Proposed Constitution
Unification Formula: Nepal Sadbhavana Party
- Sarbamanya Neta: Anandi Devi Singh
- President: Upendra Yadav
- Name of the party: Nepal Sadbhavana Party (because the goal is also to get the Janajati of the Hills.)
- Election symbol: Panja
- Party Vice Presidents: (1) Rajendra Mahato (2) A Janajati (Bishwas) (3) A Dalit/Muslim (Siddiqi) (4) Sarita Giri
- General Secretaries: (1) Hridayesh Tripathy (2) Manoj Yadav
- 33 member Central Committee: 17 from MJF, 16 from Anandi, every third name submitted by both must be female.
- 20 district committees: 23 members each, 12 from MJF, 11 from Anandi, or reverse, for each alternate district, every third name submitted by both must be female.
- Town and village committees: 13 members each. 7 and 6 each, every third name submitted by both must be female.
- Proposing a three state federalism: Terai, Eastern Hills, Western Hills. Capitals: Narayanghat, Pokhara, Kathmandu. Four layers of government: central, state, district, town/village. Retain the 75 districts. Give much more power to the districts. Directly elected Mayor, District Chairperson, Governor and President.
- Step 1: Unify the Anandi, and the MJF. Step 2: Hold direct peace talks with Jwala, Goit, Tiger, cobra and all the rest of the violent Madhesi groups, don't wait for the government to do so. Tell them to hold down their guns and allow for elections and extend moral support to us during the elections and we will form government after elections and hold respectful peace talks with all of them.)
- Step 3: Unification with the Janajati and Dalit of the hills. Ratio will be 2:1. The unified Sadbhavana will get two seats for every seat they get in the central committee. The goal is to contest in all 240 constituencies if possible. If not, we stick to the 120 in the Terai.
- 43 member Central Committee: 29 Sadbhavana, 14 for hill Janajati and Dalit if they come. They also get a Vice President.
- Step 4: We poach all the big parties for their Madhesis. Every Madhesi MP who comes along gets a guaranteed ticket for the election, and a potential seat on the party central committee.
Desh ka pahla rashtrapati mujhe Madhesi de do. We are agreeing on the Upendra Yadav name as our presidential candidate.
If we do this, we become the largest party in the constituent assembly. If we don't, the Congress, the UML, and the Maoists will continue to call all the shots in the country.
If 100 Madhesi leaders can not change and do this much, why should they expect 1 crore Madhesis to change and vote for them?
Proposed Constitution
Unification Formula: Nepal Communist Party
- The Maoists agree to put all their cadres through a three day course on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They completely obey all elements of the peace agreements.
- The YCL no longer engages in law enforcement acts.
- All seized land and property is neither kept with the current tillers, nor handed back to the original owners. Instead is kept in limbo, its fate to be decided by the first elected government after the country gets a new constitution.
- Adopt the dictum Power Flows through The Ballot Box In A Democracy Of State Funded Parties.
- Unify all communist parties in the country starting with the UML and the Maoists.
- Party President: Madhav Nepal.
- Party Vice President: Prachanda.
- General Secretaries: (1) Baburam Bhattarai (2) Bidya Bhandari (3) Hisila Yami
- 11 member politburo: 6 from the UML, 5 from the Maoists.
- 33 member central committee: 17 from the Maoists, 16 from the UML with a fair DaMaJaMa representation.
- 23 member district committees in all 75 districts: 12 from the UML and 11 from the Maoists, and reverse in alternate districts.
- 11 member town and village committees: 6 from the UML and 5 from the Maoists, and reverse, in alternate districts.
- Proposing a three state federalism: Terai, Eastern Hills, Western Hills. Capitals: Narayanghat, Pokhara, Kathmandu. Four layers of government: central, state, district, town/village. Retain the 75 districts. Give much more power to the districts. Directly elected Mayor, District Chairperson, Governor and President.
If the Sadbhavana and the Communists can do this much, that guarantees that the Congress will no longer be the ruling party after the elections in November. If Nepal ends up with one communist party and it becomes a multi-party democracy of state funded parties, Nepal is going to shake both India and China.
What Will The Constituent Assembly Look Like?
Nepali Times Poll: A Lot Of Room For New Parties
Smart Prachanda Move On Land Reform: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
एक मधेशी पार्टी
Democratizing Political Parties
UML, Maoist, NC (D) Alliance To Oust Girija Needed
Goal Is Ideological Fusion, Not Mainstreaming Maoists
ज्वाला, गोइत, टाइगर और कोबराको चुनाव क्यों लडना चािहए
Mainstreaming The Maoists: Various Scenarios
Three Parties: Congress, Communist, Sadbhavana
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
Further Compromise: Mixed Election With Reservations
The Economist: Nepal's Ethnic Politics: The New Battlefront
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Victory Scenarios
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: A Few Scenarios
Mantra For An Economic Revolution In Nepal
Braindead Girija: The UML Needs To Walk Out Of This Government
Proportional Representation Might Work With DaMaJa Reservations
Girija Has Proven To Be A Cruel Joke Upon Nepal
My Role In The April Revolution: The Butterfly Effect
Party Unification, And One Person One Vote Principle
One Communist Party, One Congress Party, Total Two Parties
The Idea Of One Communist Party In Nepal
Hisila Yami For President
Transparent Party Finances: A Must In Interim Constitution
If Congress Does Not Go For Republic, Left Front Will Win
The Virus Of The April Revolution
In The News
Bamdev wants unity with Maoists ahead of CA NepalNews the UML should be united with the Maoists to ensure republic in the country. .... Gautam said he was continuing efforts to unite with the Maoists. .... Madhav Kumar Nepal presented his political report in which he has blamed both NC and Maoists for the troubles in the country. He has termed NC as status-quoist while he said Maoists were extreme leftists.
Education minister demands Home Minister's resignation worsening law and order situation ... worsening situation in Terai .... Sitaula has been one of the most criticised ministers in the current cabinet. His resignation has been sought by not only UML leaders and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) but also a section of NC leaders.
Maoists raise objection against ambassadorial nominations
YCL hands over two alleged smugglers to authorities
Bandh continues in eastern Terai
JTMM-Jwala kills villager in Bara
Tarun Dal to campaign for democratic republic
Parliamentary committee to begin hearing on ambassadorial nominees
Maoists raise objection against ambassadorial nominations
Verification of PLA first division concludes
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