To Do List For Sadbhavana And MJF
Not only must the Sadbhavana stay intact, not only must the MJF stay intact, they also have to come together and form a larger Madhesi Alliance, along with Jwala, Goit and the rest of the armed and unarmed Madhesi groups.
The fight of the Madhesi parties is on the campaign trail with the Pahadi parties. The fight is with the Nepali Congress, the UML, the Maoists. The fight is with the RPP.
Powerlessness leads to infighting. That is why women fight so much among themselves in the villages. They are members of a powerless group. That same psychology also applies to the Madhesi groups.
The current infighting is the symptom of the disease. The disease is the Madhesi powerlessness inside Nepal. The cure to that disease is not infighting among the Madhesi leaders. The cure is for the Madhesi leaders to get united, especially at this crucial juncture right before the constituent assembly elections. The cure is to come together and fight the Pahadi establishment on the electoral battlefield.
This has gone far enough. It is high time the key players of the conflict sat down in person and resolved this conflict.
If the Sadbhavana were to split right now, if the MJF were to split right now, all the hard work and sacrifice that the Madhesi masses made during the Madhesi Kranti will have been in vain. To split the Sadbhavana and the MJF now is to disrespect the martyrs of the Madhesi Kranti.
If the two parties were to split, they stand to be decimated at the polls.
This is the time to unite, to come together, and together create a Madhesi wave. This is the time to create a third Madhesi pillar in the constituent assembly, to balance out the Congress pillar, and the communist pillar. Infighting will not take us there.
To Do List For Sadbhavana And MJF
Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties
MJF Is For Republic, Land Reform, Dalit, Muslim, Janajati, Mahila Rights, And Small Or No Army
The MJF Must Stay Intact
The MJF Dispute: Got To Seek Middle Ground
No To Terrorism: Terai Army Is A Criminal Outfit
उपेन्द्र यादव: सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता
The Madhesi MPs And The Idea Of A New Party
तराई बन्द नहीं संगठन िवस्तार किरए
जयप्रकाश गुप्ता: मधेस आन्दोलनका आग्रह
An Open Letter To NAC
Goal Has To Be To Stay As One Country
Not UML-Maoist Unification Or Unity, But A One Point Agreement On PR Election
Baburam Bhattarai Is Right About UML-Maoist Unity
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
On The Web
Conflict Resolution
1. "Know Thyself" and Take Care of Self Understand your "perceptual filters," biases, triggers ..... Create a personally affirming environment (eat, sleep, exercise)Conflict resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Successful conflict resolution occurs by listening to and providing opportunities to meet each side's needs, and adequately address their interests so that they are each satisfied with the outcome. Conflict resolution aims to end conflicts before they start or lead to verbal, physical, or legal fighting. ..... More common but not popular with practitioners in conflict resolution is conflict management, where conflict is a deliberate personal, social and organizational tool, especially used by capable politicians and other social engineers.
2. Clarify Personal Needs Threatened by the Dispute Substantive needs have to do with the "stuff" of the conflict… often the problem that we feel needs to be solved........ Procedural needs relate to the process of addressing these substantive needs. Ground rules, for example, are a process step that can help ensure that all stakeholders feel included in a meaningful way. ...... Psychological needs relate to a fostering a safe environment, one in which people are willing to take the risks involved in honestly communicating their differences, concerns and potential similarities to one another. ........ Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) - what is the best I can expect if we don't come to a negotiated agreement? ..... Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (WATNA) - what is the worst I can expect if we don't come to a negotiated agreement? ...... Most Likely Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement - (MLATNA) - what is the most likely alternative if we don't come to a negotiated agreement? ........ 1) One person speaks at a time. 2) We will make a sincere commitment to listen to one another, to try to understand the other person's point of view before responding. 3) What we discuss together will be kept in confidence, unless there is explicit agreement regarding who needs to know further information. 4) We agree to talk directly with the person with whom there are concerns, and not seek to involve others in "gossip" or "alliance building." 5) We agree to try our hardest and trust that others are doing the same within the group. 6) We will support the expression of dissent in a harassment free workplace. 7) We agree to attack the issues, not the people with whom we disagree.
3. Identify a Safe Place for Negotiation Role of Support People (Facilitators, Mediators, Advocates), as needed ...... Agreement to Groundrules
4. Take a Listening Stance into the Interaction Seek first to understand, then to be understood" (Covey) ..... Use Active Listening skills ..... When engaged in a conflict, we have a tendency to "push, push, push!" Of course, this is because "you just don't understand me!" One of the most important challenges we face in negotiating solutions to conflicts is the need to resist the urge to push and, instead, make a special effort to listen. If we dedicate ourselves to active listening, we significantly improve the likelihood that our ideas and feelings, in turn, will be understood by the other person. And if we truly come to understand the other's point of view in the conflict, we may actually clarify why the situation has become so combustible to this point. ...... "I want to understand what has upset you." ..... "I want to know what you are really hoping for." ..... "Can you say more about that?" .... "Is that the way it usually happens?" ..... "It sounds like you weren't expecting that to happen." .... "I can imagine how upsetting that must have been." ...... "I really appreciate that we are talking about this issue." .... "I am glad we are trying to figure this out."
5. Assert Your Needs Clearly and Specifically Assertive communication is the process of conveying one's needs and concerns clearly and specifically, while respecting the needs of the other party. It may be contrasted to aggressive communication, where one conveys needs globally and without respectful listening, or submissive communication, where one vaguely conveys needs in a manner that is often confusing to the listener. ........ Be prepared for a defensive, even hostile, response to your assertions. Just because you have demonstrated your ability to listen well doesn't mean the other person is able to do so! HANG IN THERE AND CONTINUE LISTENING!! Reflect what you now hear from the other person in response to your assertions, and then assert your needs again… calmly, clearly and specifically.
6. Approach Problem-Solving with Flexibility Generate several possible solutions to the problem ..... Clarify the criteria .... Good solutions to problems emerge from mutually acceptable criteria being applied in a clear decision-making process. ...... "I'm confused. Earlier, we were discussing Issue A, now I hear you raising some concerns in a new area… is this where we want to focus, or should we return to Issue A?" ....... summarize these ideas in writing and restate them back to each other to be sure everyone agrees with both the intent of the solution and its specific language.
7. Manage Impasse with Calm, Patience, and Respect People feel stuck, frustrated, angry, and disillusioned. As a result, they might either dig their heels in deeper, anchoring themselves in extreme and rigid positions, or they might decide to "take their marbles and go home," withdrawing from negotiation. ....... rather than avoiding or dreading it, impasse should be viewed with calm, patience, and respect. ...... As appropriate, take breaks (a few minutes, a few days - whatever is appropriate) in order to regain your energy and focus for the challenge. ...... Reframe the issue: Shift from substantive issues to procedural or psychological concerns. This may generate new energy to revisit the substantive issue, or put it into proper perspective. ....... Stay flexible - generate new options. .... Validate and affirm areas of agreement
8. Build an Agreement that Works identify areas of agreement as clearly and specifically as possible, preferably in writing. ..... As appropriate, sit down again in order to renegotiate solutions on the basis of new information. ..... Seek a round table if possible, or sit at the end of a longer table so you are able to easily communicate. ..... Use seats that convey fairness and equality
Conflict Resolution Network - Home page
SafeYouth.org - Teen Facts - Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution specializes in Alternative Dispute Resolution ...
Conflict Resolution - Resolving conflict rationally and ...
In The News
Congress unification 'just two days away' NepalNews
Prachanda says Maoists are committed to polls
NSP rival factions tussle over party office In a deepening hostility between two rival factions of Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP-Anandidevi), workers of each side tried to capture the party central office in Kathmandu on Monday. ..... The workers supporting Minister Rajendra Mahato had locked up the party central office in Baneshwore. Subsequently, the workers supporting party president Anandidevi Singh broke open the door of the party office. ..... Two dozen policemen were deployed in the party office premises to prevent possible clash between the two sides. ..... The two sides, earlier, had announced that they have 'expelled' each other from the party. Although Singh declared suspension of party convention slated to begin later this week in Birgunj, Mahato supporters have said they will hold the convention and sack Singh from the position of party president.
Janakpur remains shut for 4th straight day The businessmen took out a protest rally in the town today, chanting slogans against the local administration for not doing enough to check abductions and extortion going on in the region. The bandh comes in the wake of growing threat to businessmen from criminal gangs and armed groups operating in Terai.
NSP on the verge of split again as rival factions expel each other Nepal Sadbhawana Party (NSP) is on the verge of suffering a vertical split .... NSP chairperson Anandidevi Singh suspended four senior leaders of the rival camp -- senior vice-chairman Laxman Lal Karna, vice-chairman and Commerce Minister Rajendra Mahato, Ram Narayan Yadav including general secretary Anil Kumar Jha -- from the party’s ordinary membership Sunday. ..... hours after the party’s Central Work Performance Committee (CWPC) that started from Saturday under the chairmanship of senior vice-chairman Laxman Lal Karna suspended party general secretary Shyam Sundar Gupta accusing him of working against the interest and statute of the party and also tabled a no-confidence motion against chairperson Singh. ...... holding the convention is the decision of the party’s extensive central committee and none of the officials including chairperson Singh has the right to defer it or postpone it. ..... Singh is preparing to reshuffle the Central Committee to sideline leaders of the Karna-Mahato faction.
NSP convention postponed She also accused a nexus between vice chairman Laxman Lal Karna and Commerce Minister Rajendra Mahato of deliberately trying to sideline leaders who fought for democracy.
Koirala-Deuba talks ends inconclusively
‘RPP, RJP to unify before CA polls’ Kantipur Rana informed that he had personnel gone to the residence of RJP Chairman Surya Bahadur Thapa 18 times for the unification process.
गुप्ताद्वारा कार्यालय कब्जा काठमाडौं, भदौ २४ - सद्भावना पार्टर्ीी अध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवी पक्षका महासचिव श्यामसुन्दर गुप्ताले सोमबार र्समर्थकहरूसहित गएर पार्र्टर्ीीकेन्द्रीय कार्यालयमा कब्जा जमाएका छन् । उनले विरोधी पक्षका नेतालाई प्रवेश नदिने जनाए । विरोधी समूहका नेताले उनको यो कार्यलाई 'गुन्डागर्दी' को संज्ञा दिएका छन् । सय जनाजति कार्यकर्ता लिएर कार्यालय पुगेका गुप्ताले ताला तोडेर कार्यालयमा प्रवेश गरेका हुन् । उनले सोमबार नै नया“ कार्यालय सचिवका रूपमा विकासकुमार तिवारीलाई नियुक्त गरेका छन् । पार्टर्ीी दर्ुइ परस्परविरोधी समूहले एकअर्काका नेतालाई निलम्बन गरेपछि गुप्ताले कार्यालयमा कब्जा जमाएका हुन् । पार्टर्ीी उपाध्यक्ष तथा आपर्ूर्तिमन्त्री राजेन्द्र महतो पक्षले आइतबार वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष लक्ष्मणलाल कर्ण्र्ााे अध्यक्षतामा केन्द्रीय कार्यसम्पादन समितिको बैठक बसी गुप्तालाई निलम्बन गरेको थियो । यसअघि पार्टर्ीीध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवी सिंहले कर्ण्र्ाामहतो, रामनारायण यादव र अनिल झालाई निलम्बन गरेकी थिइन् । 'महासचिव कार्यालयमा ताला लगाउने अधिकार कसैलाई छैन, यो राम्रो प्रक्रिया होइन,' र्समर्थकसहित कार्यालय प्रवेश गरेपछि गुप्ताले कान्तिपुरस“ग भने । गत शुक्रबार पार्टर्ीीध्यक्ष सिंहले प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई भेटी आफ्ना पार्टर्ीी तर्फाट मन्त्री बनेका महतोलाई फिर्ता गर्न र गुप्तालाई मन्त्री बनाउन पत्र बुझाएपछि विवाद चर्किएको हो । गुप्ताले २७ गतेदेखि हुन लागेको महाधिवेशन हुन नदिने दाबीसमेत गरेका छन् । उनले प्रतिगामी तत्त्वको सा“ठगा“ठले महाधिवेशन गर्ने प्रयास गरे जनआन्दोलनकारी कार्यकर्ताले बिथोल्ने दाबी गरे । 'महाधिवेशन कुनै पनि हालतमा हुन दिइने छैन,' उनले भने । महतोले भने गुप्ता निष्कासित नभई निलम्बितमात्र भएकाले कार्यालय जान पाउने भए पनि ताला तोडेर प्रवेश गर्नुलाई 'गुन्डा चरित्र' प्रदर्शित गरेको आरोप लगाए । उनले महाधिवेशन निर्धारित समयमै हुने दाबी गर्दै बहुमत कार्यकर्ता नै संस्थागत हुने दाबी गरे । हालसम्म तटस्थ देखिएका वरिष्ठ नेता खुसीलाल मण्डलले भने विधानअनुसार कारबाही गर्ने अधिकार अध्यक्षस“ग मात्र रहेको बताए । विधानको धारा ९ 'ख' ले अध्यक्षलाई असीमित अधिकार दिएको छ । उक्त धारामा 'संगठनको कुनै निकायमा भएको कुनै किसिमको त्रुटि वा समस्या उत्पन्न भएमा त्यसको समाधानको जिम्मेवारी राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्षलाई हुने' भन्ने उल्लेख छ । 'कथित रूपमा अध्यक्षमाथि लगाइएको अविश्वास प्रस्ताव पास नभएसम्म अध्यक्षले आफ्नो अधिकार प्रयोग गर्ने र्सवमान्य वैधानिक अधिकार छ,' मण्डलले भने । उनले महाधिवेशन स्थगित गरी समस्या समाधान गरेर अगाडि बढ्नुपर्नेसमेत बताए । महतोले भने राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्षविरुद्ध अविश्वासको प्रस्ताव दर्ता भइसकेकाले उनमा अधिकार नभएको दाबी गरेका छन् ।
एमालेको चुनावी चटारो एमालेले राजधानीमा चुनावी अभियान तीव्र बनाएको छ । 'हरेक दिन उपत्यकाका विभिन्न गाउँ र नगरका वडामा कम्तीमा ५० भेला, बैठक, प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हुने गरेको छ ।' उनका अनुसार, शनिबार र बिदाको दिन महानगरका वडादेखि गाविसका वडास्तरीय कार्यक्रम दुई सयको हाराहारीमा हुन थालेको छ । शनिबार भट्टराई ६ कार्यक्रममा सहभागी भए । 'बिहान ७ बजेदेखि बेलुकी ८ बजे मात्रै घर छिरियो,' उनले भने- 'चुनाव नजिकिँदै जाँदा नेता कार्यकर्ताको व्यस्तता बढेको छ ।'
माओवादीले गोलमेच सम्मेलन गर्ने
दलहरू अवरोध चिर्दै प्रचारमा
जातीय समस्या समाधान
Rift widens as NSP factions suspend opponent leaders Gorkhapatra, Nepal A statement of the dissident group said that the chairperson along with two general secretaries had verified on September 2 the delegates for the convention and the name list was published on September 7.
No confidence motion against Anandi Devi Kantipur Online, Nepal
Gupta takes charge of NSP HQ Himalayan Times The dramatic development in the Nepal Sadbhavana Party (A) today resulted in General Secretary Shyam Sundar Gupta taking complete charge of the party headquarters in the capital. This coincided with expelled leaders announcing a meeting of the central committee tomorrow in Birgunj with a view, as Laxman Lal Karna said, to reviewing the latest developments and plan the general convention. Earlier today, Gupta and other central leaders of the party walked to the party office in the capital and “took control of the situation” following a day that saw expulsion of four key leaders, including Minister of Industry, Commerce and Supplies Rajendra Mahato. Gupta, who has been tipped to be the next representative of the party in the interim government, flayed the expelled leaders for their anti-leadership posture, including disrespect to party President Anandi Devi. He also poked fun at the announcement from the expelled groups that it will be organising a general convention to elect new leadership. “How can those who have been expelled go about organising an event without the stamp of authority from previously elected leadership?” Gupta wondered. He also denied that the party was on the verge of split. He said the party leadership was waiting for the Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala to relieve and replace Mahato. While Karna said the mediator of the party, Narsingh Chaudhary, was busy meeting people to possibly sort out the tangle, Gupta denied any knowledge of the same.
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