एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
I Agree With Prachanda On Republic And Proportional Election
The Maoists have two key demands right now.
- Declare republic right away.
- Hold completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
All eight parties are formally for a republic. So there is no point in pretending we don't know what the country wants. There is no point in pretending we don't know what the Nepali people want. Republic was the primary street slogan during the April Revolution. If the eight parties were to declare a republic now, they will have been a year and a half behind schedule already.
If the country is not declared a republic right away, the monarchy is going to be a major distraction on the campaign trail. Any further discussion on the issue of the monarchy is going to be a major waste of national political energy. Declare the country a republic and be done with it.
So that the primary discussion during the election campaign ends up being the shape and form of federalism and the size and composition of the national army. Then every party is going to be forced to take clear positions on some key questions.
- How many states do you think Nepal should have? What does your map look like? What do you think should be the power distribution between the federal, state and local governments?
- How big should the Nepal Army be? What should be its ethnic and gender composition?
Holding completely proportional elections means you end up with a Rai party, a Limbu party, a Tamang party, a few Madhesi parties. Actually you end up with lots of Madhesi parties, maybe about a half dozen small and big Madhesi parties, and that is okay.
All that is necessary. A Dalit party with a Dalit national party president is way more meaningful than token Dalit MPs under the leadership of Bahun party leaders in the old, large parties.
Holding completely proportional elections is going to be a major boost to the cause of social justice in Nepal.
There should be only one rule. At least every third name on a party's list must be female, other than that there are no rules. And reduce the size of the proposed assembly. Make it more like 300. 500 is too large. That is how many they have in India and America, and those are big, rich populations.
If you make it 300, any party that gets 0.33% of the votes counts and gets one MP in the assembly.
Holding respectful dialogue with the Maoists and the armed Madhesi groups is a must to conduct meaningful elections. (Talk To Goit) You deal with the Madhesi Maoists like you dealt with the Pahadi Maoists. Release all their cadres, take back all cases filed against them, put all their soldiers into cantonments, and tell them to go compete at the polls during the completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
Agreeing to hold completely proportional elections also means it will be more likely elections will take place in November. So far the 240 constituencies have not been delineated. When they are, the delineation is bound to be controversial, and hence another cause for distraction. It is so much easier to have the entire country as one constituency.
Also it is better for a largely illiterate country to have only one ballot paper. That will be less confusion.
Holding completely proportional elections will mean all parties will go to the people solo. There will be no need for pre-poll electoral alliances. Parties competing with each other is good for the voters, it is good for democracy. I am opposed to the idea of eight parties going to the people together. That "unity" will be undemocratic, it will be a soft dictatorship where the people are denied a genuine choice.
The Maoists on their part should have their two key demands met. The other 20 will have to wait until after the November election.
The Madhesi Kranti was more intense than the April Revolution. The November Election will be bigger than both put together.
The Madhesi Cause Is On Fire: Put Out The Fire
To Do List For Sadbhavana And MJF
Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties
MJF Is For Republic, Land Reform, Dalit, Muslim, Janajati, Mahila Rights, And Small Or No Army
The MJF Must Stay Intact
The MJF Dispute: Got To Seek Middle Ground
The Madhesi MPs And The Idea Of A New Party
Not UML-Maoist Unification Or Unity, But A One Point Agreement On PR Election
Baburam Bhattarai Is Right About UML-Maoist Unity
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
Madhesi Alliance Needed
एक मधेश एक प्रदेश
मधेशी अान्दोलनको गन्तव्य: नभम्बर चुनाव
Violence Is No Solution In the Terai
ICG: Nepal's Troubled Terai Region
In The News
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Agitating entrepreneurs shut down pharmacies too JANAKPUR, Sept 11 - As the indefinite strike called by the Janakpur Industry and Commerce Association entered the fifth day in a row, the agitating entrepreneurs have also shut down pharmacies in the town on Tuesday. ....the entrepreneurs have taken to the streets against the Maoist's 'atrocities' and the government’s apathy. ... security for the entrepreneurs and return of the lands and properties seized by the Maoists. .... The agitators have also declined a formal request made by Dhanusha Chief District Officer Ram Sharan Chimoriya to come forward for a dialogue to address their demands.
कांगे्रसको निर्ण्र्ाार माओवादी जयजयकारको भीड एक्कासी जनव्रि्रोहमा बद्लि“दा राजतन्त्र समाप्त भएका छन् । ...... मुलुकमा राजतन्त्रविरोधी लहर चलेको र राजतन्त्रका पुराना मान्यतामा व्यापक परिवर्तन आएकाले यसको उपादेयता सकिएको छ । न यो एकताको प्रतीक, जनप्रेमी र लोकतान्त्रिक हुनसकेको छ, न यसले आफ्नु अस्तित्वरक्षा गर्ने रणनीति लिनसकेको हो । जनाधार बा“की रहेको भए जनता यसको रक्षाका लागि अगाडि आइसक्थे । ....... मुलुक गणतन्त्रमय भइसकेको छ ..... कुनै दलले स्थापित गणतन्त्रात्मक लोकतन्त्रलाई 'विहारी शैली' पार्न कोसिस गर्छ भने त्यसको प्रतिकार गरिनर्ुपर्छ जसका लागि दल सक्षम छन् । अरूले गरेको निर्ण्र्ााहलुका किसिमले लिई उडाउने हो भने माओवादीका धेरै तर्क र भनाइलाई पनि त्यसै भन्न सकिन्छ । डा बाबुराम भट्टर्राईको गोरखापत्र -२३ भदौ ०६४) को लेखले गणतन्त्रका दर्ुइ स्वरूप देखाउ“छ । पहिलो हो, उहा“ले भनेजस्तो बर्ुजुवा विहारीशैलीको गणतन्त्र र अर्को माओवादीले अ“गाल्ने गणतन्त्रात्मक व्यवस्था । माओवादी बहुदलीय लोकतान्त्रिक व्यवस्थामा संल्ाग्न हुनु अरू दलसरह प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक राजनीति हो । उहा“को भिन्नै मोडेलको गणतन्त्रले उहा“हरूप्रति उठाउ“दै आएका शंका प्रमाणित गर्छ । के माओवादीले अ“गालेको गणतन्त्र र हामीले बुझ्दै आएको बहुलवादी, प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक गणतन्त्र फरक छ - बाबुराम लेख्नुहुन्छ, "कांग्रेसको नेतृत्वमा जुनखाले सामन्ती जमिनदार र ठूला तथा नोकरशाही पु“जीपति वर्गको पक्षपोषण गर्नेहरूको बर्चस्व छ, उनीहरूले ल्याउने गणतन्त्र विहारी खालको गणतन्त्रभन्दा कुनै पनि रूपमा फरक हुनेछैन भन्ने जोकसैले बुझ्न सक्छ । त्यसरी हिजो संसदीय कालमा होस् वा शाही प्रतिगमन कालमा होस्, पुराना पञ्च र दरबारियास“ग घा“टी जोडेर सत्ताको कर्ुर्सर्ीी बस्न मरिहत्ते गर्ने र विदेशी हुन्डीमा चल्ने एनजीओ र आइएनजीओमार्फ करोडौंको व्यक्तिगत सम्पत्ति जोर्न लालायित हुने एमाले नेतृत्वले चाहेको र ल्याउने गणतन्त्र पनि बङ्गालको जत्ति पनि नहुने सहज अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ ।" .......... माओवादीका २२ सूत्रे माग पूरा नहु“दा सरकार छोड्ने वक्तव्य आइरहेछन् । त्यसमध्ये निर्वाचन अगावै गणतन्त्र घोषणा हुनर्ुपर्छ भन्ने माग प्रमुख छ । वर्तमान संसदको अधिकारक्षेत्र असीमित छ र चाहेमा यसले गणतन्त्र घोषणा गर्न सक्छ, जसरी अन्य जम्मै निर्ण्र्ाागर्दै आइरहेको छ ।
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Maoist to hold roundtable conference; prepare to walk out of govt The CPN-Maoists is gearing up to wage a protest movement after holding round table conference with the disgruntled faction of the Madeshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) including Limbu, Tamang and other ethnic organisations..... a round table conference with the MJF faction, Limbuwan and Tamsaling ethnic organisations including People’s Front Nepal, Communist Party of Nepal (Unified), Marxist Leninist (ML) on September 13 in the capital city. ..... Only the top leadership of these parties and organisations has been notified about the details of the round table conference. ....“We have made all the preparations for the movement. Now we are very close to walking out of the government.” .... no initiatives for any kind of meeting or consultation between the ruling eight parties has been taken on this issue
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