Completely Proportional Elections To The Constituent Assembly
Terai problem can be resolved in two weeks, claims Prachanda NepalNews Prachanda has claimed that his party can resolve all ongoing problems in Terai within 15 days if the government gives it full authority to deal with it. ..... has already requested the Prime Minister for such responsibility. ...... he will employ both negotiation and retaliation to tackle the unrest in Terai. ...... "We know Goit, Jwala Singh very well. They were with us for four-five years. We know how to tackle them, which the Congress doesn't know. By understanding their psychology we can do both – negotiate or retaliate," said Prachanda. ...... president of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) Upendra Yadav, too, was Maoist leader in the past. ...... Prachanda also added that one should deal properly with Delhi in order to resolve Terai problem. "The traditional spineless leadership cannot properly secure nation and people. Without appropriately dealing with Delhi, Terai problem cannot be resolved. In changed circumstance, one should also be able to present oneself in tough manner" ....... Prachanda said that pro-palace and feudal elements and Hindu extremists were engaged in violent and disruptive activities in Terai
Massive stir if no govt promise on upkeep of PLA, warns Prachanda Prachanda Saturday warned of nationwide agitation if the government did not come up with a promise for management of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) cantonments by this evening. ..... Prachanda claimed that the government had failed to implement past agreements with his party regarding the upkeep of PLA members and management of cantonments. Nationwide agitation will start from Sunday if no word comes from the government side by the evening ...... accused the government and the UNMIN of indifference towards his offer to involve the PLA men in development works. ...... the PLA members would not, however, leave their camps during the agitation. ...... He also said the Terai problems needed both dialogue and 'arms' for a solution and claimed that the Maoist party would make matters normal in Terai if it were formally asked to.
Maoist could resort to physical confrontation: ICG While the Maoists have accepted multiparty democracy and have lost their appetite for all-out war, they could still resort to physical confrontation if the peace process stagnates ..... joining the parliamentary parties and pushing for a bourgeois 'democratic republic' is just a stepping stone towards a true 'people's republic'. They hope to use the constituent assembly process to restructure the state, secure a dominant position within the multiparty system and move toward their ultimate goal. ...... drew lessons from the failures that caused the collapse of many twentieth-century communist regimes
Girija Will Kill Another 40,000 Nepalis
Prachanda's recent outburst against the Terai is further reason to engineer a further erosion of his political base there. This is your typical, prejudiced Pahadi Bahun. That is his real ideology, that he is a Pahadi Bahun.
Through his statement he has gone naked with his long held utter contempt for the Terai. There is one Madhesi in his central committee: there should have been 10 or more.
His statement also shows that he still does not understand the difference between a state and a political party. Political parties do not engage in "retaliation." Political parties don't do law enforcement work.
His "15 day" claim also shows he seems to be far removed from ground realities.
ICG Report On Madman Prachanda
The solution even to the violent groups in the Terai is not military, it is political. Prachanda should know that more than anyone else. I was at the forefront of arguing the solution to the Maoist insurgency was political, not military in 2005. That benefit of doubt also has to be extended to the armed Terai groups that are much less of a menace than the Maoists were at their violent heights.
The collusion between Prachanda and Girija on the Terai is alarming, but not surprising. These are two Pahadi Bahuns who see eye to eye, they instantly connect, they bond when it comes to the Terai question. Neither aspires to ride the wave of the Madhesi aspirations like you would expect democratic leaders to do. Instead they are offended that the Madhesis want equality.
There is a need for a Madhesi party. There is a need for a Janajati party. There is a need for a Dalit party. And then there is a need for completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly. There is little hope Bahuns like Prachanda and Girija will try to tune into the aspirations of the Madhesi, Janajati, and Dalit. Prachanda is paying lip service, Girija is not even pretending.
Youth Communist League: Prachanda's Brown Shirts
Prachanda's Schizophrenia
In The News
Nepal’s Maoists: Purists or Pragmatists? 18 May 2007
Peace prerequisite for polls: PM
Rayamajhi Commission doesn't recommend action against King, Oli reveals
Local bodies to be formed by June: Dev Gurung
Deuba says he does not vie for any post
April 24 pact obstructing republic, says Pokharel
Home Minister urges Maoists to check YCL activities
Parties striving, making progress Kantipur
MPRF to change track in movement ITAHARI, May 20 - Chairman of the Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) Upendra Yadav said here Saturday that the group will launch a "peaceful agitation" against the government, and that it will no longer call bandas and transport strikes. ...... the MPRF has decided to intensify a nationwide peaceful campaign "as the government failed" to seriously heed the group's demands. .. group won't call general strikes, rather it will expedite peaceful campaigns and organizational activities. ...... "The government seems intent on weakening the agitation and delaying in meeting our demands, instead of seeking a solution" ...... the country's politics will suffer a long-term negative impact for not addressing Madhesi people's demands.... "It will keep growing more ominous if the state keeps delaying our demands."
Wavering over polls date promoting political volatility: Nepal
Govt to get tough with armed groups "The government wants to resolve all problems through dialogue," he said. "But both factions of the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha seek to achieve their goals with the help of arms, snubbing government offer for talks." ...... The two JTMM factions operating in various terai districts have already shot dead five people, four of them incumbent government officials, and kidnapped and carried out extortions against a number of others in less than three months.
Polls only after security situation strengthened: PM
Seven-party commitment to CA can discourage Maoist relapse to arms'
Prachanda warns of "massive agitation" warned of a "massive catastrophe" .... nation-wide protests ..... Prachanda said that he had repeatedly urged the government and the United Nations to mobilize the PLA in the process of national development. ..... the NC was standing in the way of a republic declaration through the parliament. .... commented that the king's visit to Dakshin Kali shrine, the comment made by the Nepal Army's Western Division Commander all added up to point to the fact that the monarchy is practically active still.
On The Web
Pol Pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pol Pot killer file
The Legacy of Pol Pot: Page 1
TIMEasia.com | TIME 100: Pol Pot | 8/23/99-8/30/99
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Pol Pot: Life of a tyrant
Pol Pot, Pol Pot Massacre, Pol Pot Genocide, Cambodia Genocide
The death of Pol Pot
The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century
Pol Pot And Kissinger
Online NewsHour: Pol Pot's Legacy -- June 18, 1997
Chairman Gonzalo on Trial in Peru
RW ONLINE: The 10th Anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's "Speech from ...
Peru: Another Revenge Trial for Chairman Gonzalo
New Trial Scheduled for Chairman Gonzalo
Chairman Gonzalo, the Communist Party of Peru and the People's War
Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo!
Abimael Guzmán - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trial date set for Chairman Gonzalo | Mostly Water