Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties
It is very possible the peace process could unravel. It does not have to take the form of a renewed civil war. Likely we will not see military confrontations, but political paralysis will be bad enough news, political paralysis accompanied by muscle power violence at the behest of groups like the YCL, and counter moves by groups associated with the other parties.
We democrats can't afford to make it sound like the Maoists finally came around to our way of thinking. Instead we have to offer something akin to an ideological fusion. And that would be a pledge to design a federal republic of state funded parties.
Goal Is Ideological Fusion, Not Mainstreaming Maoists
On the other hand, we have to take a firm stand on the basics of democracy and human rights. We offer a federal republic of state funded parties. The Maoists on their part must become a political party. Their YCL may not act like Hitler's brown shirts. (Youth Communist League: Prachanda's Brown Shirts ) The Maoists may not disrupt the mass meetings by other parties. All political parties should feel free to do their political work.
And if the Maoists will not come around to it, better a civil war than a sham election that the Maoists win because they managed to capture booth after booth. But I don't think we are risking civil war. All we have to do is take a firm stand, and the Maoists will have no choice but to comply. The Maoists do not have the political option to go back to violence. They want to get into power. They don't want to go back to the jungle.
On their part, the parties in the seven party alliance have not played their part either. What is the Congress map for federalism? What is the UML map? You can not be for federalism unless you have a map.
And if all parties including the RJP and the RPP are for a republic, why not declare Nepal a republic now? That way the discussion can shift to the more important issue of the shape and content of federalism.
मैले पिरकल्पना गरेको मधेश राज्य
Political Knots
There are quite a few political knots. A big one is properties seized by the Maoists over a decade. The Congress wants all that given back. The Maoists don't like the idea. They took land away from the landlords and gave it to the poor to till.
This is an issue that might ask for some sort of a political compromise. What about all parties commit to land reform just like they committed to federalism? Your formula for land reform might still be different from mine, but we will agree that land reform of some sort is necessary.
And in the mean time, all the confiscated property instead of going back to the original owners will go back to the state, or an eight party committee in which the Maoists will have 50% membership. After the country gets a new constitution, and new elections for parliament and president are held, the party then in power gets to implement its formula for land reform. Until then, all the Maoist confiscated property is under neutral ownership. How does this sound?
Land Reform, Truth And Reconciliation
Personally I am as strongly for land reform as I am for a republic, as I am for federalism.
Free, Fair, Fearless Elections
On this there can be no compromise. But at the rate things are going, we might not get it even in November. The best thing the country could do to make sure we will have elections in November would be to change the Prime Minister.
UML, Maoist, NC (D) Alliance To Oust Girija Needed
Maoist Money: Number One Threat To Free, Fair, Fearless Elections
In The News
Two-dozen injured in scuffle Kantipur
JTMM-Jwala Singh activist killed in encounter with APF men
Eight-party trust breaking down: Poudel Monday night's Maoist attack on a Banke police post ..... informed that both the government and the Maoists had launched separate investigations into the act. .... the activities of the Maoist wing Young Communist League was apolitical
CPN-Maoist still terrorist organization: US
Referendum by June impossible: EC official
School level text books in 16 languages Awadhi, Gurung, Rai, Chamling, Tamang, Tharu, Newar, Magar, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Rai Bantawa, Limbu and Sherpa languages. ...... for the students of class one up to class five. ..... Reference books have been published in the Awadhi, Maithili and Limbu languages and incorporate the lifestyle, culture and folk tales from these respective linguistic communities.
Pre-conditions on PLA registration unacceptable: Martin
Prachanda warns of fresh pro-republic movement
असार ६ गतेपछि प्रधानमन्त्रीले पनि राजीनामा दिनुपर्छ’ प्रिदीप नेपाल प्रधानमन्त्री गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइराला र वनमन्त्री मातृकाप्रसाद यादव दुवै जना जुध्ने मानसिकतामा प्रस्तुत हुनुभयो । हामी सम्झाउनेहरूको केही जोड लागेन । त्यो कुनै नीतिगत, सैद्धान्तिक, राजनीतिक विवाद थिएन । खस्रो बोली नै विवादको कारण थियो । ........ पछिल्लोपटक उहा“लाई मैले 'तपाईं बिरामी मान्छे पोखरा नजानूस्' भनेको थिए“ । यसो भन्दा काङ्ग्रेसका अरू साथीहरू रसिाए । उहा“ पोखराबाट फर्केर झण्डै एक साता थला पर्नुभयो । म हुन्थे“ भने त्यो हालतमा प्रधानमन्त्री, मन्त्री, नेता केहीको जागीर पनि खान्नथ“े । आरामले जिन्दगी बिताउ“थे“ । ........ प्रधानमन्त्री निवासमा क्याबिनेटको बैठक बस्ने कुरा गलत हो । ..... नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको शैली यही रहिरह्यो भने चाहि“ एक दिन अरू सबै एकातिर, नेपाली काङ्गे्रस एकातिर हुने सम्भावना छ । ....... माओवादीहरू बन्दुकको राजनीतिक विश्वासबाट मुक्त नभएसम्म सहकार्य हुन सक्दैन भन्ने हाम्रो पार्टर्ीीे निर्ण्र्ााहो । ...... असार ६ पछि यो सरकारको वैधता समाप्त हुन्छ .... प्रधानमन्त्रीले पनि राजीनामा गर्नुपर्छ र नया“ सरकार बनाउनुपर्छ ।
हतारमा तयार पारिएको निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारण आयोगको प्रतिवेदनमाथि आ-आफ्नो स्वार्थ अनुकूल विरोध बढाइएको छ मन्त्री मातृकाप्रसाद यादव भन्छन्, "प्रतिवेदन अवैज्ञानिक छ, जनताको इच्छाविपरीत छ, त्यो खारेज हुनर्ुपर्छ ।" ..... सरकारको नेतृत्व गर्ने नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस, एमाले, माओवादी, काङ्ग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) सबैले प्रतिवेदनको विरोध गरेका छन् । ..... जिल्लाका निर्वाचन क्षेत्र घटाउने अधिकार आयोगलाई थिएन, बढाउने मात्र 'म्यान्डेट' थियो । ..... जिल्लाको उत्तरी पहाडी क्ष्ँेत्रमा बस्ती पातलो र जङ्गल पर्ने हुनाले थोरै गाविस तर दक्ष्ँिणमा धेरै गाविस र घना बस्ती हुनाले पनि सबै जिल्लामा उत्तर-दक्षिण क्ष्ँेत्र काट्न सम्भव नभएको उनी बताउ“छन् । ...... ०५८ को जनगणना अनुसार मधेशको जनसङ्ख्या एक करोड १२ लाख १२ हजार चार सय ५३ छ । यो कुल जनसङ्ख्याको ४८.३३ प्रतिशत हुन आउ“छ । "कुल सङ्ख्या दर्ुइ सय ४० मध्ये पहाड र हिमाली क्षेत्रका लागि एक सय २४ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र सङ्ख्या निर्धारण गरएिपछि जनसङ्ख्याको अनुपातमा मधेशका लागि एक सय १६ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र सङ्ख्या निर्धारण गरएिको छ" ......... मधेशमा २८ थप भएको ...... पहाड र हिमाली क्षेत्रका हरेक निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा औसत ९६ हजार दर्ुइ सय ८२ जनसङ्ख्या र मधेशमा ९६ हजार छ सय ५९ कायम गरएिको ......... तर्राईका आठ जिल्ला मोरङ, धनुषा, महोत्तरी, रौतहट, बारा, नवलपरासी, रूपन्देही र कैलालीमा दर्ुइवटा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र थपिएका छन् । ...... काठमाडौ“मा १० क्षेत्र, मोरङमा नौ क्ष्ँेत्र बनाइएको छ भने झापा, धनुषा, रूपन्देहीमा सातवटा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र कायम ..... पहाडी-पहाडी एक क्षेत्रमा र मधेशी-मधेशी अर्को क्ष्ँेत्रमा पारएिको ....... "मधेशका स्थापित नेतालाई विस्थापित गर्ने गरी क्षेत्र निर्धारण गरएिको छ ।" ....... नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टर्ीी हृदयेश त्रिपाठी पनि मधेशका स्थापित नेताहरूलाई सिध्याउने हिसाबले क्ष्ँेत्र निर्धारण गरएिको आरोप लगाउ“छन् । भन्छन्, "नवलपरासीको मेरो चुनाव क्षेत्र हर्ेदा आयोगका मान्छेले होसमा रहेर क्ष्ँेत्र काटेजस् तो लाग्दैन ।" उनी गाविसहरूसमेत 'जम्प' गराइएको बताउ“छन् । सद्भावनाका त्रिपाठीदेखि राष्ट्रिय जनशक्ति पार्टर्ीी रेणु यादवसम्म, काङ्ग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का गच्छदारदेखि काङ्ग्रेसका सुरेन्द्र चौधरीसम्मको एकता संसद् अवरुद्ध गर्नमा देखिन्छ । ......... के अब सबै दलका मधेशी सांसदहरू मिलेर क्ष्ँेत्रीय पार्टर्ीीठन गर्ने तयारी त होइन - गच्छदार भन्छन्, "नेताहरू मधेशप्रति संवेदनशील भएनन् भने त्यहा“का जनता उसैको पछि लागि रह“दैनन् । यसले मोर्चाको रूप पनि लिनसक्छ ।" ...... जनगणना गर्न पा“च वर्षलाग्ने
US says Maoists still a terrorist organisation; JTMM added NepalNews from January to November 2006, Maoists were responsible for the deaths of 165 security personnel and 46 civilians. During the same time period, the government killed 182 suspected Maoist militants ....... murders by Maoists lessened after the ceasefire in April, but still totaled 28 from May until November. Security force killings of Maoist insurgents were also significantly lower after the ceasefire, totaling nine during the same period. ......... "Despite the ceasefire, Maoist rebels continued to conduct abductions, extortion, and violence. In the Kathmandu Valley, Maoists took advantage of their dramatically increased presence and the government's reluctance to upset the peace process to expand their use of extortion and efforts to undermine trade unions and student groups affiliated with the political parties. They also continued forced recruitment of schoolchildren, with thousands targeted after the signing of the initial November 8 peace accord." .... "This year also saw the beginning of a disturbing new trend with the activation of the separatist Maoist-splinter terrorist group called the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM), which aimed to bring about the secession of the southern Terai plains from the rest of Nepal" ....... The United States provided substantial antiterrorism assistance and training to Nepal's security forces, including courses on crisis management and critical incident management
NSP (A) seeks merger of Madhesi parties a three-member committee led by central leader Anil Jha to hold talks with Mandal-led NSP, the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MFJ) and other parties representing the Madhesi community. ........ the MJF has been agitating for a republic. Earlier known as an 'NGO', the MJF has already applied at the Election Commission for party registration to contest the upcoming constituent assembly polls.
Over dozen injured in Bardiya clash The APF men resorted to using force after the Young Communist League (YCL) activists who were protesting the deployment of security forces for border security, pelted stones at them
Vehicle handed over to UNMIN; Curfew imposed in Bardiya Police handed over a jeep used by Maoists’ People’s Liberation Army...... The jeep, instead of a government-issued registration number, had ‘Third Division-4’ written on it. ....... A Maoist leader, Bibidh, was using the Land Cruiser that was “stolen” from Maharjan eight months ago
Gajurel hints at early pro-republic street movement
Only special convention can decide on republic: Poudel the forthcoming meeting of district presidents of NC will also help the party to shape its agenda on republic.
Seized properties can't be returned: Baidya Baidya reasoned that they cannot seize back the properties that they have already distributed to poor people. ..... the Maoists had agreed to return the seized properties and allow displaced persons to safely return within two weeks when they joined interim government on April 1.
Maoists not meeting their commitment on safe return of IDPs: OHCHR
PM assures he will ensure return of seized properties
Madhesi Tigers own up responsibility for bombing the bomb was hurled since it was plying on bandh day. ...... the bomb hurled by people on a motorbike
King has intensified activism, says Dr Koirala The NC has called a three-day meeting of its district presidents beginning May 4, ostensibly to form its view on monarchy.
Prachanda steps up pressure to declare republic; warns to unleash all round revolt
Micro-credit over rated to address poverty The concept of micro-credit to lend small loans to poor people without collateral under the premise that they have skills is noble but what about those who have no survival or entrepreneurial skills? ........ the concept of micro-credit for the poor must be linked with the fundamental principles of business/enterprise. ...... the state of poverty they are subjected to, may force them to direct micro-credit to meet their survival needs for food and shelter. ...... 55% of Grameen's women clients in Bangladesh were not able to meet their basic needs even after 8 years of borrowing and most were using their loans to buy food rather than invest in businesses. ... If private businesses can go on a loss after having to pay interest rates between 10 -18 % what could stop the poor who pay similar interest rates if not more (15 to 25 %) to micro-credit institutions ....... Is micro-credit achievements/success based on poor women/men paying up their micro-credit by any means (re-borrowing from money lenders, selling assets, earning through labour) in fear of social stigmatization and shame which apparently are social collateral for the basis of micro-credit lending? ....... If those who have resources and income source were to upscale their economic and social status to buy a car or a house, the banks will drop the car keys at their door step with a contract paper of between 6 to 7 % in interest rate. If influential business leaders were to seek loans, they are in a position to negotiate with banks for rates ranging from 10 to 18%. However, if the poor were to access micro-credit (if they are lucky) there is no negotiation and could end up contracting a loan for anything between 15 to 24 %. ......... it is but impossible for micro-credit banks to compete with commercial banks ........ if large fishes pay less in interest than micro fishes in commercial competitive businesses, the question we need to open up for discussion is how can micro debtors compete for survival and expansion in markets? ........ what guarantees survival of enterprises is a combination of management, marketing and networking, product development and above all entrepreneurial skills and risks taking aptitude ....... the poor appear to be more vulnerable to failure than large businesses. ........ micro-credit cannot be seen independently and must be taken as one of the components of business development. ........ non-financial services such as entrepreneurship development, skills, technological inputs and marketing services are preconditions which give direction to the constructive use of micro-credit. .........the Small Farmer Development Programme which was implemented more than three decades ago (1975) has a repayment rate of 40.42 %. ........ the repayment rate of Small Farmer Cooperatives Limited stands at 80.05% and the Production Credit for Rural Women stand at 64%. ........ micro-credit programmes such as Centre for Self-help Development and Development Project Service Centre and Chhimek Samaj which claim to have a 100% repayment rate. ......... advocating micro-credit and promoting it as an end in itself to the poor may place the poor in more susceptible situation and danger than they already were.
Maoists have put conditions for second phase registration: Martin the Maoists’ condition that the process should start only after improvement of living conditions in the cantonments, government remuneration to registered combatants and formation of a committee envisaged by the Article 146 of the Interim Constitution to take responsibility for the future of the Maoist army ......... the conditions in the camps which have repeatedly proved to be unsatisfactory for weather conditions, which cannot withstand the fast approaching monsoon ........ Martin reiterated the statement given by OHCHR Monday that Internally Displaced People (IDPs) had not been able to return to their homes which, he said, is the breach of the ceasefire agreement. ....... UNMIN personnel currently stood at 311 including 111 monitors from 26 countries. ...... "All parties must fulfil their commitment to respect the rights of all citizens to participate in public life and political activity freely and without fear."
Arrest warrant issued against FNCCI president Dhakal Dhakal's Memento Apparels – the largest garment manufacturing company in the country – has come under the investigation for evasion of revenue amounting to Rs 8.6 million by forging bank guarantee documents.
Yadav in New Delhi, puts three preconditions for talks Formation of high level judicial commission to probe atrocities during Madhesi agitation; stopping government-encouraged attack against MJF cadres; and resignation of Home Minister ........ Yadav – who has remained semi-underground in recent months ...... "If talks are not held, we will stage agitation again" ....... He also ruled out involvement of Hindu extremists or royalists in MJF agitation. ...... he was in New Delhi to seek moral support and solidarity towards Madhes agitation from Indian leaders, people, parties and media. .... Yadav – who was accompanied by NC-Democratic leader Pradeep Giri – was highly critical of the Maoists
NTUC warns of retaliation against Maoists the thrashing of NTUC leader Sarjeet Tamang ..... Maoist affiliated trade unions and student unions have been continuing their excesses against unions affiliated with other political parties
Nepal’s Democracy And Democratic Forces Are Trapped Nepal’s democracy and democratic forces are trapped in an ambush of extreme leftist force ..... Now, CPN-Maoist is heading with clear mission and agenda. Maoists have been more or less successful on their initiative. There is no visionary, committed and dynamic leadership to counter the Maoists who have their objectives and strategies to accomplish their mission. This is the reason the Maoists are gaining day by day but the country and democracy is gradually failing. ......... Having had several meetings with the King ...... Following the restoration of Loktantra, I was sent to prison three times. I want to congratulate the government for giving me an opportunity to prove as the first political prisoner. Even after the promulgation of this interim constitution, I was the first political prisoner.
NSP-A Forms Talks Team for Unification with NSP Himalayan Times The two other members of the talks team are Kasim Siddhiqqi and Surendra Kurmi. ..... The Karna-led NSP had sent a letter to NSP-A some six months ago expressing its "interest in party unification".
You are so outdated! It's like you have learnt nothing new in the last year.
Hoping that the Maoists may do this and may not do that DOESN'T work. Unless there is a _direct_ disincentive for them to become violent, they are not going to abide by any agreements that you make in good faith. Assuming the Maoists will act in good faith has been the worst thing the past year. Let's not start over again!
Declaring a republic by the Parliament is politically expedient but lame, and it will create a lame republic, not a real one.
Without the active participation of the people, a political decree by the 8 parties will hardly be effective. For someone like you who claims to be a democrat, that is so ironic. Democrats don't believe in decrees.
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