महेन्द्र, वीरेन्द्र र प्रचण्डका सीडीअो अञ्चलाधीशहरू
माअोवादी पार्टीले अाफ्नो प्रस्तािवत संघीय सरकारको नक्शा फेरेर नौबाट ११ पुर्याएको छ। नक्शा अाफैमागलत छैन। अरुहरू पार्टीहरूले पिन यसै गरी अा-अाफनो नक्शा जनता सामु ल्याए हुँदो हो। अन्ितम िनर्णयगर्ने त जनताले हो। संघीय नक्शा जातीय होइन, भौगोिलक हुनुपर्छ भन्ने पार्टी र नेताहरू पिन छन्। त्योभनाइ गलत होइन। तर त्यस्तो सोंच्नेले त्यसै अनुसारको नक्शा चुनाव अगािड नै कोरेर जनताकोमालानुपर्यो। अन्ितम िनर्णय गर्ने अिधकार त जनताको हो।
११ मध्ये पाँच राज्य तराईमा र छ राज्य पहाडमा राखे जस्तो देिखन्छ।
पुर्ण रूपले समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन हुने संिवधान सभाको चुनावमा एक मधेश, एक प्रदेशको नाराकासाथ जानेपार्टीहरू छन्। तराईमा पाँच राज्य चाहने माअोवादीलाई जनताले पत्याउने िक एक राज्य चाहने मधेशीजनािधकार फोरमलाई जनताले पत्याउने भन्ने कुरा अिहले थाहा हुँदैन।
तर नक्शा कोरेर मात्र हुँदैन। नक्शा चािहं कोर्ने तर सबै शक्ित केन्द्रमा राख्ने भयो भने त्यो संघीयनक्शाको खासै केही अर्थ रहँदैन। भन्नलाई त चीनले पिन स्वशािसत क्षेत्र ितब्बत भन्िदयाछ। तर त्योितब्बत बेइिजङको गुलाम भएर बस्नु परेको अवस्था छ।
११ राज्यवाला माअोवादीको नक्शा खराब त छैन। िलमबुअान राज्य बडो चालाकीपुर्ण िकिसमले थपेको छ। त्यो क्षेत्रमा स्थानीय स्तरमा त्यस्तो माग देखेर। तर ती ११ राज्यहरूमा खासै शक्ित नरहने देिखन्छ। ती ११राज्यको प्रत्येकको अाफ्नै िवधायीका, कार्यपािलका, र न्यायपािलका रहने िक नरहने? केन्द्रसँग कित रराज्यहरूसँग कित ताकत रहने? यी प्रश्नहरूको जवाफ माअोवादी नेतृत्वले लुकाएको छ।
मधेशी अिधकारको सवालमा भने महेन्द्र पथ र प्रचण्ड पथमा कुनै िभन्नता देिखंदैन। महेन्द्र र वीरेन्द्रलेमधेशलाई उपिनवेश बनाएका िथए। मधेशी जनतामािथ पहाडी सीडीअो र अञ्चलाधीशहरूको शासन लािदएकोिथयो। प्रचण्डको सोंचाइ त्यसभन्दा केही पिन फरक छैन। मधेश राज्य सिमितको अध्यक्ष पदमा बोगटी, भोजपुरको अध्यक्ष पदमा कँडेल, अवधको अध्यक्ष पदमा पौडेल, कोिचलाको अध्यक्ष पदमा गजुरेल।
प्रचंड माअोवादी होइन, बाहुनवादी हो। थारूवानको अध्यक्ष पदमा बस्नेत, मगरातको अध्यक्ष पदमा अोली, तामाङ राज्यको अध्यक्ष पदमा सापकोटा, िलम्बुअानको अध्यक्ष पदमा कार्की। यो के नौटंकी हो?
मधेशी क्रान्ितको अपमान गर्नेमा सबैभन्दा अगािड रहेका प्रचण्डबाट मधेशी जनताले कुनै अाशा नराखे हुन्छ।
माधव नेपाल, प्रचण्ड र देउवा िमलेर प्रधान मन्त्री फेर्नु पर्ने छ
पु्रण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन एमालेको त एजेण्डा नै हो। माअोवादीले अब त्यही धार अपनाएको छ। देउवा काँग्रेससँग पार्टी एकीकरण गर्ने कुनै इच्छा नै िथएन िगिरजाको, त्यो एकीकरणको ढोंग देउवाले संगठन िवस्तार नगरोस् भन्नकालािग गिरएको िथयो भन्ने कुरा अब छरलङ भएको छ। पु्रण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनमा नजाने हो भने देउवा काँग्रेस िबलाउँछ। साना पार्टीहरूकालािग पु्रण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन नै राम्रो।
एमाले, माअोवादी र देउवा काँग्रेस िमलेर सरकारको नेतृत्व फेर्नु जरूरी भएको छ। माधव नेपाललाई चुनावसम्मकालािग प्रधान मन्त्री बनाउने र पु्रण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको अाधारमा नभम्बरमा चुनाव गराउने।
चुनावपिछ नया समीकरण
चुनावपिछ बहुमत पाउने समीकरणले सरकार बनाउने हो। संिवधान सभािभत्र दुई ितहाइको अाधारमा संिवधान बन्छ तर देश चलाउन बहुमतको सरकार बन्छ। त्यित बेला कोइराला काँग्रेस, देउवा काँग्रेस, सद्भावना, फोरम, राप्रपा अािद एउटै खेमामा पिन देिखन सक्छन्। त्यो अिहले नै भन्न सिकने कुरा होइन। एमालेको नेतृत्व कायम रहन पिन सक्छ, नरहन पिन सक्छ। अाठ पार्टी बाहेकका मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलत पार्टीहरूको पिन सरकार बन्न सक्छ।
In The News
No one can isolate us: Mahara NepalNews Mahara accused other forces and parties of trying to create disruptions within ministries held by Maoist leaders. He was referring to problems in media sector, the agitation in local development and works and physical planning ministries. ..... "This is a time to go forward in the spirit of consensus but that spirit is missing," said Mahara.
Maoists decide to divide country into 11 state committees; Madhes committee has three sub committees Seti-Mahakali; Tharuwan; Bheri-Karnali; Magarat; Tamuwan; Tamba Saling; Newa; Madhes; Limbuwan; Kirat and Kochila. The Madhes state committee is further divided into Mithila, Bhojpura, and Abadh sub-state committees ....... The Madhes state committee is headed by Post Bahadur Bogati. It is divided into three sub committees. The Mithila subcommittee headed by Matrika Yadav will include Siraha, Saptari, Dhanusha, Mahottari and Sarlahi districts. The Bhojpura sub committee headed by Hari Bhakta Kandel will include Rautahat, Bara and Parsa districts. The Abadh sub committee headed by Devendra Poudel will include Nawalparasi, Kapilbastu and Rupandehi districts. ..... The Limbuwan state committee headed by Ram Karki will include Taplejung, Panchthar, Ilam, Tehrathum and Dhankuta districts. ...... The Kochila state committee headed by Haribol Gajurel will include Sunsari, Morang and Jhapa districts. ...... the Young Communist League (YCL) has been brought under the party's central military bureau, which is headed by Prachanda. ...... The Maoists have also decided to move ahead in a planned manner by raising their demands for republic and proportional representation before elections.
WFP begins food distribution to flood victims; ICRC urges agitators not to obstruct supplies NepalNews
Poudel calls agitators for dialogue; Mahara rues lack of dialogue among ministers Mahara told reporters that many issues remained pending in the streets these days since the cabinet has not been able to meet for a long time. He blamed the Prime Minister for non-holding of the cabinet meeting.
Chure Bhawar Ekata Samaj withdraws bandh
Attack on Pandey is an attack on parliament, says Sitaula
UN political chief to visit Nepal this weekend
Election impossible unless Maoists behave: Deuba an enabling atmosphere for constituent assembly election can be built only after the Maoist leadership ‘cooperates’ in doing so and stops all ‘excesses’ being committed in the Young Communist League (YCL). ..... his party was strictly for holding election on the scheduled date and called for an immediate end to all kinds of intimidation, extortion, kidnappings and donation drive carried out by various outfits. ..... Deuba said the US envoy stressed on congress unification. In reply, he said that his party was ready for the unification with the Nepali Congress. ..... the United States was ready to extend all kinds of support for the establishment of democracy and hold timely election to constituent assembly.
Protesting journos arrested from Singha Durbar
Tatopani checkpoint reopens
Second stage PLA verification concludes in Sindhuli
JTMM-G cadres torch vehicles in Bara
Pro Maoist students close down engineering campuses
Maoist trade union backs off, says it will not shut down media houses
Capital stinking again with uncollected garbage
NRNA welcomes endorsement of NRN bill
Deuba says unity prospects have diminished NepalNews urged them to concentrate on strengthening party organisation and involve in election campaigns. .... "Now I do not see any prospect for unity. There is no alternative to announcing that there will not be any unity." .... Pradeep Giri has accused that nepotism among Koirala clan has obstructed the unification
Maoist central meet concludes; makes changes in organisational structure the meeting has dissolved the wartime ‘command system’, replaced by bureaus and committees at different levels of the party organisation
Editors’ Alliance condemns attacks on press freedom
Police-Maoist cadres clash in course of 3-hr chakkajam; UML MP's vehicle vandalised
Maoists on Media: A Methodical Madness two major dailies .... The Himalayan Times (THT) and Annapurna Post (AP) dailies remain shut down for the fifth consecutive day on Wednesday in the face of disruption of printing and distribution by the Maoist-aligned trade unions. ..... similar disruption of Nepal Samacharpatra and Mahanagar dailies in the first week of July. ..... also forced the Radio HBC FM to go off the air since past ten days. ..... "I am surprised why the civil society, human rights community and the UN are quiet about this incident .... "Some of the labour demands are genuine but their systematic use in three-four media houses smacks of deliberate attempt to undermine the press. ..... a deafening silence on the unceremonious sacking of 49 journalists of the state-owned Gorkhapatra corporation
Indian envoy stresses the imperative of holding elections on time
Mahara seeks FNJ's help in resolving media dispute; court orders union not to disrupt newspapers
NSU to hold protest rally on Thursday
Media not objective, impartial towards Terai movement saluted the Nepali media saying it has always played a role of catalyst for the good of all – be it during the student movement of 1980, of 1990 or during the Jana Andolan II. .... Nepali media was not as objective, balanced and impartial while highlighting or covering the first mass movement launched by the Madhesi community ........ lack of accuracy, balance and impartiality in news reports appearing on print or electronic media was one of the many reasons that evoked the Terai unrest. ..... The leading media bodies operating from the central level failed to maintain accuracy in the news and find out the root cause of the unrest. ...... Since the beginning of the movement from Lahan, where a student was killed by Maoist affiliated Young Communist League (YCL), the media had used most quotes of critical persons who said the unrest was evoked by the palace, Indian fundamentalists, foreign forces and such others. ....... attacking towards agitators, others exaggerating while the rest reported without facts .... reports sent by local reporters were altered to have a negative connotation by the editors in Kathmandu ...... the hidden political interests of media owners
Home Ministry raises objections on the use of combat dress in YCL rally
US, UK and NBA express concern over disruption in THT/AP and Radio HBC
1 comment:
The much disturbed and afraid of the upcoming CA polls—Maoists are once again playing their worst strategy to divide country into 11 states. Kantipur states that the state committees are Seti-Mahakali, Thauruwan, Bheri-Karnali, Magaraat, Tamuwaan, Tambashaling, Newa , Madhesh, Kirat, Limbhuwaan and Kochila. The Madhesh state has been further divided into Mithila, Bhojpura and Awadh sub-state committees. These “hovering minds” –I wonder—when will be able to know that Madhesh disintegration can be disastrous for Nepal. Nepal—a country that barely exists in the map—has already been unstructured by these silent terrorists acting as the political wing. Prachanda—a person who is the chief of a terrorist group proposed to structure the country in different states. The previous zones used by these terrorists are in the abolition stages. These separation of states appears the Maoist strategy to divide the country into communal regions. The names are derived from the races and languages of Nepal. Is Nepal ready for another disintegration at a time where people are fighting for inches of land. Does Nepal really need these communal regions? Disintegration of Madhesh and Pahad was a different issue, and a much needed demand of time. Prachanda—the dreamer to be the president—is likely to succeed in this proposal, looking at the dumbness of Nepalese, and terrorist threat. What questions me is why Madhesh is FURTHER DIVIDED INTO THREE STATES. As it is obvious, these terrorists are threatened by the Madhesh power that they never dreamt of. I am sure; these Maoists must be repenting to what they did to Terai. The power of Madhesh truly became existent causing the Maoist power to diminish. Seeing the losing control over Maoists, unable to grasp—Prachanda proposed this disintegration of Madhesh. Madheshis wherever you are, this is a serious issue. People talk about disintegration only when they are scared of the power of unity. Do not let the terrorist’s dream come true. This can lead to further devastation.
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