Sunday, May 06, 2007

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा

ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणामा नभम्बर १२ को िमिटङको िनर्णय अनुसार मेरो अध्यक्षता रहेको संगठन हाम्रो नेपालको तत्वावधानमा न्यु यर्क मेट्रोका सबै नेपाली संगठनका अध्यक्ष अथवा प्रितिनिधलाई यसै सन्देश मार्फत म डाक्दछु। कृपया १० िमनेट अगािड नै अाउनुहोला तािक हाम्रो िमिटङ समयमै शुरू हुन सकोस्।

कोहीले भन्लान सेन्ट्रल पार्कमा िकन? जाडो गयो। गर्मी अायो। गर्मीलाई स्वागत गरौं। अमेिरकाको सबैभन्दा पुरानो पार्क सेन्ट्रल पार्क। त्यो ऐितहािसक िमिटङ जसले न्यु यर्क मेट्रोका सबै नेपाली संगठनको छाता संगठनको स्थापना गर्नेछ भन्ने मैले पुर्ण िवश्वास िलएको छु त्यसकालािग सेन्ट्रल पार्कभन्दा बढी उपयुक्त ठाउँ अरू कुन हुन सक्छ? छाता संगठन स्थापना गर्नुपर्ने भनेको न्यु यर्कको मेनस्ट्रीममा नेपाली कम्युिनटीलाई लगौं भन्ने अाग्रह हो। त्यसैले क्वीन्सको कुनै एकान्त कुनामा लुकीिछपी भेंट्नुभन्दा खुल्लमखुल्ला न्यु यर्क शहरको सबैभन्दा केन्द्रीय स्थलमा भेंट्नु उपयुक्त म देख्दछु।

ताराजीले पिहलो कदम चाल्नुभयो, खगेन्द्रजीले त्यस प्रयासमा तल्ला थप्नुभयो। मेरो छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव वहाँहरूको िवरोधी नभएर वहाँहरूकै काँधमािथ चढेर नेपाली कम्युिनटीलाई अझै संगिठत र बिलयो बनाउन खोज्ने प्रयास हो।

म चाहौंला मई १२ को िमिटङ दुई घण्टाभन्दा बढी नलम्िबयोस्। मैले स्वागत भाषण तीन िमनेट गरौंला। त्यसपिछ िवगत छ मिहनाका कर्िडनेशन किमटीका हाम्रा कर्िडनेटर तारा िनरौलाले तीन िमनेट बोल्नुहोला िवगत छ मिहनाका हाम्रा कम्युिनटीका गितिविधहरूबारे। त्यसपिछ उपस्िथत ३०-३५ जनाले एक िमनेटभन्दा कम लगाएर अा-अाफ्नो नाम, पिरचय, संगठनको नाम भन्नुहोला। यसरी अाधा घन्टा िबत्नेछ।

त्यसपिछ मैले छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव राख्नेछु। त्यसबारे सबैले पालैिपलो १-१ िमनेट बोल्नुहुनेछ। यसरी ३० िमनेट जित िबत्नेछ। त्यसपिछ यिद सर्वसम्मतबाट प्रस्ताव पािरत हुने नदेिखएमा दोस्रो राउण्ड छलफल हुनेछ। त्यसमा प्रमुख ४-५ जनाले २-२ िमनेट बोल्नुहुनेछ। त्यसपिछ खुल्लमखुल्ला भोिटङ हुनेछ। मलाई पुर्ण िवश्वास छ छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव भारी बहुमतबाट पािरत हुनेछ भन्ने कुरा। यिद पािरत भएन भने मई मिहनाको िमिटङको कन्िभनरको हैिसयतले म अागामी छ मिहनाकालािग कर्िडनेटर हुन्छु र नभम्बरकोकन्िभनर चुन्नुपर्नेछ।

छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव पािरत भएर छाता संगठनको स्थापना भएमा हामीले तुरुन्तै केही महत्वपूर्ण िनर्णयहरू गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। पिहलो हो पाँच पदािधकारीको िनर्वाचन। अध्यक्ष, २ उपाध्यक्ष, सेक्रेटरी, र ट्रेजरर। म अध्यक्ष पदको दावेदार हुँ। म चाहौंला िनर्िवरोध नै िनर्वािचत होअौं। होइन भने चुनाव हुन्छ। उम्मेदवारहरूले २-२ िमनेट बोलनेछन्। त्यसपिछ हात उठाएर खुल्लमखुल्ला भोिटङ हुन्छ। अरूहरू पदहरूकालािग अा-अाफै अगािड अाउनुपर्यो। लुना रंिजत सेक्रेटरी भइिदए हुन्थ्यो, चन्द्र प्रकाश शर्मा ट्रेजरर भइिदए हुन्थ्यो भन्ने त मलाई लागेको हो। जनजाित समुहबाट कोही एक जना उपाध्यक्ष भए हुन्थ्यो जस्तो त मलाई लागेको हो।

त्यसपिछ २-४ वटा किमटी गठन गर्नुपर्ने भएकोछ। पिहलो हो Social Affairs Committee। मेरो प्रस्ताव रहनेछ ताराजीले यसको अध्यक्ता गर्नुहोस्। िविभन्न नेपाली कार्यक्रमहरूमा वहाँलाई मुख्य अितिथको रूपमा डाक्ने गरेको मैले देखेको छु। त्यो कायम रहोस्।

दोस्रो हो Political Committee। यसमा युथ काउन्िसल, अलायन्स, टेक गुरूङवाला फोरम, मेरै हाम्रो नेपाल, लुनाको अिधकार सम्िमिलत रहने छन्। हामीले न्यु यर्कमा नेपालीहरूलाई मतािधकार िदलाउनकालािग खट्नेछौं। यस किमटीको प्रमुख काम हुनेछ मेट्िरक्स बनाउने र दशौं हजारको संख्यामा नेपालीहरूलाई संगिठत गर्ने। मेट्िरक्स ले हामीलाई नेपाली कम्युिनटी बािहर जान पिन सघाउनेछ। अरू दक्िषण एिसयाली, एिसयाली समूहहरू, अफ्िरकी र िहस्प्यािनक समूहहरू। हामीले िवस्तारै सबैलाई नेतृत्व प्रदान गर्नेछौं। Global South को एकता चािहयो।

तेस्रो Community Center Feasibility Committee। कम्युिनटी सेन्टर खोल्ने िक नखोल्ने, खोल्ने भए कसरी खोल्ने जस्ता कुरा छन्।

चौथो, Convention Committee। प्रत्येक मे मिहनामा हामीले एउटा नेपाली कन्भेन्शन गर्ने। हाम्रो छाता संगठनको अाम्दानीको मुख्य स्रोत यही नै हुनेछ।

र यी सबै कामकालािग छ मिहनामा एक पटक हामी भेला हुने, अरू बेलाकालािग मैले एउटा अनलाइन अिफस खोलेको छु। ANONYM: Online Office हामीले इन्टरनेट र इमेलको भरपुर प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ। मुखामुख भेटेर मात्र काम हुने पिरपाटी त्याग्नुपर्छ नत्र िक त कामै हुँदैन, िक त एकदम िढलो हुन्छ। अनलाइन अिफसमा नेपालीमा लेख्ने सुिवधा पिन छ।

र एउटा महत्वपूर्ण कुरा। अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघलाई डाउन पार्न यो छाता संगठन खोल्न लागेको भन्ने हल्ला पिन यत्रतत्र सुिनन्छ। त्यो सही होइन। नेपालको पिरप्रेक्षयमा जनजाित अिधकारकालािग न्यु यर्कको अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघले एकदमै ठुलो भूिमका खेल्दै अाएको छ र त्यो संघर्ष त जारी नै छ र त्यसप्रित मेरो पुरा नैितक समर्थन छ।

तर यो न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठन िकन खोल्नुपरेको भन्दा खेिर नेपालमा जसरी मधेशी, जनजाित, दिलत, मिहला राजनीितक रूपले िपछिडएका छन् त्यसै गरी न्यु यर्कमा सबै नेपाली िपछिडएका छन, चाहे त्यो नेपाली बाहुन होस्, क्षेत्री होस्, मधेशी जनजाित जेसुकै होस्। र यो छाता संगठनको अाइिडया र प्रेरणा नै मैले अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघ बाट पाएको हुँ। यो छाता संगठनले न्यु यर्कमा संघर्ष गर्नेछ सबै नेपालीकालािग। अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघको अाफ्नै स्थान छ र त्यो कायम नै रहनेछ।

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणामा अाउन निबर्िसनुहोला। १० िमनेट अगािड नै अाउनुहोला।

NYC Nepali
न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठनको अावश्यकता
New York Metro Nepalis: Organizational Challenges
ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro

In The News

Sushil Koirala, Poudel deplore Maoist attempt to foil NC programme NepalNews transport strike by pro-Maoist elements in Hetauda, Kalaiya and Nijgadh area to affect the NC meeting. .... leftist parties have also made moves to forge larger communist unity – a move that has ruffled the feathers of NC leaders
Police firing kills protester in Sarlahi
Maoists for forming republican alliance: Badal 'third Jana Andolan' will be launched to achieve republic through streets. ..... his party was preparing to declare republic through street, parliament and government. He said an alliance of republican forces would soon be formed. .... his party did not favour immediate replacement of government's leadership. ..... senior Maoist leader Mohan Baidya 'Kiran' had said that republic cannot be announced by isolating Nepali Congress. ..... they were raising issue of leftist unity to foil moves to isolate the Maoists

Students Condemn MJF Decision to Contest Polls Himalayan Times "The government is trying to escape from its responsibility to provide treatment to the people injured during the movement," Jha said. ..... Citing the MJF's submissive attitude and double standards, the students' body officially cut its relation with the MJF.
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Chure-Bhawar Samaj urges govt to create favorable climate for talks Kantipur The Samaj's coordinator Babu Thapa has demanded that the manslaughter charges against nine of the society’s cadres be dropped as well as the formation of a high-level probe to investigate into the loss incurred by the people of hilly origin during the Terai unrest be launched, declaration of Pahades (people of hilly origin) killed during the unrest period as martyrs before sitting down for talks.
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Village couple evicted for ‘love marriage’
Parliament can declare a republic at once if parties agree: Speaker

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UML, Maoists agree to call eight-party meet immediately Kantipur
Madhesi judge to head panel to probe into Madhesi movement
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Decision on monarchy through CA polls: Poudel
End impunity: OHCHR
Leaders back republican cause on first Janaandolan II anniversary
OHCHR-Nepal lauds HR activists' role during, after April movement

MJF forms four-member talk team NepalNews led by its chairman Upendra Yadav ..... Sitanandan Raya, Kishor Kumar Bishwas Tharu and Mohammad Nasir Siddiqui
Congress blamed for CA polls uncertainty Mohan Baidya aka Kiran accused that the prime minister had thrown CA into uncertainty at the guidance of the United States and India ...... Stressing the need for larger leftist unity, Baidya went on to castigate PM Koirala as a new "King" ..... Threatening to unite all the leftist forces, the two largest communist parties have asked the NC to toe their line and announce republic through the parliament.
Seven parties registered with EC CPN (Marxist Leninist), Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandi Devi), CPN (United), Rastriya Janata Dal, Nepal Samata Party, Dalit Janajati Party and Hariyali Nepal Party. ..... 23 political parties have been registered with the EC till today.
Cabinet decides to form judicial commission to probe atrocities during terai unrest The meeting of the council of ministers held this morning has decided to form a judicial probe commission to investigate into the terai unrest and subsequent reports of atrocities. ..... decided that the commission would be led by retired Justice from Madhesi community
UML, Maoists discuss left unity; bash PM Maoist chairman Prachanda and UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal held meeting Wednesday morning to discuss the possibility of Left unity for constituent assembly polls. ...... finalising the new date for the constituent assembly election and declaring Nepal a republic through the interim Legislature-Parliament. .... at the UML party headquarter in Balkhu ..... blamed Prime Minister GP Koirala for all the delays in holding the election on scheduled time. ..... reached an understanding for formation of the Left alliance for republic. The leaders also agreed that referendum could be another way to end monarchy. ..... Bharat Mohan Adhikari, Bam Dev Gautam, Amirt Kumar Bohara, Dr. Baburam Bhattarai were also present
Civil society leaders question NA salute to King Gyanendra
Maoist lawmakers demand NC's viewpoint on republic announcement accused the Prime Minister for working against the peace process and posing obstacle in the announcement of republic. .... "The declaration of republic (through the parliament) is the only option now. What is NC's viewpoint on this?" asked Janardan Sharma, a Maoist lawmaker. ....... The meeting further asked the government to cancel the recommendations made by Electoral Constituency Delineation Commission (ECDC).
Poudel hints govt's readiness to cast aside ECDC counsel given demands by Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), Madhesi MPs and even the Maoists, the government faced 'constitutional complications' in implementing the recommendations made by ECDC ..... the press meet organised to inform the MJF of the government's willingness to create conducive environment for talks with them. ...... the government would guarantee security to MJF leaders who come for the talks. "The government urges the MJF to suspend their Madhes bandh scheduled for April 20-22 to create environment from their side"
MJF reiterates old demands, asks govt to stop constituency delineation process reiterating its demands for immediate halt in the electoral constituency delineation process and an inquiry into the loss of lives and property during the agitations in Terai.
MJF, JTMM (Goit) welcome talks offer, demand 'conducive environment' the JTMM led by Jaya Krishna Goit has also urged the government to create a conducive environment for talks. ...... Talking to journalists in Itahari on Sunday, Goit said there was no alternative to talks and that his party was still ready to sit for talks. .... He said the government should announce a ceasefire soon and release all arrested JTMM leaders and cadres unconditionally for talks.
Poudel asks MJF, JTMM to come to the table urged all sides to assist in holding the election to constituent assembly as it is the only way to settle all contentious issues.
Elections postponement not a disaster: Martin Ian Martin has said that "if dealt with properly, the postponement of the polls can provide an opportunity to strengthen the peace process." ..... to hold successful CA elections, mere technical preparations are not adequate. He stressed the need to ensure representation of traditionally marginalised communities. ....... He referred to the comprehensive peace pact ending the conflict; storage of Maoist weapons under UN monitoring; mutual cooperation among Maoist army, Nepali Army and the UN; promulgation of interim constitution; formation of interim parliament and Maoist-included interim cabinet within one year as the evidence of the rapid advancement of peace process, which he added takes time anywhere.

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