चुनावी जंग
The Nepal Sarkar has not declared as martyrs all those who died during the course of the Madhesi Movement. The Pahadi Bahuns in power have not called the Madhesi Movement by its proper name to date. They talk of the unrest in the Terai, they talk of the violent protests, they do not refer to it as the Madhesi Movement.
चुनावी जंग
They to this day have not given credit for the Madhesi Movement to the ordinary Madhesis who came out in all towns and all villages. They keep saying the royalists from Kathmandu and the Hindu supremacists from India were behind it. Madhesis are cowards. How could it have been possible for them to organize a mass movement for equality? That is their thinking.
चुनावी जंग
They unleashed state terror upon the Madhesi Movement. They never formally apologized. The only formal apology would be the Home Minister's resignation. That is basic to the democratic form of government. The Home Minister shows no sign of going. Girija Koirala is the real culprit behind this major show of disrespect to the Madhesi Movement.
चुनावी जंग
Krishna Sitaula's resignation is being opposed saying he played a key role in the peace process with the Maoists. That might have been true, but the state terror unleashed upon the Madhesi Movement is the reason his resignation is being demanded. His role in the peace process is not relevant.
चुनावी जंग
And it is not possible there are no third generation Congress leaders capable of filling in. The obvious name is Aftab Alam. But maybe he is too much of a Madhesi for the Pahadi Bahuns who run the Congress party.
चुनावी जंग
The basic show of disrespect towards the Madhesi martyrs by the Pahadi Bahuns continues. That is what Girija's intransigence on this question is about. And they should be made to pay at the ballot box.
चुनावी जंग
And the Pahadi Bahuns in power have consistently maligned Upendra Yadav and the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum. They want to now say they already took care of all the Madhesi grievances, and all the credit for that good work goes to the Pahadi Bahuns in power.
चुनावी जंग
This is a chess game we are dealing with. And we have to beat them at it. All this goes on to show royal dictatorship is easier to tackle. You can see things in black and white. Bahunbaad is a lot of grey zone. But it can be tackled.
चुनावी जंग
Of Hindu Supremacists And Muslim Martyrs
चुनावी जंग
Upendra Yadav Interview
Madhesi Alliance: Panch Pandav: Federal Republic, Madhesh State, Nonviolence
Madhesi, Prepare For The Second, Final Wave
Royalist, Hindu Supremacist, Violent, Anything But A Madhesi Movement
Madhesi Legal Defense Fund, Madhesi Aawaz, Madhesi Movement II
How Not To Get Back Onto The Streets
Krishna Sitaula Not Going Risks Everything
38 Martyrs = Go, Krishna Sitaula, Go
Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go
One option is to go back onto the streets in huge numbers. For that a strong Madhesi-Janajati alliance would be necessary. And it would only conclude with a fundamental restructuring of the interim parliament and the interim government.
चुनावी जंग
But I am beginning to think the better option might be for the Madhesi-Janajati to make use of the constituent assembly elections instead. I am not discounting the first option altogether. But I am also cultivating the second.
चुनावी जंग
If the Pahadi Bahuns are not listening to our genuine demands, if they are being disrespectful of the martyrs of the Madhesi Movement, it should be easier for us to make our case to the people. And we should perhaps do it.
चुनावी जंग
There is a strong need for a political party that would be the Janajati version of the Sadbhavana. And there is a strong need for a Madhesi Alliance.
Madhesi Alliance: Panch Pandav: Federal Republic, Madhesh State, Nonviolence
The best option would be for the big parties themselves to take up the agenda of the Madhesi, and the Janajati, but they show no signs of doing it. If all the parties were to come up with a map for a federal Nepal that includes a Madhesh state, and that gives clear powers to such a state, that would soothe many nerves, but I think the Pahadi Bahuns keep talking of federalism like it were disintegration.
चुनावी जंग
Federalism is a heightened form of democracy, it is not disintegration. Democracy is the answer to the ageold Madhesi and Janajati grievances.
Prachanda's Schizophrenia
Stage Two, Stage Three
Preeti Koirala And Mainstream Pahadi Prejudice
Paudel Bahun Is Lying
Dhruba Adhikary: Your Typical Pahadi Liar
The Accurately Named Krishna Pahadi
Girija Has Proven To Be A Cruel Joke Upon Nepal
Compromise: Add 45 Constituencies To The Terai
Pahadi Bias Colors Global Media
Gyane In April: 3 Speeches, Girija In Magh: How Many?
सत्ताधारी सात पहाडी पार्टीको घैंटोमा अझै घाम लागेको छैन
चुनावी जंग
We will get a Madhesh state, through a movement, or through the ballot box. Either way, we will get it. We will get it both ways. It is not either or. We will get it if the Janajatis come along, we will get it if the Janajatis do not come along. We will get it regardless. No Pahadi Bahun opposition will prevent the realization of a Madhesh state. There will be hell to pay at the ballot box for all those who might not come out in clear support of the Madhesh state. The people have awakened. There is no going back.
चुनावी जंग
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