The Ghost Called ND Forum
NYC Nepali Are Madhesi, Powerless
The New School Event: Madhesi Question: Photos 2
The New School Event: Madhesi Question: Photos
The New School Event: My Speech To Be Delivered
Memorandum to be submitted to GP Koirala through the Mission
Paramendra Bhagat
Sanjaya Parajuli
Anand Bist
Tek Gurung
Tara Niraula
Luna Ranjit
Karma Sherpa
Ashok Gurung
Binay Shah
Ritesh Chaudhary
Ram Nepali
date Feb 3, 2007 4:12 PM
To: The Prime Minister, Nepal
c/o: The Nepal Mission To The UN
Dear Sir.
We the undersigned concerned Nepalis in New York City urge you to expedite the political solution to the Madhesi and Janajati movements that have caused so much chaos for weeks in Nepal for lack of attempts at sound political resolutions.
All the thorniest issues will be settled through the constituent assembly. But elections to that constituent assembly have to be free, fair and representative. The current 205 constituencies are not representative. We advocate that 45 seats be added to the Terai so that there are 125 seats in the Terai and 125 in the Hills and Mountains. And we urge there be only 100 MPs through the indirect, proportional method. We want the assembly to be only so big. It would make no sense to have an assembly that rivals the size of the legislatures in America and India that are countries with much larger populations. For the 100 seats, any party that would get at least 1% of the votes would qualify.
33% of the 350 seats have to be reserved for women. A law to that effect was passed not long after the April Revolution. We urge the eight party coalition to abide by that law. The thing is to have 83 of the 250 constituencies reserved for women, so that the women MPs are still directly elected. And we urge there be reserved constituencies also for the Dalit, the Janajati and the Madhesi.
We can not emphasize enough the need for a free, fair and representative election to a constituent assembly. Such an assembly will make sure all the big issues will be settled through debate, dialogue and voting as opposed to street agitations, and Nepal Bands and chukka jams.
We believe we played an important role in the April Revolution. We hope to continue to play an important role upto and during the constituent assembly by staying an active part of the debate and discussions. The Chinese diaspora has played a central role in China's magical economic story of the past few decades. Ultimately we Nepalis in New York City, the capital city of the world, the Kathmandu of the world, the city that never sleeps, hope to play a central role in rallying the Nepal diaspora for an economic revolution in Nepal lasting decades. A sound constitution will be the framework that will make that possible.
And while you are at it, please take a look at this: http://projectnd.blogspot.com
Paramendra Bhagat
Convenor, Coordination Committee, Nepali Organizations In New York City
President, Hamro Nepal
Sanjaya Parajuli
President, Alliance For Democracy And Human Rights In Nepal
Anil Shahi
Vice President, Alliance For Democracy And Human Rights In Nepal
Vice President, Hamro Nepal
Anand Bist
President, Nepalese Democratic Youth Council
Tek Gurung
President, United Nepalese Democratic Forum
Tara Niraula
President, America Nepal Friendship Society
Luna Ranjit
President, Adhikar
Karma Gyalden Sherpa
President, Global Federation Of Indigenous Peoples Of Nepal
Ashok Gurung
India China Institute, New School
Binay Shah
President, Association Of Nepali Teraian In America, New York Chapter
Ritesh Chaudhary
Vice President, Association Of Nepali Teraian In America, New York Chapter
Ram Nepali
Member, United Nepalese Democratic Forum
Dear Pramendraji,All the members of NDYCUSA we are socked on the current situation of Nepal and we strongly believe that the current ongoing of Tarai situation must be resolve through the dialouge and government have already formed a commission and lets hope this legitimate commision will comeout with solution.NDYCUSA is going to issue a stetement on the current situation of Tarai that will be our official position so please do not menction the NDYCUSA name any other stetement.I appriciated your concern and understanding.Thank youAnand BistPresidentNepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA(NDYCUSA)
Anandji. Your decision to opt out is to be respected.
ANTA has officially stated its position on the ongoing terai issue. Kindly remove my name from all of your future correspondence.
Thank you for your cooperation.
This was an email to NYC folks, ANTA being national, and the last ANTA statement has gone stale, things are moving that fast on the ground. But, yes, your name has been removed.
Paramendra dai,
While I agree with a lot of your demands/ideas, I am uncomfortable
with seeing my name on a letter of whose existence I had no idea. We,
at Adhikaar, are very process-oriented, and I cannot sign on to
something without approval of the entire board. Yes, that means we
might not be on top of things - our statements might be stale, but we
believe that the process is equally important, if not more, and we use
it as a way to empower ourselves. We hold off signing on even to new
letters for the campaigns we are actively involved in.
Additionally, organizationally speaking, Adhikaar cannot take any
kudos for the April revolution. Yes, we raised some money to support
the injured, and I personally attended a couple of rallies, but we
were not actively involved. We have on-going conversations at our
meetings about our role in Nepal, and as a small organization with
limited resources, we have decided to focus on the issues here --
immigration reform, making sure everyone has access to drivers'
license, access to healthcare, able to get a good job.
I appreciate the hard work you have put in, and wish you all the best.
I will bring it to Adhikaar's meeting and let you know what the team
decides. I hope we can continue working together in many issues that
are of common interest to us.
Luna, this draft letter is a result of my conversation earlier in the day with Sanjaya who just got back from Nepal. On Saturday, February 10, at the New School, 2.30 to 5.30, there is to be an event on the Madhesi question. We decided we will collect signatures of Nepalis there. And this is draft 1 circulated for discussion.
Nepalis are going to sign on as individuals. And we are going to sumbit it to the PM through the Mission. That is the idea.
In short, go with your and your organization's comfort level.
Dear Parmendra bhaai,
Thanks you for the copy of the letter to PM Koirala.
I agree with Luna that I personally do not have any disagreement with most
of the things you have raised. However, I am surprised that you even did
not consult me before listing my and America-Nepal Friendship Society's name
on the letter. It's a total surprise to me. Like Adhikar and many others,
ANFS also follows a process. As a registered not-for-profit organization, it
has to function under existing State and federal laws. And therefore, as a
procedural matter, I, on behalf of ANFS, do not prescribe to any
statements/positions without first discussing among the officers of the
organization. Therefore, please do not list my name and ANFS until we
discuss this within ourselves.
I admire your hard work on something you believe in so strongly. As stated
earlier, I do share many of the concerns you have expressed. As a
procedural matter, I respectfully ask that you consult organizations and
individuals before you make such decisions.
With best regards,
Tara Niraula
President, ANFS
PS: I also see that you have listed yourself as the Convener of
Coordination Committee of Nepali Organizations in New York City. This does
not exist in relation to the Nepali Community Organization Leadership group
of which the second meeting of the group was held at Yak restaurant little
over two month ago, and you also participated in it. If there is another
group, forgive me for my lack of knowledge. Per our discussion at the last
meeting, what exists is an Agenda Coordination groups which will set the
agenda for next leadership meeting and I continue to coordinate it per the
group's decision. It was also discussed and decided that you will host the
next meeting which will primarily involve making logistical arrangements.
Dear Paramendra:
While I respect and understand your concerns and passion but you MUST also respect and be very careful in using people's names to this public appeal. From now on, please DO NOT PUT MY NAME, especially my organizational affiliation without my permission. At this point, I do not want my name attached to your letter to PM.
Thank you.
"As a procedural matter, I respectfully ask that you consult organizations and
individuals before you make such decisions."
That is precisely what I meant to do through the email. Consult. Maybe you disagree with the finer points of the letter. Maybe you want to sign as an individual without listing your organization. Things like that.
"PS: I also see that you have listed yourself as the Convener of
Coordination Committee of Nepali Organizations in New York City. This does
not exist in relation to the Nepali Community Organization Leadership group
of which the second meeting of the group was held at Yak restaurant little
over two month ago, and you also participated in it. If there is another
group, forgive me for my lack of knowledge. Per our discussion at the last
meeting, what exists is an Agenda Coordination groups which will set the
agenda for next leadership meeting and I continue to coordinate it per the
group's decision. It was also discussed and decided that you will host the
next meeting which will primarily involve making logistical arrangements."
This is hogwash. The November meeting decided to form a Coordination Committee of the Nepali Organizations In New York City. You were elected Coordinator for the next six months. Then at the May meeting, I am the Convenor. I run the meeting. At that meeting a new Coordinator and Convenor will be elected for the December meeting. All that is on video.
I think your leadership style (unelected, for one) is the reason the Nepalis in the city are so powerless. No voting rights etc. You should go with the flow of genuine empowerment for the community, or you should focus more precisely just on the ANFS.
Dear Paramendra,
Please see my brief comments in blue.
From: Paramendra Bhagat [mailto:paramendra@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 1:15 AM
To: Dr. Tara Niraula
Cc: Sanjaya Parajuli; anilshahi.et@gmail.com; Anand Bist; Tek Gurung; Tara Niraula; Karma Sherpa; Ashok Gurung; Binay Shah; Ritesh Chaudhary; Ram Nepali; luna ranjit
Subject: Re: Memorandum to be submitted to GP Koirala through the Mission
"As a procedural matter, I respectfully ask that you consult organizations and
individuals before you make such decisions."
That is precisely what I meant to do through the email. Consult. Maybe you disagree with the finer points of the letter. Maybe you want to sign as an individual without listing your organization. Things like that.
The point I am trying to make it is that you do not list the names of people and organizations first; you first ask them and if they agree then you list them.
"PS: I also see that you have listed yourself as the Convener of
Coordination Committee of Nepali Organizations in New York City. This does
not exist in relation to the Nepali Community Organization Leadership group
of which the second meeting of the group was held at Yak restaurant little
over two month ago, and you also participated in it. If there is another
group, forgive me for my lack of knowledge. Per our discussion at the last
meeting, what exists is an Agenda Coordination groups which will set the
agenda for next leadership meeting and I continue to coordinate it per the
group's decision. It was also discussed and decided that you will host the
next meeting which will primarily involve making logistical arrangements."
This is hogwash. The November meeting decided to form a Coordination Committee of the Nepali Organizations In New York City. You were elected Coordinator for the next six months. Then at the May meeting, I am the Convenor. I run the meeting. At that meeting a new Coordinator and Convenor will be elected for the December meeting. All that is on video.
I think your leadership style (unelected, for one) is the reason the Nepalis in the city are so powerless. No voting rights etc. You should go with the flow of genuine empowerment for the community, or you should focus more precisely just on the ANFS.
Effort of bringing community leaders was initiated by ANFS. The purpose has been not only to unite our communities but also empower them through exchanges of ideas and information and services. Personally, I have always made sincere attempts to work with our community groups and individuals. And I will continue to do may part as member of ANFS as well as an individual and a member of our larger Nepali community. My simple philosophy is that the more we consult each other, share ideas and collaborate on common agendas, we will be far better off—we will achieve our goals.
I thank you for your input as well.
This reads to me like Tara Bahun's b.s.
The memo to PM might be too late in coming by Saturday/Monday in the first place. The Madhesi Movement better attain its goals within days, not in 10 days.
Maghe Kranti has already produced more martyrs than the April Revolution. Where is your concern? Where is your expression of support to the Madhesi Movement? Where is your Hamee Nepali b.s.?
As for the Nepali community in NYC, I can not emphasize enough that although, Taraji, you have made your contributions for the past few years, now you are more like a roadblock to the genuine empowerment of the Nepali community in NYC, and your Bahunbaadi attitude also reflects bad on the DaMaJaMa crowd back in Nepal.
The community has to now work to earn voting rights in this city. This is what I have to offer. You are going to play ball, or you are going to step aside.
There is this attitude that organizations run by Bahuns are "mainstream" and umbrella organizations. That they are more equal than others. They are extra special. And that the one run by the Senior Bahun is above all. That attitude has to go. Those days are over.
You are a duly elected president of ANFS. I respect that. And I also admire your effort to try and bring all Nepali organizations in the city together. You did take the first step. If you wish to be the leader of not just ANFS, but all Nepali organizations, the only way to do that would be the democratic way. For the Nepali commuity to earn voting rights in the city, the community is going to have to get democratic internally. And also in its umbrella organization. Organizations are going to have to become mass based. We have to move beyond having organizaed 2,000 Nepalis to maybe organize 10 times that many.
Dear all,without any information Mr.paramendra jee,mention my name and organization. this organization is not my personal or individual,so we need a information before submitting the name of organization,this is not a good way to make relation between each other,please donot mention my name and the organization,because if the board members asked me some question about this,I don't have no answer,I don't want be in trouble,Thank's.
This has generated quite a flurry.
I want to make it absolutely clear, that was just a draft. It was
circulated for discussion.
I still hope the various Nepali organizations in NYC as well as
concerned individuals can put out some statements of support for the
raging Madhesi Movement in Nepal, individually or collectively. You
don't have to use my draft at all. But do please put something out.
This is the time to do it.
I guess it went to your Gmail account. It must be there. This draft
did not fly. Let's have something more simple. We want to collect many
signatures. That is the point.
Draft 2
To: Prime Minister of Nepal
We undersigned express solidarity with the Madhesi Movement in Nepal
to attain total equality for the Madhesi in the country. We feel this
social justice movement has been long overdue.
Thank you.
Memorandum to be submitted to GP Koirala through the Mission
(What do you think of this?)
To: The Prime Minister, Nepal
c/o: The Nepal Mission To The UN
Dear Sir.
We the undersigned concerned Nepalis in New York City urge you to
expedite the political solution to the Madhesi Movement that has
caused so much chaos for weeks in Nepal for lack of attempts at sound,
expedited political resolutions.
This Maghe Kranti has lasted longer than the April Revolution. This
Maghe Kranti has produced more martyrs than the April Revolution.
Krishna Sitaula has to go on moral grounds. That would be step one of
the political solution.
All the thorniest issues will be settled through the constituent
assembly. But elections to that constituent assembly have to be free,
fair and representative.
The current 205 constituencies are not representative. We advocate
that 45 seats be added to the Terai so that there are 125 seats in the
Terai and 125 in the Hills and Mountains. Another option would be to
have a 300 strong assembly where all members are elected through
proportional representation, in which case the entire country would be
one costituency. There should be rules for the lists of the parties.
For example, every third name on the list has to be female, and every
seond and third female name going down the list has to be Dalit,
Madhesi, Janajati women, with Dalit getting a third of what the other
two groups get. And there should be additional provisions for the
Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati men. This should apply to every 10 names on
the list: three ought to be female, and an additional two have to be
Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati. So half of all names are DaMaJaMa for every
10 names. And of course that is the minimum. There can be additional
DaMaJaMa names on the list and we hope there are. We hope the Dalit,
Madhesi, Janajati and Mahila's composition in the assembly ends up
proportionate to their composition in the national population.
We can not emphasize enough the need for a free, fair and
representative election to a constituent assembly. Such an assembly
will make sure all the big issues will be settled through debate,
dialogue and voting as opposed to street agitations, and Nepal Bands
and chukka jams.
We believe we played an important role in the April Revolution. We
hope to continue to play an important role upto and during the
constituent assembly by staying an active part of the debate and
The Chinese diaspora has played a central role in China's magical
economic story of the past few decades. Ultimately we Nepalis in New
York City, the capital city of the world, the Kathmandu of the world,
the city that never sleeps, hope to play a central role in rallying
the Nepali diaspora for an economic revolution in Nepal lasting
decades. A sound constitution will be the framework that will make
that possible.
If we are all for democracy, and social justice, and we want the best
by the Nepali people, it should not be hard to find common ground.
We urge you to find a quick and fair resolution to the Madhesi
Movement. What is best by the Madhesi has to best by Nepal. What is
best by Nepal has to be best by its Prime Minister.
And while you are at it, please take a look at this:
Paramendra Bhagat
President, Hamro Nepal
Convenor, Coordination Committee, Nepali Organizations In New York City
Anil Shahi
Vice President, Hamro Nepal
Vice President, Alliance For Democracy And Human Rights In Nepal
Sanjaya Parajuli
President, Alliance For Democracy And Human Rights In Nepal
Somnath Ghimire
President, Nepal Students' Union, US Canada Chapter
this is being considered
Looks Perfect to me.Anand
Bhagat Jee it's a good idea.
Somnath Ghimire
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