Ram Sah: Concern Over State Excesses, And Diaspora Politics
Madhesi Legal Defense Fund, Madhesi Aawaz, Madhesi Movement II
Anand Jha At SEBS: Loha Lohe Ko Katta Hai
B. K. Rana And The Madhesi Janajati Question
Krishna Sitaula Not Going Risks Everything
NYC Gremlins
38 Martyrs = Go, Krishna Sitaula, Go
The Ghost Called ND Forum
NYC Nepali Are Madhesi, Powerless
The New School Event: Madhesi Question: Photos 2
The New School Event: Madhesi Question: Photos
The New School Event: My Speech To Be Delivered
From: Kiran Sitoula
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:43 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: (Fwd) [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nep
Dr. Shah
Namaste from DC!
Question is not if we should reinstate him.
More importantly, does he want to come back? If so is he willing to abide by the rules. Even the Federal Govt is having hard time with spammers so you can imagine what private citizens had to go through while he was spamming. When I see junk mail I designate it as such. I;m sure you do too. When I find the person who creates it, I view him similarly.
He can reapply if he wants to with 2 supports in order to initiate his serious discussion. Nepal needs him but not this forum.
By kicking Parmendra out, we did not ban him or his ideas but his habits of disrespect for others and unwillingness to coexist with others and those differing with his view points.
BTW we both highly spoke of you when we had our most recent phone conversation last week.
Sukhdeo Shah wrote:
February 13, 2007
Dear Deepak ji:
Greetigns from Fiji and thank you for giving your reasonable assessment of issues
sorrounding Permendra ji's explusion from the group. I agree that he shuld exercise more
discretion in his postings but I see nothing he has done that merits his expulsion.
He has a zeal and commitment to do what is right to push for Terai's cause and we need
more people like him willing to devote so much time and energy for keeping the campaign
Not only Permendra ji needs to be re-instated into the group but also he should receive an
apology from the group supporting his expulsion.
I find the action taken against him truly detatasteful,
Kind regards,
Sukhdev Shah
USP, Suva
Fiji Islands
Amazon.com: Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot: Books: Al Franken
Rush (the Big, Fat Idiot) Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations ...
Barnes & Noble.com - Books: Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot, by ...
Peevish...I'm Just Saying - Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot (Franken)
Salon.com News | Rush Limbaugh is still a big fat idiot
Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot: And Other Observations. - book ...
Rush Limbaugh is still a big fat idiot. « ChenZhen’s Chamber
Amazon.co.uk: Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot: And Other ...
AlterNet: Hero or Big Fat Idiot, Rush Limbaugh Should Not Face Prison
Maybe Kiran Sitaula here is trying to say I am his "black friend" like some white people say so as to suggest how is it possible for them to be racist, they have "black friends!"
Fox, Barack, Islam
Rush Limbaugh: Idiot
Media Smear On Obama's Name
Wolf Hitler, I mean Bitler, Blitler, Whatever
Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Rama, Whatever The F___ His Name Is
Barack, Fox, MLK, Mandela
Bill O'Reilly: A Right Wing Gadfly
The question is not if the ND Forum will apologize to me, the question is will I accept the apology? I was kicked out at a time when I was busy working on the five projects. I saw Gongabu in November. My zeal for the democracy movement was deemed offensive by the prejudiced hartakarta Pahadis of the diaspora. A Madhesi is not supposed to lead!
This Madhesi leads.
When he hung out after the September 16 Protest Rally and before I saw him and others off to the Chinatown bus, Kiran Sitaula told me how he had never experienced racism in America. That to me is like an illiterate person saying books do not exist. You might not have read any, but books do exist.
I tell that story because that is revealing of Sitaula's lack of political consciousness on the Madhesi question, as well as other matters of social progress.
And I use deliberately physicalist terms in the title. Everyone is at the receiving end of one ism or another. If you are a Bahun and not a Madhesi, maybe you are a short, fat idiot. How do you feel now?
If you are a white male, maybe you are a fat white male.
The ND Forum is one ridiculous place. The 125 members of that forum secretly think they are like the Senators of the Nepali diaspora. Who ever elected you? But then they talk about just being a group of "friends," kind of like golf clubs or country clubs that have "For Whites Only" signs.
I got invited in October of 2005. I got kicked out in a few weeks, I got reinstated and I got kicked out again.
Budhanilkantha School tried to kick me out three different times. And so I say, fuck the Bahuns.
I can imagine getting reinstated, just like I can imagine hooking back up with the diaspora after the ANONYC engineers a split.
And I am not even preaching Madhesi militancy, although that I am. What I am preaching is democracy, and transparency, that's all.
The Madhesi are powerless in Nepal. The Nepali are powerless in the world. That is the only way I am capable of relating to the Pahadi diaspora. You play ball with me on the Madhesi issue in Nepal. Then we are talking. You need my help for your empowerment, say in New York City.
And so the ND Forum's option is to make its archives public.
It takes one simple click to do that. It is okay if you continue being just 125 members. But it is not okay to keep the forum archives closed.
The ND Forum is symbolic of the b.s. way in which the Nepali diaspora is organized in America.
Organizations are not mass based.
Three months after the earth shattering April Revolution, the ANA organized its convention in NYC, New Jersey to be precise. And it was by an organization I had never heard of in the course of the democracy movement activism in NYC.
The push for democracy and transparency has to be made. The ND Forum is at best a barometer of the progress and lack thereof. Right now it is totally lack thereof.
Nepal Democracy Google Group Does Not Believe In Free Speech (November 23, 2005)
Madhesi Legal Defense Fund, Madhesi Aawaz, Madhesi Movement II
Hi Paramendra,
In all the earlier projects and protests that you have been involved in, I did not receive 3-4 emails a day from you. But this time, I did and I was the one who asked the group to either tell you not to send me emails that I am not interested in, as i can always goto your blog and read your stuff, If i am interested ... or BLOCK him , as we do not want emails from you....
so yeah, there are people who're tired of getting your emails more than once a day... so its your fault...
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