Home Minister: Bamdev Gautam (April 21, 2006)
It is very important to get Krishna Sitaula out of the Home Ministry. And it is not at all fair for Koirala to claim the PM and DPM positions as well as the three key ministries of Defense, Home and Finance for the Congress. The Congress does not have that many MPs in the interim parliament.
PM, fine, let that be Koirala.
But the UML needs to continue to get the DPM slot. It is wrong for Koirala to suggest he will give a DPM slot to the UML if Oli gets to continue as DPM. It is not for Koirala to decide who the UML makes its DPM candidate. Koirala seems to be wary a strong personality like Bamdev Gautam might show up.
Just like there was no provision whatsoever in the 1990 constitution for the king to become Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, the idea of a Senior Deputy Prime Minister is ridiculous. For one, the title is so long it sounds like the title of some monarch. I thought we were trying to get rid of the monarchy.
Amik Sherchan out, Krishna Mahara in. Let the guy be the second DPM.
There is great danger in creating a Senior Deputy Prime Minister position. Should a Maoist hold that seat, and should something happen to Koirala - say one morning he does not wake up at all - then you are looking at a Maoist Prime Minister for the country, however temporary that might be. Maoist misbehavior on the ground is alarming. That can not be allowed to happen.
If Koirala likes Krishna Sitaula so much, let him have him as Defense Minister, although I feel Krishna Sitaula is singularly disqualified for that particular ministry. The guy lacks basic spine. His ways are too appeasing.
I like the idea of the UML wanting to bring in a new team on its part into the government.
Bamdev Gautam has spine. He will be a much better Home Minister than Krishna Sitaula has been. He will be much less likely to get bullied around by the Maoists.
But the weirdest part is how the eight parties are acting like the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement is over, that they have managed to brush it aside. The insensitivity on their part is so overwhelming.
Girija's style is to be as little accomodative as possible. He wants to take no prisoners. He is not a consensus seeker like Bill Clinton. He just does not have the smarts, the energy. When organized groups make demands, they speak for the people. Someone of democratic charater would want to respond. But Girija does not. He wants to snuff it out, he wants to disrespect it. He totally has disrespected a major mass movement, and so the seeds of discontent have been sown all over the Terai.
I hope the MJF and NEFIN look into all options and go for one final push, or go for the electoral option with gusto. In a democracy, you go to the people. I guess what these groups are saying is we are not big like the political parties, but our grievances are genuine. They both have wanted to be a civil rights movement rather than political parties. Circumstances might lead them to change that mindset. It will be sweet to watch the Congress getting decimated at the pollig booths across the Madhesh.
A skillful politician with a democratic bent would have wanted to use the opportunity for a new government as a way to meet the Madhesi Movement's key demand of the Home Minister's removal, but Girija is not giving ground. With that attitude, his party will hold ground for a while, and then the ground will shift beneath its feet. The downslide will be swift. In a democracy people catch up with you fast.
Magar Event
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Lawoti: Ethnic Or Administrative Federalism
Mainstreaming The Maoists: Various Scenarios
Madhesi, Janajati, Business Community
Three Parties: Congress, Communist, Sadbhavana
ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro
Joint Movement
What Girija Could Have Done
Empowering Nepalis In New York City
Dipendra Jha: The Real Picture Of The Madhesi Movement
No Guns, Explosives, Weapons Outside Cantonments
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
It Is Tough For The Madhesi
Upendra Yadav: Madhesi Martin Luther King
New MJF Strategy: Hit The State, Not The People
Krishna Sitaula: Appeaser, Not Peacemaker
A Federal Republic Electoral Alliance Against The Maoists Needed
Sadist Koirala, Kans Sitaula, Pol Pot Prachanda
Further Compromise: Mixed Election With Reservations
5 Point Demand: Compromise Formula So Elections Can Be Held In June
MJF And NEFIN Must Become Political Parties
The Economist: Nepal's Ethnic Politics: The New Battlefront
Brikhesh Chandra Lal: Suspicion Emanating From The Message
Should The MJF Indefinite Strike Continue? Yes
Girija Bahun Baje Dumbass
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Victory Scenarios
Ensuring Ethnic And Gender Representation In The Constituent Assembly
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Confusion, Clarity
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: A Few Scenarios
होला त जेठमा चुनाव - वर्तमान परिस्थितिमा जेठमा चुनाव हुनसक्ने प्राविधिक अवस् था बिथोलि“दै गए पनि नेताहरू इमानदारीपर्ूवक यो कुरा स्वीकार्न तयार देखि“दैनन् सकेसम्म अन्य साझेदार दलहरूलाई महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा मन्त्रालय नदिने प्रधानमन्त्रीको अडान ...... प्रचण्ड र नेपालस“गको भेटमा प्रधानमन्त्रीले वरष्िठ उपप्रधानमन्त्री, गृह, रक्ष्ँा र अर्थ मन्त्रालय काङ्ग्रेसकै भागमा पर्नुपर्ने दाबी गरेको ..... "मेरो अवस्था तपाईंहरूलाई थाहा छ“दैछ, वरष्िठ उपप्रधानमन्त्री, गृह र रक्षा । यी मन्त्रालय तपाईंहरू दाबी गर्दै नगर्नुस्" ....... एमालेले उपप्रधानमन्त्रीसहित गृहको समेत दाबी गर्यो ...... घुमाउरो पारामा कोइरालाले वामदेव गौतमलाई उपप्रधान र गृहमन्त्री बनाउन आफू कुनै हालतमा तयार नभएको जनाएका थिए ..... संविधानसभाको मिति तत्काल घोषणा हुनुपर्ने, अन्तरमि सरकारको आचारसंहिता तत्काल बनाउनुपर्ने, मन्त्रालय बा“डफा“टमा ठूला पार्टर्ीीबीच तत्काल सहमति हुनुपर्ने अनि मात्र प्रधानमन्त्रीको चयन मात्र नभई, पर्ूण्ा मन्त्रिमण्डल नै गठन गरनिुपर्ने अडान राख्ने निर्ण्र्ााएमालेले गर्यो । ....... कोइरालाको स्वास् थ्यस्थितिमा अपेक्षाकृत सुधार आएको छ ..... मधेशको समस्या आइलाग्नेबित्तिकै मन्त्री पदबाट राजीनामा दिएर आन्दोलनको आगो सल्काउन सद्भावना पार्टर्ीी खेलेको भूमिकाले निश्चय पनि संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनलाई मद्दत गरेन । ...... माओवादीहरूको आचरणमा सुधार खोज्ने तर आफै“ लुटेराहरूको आचरणबाट मुक्त हुन नसक्ने नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसका नेताहरूको व्यवहार ...... सुजाता कोइरालाको नाम भ्रष्ट आर्थिक गतिविधिहरूस“ग जोडिनु ...... नेपालका राजनीतिक दलका नेताहरूमा ठूलो परविर्तन थेग्नसक्ने क्षमता नै छैन ....... "००७ सालदेखि ०१५ सालसम्म संविधानसभाकै नाममा राजाले खेलेर बिताए । अब अहिले सात दलका नेताहरू त्यही कुरालाई दोहोर्याएर आफ्नो सत्ता लम्ब्याउने फिराकमा छन् । ...... कोइरालाले विराटनगरमा टिप्पणी गर्नु भयो, "सबै हतियार कसैले पनि बुझाउ“दैन । हामीले पनि बुझाएनौ“ । सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा कुरा विश्वास हो ।" ..... कसैले पनि दलीय स् वार्थभन्दा बाहिर निस्किएर दलित, जनजाति र अढाइ सय वर्षम्म राज्यपद्धतिमा समावेश नगरएिका नागरकिहरूको चिन्ता गरेका छैनन् । प्रभावका हिसाबले पनि, राजनीतिक दलहरू सा“घुर“िदै गएका छन् । जनजाति र दलितहरूमा दलहरूमाथिको अविश्वास बढ्दै गएको छ । मधेशमा जसरी आन्दोलन उठ्यो ... त्यसबाट दलहरूले आफ्नो प्रभावको विस्तार गर्न नसकेको स्पष्ट देखिएको छ । ....... जेठमा चुनाव हुन नसके पृथ्वी नै पग्लिन सक्ने आशङ् काले सात दलका नेताहरू मात्र होइन, माओवादी नेताहरू पनि आक्रान्त छन् । ...... चैत २ गतेको एमाले स् थायी समितिको बैठकले चाहि“ अन्तरमि सरकार गठनमा नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको भूमिका बाधक बनेको निष्कर्षनिकाल्यो ..... प्रधानमन्त्री र गृहमन्त्री एउटै दलको हुन नहुने निष्कर्षएमाले स्थायी कमिटी बैठकको छ ....... काङ्ग्रेसका रामचन्द्र पौडेल, एमालेका भीम रावल, माओवादीका डा बाबुराम भट्टर्राई र काङ्गे्रस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का डा प्रकाशशरण महत .... शर्ीष्ा नेताहरूको बैठकबाट अपराह्न बाहिरएिर खुलामञ्चको कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्न पुगेका माओवादी अध्यक्ष्ँ प्रचण्डले भनेका थिए, "सरकार गठन गर्न त्यति सजिलो छैन ।" ..... यसअघि भएका बैठकहरूमा भने माओवादीको व्यवहार मुख्य मुद्दा बन्दै आएको थियो ।
On The Web
Coalition government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma - Wikipedia ...
coalition government: Information from Answers.com
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma - Toward ...
Palestinian parliament OKs coalition government / Norway announces ...
People's Daily Online -- Finland's PM to form new coalition government
[PDF]Government Support Structures in Coalition Governments: Towards an ...
Amazon.com: Coalition Governments in Western Europe (Comparative ...
Politics of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United We Fall: Is a coalition government appropriate for India ...
New Coalition Government in India - New York Times
India's Hindu chauvinist-led coalition government calls early election
Coalition Government and Politics in India/edited by Subhash C ...
Coalition Politics in India : Problems and Prospects/edited by ...
1 comment:
Welll- I agree all of thcurrent leaders must go- but I don't think this will be the case.
Now, with Madhesh killings- I strongly feel that it's time Sitaula must quit and Girija should find ways to unite a nation breaking apart and slipping towards yet another bloody conflict.
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