----- Original Message -----
From: Ram Sah
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 5:29 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: On regional autonomy and New Nepal
Hello All:
I am copying the the follwing two website about Nepalgaj incidence.
It is my sincere request to all of you to watch the vedio and and post your opinion on the contents of these two vedios in relation to but not limited to the following:
1. Current democratic government fosters communal harmony or promotes subjugation of one ethnic group by the other?
2. State of moral responsibilities of those who are in power Nepal.
3. Justification of the use of force by the government in Eastern Terai in relation to that in Nepalganj.
I hope to have an honest discussion on this issue.
Ram N. Sah
----- Original Message -----
From: apahari@comcast.net
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 7:18 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: On regional autonomy and New Nepal
Ram ji:
Thanks for sharing. This is a very disturbing video record. I see:
a) a young teenage or just past teenage Hill crowd completely out of control
b) selective targeting and destruction of Madhesi property
c) complete abdication of responsibility by police to intercede and stop the destruction of citizen property, and in some cases passive collusion,
On the basis of this Nepalganj indicent alone, I think the demand for Home Minister Krishna Sitaula's resignation is warranted.
I also fail to see why police had to use such harsh crowd control measures in the eastern tarai when in Nepalganj they were happy to be silent, and even seemingly entertained, when the Hill crown went totally beserk. It is hard to explain this anomaly as anything other than state-supported discrimation against madhesis. Maybe from this distance I don't know the full facts, but as they say, if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, ...then it must be a duck...
How can madhesis feel a part of the Nepali nation-state, when an important state institution like the police force is so uncaring at a time when madhesi citizens needed their protection so badly? Among other things, this is a very strong argument in favor of a totally local police force accountable to a locally elected government.
And finally, I don't see how loktantra or any other kind of tantra is going to work in Nepal, if the state cannot (or will not) bring a simple mobocracy incident in a prvincial town under control quickly, fairly and effectively. And in great irony, many of the very same kids seen burning the property of fellow citizens in the video were also certainly present in great numbers during the 19 days of the last janandolan. the janandolan succeeded, and yet there is no one to tell these kids that in loktantra such acts and divisive sentiments cannot be tolerated, or to tell the police that this was gross, some would say criminal, negligence in it's part.
----- Original Message -----
To: "nepal democracy"
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 8:23 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: On regional autonomy and New Nepal
> Dear Ram Jee:
> Thank you for posting the web site about Nepalhanj incidence as well
> as posing the questions for discussion. I feel you may get some
> response that would be real sympathetic from pahade people who will be
> truely appauled and some just wanting to be politically correct. Some
> may come up with counter video of Madhshi's burning Pahade's house/
> property during recent madheshi movement. Some may just want to "look
> forward" to NEW NEPAL. Some may bring up high caste Madheshi
> operassion over low caste madheshi and many other example. I'm
> curious to see the opinion on your question from pahade friends.
> This video is testamont of how pahade people who have migrated to
> terai; and government dominated by pahade's, utter disrespect for
> Madheshi people/property, there inherent belive transfered by their
> fore fathers that Masheshi's are not really nepali. I still belive
> that majority of people of pahade origin do not beleive that
> madheshi's are real nepali in their heart. They think madheshi's are
> bihari's or some one just would like to be part of india. Their is
> not much changed what I saw growing up 30 years ago and now. Just
> look at the various blog and chats/ comments, etc.. You can see the
> disgust/disrespect from these "pure Nepali" people towards the second
> class madheshi who they feel, does not belong to be part of nepal.
> Whatever the reason may be for all these beleives, the reality is that
> that's how majority of pahade see madheshi's. A seond class citizen
> not deserving to be considered true nepali.
> I'm not suprprised to see the pahade dominated police administration
> standing and watching carnage in this video. At the same time, these
> pahade dominated police being trigger happy in eastern nepal
> demonstration in the name of keeping "law and order".
> What does surprise me that these pahade people watch Hindi movie's,
> sing hindi songs, mostly get education in india, copy cat indian
> styles etc... yet hate india in their heart and consequently dish it
> out on Madheshi's.
> Bottom line is:
> There is no justification for this now nor it was in past.
> The current power holders are no more capable of being morally
> responsible then they were before on this issue.
> Integration of madheshi (people, culture, representation etc..) in
> heart and mind of pahade people is needed. How can this happen?
> Unfortunately I do not see visionary leader yet to bring about this
> much needed change. I hope and pray that true visionary leader
> emerges and take our country in new direction. Till then lot's of
> Madheshi will be Madhshi first and Nepali second; and Pahade will
> treat Madheshi as second class citizen. Recoincilliation and
> restoration will be distant hope.
> Sincerely
> Lalit Jha
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pramod Kantha"
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 8:26 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: On regional autonomy and New Nepal
> Anup Ji: I echo everything you have said. This is what happens when
> state institutions do not incorporate the diversity of the country and
> hence are incapable of playing their supposed role as neutral defender
> of people's lives and properties. The deeply embeded segregation that
> has been cultivated in Nepal over so many years will also take years to
> overcome and one can only hope that there will be time and will to do
> so; otherwise, peace and order in Nepal will be very illusive
> proposition no matter how much one wishes it. Those who talk
> idealistically of great things need to pay greater attention to the
> realities on the ground and examine which
> groups/individuals/institutions are perpetrating misdeeds that undermine
> the moral and political fibers of the country. My readings of many of
> the postings on this forum leave me with the impression that many of the
> members are still hung up in their old mindset of holier than thou
> attitude and take a condesending view of the plight
> of Madhesis. It is high time that people align their world views with
> realities on the ground and come to terms with the nagging gap between
> professions of high ideals and failure to follow their logical
> conclusions.
> Pramod Kantha
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ram Sah"
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 10:10 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: On regional autonomy and New Nepal
> Dear Alok Ji:
> May I request your opinion on the application of your article in Nepal in
> relation to two videos+questions I have posted. More specifically I would
> like hear your views on the following questions in relation to my posting:
> 1. Are 'Pahadi population in power' capable of change of their heart and
> capable of treating Madheshi and rest of unrepresented Nepali fairly and
> respectfully.
> 2. Why should Madheshi choose to live with those who have not only
> discriminated them traditionally but are perpetuating their colonization
> in
> even today's democratic government?
> I will appreciate your wise guidance in this matter.
> With regards,
> Ram Sah
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alok K. Bohara, PhD"
> To:
> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 7:15 PM
> Subject: [ND] Re: On regional autonomy and New Nepal
>> Dear Hariji, Jugalji, Jagadishji, Ambikaji, Arunji,
>> Murariji, Girijaji, and others
>> Thank you very much for your kind words. It is a difficult
>> time for Nepal and Nepalis, and so no model and or state
>> structure is going to be a perfect fit for a country like
>> Nepal filled with so much fascinating cultural and
>> geographic variations. What I have expressed in my
>> writing is one of many options.
>> Thank you.
>> Best,
>> Alok Bohara
>> *****************
>> I too read/appreciated Alok-ji's article and sent him a
>> short note with appreciation! In today's world you do not
>> divide people from caste/religion ethnicity basis. Today's
>> inter-dependant world is quite complex. Diversity is a
>> necessity! Regional autonomy is fine. New England towns in
>> USA over 150 years ago were self governing for example. A
>> country like Nepal needs a strong central government. I
>> strongly think and believe so!
>> I am wondering if some folk could bring in debates on
>> Federalist Papers in the present Nepal's context on
>> Federalism ( i do not quite remember it at the moment)
>> On the other hand I wrote a brief essay on harmony from
>> personal standpoint. Wanted to share it in Nepal. Though
>> published quite a bit in my younger days, today I am not
>> a known commodity in Nepal. I will see if there are takes
>> in Nepal if not I will share it here!
>> We need to continue to continue discussing Federalism and
>> also human pain and sufferings with a focus on madhise
>> psyche. Some of us with personal perspectives should also
>> bring out remote Pahad's issues. Human sensitivity can
>> only do good!
>> I myself like to think like Vijay Lama and Jugal Bhurtel
>> once more! May be I have a luxury others do not.
>> In US we all Madhise or Pahade are all standing on our
>> individual feet. Has US become a fair, just society. I
>> have always raised these issues!
>> What needs to be done will always remain as a question.
>> Arun
>> ================
>> In a message dated 2/12/2007 10:19:56 A.M. US Mountain
>> Standard Time, ambika.adhikari@gmail.com writes:
>> I join Hari jee and Jagadish jee in congratulating Alok
>> jee for a well written and thoughtful article.
>> This is a critical time in Nepal, where politicians and
>> various ethnic groups are working on the restructuring of
>> the state. Well analyzed arguments about the pros and
>> cons of various options of creating a federation will
>> greatly help these groups in making the best choice. Alok
>> jee's article adds value in this regard.
>> I personally think that a federation with some level of
>> local autonomy and revenue sharing program will be good
>> for Nepal, if designed properly. I tend to agree with
>> Alok jee in creating mixed regions, and am not comfortable
>> with establishing provinces based solely on ethnicity.
>> However, as a small country in the midst of two giants,
>> and as a nation of minorities (no group is majority in
>> Nepal), Nepal needs a strong central government to provide
>> national coherence, and to dispel any centripetal
>> tendencies in the regions.
>> Congratulations and thank you Alok jee, for contributing.
>> Ambika P. Adhikari
>> On 2/12/07, Danfe
>> Alokji,
>> Great article. Congratulations. Good to know that you are
>> an expert and so thorough in analysis of this subject too.
>> Thankyou Dulalji for posting.
>> Jagadish Upadhyay
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Hari Bansha Dulal
>> To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
>> Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 11:19 PM
>> Subject: [ND] On regional autonomy and New Nepal
>> An excellent article by Dr. Bohara.
>> On regional autonomy and New Nepal
>> http://kantipuronline.com/kolnews.php?&nid=100378
>> Cheers,
>> HBD
>> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:30:46 -0800 (PST)
>> Murari Sharma
>>> Dear Alok ji,
>>> Congratulations for the very well articulated article
>>>in TKP. I tend to share most of your views included in
>>>the article.
>>> Best.
>>> Murari
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Have a burning question? Go to Yahoo! Answers and get
>>>answers from real people who know.
>>> >
>> Alok K. Bohara, Ph.D.
>> Professor
>> Department of Economics
>> University of New Mexico
>> Albuquerque, NM 87131,USA
>> Ph: 505-277-5903/5304(w)
>> Fax:505-277-9445
>> email: bohara@unm.edu
>> http://www.unm.edu/~econ/faculty/professors.html
>> Nepal Study Center: http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu
----- Original Message -----
From: Kiran Sitoula
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:43 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: (Fwd) [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nep
Dr. Shah
Namaste from DC!
Question is not if we should reinstate him.
More importantly, does he want to come back? If so is he willing to abide by the rules. Even the Federal Govt is having hard time with spammers so you can imagine what private citizens had to go through while he was spamming. When I see junk mail I designate it as such. I;m sure you do too. When I find the person who creates it, I view him similarly.
He can reapply if he wants to with 2 supports in order to initiate his serious discussion. Nepal needs him but not this forum.
By kicking Parmendra out, we did not ban him or his ideas but his habits of disrespect for others and unwillingness to coexist with others and those differing with his view points.
BTW we both highly spoke of you when we had our most recent phone conversation last week.
Sukhdeo Shah
February 13, 2007
Dear Deepak ji:
Greetigns from Fiji and thank you for giving your reasonable assessment of issues
sorrounding Permendra ji's explusion from the group. I agree that he shuld exercise more
discretion in his postings but I see nothing he has done that merits his expulsion.
He has a zeal and commitment to do what is right to push for Terai's cause and we need
more people like him willing to devote so much time and energy for keeping the campaign
Not only Permendra ji needs to be re-instated into the group but also he should receive an
apology from the group supporting his expulsion.
I find the action taken against him truly detatasteful,
Kind regards,
Sukhdev Shah
USP, Suva
Fiji Islands
------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:54:20 -0500
From: Deepak Khadka
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Send reply to: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
If we are having a competition of defending Paramendra, I should be getting the gold medal.
I have been defending Paramendra (not just his freedom, but his views as well !) since 1998.
His ideas of a South Asian Economic Union (TND days circa 1998), Madhesi empowerment,
federal republic (on and off), religious conversion (Paramemdra's active years in Sajha 2002-
03) - I was not only impressed by them, but have defended them online and offline
throughout these years.
When Paramendra was expelled from ND group for the FIRST TIME, I probably was the first
person to request the moderators to reinstate him (I had written directly to the moderators to
that effect). I only failed to oppose his expulsion for the SECOND TIME. But then, nobody did
not fail either. I do not remember any ND member of any sex, race, political orientation and
age opposing Paramendra's expulsion from ND forum for the SECOND TIME.
That said, to those who are curious to learn about the circumstances/reasons for
Paramendra's expulsion from ND group, I'd suggest to browse Paramendra's postings in the
archive of our forum (just get to nepaldemocracy google group web page and search).
I can not vouch whether Paramendra's views contributed to his expulsion, but I can vouch
that he was expelled for violating posting etiquette.
And I think if he agrees to practice ordinary etiquette, he will be a good thing to have in our
So, if there is anybody who can make him agree to practice simple etiquette (don't bombard
the forum with advertisements/links, don't publish ND's matter of confidential nature to his
website, don't be too much rude to everybody) he ignored to practice last time, I will fight, if
need be, with everybody in ND group to reinstate Paramendra.
I give my word.
----- Original Message -----
From: Subodh
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 3:01 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Dear Friends,
I do not remember our rule on the removal. But we can assume that it is very
democratic in nature and culture. If Parmendra has been removed from this forum, it's
a blunder. And I urge to repeal please. I believe we call member's view before taking
any stringent step unless some one has committed seriously visible crime.
On 2/11/07, Ram Sah wrote:
Dear Anil and Anup Ji:
Right on the money --I could not with you any more. I would like to hear reasoning of
those in whose view person(s) with strong views, say Paramendra, should not be
included in our discussion. By the way, can some enlighten me the reason of removing
Paramendra from ND forum.
Ram Sah
----- Original Message -----
From: apahari@comcast.net
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 6:44 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Anil ji:
I agree fully with your well articulated views. If someone likeParamendra is a
threat to loktantra in Nepal, then our loktantra will not go very far at all. Nepali
loktantra should be able to take many Parmendras in stride before it is mature
and stable.
To their credit the leaders in Nepal have, in fact, started to dojust that, first by
making it possible for the maoists to come overground, and now in dealing
squarely with the Tarai issue. I belive in the sunshine rule....
even if it is rotten, airing it out in the sunshine will dissipate the smell. Besides,
many of Parmendra's views are far from rotten.....
But even if some of his views are odious, letting him espouse them in public and
having many people critique them will be the best method for him to rethink his
Look forward to hearing the discussion... thanks fo rthe effort.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Anil Shahi" <>
> Dear all,
> The discussion event (on Madhesh isuue) at The New School today went very
> well. The Q & A session was lengthy, lively and vibrant. I will be uploading
> the audio recording of the entire program later when I have more time, and
> will surely provide the links to you.
> It was bitterly disppointing that some of the prominent members of the
> Nepali community in NY decided to boycott the event. The issue: Paramendra
> Bhagat as one of the panelists. As a matter of fact, there had been a
> rigorous campaign by them to remove Paramendra from the list of panelists in
> the last few days. I am glad that Ashok dai still decided to keep him on the
> panel, and I commend him f or the bravery.
> I too am not a fan of Paramendra's style, and I too vigorously disagree with
> him on many of the radical views that he represents. But to deny him his
> RIGHT to hold those views and style is fundamentally wrong and undemocratic.
> It is amusing to me that the very people who profess to rally for democracy
> in Nepal would so easily astray from the very basic and fundamental
> principle of democracy when it comes to those who disagree with them, either
> in substance, or in style.
> Rather, it made a DEMOCRATIC sense to have invited him to speak, and to have
> had the opportunity to challenge him with questions on his stance. We are
> mainstreaming the Maoists by engaging with them, and so can we mainstream
> Paramendra by engaging with him.
> Loktaantrik bhanera afulaai chinaaune haru le loktaantrik naaraa layera
> mattra Nepal loktaantrik bandai na -- loktaantrik sidhaanta haruma pani purna
> biswaas garna sakna paryo, loktaantrik maadhyam ma aastha rakhna sakna
> paryo. If one wants to preach democracy, one should practice it as well.
> Until and unless we make individual efforts to strenthen true forms of
> democracy by letting go of feudalistic attributes within ourselves, I am
> afraid, our efforts to make democracy prosper in Nepal would go in vain.
> I am not defending Paramendra or his views and his style by writing this.
> But, by God, I shall defend his (and of those of his likes) RIGHT to be
> himself till death.
> By the way, Paramendra did very well today -- he was sensible, articulate,
> and powerful with his presentation.
> Anil.
> _________________________________________________________________
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Ram Sah
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Feb 12 (18 hours ago)
----- Original Message -----
From: Deepak Khadka
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 4:52 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: (Fwd) [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nep
Roger-jee has said it all.
To me the case is closed, unless Paramendra himslef shows interest to re-join the group and promises to abide by the simple rules every other members of this forum are happily following.
And this is also my last message in this thread. Since I have interacted with Paramendra a lot and am in touch with him, if you or anybody would like talk about matter related to him, I would like to invite to my private email.
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Adhikari
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 6:53 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: (Fwd) [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nep
Dear Sukhdev Ji,
I disagree with your comment regarding Pramendra Ji's expulsion from the group. Democracy is not an anarchy. It requires rule of law to function. This group too has rule. Parmendra ji was given same right as anyone else in this group, but he failed to abide by it despite many warnings. That's why he was expelled. You must understand, this is a forum to debate ideas not a forum to promote personal blog and launch personal attack.
I believe, neither anyone need to make aplogy nor should reinstate Parmendra Ji without him promising to abide by the rule of this forum. As far as Tarai's cause is concerned, there are very many people (Ram shah ji, Lalit Ji, Bindu Ji, Pramod Ji and so on) in this group who have been articulating the Madheshis's sentiment effectively albeit by following the rule of this forum.
On 2/12/07, Sukhdeo Shah
February 13, 2007
Dear Deepak ji:
Greetigns from Fiji and thank you for giving your reasonable assessment of issues
sorrounding Permendra ji's explusion from the group. I agree that he shuld exercise more
discretion in his postings but I see nothing he has done that merits his expulsion.
He has a zeal and commitment to do what is right to push for Terai's cause and we need
more people like him willing to devote so much time and energy for keeping the campaign
Not only Permendra ji needs to be re-instated into the group but also he should receive an
apology from the group supporting his expulsion.
I find the action taken against him truly detatasteful,
Kind regards,
Sukhdev Shah
USP, Suva
Fiji Islands
------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:54:20 -0500
From: Deepak Khadka
- Show quoted text -
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Send reply to: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
If we are having a competition of defending Paramendra, I should be getting the gold medal.
I have been defending Paramendra (not just his freedom, but his views as well !) since 1998.
His ideas of a South Asian Economic Union (TND days circa 1998), Madhesi empowerment,
federal republic (on and off), religious conversion (Paramemdra's active years in Sajha 2002-
03) - I was not only impressed by them, but have defended them online and offline
throughout these years.
When Paramendra was expelled from ND group for the FIRST TIME, I probably was the first
person to request the moderators to reinstate him (I had written directly to the moderators to
that effect). I only failed to oppose his expulsion for the SECOND TIME. But then, nobody did
not fail either. I do not remember any ND member of any sex, race, political orientation and
age opposing Paramendra's expulsion from ND forum for the SECOND TIME.
That said, to those who are curious to learn about the circumstances/reasons for
Paramendra's expulsion from ND group, I'd suggest to browse Paramendra's postings in the
archive of our forum (just get to nepaldemocracy google group web page and search).
I can not vouch whether Paramendra's views contributed to his expulsion, but I can vouch
that he was expelled for violating posting etiquette.
And I think if he agrees to practice ordinary etiquette, he will be a good thing to have in our
So, if there is anybody who can make him agree to practice simple etiquette (don't bombard
the forum with advertisements/links, don't publish ND's matter of confidential nature to his
website, don't be too much rude to everybody) he ignored to practice last time, I will fight, if
need be, with everybody in ND group to reinstate Paramendra.
I give my word.
----- Original Message -----
From: Subodh
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 3:01 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Dear Friends,
I do not remember our rule on the removal. But we can assume that it is very
democratic in nature and culture. If Parmendra has been removed from this forum, it's
a blunder. And I urge to repeal please. I believe we call member's view before taking
any stringent step unless some one has committed seriously visible crime.
- Show quoted text -
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US provides food items worth $1.8m to Bhutanese refugees
Revised Indo-Bhutan treaty fails to touch on refugee issue
Pahadi, Madhesi: What is in a name? A few years ago I was invited as a Chief Guest at an annual meeting of Nepal Radiological Society. After my speech, a gentleman approached me and said, “When I first saw the name of the chief guest, I thought why did they invite a Madhesi (people from Terai or plains origin), but you turned out to be a Nepali!” ....... Every time I had to deal with Nepali bureaucracy, I would first encounter suspicion and only when I started to speak will they give me any decent consideration. I can only imagine how would they have dealt with me if I did not have the “right” accent? ...... the USA where I have been living for almost thirty years. Noticing my name at first, Madhesis feel I’m one of them and you can almost see a twinkle in their eyes but when I open my mouth, suddenly they feel a sense of disappointment. The reverse is true with the Parbates, at first they approach me suspiciously and then when they realise I am ‘one of them’ and I can almost sense a sigh of relief. I am not making this up; this happens every time I meet a Nepali for the first time. ....... I’m not at all surprised by the recent uprising of Madhesis in Nepal. ...... If you are a Madhesi, your loyalty and Nepali authenticity is always in doubt in the mind of the Parbates. ..... this discrimination is unlike any other in the world ........ They have had voting privileges from the very first election in Nepal. ..... In the apartment that we lived before this house, our neighbor was Mr. Shailendra Singh who was Inspector of Police and used to kid me by calling me “mitwa” (close friend) for having the same name (I was only 7 or 8 at that time). Ram Narayan Mishra, whose family also happened to be our jamindars (landlords) in Janakpur, was the Minister of Industry and Commerce of which my father was the Secretary. ....... Parasu Narayan Choudhary, Ram Narayan Mishra, Bhadrakali Mishra, Mahendra Narayan Nidhi etc. were no token leaders. ...... As a matter of fact when I used to visit our village in Kurtha in Janakpur, the brutal exploitation of lower class Madhesis were totally from the upper class Madhesis rather than from any Parbate. Compared to the Madhesi land owners, jamindars, and marwari businessman, most of the Parbates in Janakpur were pitiful folks, trying just to survive. There were some rich powerful Parbates there also, of course. When Panchayat came, from village levels all the way to Rastriya Panchayat the members were mostly Madhesis who went on exploiting the system like everybody else. ....... every Nepali who lives outside the inner Kathmandu valley has been discriminated one way or another throughout the history of Nepal. Sadly even among those who are the victims of discriminations, there are internal discriminations within themselves. In many ways Nepali society has more hierarchies than even India. Take for example Brahmins: only in Nepal we have Upadhyaya, Kumai, and Jaisi!!
Two electoral legislations registered at the parliament
Maoist mass meeting gets underway at Khulamanch
Prachanda to address public today; rights activists fear usage of children in Maoist program
No idea of how Maoists spending grant: Dr. Mahat the government has no knowledge of how the Maoists are spending money released by the government. ..... the government has released Rs. 350 million to the Maoiss at various intervals for ration, logistics and other needs of PLA personnel, adding, “But, the Maoists have not submitted the details of expenses incurred so far from the fund.” ...... the government was about to release an additional 290 million rupees for management of Maoist camps. ...... the budget handed over to the Maoists should be spent as per the government's financial regulations and the concerned side should present details to the government. Mahat also said the government has already provided basic needs of drinking water and 7 to 9 telephone lines in each cantonment site, besides managing road access to the seven cantonments. ....... Maoist lawmaker Janardan Sharma warned that they will be compelled to set up camps at Tundikhel of the capital if the government did not pay proper attention to Maoist camps.
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