American Chronicle: Lessons From The Madhesi Movement In Nepal
Jang ki tayari karo.
Madhesi, Prepare For The Second, Final Wave
Stage Two, Stage Three
Madhesi Alliance: The two Sadbhavana factions, the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, the two JTMM factions.
Common minimum program: Federal Republic, Madhesh State, Nonviolence.
The two JTMM factions must give word that they will not engage in any violent acts for them to be formal members of the alliance.
The Madhesi Alliance would reach out to all political parties at the district level to invite them to become membes of the Alliance. They could join the district committees of the alliance. As long as they buy into the common minimim program, they are in.
Goal: A new interim parliament, a new interim government. 40% for the seven parties, 25% for the Madhesi Alliance, 25% for the Janajati Alliance, 10% for the Dalit Alliance, one third across the board for women.
Leader of the Madhesi Alliance: Upendra Yadav, Madhesi Janadhikar Forum.
Strategy: Paralyze the country, paralyze the state, completely, totally, until the demands are met. Federal republic now!
Madhesi, Prepare For The Second, Final Wave
Stage Two, Stage Three
Madhesh State Now
Madhesi Legal Defense Fund, Madhesi Aawaz, Madhesi Movement II
B. K. Rana And The Madhesi Janajati Question
Krishna Sitaula Not Going Risks Everything
38 Martyrs = Go, Krishna Sitaula, Go
Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go
The New School Event: Madhesi Question: Photos
Photos From Janakpur: Santosh Bhagat
समानता अौर अिधकार पर्याप्त नहीं हैं, हमें तो शक्ित चािहए
Protests Will Continue, Big Time
Proposed Constitution
In The News
Interim cabinet within a week: Minister Gyawali NepalNews
Maoist MPs' armed security guards briefly held for trying to enter parliament building
Harsh cold adding to the woes of Maoist combatants
People from mountain region demand proper representation In the wake of agitation by the people of Madhes, the people from mountain region, too, have demanded fair and proper representation at the Constituent Assembly (CA). .... Himali People's Alliance ..... "We had to form this alliance by involving representatives from 16 to 17 districts to press our cause," said Kripasur Sherpa, who is associated with the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NFIN) and is a member of the talks team formed by the federation. ...... Karnali Development United Forum
Unidentified group attacks NFIN general secretary General secretary of the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NFIN), Ram Bahadur Thapa Magar, was attacked by an unidentified group at Kalanki Chowk, Kathmandu, during the Valley bandh (general strike) called by the NFIN Thursday. ...... A group of about 15 men came to Thapa Magar asking why the bandh was organised and then they started assaulting him at the presence of police personnel. Thapa was leading a group of NFIN activists who were trying to enforce the bandh in Kalanki area. ..... Businesses, educational institutions were closed down while very few vehicles plied on the road during the bandh.
Sitaula regrets mistakes, presents details of loss during Terai unrest Sitaula said he was ready to correct his mistakes. .... the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) and Nepal Sadbhawana Party are demanding his resignation holding him responsible for excessive use of force and the losses in Terai region ..... MJF has been demanding his resignation as a precondition for talks with the government and has warned of fresh protest if the Home Minister does not resign, paving the way for talks. ..... the government had decided to give one million rupees each to the families of 25 people killed ...... the government was providing free treatment to injured people and 150 rupees to each helper of the injured people per day. .... 77 government offices, 36 offices of non-governmental organisations and 346 houses or shops were vandalised during the unrest ..... 64 government vehicles, 25 private vehicles, 26 private motorcycles and 115 public vehicles were vandalised ..... Election Commission Bill and Election Crime and Punishment Bill.
NFIN organises valley bandh pressing for amendment in constitution "There should be proportional representation electoral system based on ethnic population. There should be guarantee of federal structure based on ethnic, regional and lingual identities. Mother languages of indigenous community should be recognized in government works. These demands should be enshrined in the interim constitution through necessary amendments," said Pasang Sherpa, president of NFIN. He said fulfillment of these demands were necessary to ensure the proper representation of ethnic communities in the Constituent Assembly (CA). ....... Sherpa claimed that NFIN had to announce programs like bandh as earlier programs did not draw the attention of the political parties.
Restructuring Nepal based on ethnicity The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), the Nepal Limbuwan Front (NLF), the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalists (NFIN) and several other groups have been pressing for the ethnicity based representation system and federalism. ...... A proposal of dividing Nepal into federal states that include the Terai, himal (mountains) and pahad (hills) is a geography-based model that, in any sense, is not different from the current division of Nepal in the fourteen zones and the five development regions. This Panchayat era structuring has been widely perceived and criticised as a deliberate move to create institutionalised mechanisms to specifically discriminate against the Madhesis. ....... Restructuring Nepal based on the ethnic identities such as The Limbuwan, The Tharuwan, The Madhes and so on will instill a sense of empowerment in the people. .... The states of India are mostly structured based on ethnic, cultural and linguistic identity. Just look at the states of India – Bengal , Gujarat , Punjab , Maharashtra Orissa, Assam , Tamil Nadu to name some. They have their own cultural heritage, ethnicity and languages. Bengal is of the Bengali people, Gujarat is of the Gujarati people, Assam is of the Assamese and so on. But they all belong to India . The prudent structuring of India has helped preserve the identity of each ethnic group that has been there for centuries. ...... The lack of sincerity for this has been demonstrated by the pahadi political establishment time and time again. It was widely perceived after the April movement that the government would put forward an inclusive system that would guarantee comprehensive reformation. But then the interim constitution once again established a centralist model of governance. ....... The recent decision of adopting federalism and proportional representation system, the details of which are still not clear, did not come out of the prudence of the pahadi political leaders. The move was forced only after the lives of more than two dozen Madhesis were claimed in the Madhesi movement. ...... In this politically biased environment, it is almost impossible to digest the talk of restructuring the country based on geography
RJP takes a swipe against Maoists
Terai: Risks of Trivialization Kantipur February of this year brings to mind February of the year 1996 when just like now, the ruling regime of the day chose to keep its eyes and ears shut to the Maoist demands helping the rumblings in the Rolpa hills to morph itself into a mammoth mass movement. ...... A trivialization syndrome may, in fact, be already underway today when the terai is burning—ignoring the issues of the day at stake, the regime's incapacity to cope with the gravity of the moment, measures too little and too late, thereby inviting disaster as an inevitable build-up of the preceding factors. ...... Trivializing the sane advice of a professional (General Amar Singh Thapa) brought defeat to Nepal in 1816 and a similar blunder by Nehru (ignoring C-in-C General Thimayya's warnings against a war with China) defeated India in 1962. Trivialization of a two-front-war felled Hitler in 1945 and trivializing the sensitivities of the significant minority of Muslims lay behind the partition of India. A very fresh example of trivialization is the approach taken by the royal regime and everyone knows the price it paid. ........ The impact of the protests in the terai, which is manifesting itself in several forms —arson and armed protest forcing the withdrawal of police posts, and presence of the government at the local level, destruction of property and physical attacks on statues, journalists, and ambulances, defiance of curfew orders, abductions and extortions, even bans on property sale, has been clearly heavy and the consequences far-reaching—closure of government offices and police posts, blockage of transport, ban on public movement in terai districts east of Chitwan. Scores have died and hundreds have been wounded in less than a month. The quantum of violence and the measures adopted by the ruling regime shows it has changed little over the years, suggesting the need of the hour is a radical change in the way power is used by the government........ In both its nature and momentum, the region's uprising is the first of its kind. The people of the terai are up today demanding a place for themselves, a place promised but denied for decades, to claim back rights that are due them, and to seize the recognition refused so far. The leadership mostly consists of ex-comrades-in-arms of the Maoist leadership, fully conversant with the principles and techniques, tools and technology of mass uprising and mobilization. ..... this observer will not be surprised if the terai turbulence sets off a whole chain of similar movements in the near future in other regions as well—in western terai, in Karnali, in the eastern hills, even in and around the Kathmandu Valley. After all, are not most of their demands legitimate and reasonable— federalism, constituencies based on population, proportional representation, justice for communities, right to self-determination, and autonomy? And are not these demands the very ones made by the people of other regions, Dalits, Janajati, and women? ...... the uprising is assuming the form of an ethno-regional movement with wide mass support that can spread like a prairie fire to other regions. ..... What is holding the legislature-parliament back from holding its sessions on such a grave issue and who is stopping the party leaders from visiting the scene? ........ incarcerating the activists of the Madhesi People's Rights Forum for burning copies of the Interim Constitution and standing silent over another similar protest of NEFEN. Such discrimination was bound to stoke further the flames of resentment in the region. ....... All the people in the terai are clamoring for is the birth of a New Nepal - a nation which is just and more inclusive, more cohesive and capable, more democratic and delivering and their agonized cry demands a cool-headed political solution, not the use of force in the form of an emergency or the army as has been suggested the other day. ...... the readiness of the sons of the terai to face the hail of bullets and die blasts the myth that they are timid, it also shows that the people stand united, for the first time in this nation's history perhaps, to claim back what is theirs by right and reason
Maoist legislators enter parliament with armed security guards
Two die in Rolpa snowfall, life in Maoist camp becomes miserable
Minister Sitaula says mea culpa for losses incurred in Terai unrest
NFIN calls valley banda, capital sees minimal vehicular movement
JTMM puts forward 10-point demand
Mull future of Maoist combatants: UK envoy
‘14 points should be amended in statute’
Indian Army says Nepali Maoist arrested in Kashmir has links with Laskar -E
६२ वर्षछि राजधानीमा हिउ“
आठ दलका कारण आघात ः थापा माओवादीको आक्रामक गतिविधि र घटनाले संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन भा“ड्ने प्रयास हुन लागेको उल्लेख गर्दै थापाले यी कार्य जारी रहेमा आठ दलीय गठबन्धनभित्रकै प्रमुख दलहरूले समेत यही नियति भोग्नुपर्ने चेतावनी दिएका छन् । मधेसी, आदिवासी जनजाति, दलित र महिलाले उठाएका विषयहरू राष्ट्रिय अस्तित्वस“ग गा“सिएको गम्भीर प्रकृतिको राजनीतिक मुद्दा भएकाले बिना कुनै संकर्ीण्ाता खुला हृदयले स्विकारेर समाधान गर्नुपर्ने बताए । उनले राष्ट्रिय एकता र अखण्डतालाई केन्द्रबिन्दु बनाई सबैस“गको छलफल गरी संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक प्रणालीलगायतका विषयमा स्पष्ट दिशा निर्धारण गर्नुपर्ने जनाए ।
माओवादीको संक्रमणकाल
गृहमन्त्रीको राजीनामा
भाषिक अधिकारमा विवाद
जातीय तथा सामुदायिक मुद्दा
बिबी-बेटी’ र क्षतिपर्ूर्तिको राजनीति
An ethnic minority group stages a strike Nepal Radio Australia, Australia
Nepal Maoists deny Indian media report PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal
1 comment:
Madheshis-- wherever you are--this is the urgency of time for us to be united and let madhesh fight for justice. No more tolerance. We Madheshis honor the guests, even the uninvited ones, but we cannot tolerate their excesses. This is my sincere request "please be united", unless we will be aliens one day. We have endured enough, not anymore. We comprise more then 50% and more capable to run Nepal, educated and learned. We demand atleast 50% representation in Nepal. We have requested enough, now is the time to snatch it.
We all madheshis must be willing to fight for our brothers to end the brutal rule of pahades.
Jai Madheshwww
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