-डेढ महिनादेखि मालिक -मोइद) हरेक बिहान ७ देखि ८ बजेको समयबीच आफ्नो रातो मोटरसाइकलमा आउनुहुन्थ्यो । त्यस दिन पनि आउनुभयो । म खेततिर जाँदै थिएँ । मालिकसँग बाटो -घटनास्थल) मा भेट भयो । उहाँले मोटरसाइकल रोकेर मलाई केही कुराहरू सोध्नुभयो । र, सडकको डिलमै उभिएर धान हेर्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो, म हिँडेँ । १५-२० पाइला सारेको मात्र थिएँ, पश्चिमतिरबाट एउटा मोटरसाइकल आएर मालिकछेउ रोकियो । मैले त चिनजानको मान्छे होला भनेर मतलब गरनिँ । क्षणभरमा गोली चल्यो । फर्केर हेर्दा मालिक ढलेको देखेँ । पश्चिमतिरबाट मोटरसाइकलमा आएका दुई जना उतै -हल्लानगर) तिर हुइँकिए । ............... बिहान ८ बजे मोइद खाँ मारएिको खबर आयो । सहानुभूतिस्वरूप ८ः१० सम्ममा पसल बन्द गरसिकेका थियौँ । मनमा डर पनि थियो । तत्कालै लास लिएर गाडी तुफान गतिमा फर्कियो । त्यसका पछाडि अरू दुइटा गाडीभर िमान्छे थिए । त्यसलगत्तै ३०-४० जनाको हूल आएर आतङ्क मच्चाउन थाल्यो । सबभन्दा पहिले बजारको पुलिस बिट जलाइयो । त्यसपछि सीधै मेरो पसलमा आक्रमण गरे । .... आगजनी र लुटपाट छानीछानी गरएिको छ । ...... कपिलवस्तुमा पीडित एवम् विस्थापितहरू भोकमा तड्पिरहेका थिए । जलेका घर, नरकङ्काल, विस्थापितका शोक अनि पति मारेर बलात्कार गरएिका महिला देखेर विक्षिप्त हँुदै भोलिपल्ट साँझ हामी बुटवल पुग्दा प्रशान्त इन्डियन आइडल बनेको खुसीयालीमा उत्सव मनाइँदै थियो । ....... भारतमा जन्मेका, भारतमै हुर्केका अनि भारतीय प्रहरीमा कार्यरत प्रशान्त नेपाली मूलका हुनेबित्तिकै हाम्रा काँधमा सजाउन योग्य भए तर नेपालको तराईमा जन्मेर पुस्ताँैदेखि त्यहीँ बस्दै आएका मधेसी किन हाम्रा लागि नेपाली हुन सकेनन् ? ....... कहिले नेपालगन्ज कान्ड मच्चाउँछन् त कहिले लहान अनि कहिले गौर त, कहिले कपिलवस्तु ..... काठमाडौँमा बम पड्काउँछन् भने दाङमा बितन्डा मच्चाउँछन् ..... कपिलवस्तु घटनाको चार दिनपछि मात्र मन्त्रिपरष्िाद्को 'आकस्मिक' बैठक बस्नु । ...... राजनीतिक हिसाबले फाइदा लिन सकिने आशमा यो वितन्डा मच्चाइएको हो, जसमा सीमापारकिा अपराधीहरूको प्रमुख हात छ । ...... अपराधीहरूको समूह सीमापारबिाट हूल बाँधेर आउँछन्, हतियारबन्द भएर आउँछन् । चाहे त्यो गौरको घटना होस् वा कपिलवस्तुको ।
राजाले तोके नेताहरूको मूल्य प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाको आत्मकथा राजा आफँैले कुरा सुरु गरे, "हेर गिरजिा, बीपी मेरो बेस्ट प|mेन्ड, उनलाई पनि जेल हाल्नुपर्यो ।" ..... मैले भनेँ, "सान्दाजु, अब मेरो जिम्मेवारी थपियो । सान्दाजुलाई छुटाएपछि म पनि रेस्ट गर्छु । यो राजनीति गर्दागर्दा म पनि थाकिसकेँ ।" ....... दुई भाइले कफी पियौँ । धेरै बेर कुरा भयो । भाउजूहरूलाई सञ्चो-बिसञ्चो के छ भनेर सोध्नुभयो । एक घन्टाजति बसेँ । ...... आफूले राजालाई भनेको कुरा बताएँ । राजाले आफूसँग भनेको कुराचाहिँ भनिनँ । ..... राजाले भने, "केही त गर्नुपर्यो नि ! मेरो पनि त इज्जत छ ।" ...... राजाले भने, "हेर गिरजिा, हरेकको मूल्य हुन्छ ।" राजाले के भन्न थाले, मैले बुझ्न सकिनँ । अनि भनेँ, "सरकारले के भन्नुभएको, मैले त बुझ्न सकिन नि π" राजाले भने, "बाख्रा-भेडाको मोल कसैको पाँच सय, कसैको पाँच हजार, कसैको १० हजार हुन्छ नि, त्यस्तै मान्छेको पनि मूल्य हुन्छ ।" ....... तर, एउटा मान्छेको मूल्य छैन भनिदिए राजाले । भित्तातिर देखाउँदै उनले भने, "यसको मूल्य छैन ।" यसो फर्किएर हेरेँ । त्यहाँ त सान्दाजुको फोटो राखिदिएको रहेछ । ...... राजाले बीपीको फोटो देखाउँदै भने, "यसको मात्र मूल्य छैन, अरू सबैको छ ।" .... राजाले भने, "बीपीको म इज्जत गर्छु । अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्षेत्रमा समेत यस्तो मानिस छैन ।
दल-माओवादी भित्री कसरत संसद्बाट अन्तरमि राष्ट्रपतिको घोषणा र संविधानसभामा माओवादीलाई निश्चित सीट सुरक्षित गरििदने भारतीय प्रस्तावबारे माओवादी र काङ्ग्रेस नेताहरूबीच एक किस्ता छलफलसमेत भइसकेको छ । ....... समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीका सम्बन्धमा पहिलो हुनेले जित्ने दुई सय ४० सीटमध्ये काङ्ग्रेस, एमाले र माओवादीलाई ३०/३० सीट र बाँकीमा त्यतिखेर छुट्टै रहेको प्रजातान्त्रिक काङ्ग्रेसलगायत अन्य साना दललाई दिने प्रस्तावमा माओवादी सहमत भइसकेको छ ...... हाललाई राष्ट्रपति र प्रधानमन्त्री दुवैको जिम्मेवारी प्रधानमन्त्री गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइरालाले नै सम्हाल्ने किसिमले बन्दोबस्त मिलाइएको थियो । ...... कोइरालाले संसद्बाट गणतन्त्रको घोषणा र राष्ट्रपतिको प्रस्ताव सुन्नसमेत चाहेनन् । "त्यस्तो रक्तपात मच्चाउने कुरा हुनै सक्दैन," नेपाली सेनातर्फ सङ्केत ....... उनी माओवादीले अगाडि सारेको पूर्ण समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीको पक्ष्ामा भने देखिएका छैनन् । बैठकमा उनले भने, "मिश्रति निर्वाचन प्रणाली नै मेरो बटमलाइन हो ।" ..... "संसद्बाट गणतन्त्रको सङ्कल्प प्रस्ताव पारति गर्ने हो भने पूर्ण समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीको मागचाहिँ पूरा गरििदनूस् न त !" ..... बाबुराम भट्टराईले त प्रधानमन्त्री निवासबाटै टेलिफोन गरेर कार्यकर्तालाई आन्दोलन अनिवार्य रहेको बताइरहेका थिए । भट्टराईको यस् तो रवैया देखेर अन्य दलका नेताहरूले मजाक पनि गरे, "प्रधानमन्त्री निवासबाटै आन्दोलन घोषणा गर्नुभएको हो ?" ......... संसद्को एक चौथाइ सदस्यले समावेदन चढाएको अवस्थामा प्रधानमन्त्रीले १५ दिनभित्र संसद्को अधिवेशन डाक्नुपर्ने व्यवस्था अन्तरमि संविधानमा छ । ..... चुनावी प्रक्रिया चुलिनुपर्ने बेलामा संसद् अधिवेशन डाकिनु र त्यहाँ गणतन्त्रजस्ता महत्त्वपूर्ण विषयमा छलफल गर्न खोजिनुले माओवादीले संविधानसभा निर्वाचनलाई पछि धकेल्न चाहेको सङ्केत मिल्छ । माओवादीले वार्तामा अडान नछाडेको पनि घोषित मितिमा निर्वाचन हुन नदिन नै हो । ........ काङ्ग्रेस, एमालेदेखि राजा, सेना, भारत, अमेरकिालगायतका शक्तिकेन्द्रहरू आफूलाई सिध्याउन लागेको माओवादीले सार्वजनिक मञ्च र सञ्चारमाध्यममार्फत भन्दै आएको छ । ....... लहान, गौर घटनादेखि भदौ १३ गतेको सरकार-मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम सहमतिसम्म आइपुग्दा तराईमा आफ्नो आधार समाप्त गराउन ...... समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली र सङ्घीय संरचनाको विषयमा फोरमलाई 'क्रेडिट' जाने गरेर सरकारले सहमति गरेकाले पनि माओवादी चिढिएको हो । ....... सेनाको उच्च नेतृत्वले कोइरालालाई राजतन्त्र समाप्त पार्ने निर्णय गरएिमा राष्ट्रिय अखण्डता खतरामा पर्ने सुझाव निरन्तर दिइरहेकै थियो । ....... प्रधानसेनापति रुक्माङ्गद कटवाल एक दर्जनभन्दा बढी जनरलहरू लिएर भदौ २३ गते बालुवाटार पुगेका थिए, जहाँ उनले सेना एकढिक्का रहेको सन्देश मात्र प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई दिएनन्, तत्काल गणतन्त्रतर्फ गएमा सेनामा विभाजन र विद्रोह हुनसक्ने खतरासमेत औँल्याए । त्यो आफ्नो फोर्सका निम्ति राजतन्त्रको समाप्ति स्वीकार्य नरहेको अप्रत्यक्ष धम्की नै थियो उनको । ...... गणतन्त्रमा जाने काङ्ग्रेसको घोषणापश्चात् प्रधानमन्त्री र सेनाप्रमुख कटवालबीच केही चिसोपन बढेको आभास मिल्छ । सेनाप्रमुखले काङ्ग्रेसको निर्णयलगत्तै प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई भेटेर असन्तुष्टि पोखिसकेका छन् । "त्यसले गर्दा हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री मानसिक रूपमा प्रधानसेनापति कटवालको नियन्त्रणमा छन्," काङ्ग्रेसकै एक नेता दाबी गर्छन् । ........ उनमा पनि नेपालको पहिलो राष्ट्रपति बन्ने इच्छा जागृत भएको हुनसक्छ ...... काङ्ग्रेस महासमिति बैठकमा प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाले भनेका थिए, "अब दुई सय ५० वर्षको राजतन्त्रको इतिहास मेटिएको छ । जनताको विजय भएको छ ।" ...... असोज ९ गते नागरकि समाजका अगुवाहरूसँग भेट्दा प्रसन्न मुद्रामा थिए कोइराला । काङ्ग्रेस एकीकरण, काङ्ग्रेसले गरेको गणतन्त्रको निर्णय र इन्द्रजात्रामा राष्ट्रप्रमुखको हैसियतको भूमिका निर्वाह गरेकै कारण कोइराला खुसी भएको अनुभव गरे नागरकि समाजका अगुवाहरूले । "पाण्डेजी तपाइर्ं गणतन्त्र-गणतन्त्र भनेर कराइरहनुहुन्थ्यो । अब त भएन ? मैले पार्टीबाट पनि गणतन्त्रको घोषणा गराएँ । इन्द्रजात्रामा पनि राष्ट्रप्रमुखको हैसियतले सहभागी भएँ," उनले नागरकि समाजका अगुवा डा देवेन्द्रराज पाण्डेलाई इङ्गित गर्दै भनेका थिए, "अब त गणतन्त्र आइहाल्यो नि ! अब पनि के चाहियो ?" कुराकानीका क्रममा कोइरालाले आफूलाई राष्ट्रप्रमुखको हिसाबले प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए ।
कसरी भयो काङ्ग्रेस एकीकरण आफ्ना राजनीतिक चेला देउवाले दिएको हुँकारले रन्थनिएका कोइरालाले पार्टी फुट्नबाट रोक्ने प्रयास गरेनन् । वास्तवमा देउवाको भेला पार्टी विभाजनका लागिभन्दा कोइरालामाथि दबाब दिने हिसाबले बोलाइएको थियो । तर, परण्िााम विभाजन नै भयो । ...... "जुवाडे लोग्ने भनेर पोइल गएको त रक्स्याहा लोग्ने पो परेछ !" ..... देउवा पनि दङ्ग थिए । उनले एक उच्चपदस्थ विदेशी कूटनीतिज्ञसँग भने, "मेरा लागि माओवादीहरू भगवान्सरह भएर आए ।" ...... महामन्त्री रामचन्द्र पौडेलद्वारा प्रस्तुत राजनीतिक प्रस्ताव र चक्र बास्तोलाद्वारा प्रस्तुत घोषणापत्र ...... उनले भने, "मुलुकमा जति पनि परविर्तन भएका छन्, ती सबै काङ्ग्रेस नेतृत्वमा भएका हुन् । अझै पनि मुलुकको रूपान्तरणको नेतृत्व गर्ने साहस र बल काङ्ग्रेसमा छ ।" उनले गणतन्त्रको निर्णयमा गएर काङ्ग्रेसले आफ्नो पहिचान गुमाउने तर्कको कुनै अर्थ नभएको दाबीसमेत गरे । ....... तारानाथ रानाभाटले आफूलाई रोक्न सकेनन् र बन्दसत्रमा स्पष्टसँग भने, "सङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रमा जानु भनेको पार्टीले पोटासियम साइनाइड बोक्नुसरह हो ।" ......... काङ्ग्रेसलाई राजा बोकेर हिँड्ने पार्टीका रूपमा आलोचना गर्दै आएका वामपन्थी पार्टीहरू अब एजेन्डाविहीन भएको उनको मत छ । ..... काङ्ग्रेस नेता प्रदीप गिरीले दुवै काङ्ग्रेसबीच भावनात्मक एकता नभएको टिप्पणी गरे । उनको तर्क थियो, "यो यान्त्रिक एकीकरण हो, भावनात्मक र राजनीतिक रूपमा एक हुन बाँकी नै छ ।" काङ् ग्रेस एकतालाई उनले 'चुनावी गठबन्धन' को संज्ञा दिए । ...... पार्टी एकीकरणपछि जिल्ला सभापतिको पद गुमाएर सहसभापतिको तहमा घटुवा गरएिका काङ्ग्रेसका २७ जिल्लाका पूर्वसभापतिहरूले पनि सार्वजनिक रूपमै विरोध जनाए । ...... "फेर िपनि टिकट वितरणमा तेरो र मेरो भनियो भने एकताको औचित्य खोजी हुनसक्छ ।" ...... े जम्बो शैलीमा गरएिको पदीय विभाजन ...... "यदि एकता हो भने किन त्यत्रो विशाल कार्यसमिति बनाउनुपथ्र्यो ...... एकीकृत पार्टीमा उपसभापति गोपालमान श्रेष्ठ र प्रकाशमान सिंह एवम् महामन्त्री विमलेन्द्र निधिले आफ्नो हैसियतभन्दा ठूलो पद पाएको विषयमा महासमिति बैठकको दोस्रो दिन असन्तोष पोखिएको थियो । विशेष गरी संस्थापन काङ् ग्रेसमा महामन्त्री रहेका रामचन्द्र पौड्याललाई यस एकताबाट ठूलो चोट पुगेको छ । राजनीतिमा आफूभन्दा कनिष्ठ श्रेष्ठ र सिंहलाई आफ्नो माथि राखिएपछि पौडेलले कोइरालासमक्ष गुनासो गरेका छन् । ......... ६०ः४० को अनुपातमा आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई महत्त्वपूर्ण पदहरू दिलाउन उनी सफल भएका छन् । ....... छोरी सुजातालाई पार्टीको नेतृत्वमा पुर्याउने चाहना र स्वयम् सुजाताको राजनीतिक महत्त्वाकाङ्क्षा पार्टीभित्र सल्किरहेको छ, भुसको आगोझैँ । ...... ८५ वषर्ीय कोइराला संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन सफलतापूर्वक सम्पन्न गरेर राजनेताको छवि बनाउँदै राजनीतिबाट सन्न्यास लिने मनस्िथतिमा देखिन्छन् । ...... यसले माओवादीलगायत वाम शक्तिहरूको राजनीतिक प्रभाव केही मत्थर गर्नसमेत मद्दत पुर्याउन सक्छ । ..... उल्टै पार्टी सभापति कोइरालाले राजनीतिक परिस्थितिका बारेमा बताएपछि भट्टराईले पार्टी परित्याग गर्ने आफ्नो निर्णयमा विचार गर्नसक्ने धारणा राख्दै थिए ।
CPN (M) sticks to its demand for proportional system; Oct 4-6 bandh called off NepalNews take initiatives to convince the six parties over the party’s demands. ..... there is general understanding among the parties to pass a commitment resolution from the parliament for federal democratic republic, but the Nepali Congress and the Maoists are locked in a dispute over the election system. ..... there is general understanding among the parties to pass a commitment resolution from the parliament for federal democratic republic, but the Nepali Congress and the Maoists are locked in a dispute over the election system.
Four blast-accused presented before media Jagat Narayan Thakur alias Jaya Narayan of Rautahat district, Upendra Shah, Ram Lakhan Shah and Sanjib Sharma of Bara district were arrested from Kathmandu ten days earlier. Among them, Upendra is a police official. ...... linked to a little known armed outfit called Terai Army, have admitted their involvement in the triple blasts ..... the bombers had come to Kathmandu from Rautahat to carry out blasts in a number of sensitive areas. Initially, they had plans to detonate bombs right inside the Singh Durbar, Supreme Court, Balaju Bus Park and Nepal Bangladesh Bank, but could not succeed due to the heavy security presence in these places. ....... nine other blast suspects are still at large. .... The blasts were allegedly masterminded by Kausal Sahani alias Mr. John who identifies himself as a senior leader of Terai Army. .... Hours after the blasts, Mr. John had given telephone interviews to some media stations in Kathmandu claiming responsibility for the bomb attack.
Strike shuts down schools across the country
EC extends nomination deadline the EC would not be able to make similar concessions in future. ... “Everything has its limit. The EC will not be in a position to consider such requests any more”
PM approves Mahato’s resignation; NSP faction to move SC against EC decision
Riot victims’ bandh hits normal life in Kapilvastu second day of indefinite bandh .... The riot victims have said the bandh will continue unless the government provides compensation to them and makes arrangements for rehabilitation of the displaced people.
Gajurel says no election before their demands are met; Mahato threatens the same Deepening the political crisis, two partners of the ruling coalition have now done a U-turn over their attitude towards the November 22 Constituent Assembly election ..... their second demand has generated bad blood between the Maoists and other parties, particularly Nepali Congress who think that changing election system at this late hour would mean that the election will not be held on time. ..... Rajendra Mahato, leader of the dissident faction of Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP-Anandidevi) who resigned from the position of Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies on Saturday, has warned that his party will now work to foil the CA election. ....... Piqued at the decision by the EC to recognise the NSP led by Anandidevi Singh as legitimate, the Mahato-led faction organised protest programmes on Saturday and burned effigies of chief election commissioner. Mahato's organisation also refused EC's request to register as a separate party. .... Mahato has warned to foil the CA election in Madhes region.
Parties agree to ask EC to postpone nomination date by five days
UML wants polls held on time
Police arrest Rajendra Mahato, three dozen others; all released now
Parties locked in debate over election system The failure among parties to reach consensus on election system could affect the election schedule published by the Election Commission. As per its schedule, parties will have to submit the closed list of candidates for PR-based election for November 22 election. However, Maoists have said they will foil the schedule if parties try to go ahead without fulfilling their demands first.
Maoists in no mood to file closed-list of candidate nomination on Sunday
ICG says Nepal's peace process is still fragile longstanding problems including weak political will, poor governance and security, and continued claims for representation by marginalised groups ....... “The Maoists could contest elections from outside government but polls without their participation would be meaningless, and they retain the capacity to make the country ungovernable if they oppose the process" ...... critical elements of the 2006 peace deal, such as security sector reform, remain to be tackled while the implementation and monitoring of past agreements have been minimal. ..... nationwide poll campaigning, will increase public confidence and leave less room for spoilers to manoeuvre .... opponents of the process, "especially royalists alarmed at the growing republican consensus, were desperate to derail it" ..... “More serious violence is a real risk. An election postponement will only reduce such dangers if major parties agree on urgent, substantive steps to address the grievances and governance failings that have fostered recent unrest. Failing this, further delays will only make solutions harder to find and invite unhelpful recrimination and finger-pointing.” ...... reaching cross-party consensus on security plans, engaging groups opposed to the polls in dialogue, and discussing the functioning of post-poll government and the CA.
SPA big guns meet, agree to disagree Himalayan Times “There is a very thin possibility of finding a meeting point,” Maoist leader Dr Baburam Bhattarai told this daily after a meeting held at the PM’s Baluwatar residence. .... “But the PM did not agree to go for a proportional representation system of election,” he said, adding that the other constituents of the alliance were ready to go for a proportional representation system. He added that his party was committed to holding the election in November, provided that it was held on proportional representation basis. .... Dr Bhattarai claimed that even the Election Commission officials told them that arrangements could be made for proportional representation system if the parties decided to go for it. Asked whether they would submit a closed list of candidates for proportional representation system of election on Sunday (September 30) to the Election Commission, he said, “There is no question of doing it”. But he added that the peace pro-cess would not break down. ...... The Maoist leadership is learnt to have told the PM and Nepal that other parties were planning to “isolate” the Maoists in the election.
Mahato to resign, will unleash agitation against EC decision NepalNews After the Election Commission (EC) decided to grant recognition to the Anandidevi Singh-led Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP), on Friday, the dissident faction led by Rajendra Mahato has announced that they will launch agitation against the decision. Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Mahato has decided to resign from his position. He is planning to tender his resignation to Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala on Saturday morning. The Mahato-led NSP will hold countrywide protest demonstrations in front of EC office and district EC offices. Likewise, they have announced to picket the EC offices on Sunday while imposing bandh in Madhes region from October 4-6. On Friday, EC had decided to recognise Anandidevi Singh-led NSP. However, it had also decided to register Mahato's party separately if he wants to, by Saturday afternoon.
Maoists in no mood to file closed-list of candidate nomination on Sunday
Maoists-called banda affects life in Sarlahi, Mahottari Kantipur
MPRF-Bhagya Nath called banda cripples life in Birgunj
Funds pour in for projects worth 57 MW The government has sealed loan commitments of US $ 45 million and Rs 2 billion for construction of the 30 megawatt (MW) Chamelia project and the 27 MW Raghughat project respectively. Additionally, the government has received loan commitment of Rs 1 billion for the construction of three high voltage transmission lines to link Nepal's national power grid with the Indian power grid. .... Chameliya River, a tributary of Mahakali River in Darchula district.
Limbuwan threatens fresh agitations the Federal Limbuwan State Council (FLSC) .... Kumar Lingden, general secretary of the group ..... "We have put three genuine demands to the government. We will not retreat an inch from our demands .... The group has demanded proclamation of a federal republic, an autonomous state with right to self-determination, and an ethnic-based proportional election system.
UML cadres call Dhading banda, Nepal condemns Maoist attacks
Maoists grievously injure ANNFSU leader
सद्भावना महतो पक्षद्वारा बहुमतको दाबी नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टर्ीीआनन्दीदेवी) का महतो पक्षले निर्वाचन आयोगलाई राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिको अध्यधिक बहुमत नवनिर्वाचित अध्यक्ष राजेन्द्र महतो पक्षमा रहेको जनाएको छ । अध्यक्ष महतोको नेतृत्वमा राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिका ३४ सदस्यीय प्रतिनिधिमण्डलले बिहीबार निर्वाचन आयुक्तलाई भेटर उक्त कुरा जनाएको प्रवत्ता सरिता गिरीले विज्ञप्तिमार्फ उल्लेख गरेकी छिन् । र्वर्तमान कार्यसमितिको ३६ मध्येका ३४ सदस्य एकीकृत राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिको सदस्यसमेत रहेको विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ । यस्तै बिहीबार बसेको राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिको बैठकले संविधानसभा सदस्य निर्वाचनको लागि उम्मेदवार मनोनयन गर्ने अधिकार अध्यक्ष महतोलाई दिएको विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ ।
प्रेसविरुद्ध माओवादी अधिनायकवाद
एकीकृत कांग्रेसको चुनौती
Seven party meeting ends as leaders differ over PR election system NepalNews Earlier, the Maoists held meeting of their central leaders where they decided to stick with the demand for fully PR based election system for forthcoming Constituent Assembly elections. ..... "We are committed to hold CA election on November 22. However, that election must be based on fully PR election system," Hisila Yami, told reporters after the meeting. ..... On Thursday's meeting among top leaders of seven parties, they had reached understanding to pass commitment proposal on republic through the parliament – seen as a compromise on Maoists' demand for declaring republic from the House
Maoists register petition demanding special session of the House As per the interim constitution, the prime minister has to call special session of the parliament if one-fourth of the parliament members demand so. In the interim parliament, 83 members are needed to meet the quorum while the Maoists have 84 members of their own
EC recognises Anandidevi's party; Mahato asked to register separately by Saturday The EC has asked the Mahato-led faction to register as a separate party by Saturday 4 pm for the purpose of contesting the Constituent Assembly (CA) election. ..... formally bringing about the division in the party.
Appellate court issues interim order asking pro-Maoist workers not to disrupt Kantipur
UML calls for immediate decision on Maoist demands UML’s central committee meeting is to begin form Saturday. The meeting will endorse the party’s election agendas and finalise the list of election candidates.
Dr Karki announces NRNA candidacy Former president of Association of Nepalis in America (ANA) Dr. Shyam Karki from Baltimore, Maryland, USA has announced his candidacy for the Non Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) president. He has worked as Vice President of the NRNA and is a Trustee of the International Nepali Literary Society (INLS). ..... Dr. Karki has been active in the community for more than 30 years and serves in more than 20 Nepali organizations including ANA, NRNA, NAC, INLS, Baltimore Association of Nepali in America, America Nepal Society and others as advisor, trustee, or life member. ..... He said the NRN movement needs to be broadened to include all stakeholders, expand new country chapters and find ways to mobilize the resources of 1.5 million NRN's worldwide. ...... "There is a need to establish clear property rights for all NRNs, expand investment opportunities and lobby for voting rights of NRN's who remain Nepali citizens. Similarly, there is great need to work on improving the skills and working conditions of Nepali workers and protect their rights in many host countries," he said. ..... He further stated that although there are an estimated 125,000 Nepalis and 150 organisations in North America, the USA based NRN's have yet to play a vital role in the NRNA movement.
Hirachan to contest for NRNA presidencyDev Man Hirachan, current vice president for Asia Pacific region has announced his candidacy for Non Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) International Coordination Committee (ICC). ...... NRNA Japan Chapter said Hirachan asked the NRNs in Japan to support his candidacy in a gathering of over 16 Nepali organisations recently. ...... The third NRN conference is to be held in Kathmandu October 15-17. Current president Dr Upendra Mahato has already stated he would not contest for third tenure.
Email banking service launched
Bandh cripples life in eastern Terai seperate strikes called by the Maoists' Mithilanchal State Committee and the dissident faction of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) .... Mahottari, Dhanusha, Siraha, Saptari and Sarlahi .... The MJF dissident faction led by Kishor Biswas has also called one-day Terai bandh on Friday.
Maoist union halts publication of Kantipur
SC says Rayamajhi Commission-accused can contest polls
Top leaders’ meeting inconclusive; next meeting Friday
PM intensifies political parleys; key parties 'agree' on commitment proposal for republic
CEC wants parties to settle rows in two days
UML calls off Dhading bandh
Police arrest 17 in connection with Kapilvastu violence
Nepal making no progress in business and economic reforms: WB report
Maoists have weakened ideologically and politically, says Nepal
Minister Pradhan holds series of meeting in New York informal meeting of the SAARC Foreign Ministers where she stressed on the improvement of intra-regional connectivity and trans-border transport infrastructure, enhancement of intra-regional trade, operationalisation of SAARC Development Fund, preparation of roadmap to South Asian Economic Union, implementation of SAARC Social Charter, and attainment of SAARC Development Goals
Nepali Congress decides to go for ‘federal democratic republic’ NepalNews more than 90 percent Mahasamiti members stood in favour of the republican agenda. The Mahasamiti later reached unanimous decision following hours of debate on the draft manifesto. ........ The election manifesto also commits to multilingual federal state, liberal economy, religious secularism and independent judiciary. ...... the President as Head of State be elected by the central and provincial parliaments. ...... the resolution commits to an ‘inclusive federal republican model’
Kishunji severs his relation with Congress NepalNews has written a letter to leaders and all the Mahasamiti members stating that they were involved in a "long but meaningless" exercise to adopt federal democratic republic line. ..... the exercise smacked of total disregard to the policy propounded by "evergreen leaders BP Koirala and Ganesh Man Singh."
PM hopeful of Maoists' return to the government; will meet with Prachanda today
Mahara rules out possibility of returning to govt
Unified NC to endorse republican manifesto; against declaring republic by parliament
Nepali Congress is one again
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