Matrika Yadav quit.
Rajendra Mahto quit.
Upendra Yadav has found his talks with Ram Chandra Poudel do not go anywhere. These Bahuns intend to humiliate the Madhesi sentiment.
This is Ram Chandra Poudel's thinking. Forget the 38 who died and the 800 who got injured during the so called Madhesi Movement. We asked you to come to talks back then. If you had come to talks immediately, those people would not have died, and if they died, we don't see why they should be called martyrs.
But victims to Jwala's political violence have been declared martyrs one after the other.
What these Bahuns do not realize is that it is the Madhesi Movement that gave birth to the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, the political party that we know today, and it was not the other way round.
It is very possible the country will break into two. I hope not, but I am open to the possibility. And if we hit a point of no return, I expect to throw my lot behind the idea. At that point India and China as powers will be irrelevant except in the aftermath, to give recognition to a new state. If the Madhesi people want it, they can have it. And the Nepal Army is also going to be irrelevant. There is going to be a referendum. Nepal will break like Czechoslovakia did: peacefully. And the credit for breaking the country into two will go to the Bahuns in power now.
All the Madhesi people are asking for is free and fair elections to a constituent assembly.
Compromise Formula: 75 Multi Member Constituencies
If we will already know Girija will be Prime Minister after the election before we have even had an election, that will not be an election, that will be a farce. But the current arrangement has it that you will need a coalition of two thirds of the constituent assembly to kick the current Prime Minister out. That is fundamentally undemocratic.
And it is not possible for the eight party front to contest the elections together. There will have to be major competition. Girija wants the eight parties to stay together not because there is any danger from the king, but because (1) he gets to present himself as the leader of eight parties rather than a Congress that if not united will get 12% of the votes, but if it unites will get 13%, (2) he does not want to have to take a stand on the republic question, and (3) he does not want to have to go to the people with a map, any map, for federalism.
I have never liked Girija. This guy is fundamentally undemocratic. He is the reason the 1990s were such a mediocre decade. Today Girija is the problem the Madhesi Movement faces, Girija is the problem the Janajati Movement faces, Girija is the problem the Dalit Movement faces.
Girija is the reason the Madhesi, the Janajati, the Dalit are not making any forward progress. Girija is the ultimate Bahun.
The reason Girija is not keen on having elections in November is because if the elections are postponed he thinks he gets to be Prime Minister for another six months or so. That can not be allowed. Girija has to be kicked out of Baluwatar wether or not there are elections in November. And should there be elections, and should he contest, the Madhesi Movement has to make it top priority to defeat him in Morang and Sunsari.
I think Girija has to be kicked out right away. The UML and the Maoists should work out a new equation in the interim parliament.
I Agree With Prachanda On Republic And Proportional Election
Madhesi Alliance Needed
एक मधेश एक प्रदेश
Bahun Conspiracy To Hijack Constituent Assembly Elections
Violence Is No Solution In the Terai
ICG: Nepal's Troubled Terai Region
All Madhesis in the interim parliament should walk out of their parties and form a new political party. What other option is there?
In The News
Nepal Coalition Govt Partner Decides To Recall Representative AHN A statement, issued by the party, said the government failed to address the issues of the Madhesi people in southern Nepal. "The government couldn't sincerely address the issues of Madhesi people. Therefore, it is meaningless to stay in the government," the statement said. The government is likely to face a serious crisis as the government has scheduled to conduct the national elections on November 22 this year. Meanwhile, majority leaders of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-Maoist), another major ally in the government, have urged the party leadership to immediately pull out of the government. During the fifth plenum of the CPN-Maoist in Kathmandu on Monday, majority leaders asked the party leadership to leave the coalition government and launch a 'people's revolt." The leaders have charged that the government is not sincere to conduct the national elections. Deputy Commander of the CPN-Maoist Barsa Man Pun a.k.a. Ananta said, "There is a real pressure from the party leaders to pull out of the government." The Maoist's plenum is expected to continue for next at least two days.
विद्रोहकै बाटो संविधानसभा चुनाव नहुने निष्कर्ष निकालेर माओवादीहरू जनविद्रोहको कार्यदिशातिर साउन १८ गतेदेखि राजधानीको बालाजु औद्योगिक क्षेत्रमा दुई हजारभन्दा बढी कार्यकर्ताको उपस्िथतिमा सो बैठक सुरु भइसकेको छ । मोटामोटी पाँच दिनसम्म चल्ने भनिएको बैठकमा माओवादीका जिल्ला सचिवालय सदस्यसम्म र जनसेनाका तर्फबाट कम्पनी कमान्डरभन्दा माथिल्लो तहका कार्यकर्ताहरू सहभागी छन् । माओवादी पार्टीको इतिहासमा यति धेरै सङ्ख्यामा सामूहिक जमघट भएको यो नै पहिलोपटक हो । ........ २४ पृष्ठ लामो दस्तावेज ...... प्रचण्डको दस्तावेजमाथि ४० जनाको समूहमा विभाजित गरी छलफल गर्ने कार्यक्रम मिलाइएको छ । ..... चुनावको मिति जेठको अन्तिम साताबाट असार ६ गते सारयिो र त्यसबाट पनि मङ्सिरतिर धकेलिएपछि माओवादीहरूको सपना भताभुङ्गझँै भयो । ..... संविधानसभाको चुनाव मङ्सिरमा पनि नहुने र यदि भइहालेमा आफ्ना लागि प्रतिकूल सावित हुने निष्कर्ष निकाले ...... "हिजोका दिनमा प्रचण्ड-बाबुराम एकताको विषयलाई मन नपराएको एउटा समूह भित्रभित्रै क्रियाशील थियो । त्यसैमा अन्तरमि सदन र सत्तामा आफूलाई नपुर्याएको आक्रोशमा अर्को समूह पनि थपियो ।" ......... सरकारमै बसेर विद्रोह गर्ने लाइनलाई माओवादीले विश्व कम्युनिस्ट आन्दोलनकै नयाँ प्रयोग भनेका छन् । ....... "प्रशासनिक क्षेत्रलाई उपयोग गर्ने नाममा हामी सरकारमा गयौँ तर दोलखाको एउटा घटनाले हाम्रै मन्त्रालयका कर्मचारीले वाईसीएललाई क्रिमिनल लिग घोषणा गर् भनेर नारा लगाउन थालेका छन् । ....... "हामीले संविधानसभाको चुनावअगावै गणतन्त्रको घोषणा हुनुपर्छ र समानुपातिक निर्वाचनमा जानुपर्छ भनेका छौँ । यदि त्यो भएन भने सरकारबाट बाहिरन्िछाँै ।" ...... विगतमा समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीसम्बन्धी अडान छाड्नुलाई यसपटकको माओवादी केन्द्रीय समिति बैठकले गल्तीका रूपमा स्वीकारेको छ । र, अब सोही मागलाई जोडदार ढङ्गले उठाएर मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमजस्ता आफूसँग टकरावमा रहेका तराईका समूहहरूलाई मात्र माओवादीले नजिक्याउन चाहिरहेको छैन, विभिन्न जनजाति समूहसँग पनि वार्ता र कार्यगत एकता गर्ने नीति अपनाएको छ । ....... माओवादीहरूले मङ्सिरमा चुनाव नहुने किटानी नै गर्ने गरेका छन ....... नयाँ आधारसहित संविधानसभा निर्वाचन सम्पन्न गराउन...... अन्तरिम संविधानमा हरेक विवाद आठ दलकै सहमतिले टुङ्गो लगाउने उल्लेख छ । सहमतिको राजनीति छाडेर माओवादी सरकारबाट बाहिरिने निर्णयले अन्तरिम संविधान ँपेन्डुलम’ हुँदैन ? ....... संविधानसभाका निम्ति दलहरूसँग, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय शक्तिहरूसँग नयाँ आधारको बहस गर्ने तयारी गररिहेका छौँ हामी । ..... राजतन्त्रलाई बचाउने वा बचाउन सक्ने स्िपरटिमा संविधानसभा निर्वाचनको औचित्य छैन । ....... नागरकिमा आएको अभूतप्ाूर्व अग्रगामी जागरण
बाढीको विपत्ति तनाव र हिंसाको चपेटामा परेका तराईका अधिकांश क्षेत्र अविर ल वषर्ाका कारण डुबानमा दुई लाख जनता बेघरबार .... दुई सय पाँच मिलिलिटर पानी परेको ..... उनीहरूलाई खानपिनको व्यवस्था स्थानीय पिपुल प्रोटेक्ट क्लब, शिवपथ युवा कमिटी र स्टेसन एरयिा कमिटीका युवाले गरेका छन् ।
One of Nepal's ruling coalition parties orders its minister to ... International Herald Tribune, France alleged Mahato's role has been unproductive and ineffective in settling the problems faced by the people in the southern region ...... Once Mahato officially tenders his resignation, he will be the second minister to quit the government in less than a week. Last week, Matrika Yadav, representing Nepal's former rebels, resigned, alleging Cabinet colleagues were ignoring his concerns about ethnic violence in the south.
Hundreds of Tibetans leave Nepal for "Mass Movement" for Tibet Phayul, Tibet August 8 Tibetan Mass Movement in New Delhi, India. .... the ongoing Indefinite Hunger Strike by 14 Tibetans in New Delhi that began on July 8. .... what is supposedly to become the biggest Tibetan demonstration staged so far since 1959..... organisers expect more than 10, 000 Tibetans ..... International Day of Action for Tibet.
Nepal hands over Tibetan refugee to China
NSP-A asks Minister Mahato to quit govt Kantipur party chairperson Anandi Devi Singh said Mahato is being recalled since he has not been able “to do anything to institutionalize the achievements of the Madhesi movement.
RPP chairman skeptic about free, fair CA polls
Businessmen shut down Birgunj markets
JTMM-J murders trader in Saptari
Mahato urges terai groups to utilize CA poll
'मेरा श्रीमान्लाई यसरी मारे कि..
सरकार-फोरम वार्ता स्थगित
त्रिवि पाठ्यक्रम २० वर्ष पुरानै
एकता वार्ता पुनः सुचारु
आराम पाएनन् प्रधानमन्त्रीले
गठबन्धनको सान्दर्भिकता कोइरालाले आठ दलको एकता अझै आठ, दस वर्ष आवश्यक पर्ने विचार व्यक्त गरेर .......... माधवकुमार नेपालले वामपन्थी दलहरूको वाम गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चाका सट्टा आठ दलकै गठबन्धनलाई गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चा बनाउनुपर्ने धारणा ..... सरकारबाट हट्ने कार्यकर्ताको दबाब सामना गर्न माओवादी नेतृत्वलाई विस्तारित बैठकमा अप्ठ्यारो भइरहेको महसुस अन्य मुख्य दलहरूले गरेको ...... वार्तामार्फत संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा सहभागी गराउन मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमलाई सहमत गराउनु गठबन्धनको एक प्रमुख कार्यसूची देखिएको
NSP (A) recalls minister Mahato from govt NepalNews Singh also wrote a letter to Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala informing him about the party's decision to recall Mahato from the government....... NSP (A), however, expressed commitment to remain an ally of the eight-party alliance.
Maoist cadres criticise party leadership; pressurise to quit govt the party leadership must formulate strategies for 'people's revolt' since the constituent assembly elections are impossible in the present context. ........ Some have suggested for broader republican alliance while others suggested for unity among the communist parties for establishing republic
No more talks with govt: Chure-Bhawar Samaj citing the latter’s failure to ensure security in Chure-Bhawar region.
Denmark provides Rs 119 million for election preparation
JTMM-J kills another civilian in Saptari
Nepali Congress unification talks resume NC-D president Sher Bahadur Deuba had accused the parent party NC of causing unnecessary delay in the unification process and threatened that his party would engage in expanding the party's organisational influence by leaving the unification talks altogether.
900 civil servants leave terai Kantipur
Maoists positive toward poll: Sitaula
I haven’t withdrawn resignation: Yadav
Maoist leadership under pressure to quit govt
Unidentified group shot at a businessman in Birgunj
No talks with govt for now: MPRF
Govt doing nothing to improve security situation, says Nepal
Taskforces resume joint meet on NC merger
Nepal says parties' attitudes blocking the CA NepalNews parties, rather than regressive elements, are blocking the CA polls at this juncture. Govt-MJF talks inconclusive yet again
Matrika denies withdrawing resignation
“Leadership by turns” in local bodies the nominee of all parties would get the opportunity to hold responsible posts like DDC chairman and Mayor. Their tenure would also be fixed as per the agreement between the eight parties
Strike hits three districts Ramechap, Dolakha and Sindhupalchowk ..... a group calling itself Rastriya Jatiya Mukti Morcha (RJMM) ..... its 26-point demand it had presented to the government some weeks ago. The demand includes ensuring federal governing system, inclusive state structure and proportional electoral system.
BBC Nepali
this man has lost his mind. He claims that he brought democracy in Nepal and also he should be the winner of This year's pace prize!
The First Fraud Nepali in New York on a Internet SCAM. Bookmark this guy's following page and stay away from it. If this guy had money would he be on cheap hosting ? yahoo ? blogspot ? He talks as Chairman of $M $B Company. The above paragraph proves that!
This is the worst Nepali with Worst Idea.
stop using the word bahun the way you do....there are millions of bahuns in nepal and girija or any other bahun does not represent all the about someone calling you
"dhoti..kale mora...budhi nabhako dehati...tharu...ganwar..see what I mean? anti dont have any just have venom against prejudiced nincompoop....what do you think you are are a clown ..a nobody....not even a were lucky you got to go to budhanilkantha...because you were lucky thats truck driver....fuckin loser whiner...."
see this is how you sound...nothing but venom...bro sorry to give you a taste of your own medicine....write on though
Paramendra, you can be a Dalai Lama for Mades if you talk like this.
There are some problems in Nepal and that we need to solve by unity. The basic point is we dont have anything with us, the ever going conflict for political system change has made us much backward in economy. You will get nothig by this fight as the people who you are fighting agisnst dont have it elther. The time calls for economic upbeat. Better you can do is spread good news about Nepal and attract investment from US. If you get something out of it, your vision for true democracy will come.
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