My first choice would be for the Maoists and the seven parties to reach a compromise position such that the Maoists agree to wait until after the election to declare the country a republic, and the seven parties agree to hold completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
Completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly is still the first and still possible option for the Madhesi Movement. But the best can not be made the enemy of the good, and the Madhesi Movement must gear up to contest the November election even under the current mixed arrangement.
My first choice would be that the eight party government in Kathmandu engages Jwala and Goit in respectful dialogue. I don't see that materialzing. So my second choice option is for there to be a Madhesi Alliance of the Madhesi parties like the Sadbhavana and the MJF, and for that Alliance to reach out to Jwala and Goit. The Sadbhavana's call for a ceasefire on the part of Jwala and Goit is a welcome move, but it is incomplete.
The Madhesi Alliance will have to reach out to Jwala, Goit and all the other armed Madhesi groups and publicly denounce the government for not engaging them in respectful dialogue. The Alliance should seek a unilateral ceasefire from the armed groups and also moral support for the Madhesi Alliance and its Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh slogan. In return the Madhesi Alliance should promise Jwala and Goit that the Madhesi Alliance will go into power after the November election and it will hold respectful dialogue with them. Respectful dialogue means all their cadres will be released, all court cases against them will be taken back, all their soldiers will be put into cantonments, to be potentially integrated into the Nepal Army.
The Madhesi Alliance should make public a stance on the Nepal Army, that it wants at least one third of the Nepal Army to be Madhesi in composition.
Rajendra Mahto
The Sadbhavana just had its convention. Not everyone attended, but the convention did have its quorum. More than 80% attended. That puts Mahto in a very strong position. He will be tempted to rub Tripathy's nose in the dust. He should restrain himself and keep open the option to make peace.
Making peace would mean leaving open the option to invite some of the dissidents into the party's central committee, and keeping open the option to issue them tickets for the impending election.
Such moves would naturally have to be preceded by mediation and peace talks.
Madhesi leaders who ask for major sacrifices from the Madhesi masses should be able to show to that same mass that they are capable of getting along with each other, that they are capable of settling minor disputes among themselves.
The leader who is in a strong position must help the leader in weak position to save face.
Upendra Yadav
Like Mahto is strong inside the Sadbhavana, Yadav is strong inside the MJF. Yadav must make room to make peace with his dissidents as well. Bishwas must be brought back into the fold.
The Sadbhavana was not at the forefront of the Madhesi Kranti, the MJF was. But then that is why the MJF is larger than the Sadbhavana right now. The MJF must exhibit magnanimity and be open to the idea of forging a Madhesi Alliance with the Sadbhavana. The agenda would be simple.
- Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh.
- Respectful peace talks with Jwala, Goit and the others.
The MJF and the Sadbhavana must think ahead. They must make some strategic moves. Because the November Election is going to be bigger than the Madhesi Kranti and the April Revolution put together.
A Madhesi Wave must be created. All Madhesi leaders of all Madhesi parties must look united to the Madhesi masses. That is how you create a Madhesi Wave.
Simple Majority Will Form Government, Two Third Majority Will Write Constitution
The unified Congress will be one block inside the assembly. The RPP and the RJP might be part of it. The left parties will be another block. The Madhesi Alliance must emerge as the third, indispensable block. The reality inside the assembly should be that neither the Congress nor the communists can either form the next government or write the next constitution without the support of the Madhesi Alliance.
Jwala, Goit Must Think Hard
This is the time to act wisely. Both might and have been tempted to go solo. They have already made public their intentions to disrupt the polls. They must ask themselves if that is the best move they can make for the Madhesi Movement.
I disagree with them. The best move would be to form a Madhesi Alliance of all Madhesi paties and create a Madhesi sweep during the November Election and form the next government and write a new constitution that creates a Madhesh state. Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh.
Reaching Out Is Not Easy
For Rajendra Mahto to reach out to Hridayesh Tripathy, for Upendra Yadav to reach to Kishor Kumar Bishwas, for Upendra Yadav to reach out to Rajendra Mahto, for Yadav, Mahto, Tripathy and Bishwas to reach out to Jwala and Goit, for Jwala and Goit to rein in their central leaders: all that is not going to be easy. But then that is what leadership is all about. You do the hard thing. You reach out.
Madhesi Alliance: No More Terai Band
That should be the new slogan: No More Terai Band. Terai Band hurts the Madhesis. It is time to take the Madhesi Movement off the streets and onto the campaign trail. It is time to take the Madhesi Movement to the election booth.
Goal: Create A Madhesi Wave
The slogan of Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh, and the organizational reality of a Madhesi Alliance will create such a wave.
Madhesi MPs
The Madhesi MPs in the big parties toyed with the idea of launching a regional party. Now looks like that is not happening. Both the Sadbhavana and the MJF must make some room for some of them defecting the big parties and wanting to join these two parties to contest the elections.
Federal National Democratic Forum: The Janajati Party
Time To Hit The Campaign Trail
Completely Proportional Election: Meeting Point With The Maoists
The Madhesi Cause Is On Fire: Put Out The Fire
To Do List For Sadbhavana And MJF
Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties
MJF Is For Republic, Land Reform, Dalit, Muslim, Janajati, Mahila Rights, And Small Or No Army
The MJF Must Stay Intact
The MJF Dispute: Got To Seek Middle Ground
No To Terrorism: Terai Army Is A Criminal Outfit
उपेन्द्र यादव: सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता
The Madhesi MPs And The Idea Of A New Party
तराई बन्द नहीं संगठन िवस्तार किरए
जयप्रकाश गुप्ता: मधेस आन्दोलनका आग्रह
In The News
Prachanda says efforts are on for eight-party consensus NepalNews
PLA's movement is serious violation of agreement, says UNMIN
Anandidevi relieved of her position by Mahato-led NSP 221 representatives of convention passed the motion unanimously. ..... The closed-door session of the convention also passed the new statute of the party that decreased the size of central committee from 63 to 41. Twenty of the central committee members will be elected directly through the convention while others will be nominated. ....... The party has proposed three regional and one national parliament in the new federal Nepal with three autonomous states – Mountains, Hills and Terai. .... Mahato is expected to become new chief of the organisation.
RPP puts off convention again
JTMM-Jwala also vows to disrupt CA election JTMM-Jwala announced various programmes, which include shutdown strikes, to make sure CA elections do not take place in Terai on the scheduled date. ..... Saying that the CA election was just a sham to deceive the Madheshi people, JTMM-Jwala has said that it won’t let it take place under any circumstances by waging an intense struggle. The armed groups has also warned that it would take “physical action” against those taking part in the election campaigning in Terai. ....... The announcement has also come a day after Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandidevi) said it is going to build a joint front of Madheshi parties keeping in mind the upcoming CA election -- so as to form a separate Madheshi government-- and called upon both factions of the JTMM to declare ceasefire till the elections and opt for come for talks.
Close session starts in NSP special convention The party leaders are expected to submit organisational reports at the session to forge future strategies for the party. ..... Earlier, on Thursday, the convention kicked off amidst intense dispute between rival faction. ..... Security has been beefed up in and around the convention venue amidst fears of violent clashes between the rival factions. ..... chairperson of 11 of the 12 sister units of the party had also participated in the inaugural ceremony. ...... Addressing the inaugural programme party vice chairman and Commerce Minister Rajendra Mahato claimed that Madhesi parties would soon go on to build a joint front keeping in view the constituent assembly election to form a separate Madhes government. He said the party is also in talks with armed terai groups like Jai Krishna Goit and Jwala Singh led factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) for the aforementioned front. ...... "We call upon the armed groups for dialogue," Minister Mahato said, "If they don't want to come to talks then we request them to call a unilateral cease-fire until the constituent assembly election are held." ..... Mahato said that only if the armed groups call a ceasefire they would be able to empower the Madhesi people in a peaceful manner. ..... Mahato was also of the opinion that since they had agreed to hold the special general convention of the party within three months when they agreed for party unity "holding the special general convention was necessary." .... NSP's senior vice-chairman Laxman Lal Karna said that the new constitution would be drafted in favour of the Madhesi people only if the Madhesi candidates are victorious in Madhes.
PLA combatants come out of cantonments to demonstrate NepalNews
Parties are in election mood, we are in agitation mood, says Badal Clarifying that the proposed roundtable conference had not been cancelled, he said that they would hold it before September 18. "There was some lack of homework on our part. And there were some more organisations who had shown interest to take part in the roundtable. That is why we put it off," he said.
Yadav hits back at Maoist attempt to sow divide in MJF Reacting to the Maoist invitation to the dissident faction of his party to attend their roundtable conference, Upendra Yadav, president of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), has accused the Maoists of trying to sow divide in MJF. Talking to his party cadres in Inaruwa on Thursday, Yadav said that the Maoist move had made it difficult for MJF to have any kind of cooperation with them. Alleging the dissident faction led by Kishore Bishwas of smearing the image of MJF, Yadav said the Maoists' roundtable conference was a meaningless exercise. Yadav said monarchy and Maoists were the two biggest enemies of MJF. He called for his cadres to actively participate in the Constituent Assembly (CA) election.
Government signs 9-point pact with Chure Bhawar
Maoists' roundtable meet suspended
Mahato faction proceeds with general convention
Announcing republic before polls not a legitimate choice: Bijukchhe
Maoists' roundtable meet suspended NepalNews suspended because their internal preparations are incomplete. They have said the roundtable will be held soon. .... Dr. Baburam Bhattarai had said that the roundtable would end the current political impasse in the country. ..... Their sudden decision to suspend the roundtable meeting has come in the wake of protests by other parties who have urged Maoists not to explore resolutions of their issues outside of the eight party alliance.
Mahato faction proceeds with party convention Only chairperson Anandidevi and general secretary Shyamsundar Gupta of the 13-member Central Work Performance Committee (CWPC) of the party are not participating in the general convention. Likewise, a majority – altogether 35 - of the 49-member National Working Committee of the party are taking part in the convention. They include senior vice-chairman Laxman Lal Karna, vice-chairmen Mahato and Narsingh Chaudhari, general secretary Anil Kumar Jha and spokesperson Sarita Giri. ..... "a few NSP members" including Hridayesh Tripathy were against holding the special convention because it wasn't favorable time for them.
Emulating a Singaporean Model: Overhauling leadership first
Jwala's men kill one in Janakpur Stepping up their armed activities, Jwala Singh-led faction of JTMM has resorted to a killing spree in Terai. A day after their cadres mercilessly hacked to death a school principal in Siraha district, they shot to death one employee of local brick kiln in Dhanusha district. Kedar Prasad Giri, 35, an accountant at the brick kiln in Baghchauda has been shot to death. A central member of JTMM-J Rajan Mukti has claimed responsibility for his murder.
Jwala's men murder schoolteacher in Siraha a group led by JTMM-J platoon commander Raju Singh abducted Arun Kumar Shrestha, the headmaster of Bishnupurkatti High School, out of his house in Bishnupurkatti; brought him to a sugarcane field some one kilometre away from his house and stabbed him to death. ..... The JTMM-J cadres also clashed with the local people who tried to stop them from abducting Shrestha. ..... The group has said Shrestha was killed for involving in the publicity campaign for constituent assembly elections and refusing to pay ‘tax’ to its ‘district government’. ...... JTMM-J Siraha district in-charge Tufan Singh Bidhrohi telephoned local media persons and claimed responsibility for the killing. ....... Of late, the two factions of JTMM have intensified targeted killings, abductions and forceful seizure of lands of the leaders of mainstream political parties and local landlords in Terai districts.
महतो पक्ष्ा दह्रो Kantipur वीरगन्ज, भदौ २६ - सद्भावना -आनन्दीदेवी) को महाधिवेशन प्रचारका लागि सहरभरि टाँसिएका पोस्टरमा पार्टी संस्थापक गजेन्द्रनारायण सिंहसँगै उनकै श्रीमती आनन्दीदेवीको तस्बिर छ । तर बिहीबारदेखि सुरु हुने महाधिवेशनले अध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवी सिंहलाई हटाउने सम्भावना बढ्दै गएको छ । महाधिवेशन नगर्ने अध्यक्ष पक्षभन्दा गर्ने उपाध्यक्ष राजेन्द्र महतो पक्ष बलियो देखिएको छ । राष्ट्रिय कार्यसम्पादन समितिका १३ मध्ये अध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवी र महासचिव श्यामसुन्दर गुप्ताबाहेक ११ जना महाधिवेशनमा उपस्थित छन् । यस्तै ४९ सदस्यीय राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमिति सदस्यमध्ये वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष लक्ष्मणलाल कर्ण, उपाध्यक्षहरू महतो र नरसिंह चौधरी, महामन्त्री अनिलकुमार झा, प्रवक्ता सरिता गिरीलगायत ३५ सदस्य आएका छन् । महाधिवेशन प्रतिनिधिहरू आउने क्रम जारी छ । अध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवीविरुद्घ यसअघि नै अविश्वास प्रस्ताव दर्ता भइसकेको छ । पार्टी विधानअनुसार महाधिवेशन प्रतिनिधिको साधारण बहुमतले अध्यक्षलाई हटाउन सक्नेछ, जुन लगभग निश्चित छ । अध्यक्ष पक्षधर महामन्त्री गुप्ताले महाधिवेशन बिथोल्ने धम्की दिए पनि पार्टीको स्थानीय तह महाधिवेशनका लागि दिलोज्यान लगाएर भिडेकाले गाह्रो पर्नेछ । महतोले दुई-चार जनाले चाहँंदैमा पार्टीको विशेष महाधिवेशन नरोकिने बताएका छन् । रिपोर्टस् क्लब वीरगन्जको कार्यक्रममा उनले आफू अनुकूल नहुने सम्भावना देखेर केही नेताहरू म्ाहाधिवेशनको विरोधमा लागेको बताए । अध्यक्षद्वारा विस्तारित बैठक आह्वान काठमाडौं- सद्भावना पार्टी -आनन्दीदेवी) की राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवी सिंहले सोमबार राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिको विस्तारित बैठक बोलाएकी छन् । बानेश्वरस्थित पार्टी केन्द्रीय कार्यालयमा बोलाइएको उक्त बैठकमा महाधिवेशन तयारी समिति र आगामी महाधिवेशनको तिथि घोषणा हुने महासचिव श्यामसुन्दर गुप्ताले बुधबार बताए । यसैबीच सद्भावनाको काठमाडौं उपत्यका समितिका अध्यक्ष मुरलीप्रसाद सिंह, उपाध्यक्ष निरन्जन पौडेल र ललितपुर जिल्ला कार्यसमितिका अध्यक्ष रामप्रसाद भट्टले बुधबार संयुक्त विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी बिहीबारदेखि वीरगन्जमा हुने भनिएको महाधिवेशन विधान र पार्टी कार्यकर्ताको भावनाविपरीत भएको दाबी गरेका छन् । उता सप्तरीका ५५ जना महाधिवेशन प्रतिनिधिले दुवै पक्ष एकजुट नभएसम्म महाधिवेशनमा भाग नलिने विज्ञप्तिमार्फत जानकारी गराएका छन् ।
माओवादीले 'तत्काल' सरकार छाड्ने नेकपा -एकीकृत), मालेमा, संयुक्त माक्र्सवादी, कणर्ाली गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चा, नयाँ जनवादी लिग, मुस्लिम गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चा ...... आठ दलसँग सम्बन्ध नरहने र नयाँ शक्तिबीच ध्रुवीकरण हुने ..... 'माओवादीले राखेका २२ बुँदा मागमध्ये चुनावअघि गणतन्त्र घोषणा र पूर्ण समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीबाहेक सबै पूरा गर्न सात दल सहमत छन्,' वैद्यलाई उद्धृत गर्दै अर्का सहभागीले भने- 'मुख्य दुई मागै पूरा नहुने भएपछि आन्दोलनको विकल्प रहेन ।' ...... मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमको विद्रोही समूह, लिम्बू र तामाङ लगायत जातीय संगठनलाई समेत आह्वान गरिए पनि तिनको सहभागिताको टुंगो नलागेको ...... तत्काल गणतन्त्र, पूर्ण समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली, स्वायत्ततासहित संघीय राज्य चाहने सबै शक्तिबीच ध्रुवीकरणका लागि गोलमेच आह्वान गरिएको .... रामचन्द्र पौडेलले 'माग त हाम्रा पनि छन्, घरजग्गा फिर्ता, विस्थापितको पुनःस्थापनलगायत'
तराईका समस्या समाधान जरुरी’ निर्वाचनका लागि शान्ति आवश्यक रहेको बताउँदै तराईका समस्या समाधानप्रति दलहरूको ध्यान जानुपर्ने ...... 'निर्विघ्न चुनाव गराउनका लागि तराईका समस्या समाधान र देशलाई गृहयुद्धको भुमरीबाट जोगाउने हो भने संविधानसभा निर्वाचन हुनुपर्छ ।'
यादव पार्टी विस्तारमा व्यस्त मधेसमा घट्दो जनाधार र पार्टीविरुद्ध हुन थालेको भौतिक तथा राजनीतिक आक्रमणको मुकाविला गर्न माओवादी केन्द्रीय नेता मातृका यादव यतिखेर तराई केन्दि्रत कार्यक्रममा व्यस्त छन् । ....... एक सातादेखि भूमिगत शैलीमा जनकपुरमा रहेका मिथिला उपराज्य समिति इन्चार्ज यादवले पाँच जिल्लाका पार्टी नेतासँग सामूहिक तथा छुट्टाछुट्टै रूपमा भेटेका छन् । मिथिला उपराज्य समितिको बैठकको नाउँमा भेला भएका सप्तरी, सिरहा, धनुषा, महोत्तरी र सर्लाहीका जिल्ला कमिटी सदस्यहरूसँगको भेटमा संविधानसभा निर्वाचनको अवस्था मूल्यांकन, जानु नै पर्ने भयो भने अपनाउनुपर्ने रणनीति तथा मधेसीको चाहनाबारे छलफल भएको छ । सरकार-फोरम वार्ताको विश्लेषण तथा मधेसमा यसको प्रभाव, जनाधारबारे पनि छलफल भएको स्रोतले बतायो । ...... नवगठित मिथिला उपराज्य समिति बैठक भइरहेकै बेला जनकपुर उद्योग व्यापार संघ र माओवादी निकट गार्मेन्ट मजदुर एवं वाईसीएलबीच झडपसमेत भएको थियो । पाँच दिनसम्म माओवादीविरुद्ध जनकपुर बजार बन्द रह्यो । व्यापारीले माओवादी र वाईसीएल विरुद्ध प्रदर्शनसमेत गरे । ...... आफ्नै गृहनगरमा पार्टीविरुद्ध भएको उग्र प्रदर्शनको जवाफ उनले प्रदर्शनकै माध्यमले दिए । प्रदर्शनलाई शिक्षा तथा खेलकुद राज्यमन्त्री मंगलसिंह राठौरविरुद्ध केन्दि्रत गरिएको थियो भने पार्टीविरुद्ध लागेका व्यावसायीलाई हदैसम्मको धम्की दिइएको थियो । त्यसले युवा व्यावसायीलाई आक्रोशित बनाएको छ भने मुखिया र व्यापारी डराएका छन् । ...... । "संविधानसभा जतिसक्दो चाँडो होस् भन्ने चाहन्छौं तर कस्मिरको जस्तो चुनावको अर्थ रहन्न .... बैठकले पाँच जिल्लामा नयाँ नेतृत्व चयन गरेको छ
मधेसी दल खोल्ने योजना काठमाडौ, भदौ २६ - निर्वाचन आयोगले दल दर्ताको म्याद नथपेकाले मधेसका नेताहरूले बेग्लै पार्टी गठन गर्ने योजना अवरुद्ध भएको एक सक्रिय योजनाकारले बताएका छन् । कांग्रेस सांसद तथा पूर्वमन्त्री जयप्रकाश गुप्ताले दलहरूसँग सम्बद्ध मधेसका नेताहरू मिलेर छुट्टै दल गठनको योजना बीचैमा रोकिएको बताए । 'जेठमा आयोगले दल दर्ताको सूचना गर्दा पार्टी गठन टुंगोमा पुगेको थिएन । चुनाव सरेपछि योजना परिपक्व भएको हो,' उनले कान्तिपुरसित भने- 'आयोगले दोस्रोपटक दल दर्ताको अवसर नदिएकाले त्यत्तिकै अडकिएको छ ।' उनले पार्टी विधान, दल दर्ताका लागि आवश्यक १० हजार हस्ताक्षर र घोषणापत्र तयार भइसकेको बताए । दल दर्ताको म्याद थप गर्न अनुरोध गर्दै निवेदन परे पनि आयोगले दल दर्ताको सूचना प्रकाशित गरेको छैन । आयोगका आयुक्त दोलखबहादुर गुरुङले निर्वाचनको तयारीमा जुटिसकेकाले दल दर्ताको म्याद थप्ने सम्भावना नरहेको बताए । उनले आयोगमा ६१ वटा दल दर्ता भएको र संविधानसभा चुनावमा तिनै दलले मात्रै मान्यता पाउने बताए । एक साताअघि रामेश्वर शाहले दल दर्ताको म्याद थप गर्न अनुरोध गर्दै निवेदन दिएका थिए । गुप्ताका अनुसार आयोगले त्यस्तो अवसर नदिए अहिले भएकै पार्टीबाट संविधानसभामा सहभागी हुने रणनीति मधेसी नेताहरूले लिएका छन् । एमाले केन्द्रीय सदस्य रघुवीर महासेठले क्षेत्रीय पार्टी खुल्न सक्ने सम्भावना स्वीकार्दै 'राष्ट्रिय दलहरूले अझै पनि मधेसका मुद्दा उपेक्षा गरे क्षेत्रीय पार्टी खुल्न सक्छ' भने । एमालेकै महेन्द्र यादवले पनि पार्टी नेतृत्वसँग मधेसका मुद्दामा आफ्नो असन्तुष्टि रहेको बताए ।
निर्वाचनको प्रतिरोध गर्छौंः गोइत
संविधानसभा निर्वाचनका पूर्वाधार तराई/मधेसका जनताले उठाइरहेका पहिचान तथा राज्यमा स्वामित्वको सवाललाई सरकारले पारदर्शी वार्ता प्रक्रियाको माध्यमबाट जनविश्वास प्राप्त गर्नेगरी सम्बोधन गर्न आवश्यक छ । तसर्थ सरकारले त्यहाँ सक्रिय सबै समूहसित वार्ता गरी शान्ति स्थापनाका लागि पहल गर्नुपर्छ साथै जीवन कष्टकर हुँदै गएको मध्यतराईको वर्तमान अवस्थालाई रोक्न सबै राजनैतिक दल संवेदनशील हुनु आवश्यक छ ।
Talks with Tharu body end inconclusively Kantipur the United Tharu National Front- Nepal (UTNF-N) ..... The UTNF-N has put forth a 23-point demand, of which four are significant political demands. Rest of the demands are related to implementation of commitments made in the past. ..... The four political demands include a federal state structure based on caste, region and linguistic geography with the right to self-determination, fully proportionate representation of all in Constituent Assembly (CA) castes based on their population, scrapping of the government announcement to declare 20 districts of the Tarai as Madhesh and holding a roundtable conference of all disgruntled groups before the CA poll. ....... a 15-member talks team of the UTNF-N including coordinator Yogendra Prasad Tharu represented the agitating party.
Maoist driver, bodyguard flee with gun, car The personal bodyguard and driver of Maoist central member and former minister Matrika Yadav ran away along with cash, a gun and a party vehicle, Tuesday morning. According to Shivaram Yadav, Kathmandu coordinator of Maoist sister wing Madhesi Mukti Morcha (MMM), bodyguard 'Sartha' and driver Binod Kumar Yadav (Bibek) made off with Rs. 500,000 in cash, one AK-47 rifle and the vehicle, after taking Matrika Yadav to a party function in Janakpur. According to party sources, the duo entered Bihar, India through Hanumannagar transit point in Siraha at 11:30 a.m. the same day. Bibek, a former military commander of the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha-Goit faction(JTMM-G), had defected from the JTMM-G in similar fashion nearly a year ago. He had left the group, taking with him three SMG rifles, three muskets, a local-made pistol and two other weapons before joining the Maoists.
‘Use force against terai criminal activity’
JTMM-Goit announces Terai bandh coinciding with CA polls
MMT Calls Off Tarai Bandh Himalayan Times The Madhesi Mukti Tigers on Wednesday withdrew the indefinite general strike it had called in the Tarai. Central member of the MMT Sukh Dev Singh said the bandh was withdrawn in view of the problems faced by the general public, students, businessmen and transport entrepreneurs. The group had called the general strike on September 7.
Maoist roundtable conference begins today Leaders of SPA, fringe left parties ‘invited’ ..... NC, CPN-UML yet to receive invites ..... beginning tomorrow at Hotel Malla. .... Amrit Kumar Bohara said, adding: “Objective of the roundtable is unclear. Relevance of the roundtable conference was over the moment dissolved House of Representatives was revived through the second Jana Andolan.” ........ Chakra Prasad Bastola .. “Our party may not participate in the conference even if it receives the invitation. We want to settle all key issues through eight-party meetings, not from other processes.” ..... the party had not invited the groups such as Jwala Singh and Jaya Krishna Goit-led Janatantrik Tarai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) who were engaged in violence. ..... they would table the party’s 22-point charter for discussion during the roundtable and agenda from other groups would also be equally entertained. He said the roundtable conference would chiefly dwell on the issue of declaring the country a republic before the constituent assembly election and proportional representation system for assembly polls. He said the conference would also discuss the possibility of launching a joint peaceful movement to press for a republic before the polls and proportional representation system of election. ...... Ananta, CPN-Maoist deputy commander, today said his party would break all previous agreements, including the 12-point understanding, signed with the seven-party alliance after the party forms a common minimum programme with the parties and factions supporting republic. ..... would culminate in the formation of a front of the like-minded parties and factions to press for republic through a peaceful movement. ...... “We might even consider walking out of the parliament after walking out of the government,” he said. ..... urged Prime Minister Girija Prasad Khanal to immediately call the meeting of the eight parties, saying the constituent assembly elections without the participation of the Maoists would be “tasteless.” “The PM must take the initiative to avoid split in the eight parties ....... “The reason for all the current crises is the lack of capable leadership.”
Govt-Janajati pact: PM in the dark “We cannot wait too long (for the pact to be implemented),” Dr Gurung said, adding that they would launch protest programmes if the government failed to implement the agreement soon.
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