Friday, August 31, 2007

उपेन्द्र यादव: सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता

सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता

उपेन्द्र यादव

ऐतिहासिक जनआन्दोलन ०६२-६३ कै निरन्तरताको रूपमा भएको मधेसी जनताको आन्दोलनकोभावनालाई हृदयंगम गर्दै मुलुकमा लामो समयदेखि मधेसी, आदिवासी/जनजाति, दलित, महिला, पिछडा वर्ग, अल्पसंख्यक, मुस्लिम समुदाय समेतविरुद्ध केन्द्रीकृत एकात्मक राज्यद्वारा गरिँदै आएकोविभेदका सबै रूपलाई अन्त्य गर्न समावेशी लोकतन्त्र तथा संघीय ढाँचामा राज्यलाई पुनःसंरचना गर्दै मधेसी लगायतका सम्पूर्ण नेपाली जनतालाई एउटै राष्ट्रिय मूलप्रवाहमा समाहित भएर अघि बढ्ने वातावरण बनाउन नेपाल सरकार मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमबीच विहिवार निम्नबमोजिम सम्झौता भएको

मिधेस आन्दोलनको क्रममा सहिद भएकालाई सम्मान गर्दै निजका परिवारलाई क्ष्ातिपूर्ति उपलब्ध

गराउने सरकारी निर्णयलाई तत्काल कार्यान्वयन गर्ने

मिधेस आन्दोलनको क्रममा घाइते, अन्ध-अपाङ्ग भएकालाई राहत उपलब्ध गराउने अझै उपचार हुन बाँकीरहेका घाइतेलाई तत्काल औषधोपचारको व्यवस्था मिलाउने

मिधेस आन्दोलनको सिलसिलामा फोरमका नेता तथा कार्यकर्तामाथि लगाइएका मुद्दा खारेज गर्ने

दिेशमा युगौंदेखि बहिष्करणमा पारिएका मधेसी, आदिवासी/जनजाति, दलित, महिला, पिछडा वर्ग, अपाङ्ग, अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय, मुसलमान आदि समुदायको राज्यका सम्पूर्ण संरचनाको सबै अङ्ग तहका साथैशक्ति, साधन स्रोतमा सन्तुलित समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व साझेदारी गर्ने

रिाज्यको पुनःसंरचना सम्बन्धी आयोग तत्काल गठन गर्ने सो आयोगमा समावेशीय रूपमा विशेषज्ञरहनेसमेत व्यवस्था गर्ने

रिाज्यको पुनःसंरचना गर्दा नेपालको सार्वभौमसत्ता, राष्ट्रिय एकता अखण्डतालाई अक्ष्ाुण्ण राख्दैस्वायत्ततायुक्त प्रदेशहरूसहितको संघीय शासन प्रणालीको व्यवस्था गरिनेछ उक्त स्वायत्तताको अधिकार, प्रकृति सीमा संविधानसभाले निर्धारण गरेबमोजिम हुनेछ

मिधेसीको वेशभूषा, भाषा, संस्कृतिलाई राष्ट्रिय मान्यता दिने

निेपाल सरकारद्वारा गरिने सबै राजनीतिक नियुक्ति, वैदेशिक सेवा शिक्ष्ााक्ष्ाेत्र लगायतका सेवाका साथैआयोगमा समुचित समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने

मिुस्लिमका मुख्य चाडपर्वमा सार्वजनिक विदा दिने, मदरसा बोर्ड लगायत निजको जाति, भाषा, लिङ्ग, धर्म, संस्कृति रीतिरिवाज सुरक्ष्ाित गर्न कानुन तर्जुमा गर्ने

जिाति, भाषा, लिङ्ग, धर्म, संस्कृति, राष्ट्रिय तथा सामाजिक उत्पत्ति, राजनीतिक तथा अन्य विचारआदिको आधारमा गरिने सबै खाले विभेद अन्त्य गरी मानवअधिकारको पूर्ण प्रत्याभूति गर्ने

सिरकारी कामकाज, शिक्ष्ाा तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्पर्क गर्दा -) मातृभाषा

-) नेपाली भाषा -) अंग्रेजी भाषाको त्रिभाषीय नीति कायम गर्ने

दिलित समस्या समाधान गर्न

-) जातीय विभेद छुवाछूत गर्नेलाई कडा कानुनी दण्डको व्यवस्था गर्ने

-) दलितलाई निःशुल्क कम्तीमा अनिवार्य प्राथमिक शिक्ष्ााको व्यवस्था प्रभावकारी रूपमा कार्यान्वयन गर्ने

-) शिक्ष्ाा रोजगारीमा विशेष अवसर आरक्ष्ाणको व्यवस्था गर्ने

-) भूमिहीन दलितलाई आवासको लागि भूमिको व्यवस्था गरी वैकल्पिक जीविकोपार्जनको व्यवस्था गर्ने

निागरिकताबाट अझै वञ्चित रहेका नागरिकलाई नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र सरल सुलभ तरिकाबाट वितरणगर्न नागरिकता टोली पुनः गाउँ-गाउँ पठाई नागरिकता समस्या समाधान गर्ने

मिधेस तथा विकट क्ष्ाेत्रलाई राज्यबाट प्राप्त राजस्व आम्दानीको बाँडफाँडमा सन्तुलित एवं न्यायोचितवितरण नीति अपनाउने

मिाओवादीद्वारा कब्जा गरिएका घरजग्गा सम्पत्ति फिर्ता गर्ने-गराउने क्रम जारी रहेको उनीहरूद्वारा कब्जा गरिएका हातहतियारसमेत हकवालालाई फिर्ता गराउने कार्यलाई तदारुकतासाथ अगाडिबढाउने

अिौद्योगिक उत्पादन वृद्धिका साथै देशलाई औद्याेगीकरण गर्न औद्योगिक सुरक्ष्ााको प्रत्याभूति गर्न औद्याेगिक सुरक्ष्ााबल गठन गर्ने

सिंविधानसभाको निर्वाचन निष्पक्ष्ा, शान्तिपूर्ण एवं भयरहित वातावरणमा सम्पन्न गर्न दुवै पक्ष्ाप्रतिबद्ध रहनेसंविधानसभाको निष्पक्ष्ाताका लागि वर्तमान व्यवस्थापिका-संसद लगायतले राज्यकोसाधन, स्राेत शक्तिको दुरुपयोग गर्न नपाउनेगरी रोक्न लगाउन आवश्यक व्यवस्था गर्ने

सिरकारी सञ्चारमाध्यम टीभी, रेडियो, छापा लगायत सबै अङ्ग तहमा मधेसी सञ्चारविद एवं पत्रकारहरूकोसञ्चार मन्त्रालयबाट नियुक्ति सरकारी सञ्चार आयोग, निकाय तथा प्रतिनिधिमण्डलमा मधेसीकोसमानुपातिक समावेशी सहभागिता गराउँदै जाने

मिधेसी युवा फोरम उपत्यका अध्यक्ष्ा जितेन्द्र साहलाई अपहरणकारीले अपहरण गरी बेपत्ता बनाएकोमा निजको खोजतलास विशेष अनुसन्धान गर्न खोजीदल बनाई यथाशीघ्र स्थिति सार्वजनिक गर्ने

मिधेसी, आदिवासी/जनजाति, दलित, महिला आदिलाई राज्यको हरेक अङ्ग तहमा समावेशीकरण गर्नआवश्यक नीति निर्धारण कानुनको तर्जुमा गर्न उच्चस्तरीय समावेशीकरण कार्यदलको गठन तुरुन्तगर्ने

अिल्पसंख्यकहरूको अधिकार सम्बन्धमा राष्ट्रसंघीय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकारकोमान्यताअनुरूप जातीय, भाषिक धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यकको अधिकारको संवैधानिक प्रत्याभूति गर्ने

मिधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमद्वारा सञ्चालन गरिँदै आएका विभिन्न आन्दोलन फिर्ता लिने

उक्त सहमतिलाई नेपाल सरकारले तत्काल गर्न सकिने कार्य तत्काल गर्ने तत्काल गर्न नसकिनेप्रावधानलाई उपयुक्त समयभित्र गरिसक्नेकार्यान्वयनका लागि आवश्यक कार्यका साथै रेखदेख गर्न समय-समयमा कार्यान्वयनको समीक्षा गर्न संयुक्त अनुगमन संयन्त्र निर्माण गर्ने

- रामचन्द्र पौडेल

संयोजक, सरकारी वार्ताटोली

- उपेन्द्र यादव

संयोजक, मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम, नेपाल

नोट मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम, नेपालले गणतन्त्रको स्थापना, समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीजस्ता महत्त्वपूर्ण विषयलाई आफ्ना मागका रूपमा यथावत राखी संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनलाई उच्च प्राथमिकता दिई सहभागी भई यसलाई सफल बनाउन प्रयत्नशील रहिरहनेछ

In The News

Birgunj-Chittagong, Kathmandu-Kolkata corridors among 9 SAARC projects proposed to link South Asia Kantipur 1362-kilometre Birgunj-Kaatihar-Singhabad-Rohanpur-Chittagong with links to Jogbani, Biratnagar and Agartala, and a 1323 km Kathmandu-Birgunj-Kolkata/Haldia route. ...... the 180 kilometers road stretch connecting Kathmandu to Kolkata via the Indian state of Bihar has to be improved immediately, and a fast track needs to be developed from Kathmandu to Birgunj. ..... include Afghanistan. ..... the 1.5 billion people living in South Asia. ... Male-New Delhi and New Delhi-Islamabad aerial corridor. ..... Rail Corridor No. 5 between Colombo and Chennai, Ferry Service between Colombo and Cochin, and Colombo and Tuticorin .... a 6540-km rail link and an 1844-km road corridor to inter-connect South Asia. Altogether 10 ports, 2757-km waterways and 16 airports fall under this corridor.
Moonshine in Janakpur kills five
Maoists denounce govt-MPRF agreement; say it won't solve Madhes problems “The agreement has drawn our party’s serious attention as it is extremely objectionable, faulty, misleading and conspiring from the view points of both procedure and content.” .... the Constituent Assembly to be elected on November 22 will decide the nature, boundaries and rights of the autonomous states to be set up under the federal structure. ..... “Ignoring all other agitating groups in Terai and holding talks with only the Upendra Yadav faction
Ball in Koirala’s court, says Deuba Deuba Friday expressed dissatisfaction over the “delayed unification” UML condemns Kalikot attack Amrit Kumar Bohara condemned the Maoist act as “anarchic, non-political and undemocratic”.
स्वायत्त संघीय प्रणाली हुने
पुनःसंरचना भौगोलिक आधारमा’ पुनःसंरचना भौगोलिक आधारमा मात्र गर्नु उपर्युक्त हुने संविधानविद् डा. सूर्य सुवेदीले बताएका छन् । .... जातजातिका समस्यालाई क्षेत्रीय आधारमा हुने पुनःसंरचनाबाटै सम्बोधन गर्न सकिनेमा जोड दिंँदै उनले भने- 'अन्य प्रणालीमा जाँदा मुलुक जातीय तथा सामाजिक दुस्चक्रमा फस्न सक्छ ।' ..... 'पाँच विकास क्ष्ाेत्रलाई १०, १४ अञ्चललाई २८ गर्न सकिन्छ । जिल्लालाई पनि बढाउन सकिन्छ ।' ....... दलहरूमा अझै पुनःसंरचना हुन नसकेकोमा आश्चर्य राखे ।
मध्यस्थता गर्न तयार छौं ः मार्टिन राष्ट्रसंघीय मिसन अनमिन प्रमुख इयान मार्टिनले तराईमा सशस्त्र आन्दोलन गरिरहेको समूहले आग्रह गर्दैमा आफूहरूले वार्ताको मध्यस्थता नगर्ने स्पष्ट पारेका छन् । 'सरकारले पनि भन्नुपर्‍यो, मध्यस्थकर्ता हुन तयार छौं ।' ..... तराई जनतान्त्रिक मुक्ति मोर्चा गोइत समूहले लिखित रूपमा गरेको आग्रहबारे सुनसरीका डेढ दजर् नभन्दा बढी गैरसरकारी संस्थाका प्रतिनिधि र नागरिक समाजसित बिहीबार झुम्कामा मार्टिनले यसो भनेका हुन् । ..... उनले सशस्त्र समूह र आन्दोलन गरिरहेका विभिन्न संस्थाको माग जायज भएको बताए । उनले थपे- 'सरकारले आन्दोलन गरिरहेका समूहसित संवाद गरी निकास खोज्नुपर्छ ।' संविधानसभा निवार् चन सफल बनाउन र सुरक्षास्थिति मजबुत बनाउन सबै पक्षको सहयोग आवश्यक रहेको उनले बताए । ..... मार्टिनले संविधानसभा निर्वाचनको वातावरण बन्दै गएको पनि बताए । सुनसरी सदरमुकाम इनरु वामा स्थानीय निकाय, सरकारी कर्मचारी, निर्वाचन आयोगका जिल्लास्थित प्रतिनिधि र सुरक्षा निकायसँग पनि उनले छलफल गरे ।
संविधानसभा र माओवादी
सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता
चासो संंंविधानसभा चुनावको जनताको चाहना संविधानसभा चुनाव सकेसम्म चाँडो होस् भन्नेछ । निर्वाचन आयोगले पनि निर्वाचनका लागि चाहिने सबै प्राविधिक काम सकिइसकेको बताएको छ । चुनाव सफल पार्न नागरिक समाज, गैरसरकारी संस्था र सञ्चारमाध्यम सक्दो लागिपरेका देखिन्छन् । ...... दस वर्ष भूमिगत भई सरकारमा सामेल माओवादीका क्रियाकलापले उनीहरूप्रति जनविश्वास फितलो बन्दै गइरहेछ

Prachanda sees conspiracy behind govt-MJF agreement NepalNews the agreement -- it is utterly objectionable and scandalous in terms of both the procedure and the essence ..... “The most objectionable thing,” Prachanda added, “is the 15th clause that pinpoints the CPN (Maoist) for ‘seizure of property’ and seeks ‘return’ [of the property]. .... The Maoists and the MJF are at 'turf war' in Terai plains for quite some time.
NC criticises Maoist acts; Deuba says elements in NC delayed unification have came down heavily against the Maoists accusing them of not abiding by the agreements reached earlier. .... the Maoists had been violating their commitments to return all the lands and properties confiscated by them during insurgency. .... urged the Maoist leadership to create environment for the return of IDPs to their original places and return their seized properties before the polls. .... drew attention of the government about the unimproved security situation in Terai districts and stop the ethnic tension. ...... there wasn't serious discussion on the issue of party unification during the meeting
UML will bring the NC and the Maoists to progressive mainstream, says Gautam the party's first public meeting ahead of November election ..... in New Baneshwore of Kathmandu. ..... date of November 22. Any one who tries to amend this date will be amended by the people of Nepal," said Shambhu Thapa, former president of Nepal Bar Association (NBA). ...... Although party general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal also attended the public meeting, he did not address as he was unwell.
Two kids killed in bomb explosion in Siraha
Maoists disrupt UML CA election campaign Maoists disrupted a public meet organised by Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) to campaign for Constituent Assembly (CA) elections in Siyuna bazaar of Raskot VDC in Kalkiot district on Thursday. ..... severely thrashed and smeared black color on the faces of UML district secretary Tularaj Bista, assistant secretary Kurmaraj Shahi and office secretary Dhir Bahadur Bam and others leaders and activists .... garlanded the UML leaders with shoes. ..... about 400 angry Maoists had barged inside the venue ... To protect themselves from Maoist assault the UML leaders and cadres ran to the nearby police station, only to find out that they were not safe there, too, as the Maoists cadres stormed the station and started assaulting them in a brazen disregard for the rule of law.
Unidentified gang kills Maoist in Banke
UML to hold public meet
NSP-A to initiate talks with Madhesi groups Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP-Anandidevi) has formed its talks team with the objective of holding dialogue with different groups active in Madhes. ..... The extended meeting of the central committee of the party, which concluded on Wednesday, decided to form a committee led by Bhogendra Thakur for the purpose. ..... Gobinda Chaudhary and Mahesh Prasad Yadav are the members of the committee. The committee will hold talks with different groups like JTMM, Madhesi Tigers and other factions operating in Terai.
Additional 30,000 security men required for election security: Home Minister

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Madhesi MPs And The Idea Of A New Party

The Madhesi MPs who shut down the parliament for a month when they found out the ruling class had gerrymandered the 116 constituencies in the Terai so as to ensure the defeat of all current Madhesi MPs have been talking for months now to launch a regional political party. I have been in touch with some of the key figures in the discussions. I think that is their best option. I would even like to suggest a name: Madhesi People's Party. MPP. Or they could go for a more neutral name like Janata Dal to also attract the Dalit and the Janajati. But I think their chances of reaching out to the Pahadi Dalits and the Janajati is better once they are inside the constituent assembly.

The Madhesi Kranti was bigger than the April Revolution. The November election is going to be bigger than the Madhesi Kranti. The Madhesi people are awake now. There is going to be a pro-Madhesi wave in the Terai. The Madhesi MPs have the option to ride that wave by launching a regional outfit. The sooner they make the formal decision to launch the party, more time they will have to work to expand their organization. The organization is going to expand like magic.

Caste politics in the Terai are inevitable. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is good that there will be several Madhesi parties. That will be good for the Madhesi people. The parties will all compete for Madhesi votes down the line, and the Madhesi people will benefit.

But the three major Madhesi parties - the MJF, the MPP, and the Anandi - must form a Madhesi Alliance for the constituent assembly elections. For the 240 seats for proportional part, they don't have to agree. They can all compete with each other. But for the 116 seats to be directly elected, they must coordinate. If they could ensure there will be only one Madhesi Alliance candidate from each of the 116 seats, that would be best. The MJF could get 40, the MPP could get 40, and the Anandi could get 36 of the seats, or some similar combination. All sitting Madhesi MPs could thus ensure their continued presence on the national scene.

This seat arrangement could also create a Madhesi wave in the Terai that would be similar to the wave created during the Madhesi Kranti. I am confident the people will respond.

Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh

This has to be the one point agenda of the Madhesi Alliance, to be named Madhesi Morcha. All three parties must agree to this if there is to be an alliance at all.

This means parties and candidates - Pahadi as well as Madhesi - who are not behind the Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh slogan must be defeated in the Madhesh.

The best way to ensure an end to the Pahadi hegemony in the country would be to ensure a defeat of all the Pahadi bigwigs like Girija Koirala and Madhav Nepal who might contest from the Terai. You can not possibly be serious about the Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh slogan if you do not make defeating these people top priority. A fresh new chapter has to be written in Nepali politics. And you write that fresh new chapter by making sure these people go.

Churchill lost his seat after World War II. Girija kaun dyang ka mula hai?

If the Madhesi MPs can not break away from the Pahadi parties that tried to end their political careers by gerrymandering their constituencies, they will not have a right to win in November.

If the Madhesi leaders from the top Madhesi parties can not form a Madhesi Alliance, they will not have a right to face the Madhesi people with full confidence.

Armed Madhesi Outfits

They should all be approached, and they should be invited to become informal members of the Madhesi Alliance. They should announce a ceasefire to make the elections possible. They should extend full moral support to the Madhesi Alliance for the elections. In turn, the Madhesi Alliance will go into power and hold respectful dialogue with them in the aftermath.

Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh is what will also bring the armed Madhesi outfits into the mainstream.

साधारण बहुमतले सरकार बनाउँछ, दुई ितहाई बहुमतले संिवधान

संिवधान सभामा साधारण बहुमतले सरकार बनाउँछ, दुई ितहाई बहुमतले संिवधान।

No Party Will Get More Than 15% Of The Votes

Not the unified Congress, not the UML, not the Maoists. The Madhesi Alliance stands a good chance of emerging the largest single bloc in the constituent assembly and so will rightfully claim the leadership of the government to be formed after the November elections. And that is why it is extra important to defeat the top Pahadis in the Pahadi parties who might bother to contest from the Terai.

Nepal ka pahla rashtrapati mujhe ek Madhesi de do.

If you include the Tharus, as you should - ask Gachhedar, ask Biswas - the Madhesis are more than 40% of Nepal's population. The Madhesi Alliance could easily get two thirds of the Madhesi votes if a Madhesi wave can be created, and I see it very possible. Two thirds of 40-45%. That is 30% of the total votes.

The Madhesi Alliance should rule. If the Madhesi Alliance can be formed, and if the leaders do a good job of projecting themselves as the next ruling coalition, they will have no problem raising funds for the election. People will donate bountifully.

Cementing The Madhesi Kranti

This would be the best way to cement the sacrifices made by the Madhesi people during the Madhesi Kranti. The Madhesi MPs owe the Madhesi Kranti a Madhesi party. The Madhesi parties, armed and unarmed, owe the Madhesi Kranti a Madhesi Alliance.

जयप्रकाश गुप्ता: मधेस आन्दोलनका आग्रह
Phone Talk With Madhav Nepal, Hridayesh Tripathy
Hridayesh Tripathy
To: Koirala, Nepal, KC, Pokharel, Tripathy, Mahto And The Rest
Phone Talk With Hridayesh Tripathy
Hridayesh Tripathy In Delhi: Good News

On The Web

Kadima - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kadima (Hebrew: קדימה, Forward) is a political party in Israel. It became the largest party in the Knesset after the 2006 elections, winning 29 of the 120 seats. ....... Founded November 21, 2005 ..... Kadima would not rule out a future coalition partnership with any Israeli political party or person. ...... they were setting up a truly "centrist" and "liberal" party ..... Sharon hoped to attract members of the Knesset from other parties and well-known politicians regardless of their prior beliefs provided they accepted Sharon's leadership and are willing to implement a "moderate" political agenda ...... Kadima was formed by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon after he formally left the right-wing Likud party on 21 November 2005, to establish a new party which would grant him the freedom to carry out his policy of unilateral disengagement plan - removing Israeli settlements from Palestinian territory and fixing Israel's borders with a prospective Palestinian state. ...... The name Kadima, which means "Forward" or "Onward", emerged within the first days of the split and was favored by Sharon. However, it was not immediately adopted, and the party was intitially named "National Responsibility" ...... The title Kadima has symbolic meaning for many Israelis because it is associated with the battle-charge of army officers

In The News

MPRF strikes 22-pt deal with govt; gears up for polls Kantipur In a sudden and major development, the agitating Madhesi People’s Right Forum (MPRF) has called off all its protest programmes following a 22-point agreement with the government ...... the government agreed to form a commission to restructure the state along federal lines while MPRF accepted the mixed electoral system. .... “But, we have written a note (of decent), stating that we will go to the people with the major agenda such as a proportional electoral system and end of monarchy and establishment of a republic,” Yadav added. ..... Today’s agreement has not just ended nearly six months of agitation in the Terai, but has heightened the possibility of the November 22 elections actually going ahead. ........ The two sides have agreed to ensure a federal structure of the state with autonomy without affecting national sovereignty and integrity. However, the structure and rights of such states will be decided by the elected Constituent Assembly. ....... The government has also decided to provide compensation to the families of all Madhesi activists killed during the agitation by declaring them as martyrs and to provide free medical treatment to all injured. ........... It will also drop charges against the Madhesi leaders and activists. ...... The government has conceded to another major MPRF demand- proper representation of all marginalized communities in all state organs. An inclusive commission will be set up to work out the details. ...... the government will give national recognition to the dress, language and culture of the Madhesi community, sanction public holidays during Muslim festivals and give legal protect to people’s religious rights. ....... The government has agreed to adopt a “three-language policy” to recognize Nepali, English and the mother tongues for official work. ...... Dispatching teams to the villages to distribute citizenship certificates to those deprived of them is another important agreement. ..... Legal provision for free education up to primary level, reservation in education and employment and land to the landless to address the plights of the Dalits
Cabinet picks 21 envoys, new embassies in S Africa, Latin America, Canada
Deploy army for poll security if needed: MPs to govt
NC, NC-D yet to finalize unification process
NC, NC-D crucial meets today; unity drive hits new stumbling block A new row had surfaced as Deuba proposed the establishment side to forge the agreement at the center only after doing so at the district and regional levels. ...... The NC-D has proposed that it should get the position of the vice-president and the general secretary.
चुनावमा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय पर्यवेक्षण गराइने
बैधानिक मागलाई सम्बोधन गर्नुपर्छ ः मार्टिन राष्ट्रसंघीय मिसन अनमिन प्रमुख इयान मार्टिनले विभिन्न समूहका वैधानिक मागलाई सरकारले सम्बोधन गर्नुपर्ने बताएका छन् । सबै कुराको समाधान गर्ने उपयुक्त माध्यम वार्ता भएको उल्लेख गदै मार्टिनले यसैका माध्यमले सबैका मागको सम्बोधन हुनुपर्ने बताए । तराइको प्रभावकारी विकासका चुनौती र सम्भावनाबारे बुधबार यहाँ आयोजित कार्यशालाको समापनमा बोल्दै मार्टिनले शान्ति र विकास परिपूरक भएकाले शान्तिका लागि सघाउन आफूहरू लागिरहेको उल्लेख गरे । यतिन्जेल मूलधारमा नपरेको भए पनि मधेसीहरू भविष्यमा मूलधारबाट नछुट्ने उनले बताए । सम्बन्धित क्षेत्रका सरोकारवालाबीच क्षेत्रीयस्तरमा गरिने छलफलले शान्ति प्रक्रियालाई ऊर्जा दिने उनले उल्लेख गरे । यसैगरी राष्ट्रसंघीय नियोग ओचाका नेपाल प्रमुख माथ्यु कहानेले तराईको विकासका लागि अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समुदायले पनि चासोका साथ हेरेकाले केही महिनामा तराइको विकासका लागि नयाँ कार्यक्रम आउने बताए । तराईको समस्यालाई वर्तमान राजनीतिक अवस्थाबाट अलग गरेर हेर्न नसकिने भन्दै समस्या समाधानमा सबैले गम्भीर हुनुपर्ने उनको भनाइ थियो । ..... डा. कृष्ण खनाल, डा. मीनाक्षी नेपाल, सीके लाल र वृषेशचन्द लालले कार्यपत्र प्रस्तुत गरेका .... मधेस आन्दोलनले उठाएका विकासका पक्षहरू, तराईको विकासमा महिलाको सहभागिता, तराईको विकास र राजनीतिक आकांक्षाजस्ता विषयमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको कार्यपत्रमा विषयगत रूपमा छलफल गरिएको थियो । ...... तराईको विकास र विविधताले भरिएको संशाधनरूको विकासका लागि पूर्वाञ्चल विश्वविद्यालयले गरेको प्रयासलाई प्रशंसा गरेका

Govt-MJF reach 22-pt agreement; MJF withdraws protests NepalNews The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) has agreed to the constitutional provisions of mixed electoral system for the upcoming constituent assembly election and has announced withdrawal of all the agitation programmes set by the central committee meeting held recently in Birgunj. ...... after the government agreed to meet most of the demands it had put forward. .... compensation to those killed during the Terai movement, guarantee of inclusion of Madhesis and other marginalised groups in the constituent assembly, autonomy to the states in the federal system to be designed by the constituent assembly ...... the family of those killed during the Terai movement would be compensated and public holiday would be given on Muslim festivals. ...... The cabinet earlier had decided to name the deceased as martyrs .... Yadav said his party would now concentrate on its election campaign.
Maoist leader accuses UML of being against ‘leftist unity’ his party is in favour of holding Constituent Assembly election on November 22 as scheduled, Baidya said, “But before that our 22 demands should be met. If not then we would be compelled to leave the government and start an intense struggle for it.”
NC forms committee to draft manifesto headed by Chakra Prasad Bastola and includes Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat, Narahari Acharya, Laxman Ghimire and Mahesh Acharya ..... decided to direct the district party committees to propose names of three candidates including one woman for the purpose of November elections.
JTMM commander killed in police firing A district commander of the Jwala Singh faction of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM-J) was killed in an encounter with police early Thursday morning in Kalaiya of Bara ....... Jamuna Singh

Govt, Limbuwan-Khumbuwan talks put off Kantipur Janak Chemjong, a member of the Federal Limbuwaan State Council (FLSC) talks team .... Chemjong said the government’s decision to cancel the second round of talks at the last hour “shows the government's conspiracy to deprive Limbuwan, Khumbuwan, and Tamwasaling of their right to ethnic autonomy.” "We have taken it as the government's dishonesty," Chemjong said. ...... Accusing the government of trying to invite internal conflicts and ethnic war, Chemjong added “it’s clear that the government is not serious about a federal set up in the country.” ....... Issuing a press release at 9 on Tuesday evening on behalf of the three ethnic agitating fronts, Chemjong warned the government to “mend ways and be responsible” or “be ready to face the consequences.” ..... Declaration of a federal republic prior to the Constituent Assembly elections on November 22, formation of autonomous Limbuwan and Khumbuwan states, ethnicity-based proportional electoral system as well as special rights to the minority groups are some of the key demands ...... The three ethnic fronts had formed a 17-member panel headed by member of Limbuwan Deepak Moyangbo a week ago after the talks venue was fixed in Dharan. ..... The talks panel had also issued a code of conduct for talks venue, prohibiting the members from carrying weapons, drinking alcohol and chant frivolous slogans

UN team says security situation hasn’t improved; urges firm commitment to timely polls NepalNews The United Nations Electoral Expert Monitoring Team (EEMT) in its second report submitted to the Nepal government has said the security situation in the country has not improved since its first visit ...... establishing an adequate security environment for the Constituent Assembly election will depend “not so much on the number of police or arms deployed, but on cooperation between political parties and clear instructions to their activists in the districts”. ....... stressed the need for immediate voters education, especially in the context of adoption of mixed election system in Nepal for the first time.
YCL cadres capture arms from police team
PM Koirala and Deuba talk about expediting Congress unity the two leaders have agreed to proceed with unification through their respective taskforces to settle the issue of unifying district/local level party units and sister organisations. During the meeting, members of taskforces of the parties – which were formed to negotiate the actual unificiation process – were also present.
Four killed in Birgunj during crossfire with police exchanged fire at around 1:00 a.m. near Sirsiya Khola of Birgunj ward no. 4. The police team was on patrol. .... Police suspect the armed persons could be members of dreaded gang led by Indian criminal Munna Singh. .. Robbery and looting in Birgunj have been rampant for last one year.
Sujata reiterates demands for Sitaula's resignation the country needs a different security strategy to ensure peaceful and orderly election. ... Sitaula will not be up to the task to provide security. .. Despite widespread calls for his agitation in the aftermath of Madhes agitation earlier this year, Sitaula has been able to continue in his office.
I fear local media could be misused during polls: Jitendra Raut the media have literally taken over the responsibility of publicity of the election. There have been no talks and campaigns on this issue from the political circle.
9 JTMM cadres, 7 Maoists arrested in Siraha; Jwala’s men abduct VDC secy
MJF stresses on federalism with autonomous provinces Chairman of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) Upendra Yadav has stressed on federalism along with autonomous provinces. ...... Talking to Nepal FM, on Wednesday, Yadav said, "We raised two main demands during our meeting with the Prime Minister on Tuesday. We said that federal system along with autonomous provinces should be ensured before the election. We also asked that the government declare those killed during Madhes agitation as martyrs." ..... Yadav said that the PM told him that he would consult with others over the issue of federalism with autonomy. "He did not speak about our second demand, though" ..... The MJF chief said that his party will wait till August 31 and hope that the government will address their demands by then. Otherwise, the MJF has already warned of another agitation in Madhes from September 6.
HBC FM resumes operation

MJF demands to be met after polls: PM Himalayan Times The MJF delegation, led by Yadav, this morning reached the PM’s official residence to “formally inform” him about their ultimatum to start a fresh peaceful movement from September 6 as decided by its central committee meeting held in Birgunj on August 22-23, and their demands to be fulfilled by the government. The MJF is for provision of full proportional representation system of election based on the population distribution, provision of autonomous state with rights to self-determination and democratic federal republic. ..... Forum secretary BP Yadav told this daily that the objective of the meeting was to formally inform and apprise the PM about the central committee meeting, its decision and the ultimatum to start a fresh movement.
Constituent assembly polls: Left, centre make all the right noises deciding who all will get party tickets ..... The nature of the manifesto will decide the party’s stand on democratic republic and ceremonial monarchy. ..... “The meeting will recommend as many as 480 candidates for party tickets,” said NC CWC member Laxman Ghimire. He added that it would also form a team to look into designing and preparing election related literature and see to it that the same reaches every constituency on time. The team could be led by any of the two general secretaries. ..... the election is 85 days away .... the political parties have only 31 days to submit “closed list” of candidates to the Election Commission. The parties have 16 days to finalise the candidates for first past the pole system of election
Pressure to unite mounts on Deuba The unification efforts now remain stuck at a point where NC (D) leader is insisting that the general secretary and vice president of his party be retained in their current capacity in the unified outfit, something which is not acceptable to the NC.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

तराई बन्द नहीं संगठन िवस्तार किरए

तराई बन्द करने से पहाडी सत्ताधारीयोको नोक्सान नहीं होता हैवो लोग तो काठमाण्डुमें मजे से बैठे हैंमधेशी क्रान्ितके दौरान २१ िदन जो तराई बन्द हुई वो एक अलग बात थी। वैसी क्रान्ित एक जुगमें एक बार होती है।

एमालेको पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन चािहएमाअोवादीको पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन चािहएवो दोनो एक हो जाए तो देशको पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन िमल जाएगीअन्तिरम संसदकी अंकगिणत ही उस िकिसमकी हैलेिकन वो लोग एक नहीं होंगेकाहे तो वो लोग बाहरसे पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनका नारा लगा रहे हैं, िदलसे नहींनौटंकी कर रहे हैंपुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन मधेशी जनािधकार फोरमका नारा है इसिलए वो लोग नहीं चाहते हैं पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन होउनका पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनका नारा अपने ही कार्यकर्ताअोके अाँखमें धुल झोंक्नेका तरीका हैनहीं तो एमाले अौर माअोवादी अन्तिरम संसदके िभतर एक हो जाते हैं तो गणतन्त्र भी अभी ही िमल जाएगा, पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन भी

हमनें पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन मागा, उन लोगो ने नहीं िदयाहम लोगो ने नेपालके िभतर पुरे तराईको एक राज्य घोिषत िकया जाए बोला, उन लोगो ने नहीं िदयामधेशी क्रान्ितके शहीदोको शहीद घोषणा करो बोला, उन्होने नहीं िकयामधेशी क्रान्ितके ८०० घायलोको क्षितपुर्ित दो बोला, उन्होने नही िदयापहाडी माअोवादीयो से िजस तरह अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता िकया, उसी तरह मधेशी माअोवादीयो से भी अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता करो, हमनें कहाउन लोगो ने नहीं िकया

इन सभी बातोको लेकर देशको तोडी जा सकती थीअभी भी तोडी जा सकती हैइन सभी बातोको लेकर संिवधान सभाको िबथोली जा सकती थीअभी भी िबथोली जा सकती है

लेिकन देश तोड्नेका बात सोंचा जाएिजस जमानेमें फ्रान्स अौर जर्मनी एक देश बनना चाहते हैं उस जमाने में देश तोड्नेकी बात खुद मधेशी जनताके िहतमें नहीं हैसयकडो वर्ष तक पहाडीयोने हम पर शासन िकयादेश तोडके अलग हो जाएंगे तो उन पहाडीयो पर हम शासन कब अौर कैसे करेंगे? हमें तो िसर्फ पुरे मधेश पर नहीं पुरे देश पर शासन करनी है

संिवधान सभाके नभम्बर २२ के िनर्वाचनको मधेशी अान्दोलनके महासंग्रामके रूपमें स्वीकारा जाएएक मधेश, एक प्रदेशके नाराके अन्तर्गत सभी मधेशी समुहो अौर राजनीितक पार्टीयोको गोलबन्द िकया जाएमधेशी क्रान्ितने उपेन्द्र यादवको पैदा िकयाइस महासंग्रामके िलए वही हमारे नेता हुए

तराई राज्यका स्थापना हम खुद करेंगेशहीदको शहीद घोषणा हम खुद करेंगेघायलको क्षितपुर्ित हम खुद देंगेअौर िजतने भी बन्दुकधारी मधेशी संगठन हैं उन सबसे अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता करेंगेसंिवधान सभाके िभतर सामान्य बहुमतकी सरकार बनेगी, अौर दो ितहाइ बहुमतके अाधार पर देशकी संिवधान िलखी जाएगीचुनावके बाद हम सरकारमें जाएंगे

मधेशी जनािधकार फोरमके नेतृत्वमें एक मधेश, एक प्रदेशके नाराके अन्तर्गत एक चुनावी मधेशी मोर्चाका िनर्माण होउस मोर्चामें सभी बन्दुकधारी मधेशी समुह भी गोलबन्द हो जाएँतराई बन्दका नौटंकी पुर्ण रूपसे समाप्त कर िदजीएअब संगठन िवस्तारमें लग जाइए

चुनावके बाद नेपाल सेनाके िनर्माणकी प्रक्िरया शुरू होगीउसमें पुरानी शाही सेना, माअोवादी सेना, अौर मधेशी बन्दुकधारी क्रानिताकारीयोकसहभागीता रहेगीउस सहमितके अाधार पर ज्वाला, गोइत अौर अन्योंका कर्तव्य बनता है िक चुनाव तक अब िसजफायर करें अौर मधेशी मोर्चाके उम्मीदवारोंको चुनावमें िजताने के िलए खट जाएँ

िगिरजाने मधेशी क्रान्ितका अपमान िकयाउसका जमानत जब्त िकया जाएमाधव नेपालनें मधेशी क्रान्ितका अपमान िकयाउसका जमानत जब्त िकया जाएकृष्ण िसटौलाका झापामें जमानत जब्त िकया जाएप्रचण्ड तो वो तो चुनाव लडेगा ही नहींवो जनतासे डरता है

िजस राष्ट्िरय पार्टीके केन्द्रीय सिमतीमें कमसेकम एक ितहाइ मधेशी नहीं उस पार्टीके िलए मधेशमें कोइ स्थान नहींसफाया कर िदजीएमधेशी क्रान्ितके शहीदोकी कसमनभम्बर चुनावको मधेशी क्रान्ितसे भी बडा अौर िनर्णायक बना िदजीएएक लहर पैदा किरएचुनावी महासँग्राममें झोंक िदजीए अपने अापको

११६ िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र तराईमें रहेंगेसमानुपाितक िनर्वाचनके िलए २४० नाम चािहएिदजीएनाम िदजीएमधेशी तो खुद हैंदिलत तराईमें प्रशस्त हैंथारू, सतार, िधमाल सब जनजाित ही तो हुएबाहुन क्षेत्री क्याटेगोरीमें हमारे भुराबालको रिखए, भुिमहार, राजपुत, बाभन, लालाप्रत्येक क्याटेगोरीमें ५०% मिहला

सरकार बनाएंगे तो १७ सीट अौर िमलेगाउसमें मधेशी िवद्वान सबको रखेंगे

महाभारत तो अब शुरू होगी

In The News

Nepali Congress likely to formally announce unification on Thursday Kantipur a vertical split lasting almost five years...... It has been agreed that PM Koirala would remain the president of the party while Krishna Prasad Bhattarai would hold senior most position after Koirala followed by Deuba. ...... The PM also suggested Deuba that two separate committees should be formed at the earliest to take major decisions regarding the CA polls and for the electoral campaign ..... The party district level working committee leadership would be appointed on the seniority basis within the party and assessing their contribution to the April Uprising.
Prachanda asks Maoist MPs to gear up for polls 22 pre-requisites we have cited (to ensure the November 22 elections)
STRMM-called bandh affects life in western Nepal Life across five districts including Dang in western Nepal has been affected on Tuesday, the third consecutive day of the indefinite banda called by Samuktya Tharu Rastriya Mukti Morcha (STRMM).
Upendra Yadav calls on PM Koirala Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) Chairman Upendra Yadav called on Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala Tuesday morning to discuss the Madhesh problems. Stating that decisions on issues like right to self-determination and autonomy would be taken only by the Constituent Assembly, PM Koirala suggested Yadav not to create problems in the way to holding the CA polls slated for November 22 by putting forth such demands before the polls. PM Koirala asked Yadav to come to talks after more discussions within the party and assured that he would also discuss the MPRF issues with leaders of the eight parties for consensus ....... The MPRF’s key demands include a federal state structure with regional autonomy, proportional electoral system, delineation of electoral constituencies based on population, and proportionate participation of the marginalized groups including Madhesis in all state organs. Following the MPRF's warning to resume agitation across Terai, the PM himself initiated the discussions to solve the problem.
Janai Purnima, Rakhi being celebrated nationwide
Govt to reject palace request on staff pay
NC CWC meet on Thursday; CA, party merger top agenda
‘Resolve Terai problem for CA polls’ Nepali Congress central member Sujata Koirala Monday stated that without resolving the Terai crisis, the necessary atmosphere for the Constituent Assembly elections could not be created. Addressing a programme on the Madhesi problem in Biratnagar, Koirala said that until the genuine demands of the Terai people are addressed, there would not be a favourable atmosphere for the elections. Koirala said that the Terai people would only get justice if Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula resigned. Accusing the Home Minister of being power-hungry and of creating drama to prevent being sacked by the prime minister, Koirala stressed on the need of formulating a new security plan in order to hold the CA polls. Accusing the same elements of foiling the talks between Madhesi People's Right Forum and the government, Koirala said, "I'd also taken part in the talks twice. We had reached consensus on almost all the issues. But behind-the-scene activities by the insiders foiled the talks." Koirala has time and again come down heavily against the Home Minister in public for his failure to maintain law and order in the country and his "faithfulness" to the Maoists. Likewise, Human Rights activist and civic society leader Krishna Pahadi stated that the Madhesi and other problems wouldn't be solved until the end of monarchy and held the eight-party's stubbornness as the main reason for the failure to solve the Madhesi crisis.
दलहरू चुनाव प्रचारमा आयोगले निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको घोषणा गर्नेबित्तिकै एमालले क्ष्ाेत्रीय प्रचारप्रसार समिति गठन गर्ने जनाएको छ । ..... मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमले ३८ गाविसमध्ये १६ वटा गाविसमा कमिटी गठन गरी चनावी कार्यक्रम गरिरहेको छ । संविधानसभामा मधेसप्रति अन्य राजनीतिक दलको धारणा विषयक अन्तरक्रियासहित कार्यक्रम बढाएको फोरमका अध्यक्ष्ा कैलास महतोले बताए । .... सद्भावनाले चुनावका लागि कार्यकर्ता भेटघाट सुरु गरेको छ । ..... बैठकले जाति, भाषा, लिंग र क्षेत्रबाट उठेका मागलाई वार्तामार्फत सम्बोधन गर्न सरकारसँग अनुरोध गरेको छ । मधेस समस्या समाधान र वाईसीएललाई गतिविधि सच्याउनसमेत बैठकले आग्रह गरेको छ ।
माओवादी तरंगमा संविधानसभा अहिले प्रचण्डलाई पिठमा छुरा हानेको अनुभव भएको छ । छुरा कसले हान्यो ? वैशाख आन्दोलन यता माओवादी पार्टी राज्यव्यवस्थाका आठ सञ्चालकमध्ये एक रहँदै आएको छ । उसको भूमिका अरू दलको भन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण छ भन्ने सबैले मानेका छन् । पाँच महिनादेखि माओवादी पार्टी आफैं सरकारमा छ । पार्टीका प्रमुख नेता सरकारका प्रवक्ता हुनुहुन्छ । तर पनि पार्टीका अध्यक्ष पिठमा छुरा हानिएको अनुभव सुनाउनुहुन्छ भने नेपाली जनताले आह गर्ने कि उफ गर्ने ?

Narayanhiti may one day become a ‘presidential palace’ NepalNews
Parties start internal exercise to devise election strategies the parties have begun their strategic meetings in the capital, especially focusing on their election agendas for the polls. ... the central committee meeting of the Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandi Devi) has begun in the capital to decide strategies for the upcoming polls.
22-pt demand helps timely election: Prachanda
PM urges MJF to withdraw all protest programmes Koirala clarified that the issue of autonomy and right to self-determination in would-be federal system was for the constituent assembly to determine ...... Yadav is learnt to have reiterated his demands for finalising the issue of federalism and autonomy to the "state of Terai" before the polls, while keeping the national integrity intact.
Nepali youth shot to death in US

Home Ministry takes a strong exception to Dr. Bhattarai's comments NepalNews Dr. Baburam Bhattarai about taking "people's action" against certain Congress leaders. ..... A few days ago, speaking at a talk programme in Nepal Television (NTV), Dr. Bhattarai had stated that his party would take such action against Congress leaders duo Gobind Raj Joshi and Khum Bahadur Khadka. Both Joshi and Khadka had faced corruption charges in the past but have been subsequently cleared of those charges by the special court.
USIP cites multiple challenges ahead of the polls US Institute of Peace has pointed out that lack of resources, the need for training, violence in the Terai, increase of crime and lawlessness, agitating marginalized groups, small arms, and unmonitored movement of former combatants and their cantonment areas as the major challenges to providing election security. .... the adverse effect security forces presence may have if it is too close to polling sites ..... it was important to recognise in some cases, the leaders of the agitating groups, capitalise on the legitimate grievances of the community and exploit the community for the leader's own goal of gaining power. ..... To curb the continued tendency of violence and strikes, USIP suggested the government to engage in sincere dialogue, create a mechanism for grievances to be heard and look to the best interests of the country and not their own political, economic and party interests.

‘NC, NC-D unity in two days’ Kantipur According to NC Joint-General Secretary Ram Baran Yadav, the taskforces of both the parties have completed their final homework for party unification.
‘UML will face CA polls despite all odds’ Other UML leaders urged Nepal to take the initiative to convene a meeting of the top leaders of the ruling eight-party alliance at least once to dispel “confusions” surrounding the elections. The meeting has also constituted a secretariat under UML General Secretary Nepal to mobilise the party men for the elections. Party central leader Amrit Kumar Bohora, Ishwor Pokharel, Bharat Mohan Adhikari, Bishnu Poudel, Astha Laxmi Shakya, Surendra Pandey and Rajhuvir Mahaseth are the members of the secretariat.
House teams to assess security situation in all 5 regions Law and order, especially in the Terai region, remains the main challenge to the November 22 elections. A number of armed groups in the low land belt, including the Jantantric Terai Mukti Morcha-Jwala Singh faction (JTMM-J), have threatened to thwart the crucial polls to elect an assembly to promulgate a new constitution.
ँचुनाव सार्ने भनेको छैन’
कांग्रेस एकता छिट्टै कांग्रेस सभापति कोइरालाले आइतबार बिहान पार्टी केन्द्रीय सदस्यहरूसँगको अनौपचारिक छलफलमा एकता घोषणा गरी चुनावी वातावरणमा होमिनुपर्ने बताएका थिए । ..... कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का कार्यदल सदस्य डा. प्रकाशशरण महतले आफूहरू हदैसम्म लचिलोरूपमा प्रस्तुत भएको उल्लेख

Dalits, Badis continue protest; over 50 arrested NepalNews
Eastern Terai sees no respite from bandh A day after the end of a 5-day bandh (shutdown strike) called by the Madhesh Mukti Tigers (MMT) in the Terai region, another little known group called the Dalit Janajati Party has announced bandha in the eastern Terai districts from Monday. ..... Life in Siraha, Saptari Mahottari, Dhanusha and Udaypur have been greatly affected due to the bandh. Reports coming in say that main market places, educational institutions, factories and shops remain closed while vehicles stay off the roads fearing reprisal from the organisers of the bandh. ..... They have said party is organising the bandh demanding proportional representational (PR) based election system and reservations for people from Dalits, janajatis and other minority groups. ...... Udaypur, has been reported to have been facing acute shortage of food items and other essential commodities due to bandh called by MMT
Constituency delineation commission submits report to PM a month after it was finalised. ..... minor changes have been made in 47 constituencies without alternating the 240 total constituencies .... The Madhesi groups had said the delineation was not justifiable owing to the population of the Terai region. ..... Due to delay in receiving the report, the Election Commission has not been able to fix the election booths in Terai districts.
Ignored Backdrop of Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Nepal
NSU-Democratic leader calls Koirala, Prachanda as main obstacles to polls President of Nepali Congress (Democratic) affiliated Nepal Students Union (NSU) Kalyan Gurung ..... "Nepali Congress has not made preparations for the polls and Maoists fear that existing environment is not favourable for them. ..... Koirala's interest in remaining the leader of the government and Prachanda's lack of confidence towards the electorate have caused uncertainty about the polls.

NEFIN comes up with 9-point Palpa Declaration NepalNews concluded its convention in Palpa district with a nine-point declaration. ..... The main points of the declaration include creating suitable environment to hold Constituent Assembly elections on November 22, ensuring proportional representation on the basis of social composition in political parties, parliamentary front as well as every organ of the state, proportional representation on basis of ethnic population and formulation of a constitutional provision for employment and education reservation to empower the indigenous and ethnic people along with Dalit, women and other minority groups. ..... End of the centralized governance system and formation of autonomous regions with right to self-determination under a federal democratic republic ..... also decided to launch further programmes to put pressure on the government to implement the 20-point agreement reached with the government a few weeks back.
House teams to assess security situation in all 5 regions
Over four dozens Dalit, Badi activists detained
Disgruntled Sunsari Muslims submit memo to PM
भुकपाका भूमिगत महासचिव ँविकल्प’ को अन्तर्वार्ता भुटान सरकारले आउँदो चैतमा संसदीय निर्वाचन गर्ने घोषणा गरेको छ । त्यसको जवाफमा भुटानी माओवादीहरूले त्यसअगावै जनयुद्ध थाल्ने तयारी गर्दैछन् । र, लक्ष्य राखेका छन्- राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य गरी गणतन्त्र स्थापना गर्ने । ..... भुकपाले पनि गत चैत ९ गते भुटान सरकारलाई १३ बँुदे 'अल्टिमेटम' दिएको छ तर प्रत्यक्ष भेटेर होइन, फ्याक्समार्फत । ..... बहुदलीय व्यवस्थाको स् थापना, शरणार्थीहरूको स्वदेश फिर्ती, राजबन्दीको रहिाइ, भूमिसुधार ऐन ..... झापा र मोरङका भुटानी शरणार्थी शिविरमा नौला पर्चा र पोस्टरहरू छरएिका थिए, जसमार्फत भुकपा मालेमा नामको पार्टी गठन भएको घोषणा गरयिो । त्यसै दिन भुटानका २० मध्ये १६ जिल्लामा पनि एकसाथ यस्तै पर्चा-पोस्टरहरू छरएि । दुई वर्षअघि स्थापना गरएिको तर सुरक्षाका कारण गोप्य राखिएको भुकपा मालेमा ..... गत जेठमा नेपालस्थित शरणार्थीहरूलाई भुटान भित्र्याउने 'लङ्मार्च' अभियान मूलतः सोही पार्टीका कार्यकर्ताहरूको सहभागितामा भएको थियो । ..... हिजोआज झापा-मोरङका सात शरणार्थी शिविरहरूमा विद्रोही गतिविधि व्यापक रूपमा देखिने गरेको छ । सांस् कृतिक कार्यक्रम र कोठे भेलादेखि सानातिना सभासम्म हुने गरेका छन् त्यहाँ, जसको मूल उद्देश्य आसन्न जनयुद्धप्रति बढीभन्दा बढीको समर्थन जुटाउनु रहेको छ । ....... पुराना भुटानी राजनीतिक दलका थुप्रै नेताहरू अमेरकिालगायत विदेश पलायन भएका र नेपालमै रहेकाहरू पनि शरणार्थी शिविरमा नभई काठमाडौँमा बस्ने गरेको पृष्ठभूमिमा माओवादी सङ्गठकहरूले चाहिँ 'लो-प्रोफाइल' मा रहेर मुख्यतः शिविरभित्रै सञ्जाल फैलाउने प्रयास गर्दैछन् । र, यी सङ्गठकहरूमा अधिकांश नाम चलेका नेता नभई मुख्यतः शिक्षण पृष्ठभूमिका सचेत युवा छन् । पार्टीका पूर्णकालीन सदस्य कति छन् भन्ने यकिन नभए पनि शरणार्थी शिविरका युवा र विद्यार्थी समुदायमाझ माओवादी पार्टीको पकड बढिरहेको छ । ..... काठमाडौँका बोर्डिङ् स्कुल र 'प्लस टू' पढाउने भुटानी शिक्षकहरूबाट निकै चन्दा उठाइसकेको ..... दातृ संस्था र आईएनजीओमा कार्यरत भुटानीहरूलाई तलबको पाँच प्रतिशत चन्दा दिन आह्वान गरेको छ । चन्दा सङ्कलनबाट १४ लाखभन्दा बढी रकम जम्मा भइसकेको ..... सम्मेलनले पार्टीलाई फौजीकरण र फौजलाई पार्टीकरणको नीति अख्तियार गरी .... तीनवटा रणनीतिक चरण -रक्षा, सन्तुलन र प्रत्याक्रमण) मा पूरा हुने लक्ष्यका साथ रक्षा चरणलाई 'तयारी', 'थालनी' र 'निरन्तरता' गरी तीन उपचरणमा बाँडिएको छ । त्यसमध्ये हाल उनीहरू तयारीकै उपचरणमा छन्, जसलाई वैचारकि, साङ् गठनिक, प्राविधिक र सङ्घर्षसम्बन्धी गरी चार भागमा विभाजित गरएिको छ ..... "हाम्रा लागि आफ्नै कार्यक्षेत्रभन्दा उत्तम अर्को प्रशिक्षण शिविर हुनैसक्दैन ।" ..... उनीहरूले गतिविधिको मुख्य केन्द्र भुटानलाई नै बनाउन खोजेका छन् । ...... हाल शिविरमा सवा लाखजति भुटानी छन् भने भुटानभित्र करबि एक लाख ८० हजार नेपालीभाषी छन् । ... नेपाली मूलका दक्षिणी भुटानी) पछि दोस्रो ठूलो जनसङ्ख्या रहेका सार्चोपहरूलाई सङ्गठित गर्न केही महिनाअघि सार्चोप मुक्ति मोर्चासमेत गठन गरएिको थियो । ...... दक्षिण भुटानका साम्ची, दागाना, चिराङ, छुका, सर्भाङ र साम्ड्रुप जोङ्खर जिल्लालाई गोर्खा प्रदेश घोषणा गरनिुपर्ने माग राख्ने गोर्खा राष्ट्रिय मुक्ति मोर्चा ...... भुकपाको नेकपा माओवादीसँग मात्र नभई भारतीय कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी माओवादीसँग पनि निकटको सम्बन्ध रहेको छ । ....... राजतन्त्र उन्मूलनको एकसूत्रीय लक्ष्य राखी त्यसमा अन्य पार्टीहरूसँग सहकार्य गर्ने नीति लिएको छ ..... ड्रुक नेसनल कङ्ग्रेसका अध्यक्ष थिन्ले पेन्जोरले भुकपासँग स्थानीयस्तरमा समझदारी रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै भविष्यमा केन्द्रीयस्तरमा संयुक्त मोर्चा बन्नसक्ने सम्भावनालाई पनि इन्कार गरेनन् । ..... ड्रुक नेसनल कङ्ग्रेस, भुटान पिपुल्स पार्टी .... प्रमुख भुटानी नेता टेकनाथ रजिाल भन्छन्, "नेपालको तराईमा उठेको मुद्दा र हाम्रो मुद्दा एउटै होइन र ? भारत किन हाम्रो सवालमा चाहिँ बोल्दैन ?" ..... पुनःबासको वकालत गर्ने दुई जना शिविर सचिवहरू हर िअधिकारी बङ्गाले र मनोरथ खनाल शरणार्थी युवाहरूबाट पिटिएका छन .... बहुसङ्ख्यकमाथि शासन गररिहेको अल्पसङ्ख्यक ड्रुक्पा समुदायले आफूलाई 'लोपोन्मुख जाति' भएको दाबी गर्‍यो र भुटानको विविधतालाई नकार्दै 'एक देश, एक जाति' को नीति अघि सार्‍यो ...... भुटानले दक्षिणको एक जिल्ला भारतलाई दिई त्यहाँ नेपालस्थित शरणार्थी र भुटानभित्रैका नेपालीलाई पुनःबास गराउने प्रस्ताव भारतसमक्ष राखेको खुलासा भएको छ । ..... 'कु' गरेर सत्ता कब्जा गरी हतियारको बलमा टिकेको राज्यसत्ता र 'शक्तिपूजक' जनता ..... हाम्रो पार्टी फलामे अनुशासनमा आधारति एक 'मिलिट्यान्ट' पार्टी हो । ..... भुटान टाइगर फोर्स .... नेकपा माओवादी हाम्रा लागि मात्र होइन, विश्व-क्रान्तिकै लागि प्रेरणाको श्रोत हो .... ६० हजार शरणार्थी लाने भन्ने अमेरकिी अभिव्यक्ति भुटानी मुक्ति सङ्घर्षप्रति मात्र नभएर सिङ्गो भुटानी मुक्तिकामी जनताविरुद्धको षड्यन्त्र हो .... दक्षिण भुटानको १८ द्वार एवम् राष्ट्रको सम्प्रभूतासमेत भारतलाई बेचेर खाने यहाँको जहाँनिया राजतन्त्र पनि उत्तिकै दोषी छ । ..... प्राकृतिक स्रोत-साधन सस्तो दरमा पाएको हुँदा भारतले शरणार्थी समस्यालाई भन्दा राजतन्त्रलाई बढी काखी च्यापेको हो .... यस् तो उदाहरण हामीले गतवर्षको १९ दिने नेपाली जनआन्दोलनमा पनि देखेका छौँ