Madheshis demanded federal republic Nepal
Janakpurdham, Thursday, February 22, 2007. Thousands of Madheshis chanted slogans demanding abolition of monarchy, constituency based on equal and average population. They appealed interim parliament to announce Nepal as a federal republic. Madheshis also demanded immediate resignation of home minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula, responsible for brutal suppression and killing of 38 Madheshis during Madheshi Adhikar Andolan.
Thousands of Madheshis today picketed in the square of Janaki Temple of Janakpur. The picketing was organized by Democratic Madheshi Society, Janakpur. The gathering also resolved seven following resolutions.
Resolution 1
Madheshi Adhikar Andolan (Madheshi People's Movement) is for equality and equal rights among Nepalese citizen. We need equality nothing less or more than it. The government is trying to denigrate this peaceful and just movement. Delaying the fulfillment of well justified and established demands of Madheshi people, the regime is trying to play fouls. Recent Bill proposed by the cabinet for the amendment of the interim constitution is ambiguous, which shows its discriminatory mentality among the rulers. This meeting condemns such mentality and strongly demands reconstruction of constituencies based on equal and average population for CA elections.
This meeting also appeals all the Madheshis MPs to act jointly in the advocacy of equal rights and be attentive and conscious in amendment proceedings in the Interim Parliament.
( Proposed by : Ex-Mayor of Janakpur Municipality and NC leader, Brikhesh Chandra Lal.)
Resolution 2
During the peaceful Madheshi Adhikar Andolan (Madheshi People's Movement), the government brutally and nastily tried to suppress Madheshi non-violent protesters. Unnecessary and unjustified arms were used on unarmed protestors by the Government's police. Peace loving Protestors form Dhanusha, Morang and Sarlahi were brutally killed by the communal agents backed by the Government. These irresponsible acts of the government have been closely watched by the UNCHR, Civil Society, and Other Neutral viewers and such animalistic activities have been condemned.
This meeting strongly demands the dismissal of the irresponsible Home Minister and right punishment to other concerned officials of the Government.
( Proposed by : Ex-Chairman of DDC Dhanusha and NCD President, Dhanusha, Ram Saroj Yadava)
Resolution 3
During the Madheshi People's Movement, the protestors were brutally handled. The police were forcibly entered in the houses and mercilessly beat women and children. But so called Human Right Activists were nowhere. Rather they tried to cover misdeeds of Police and security forces. They also tried to blame baselessly such peaceful mass movement as communal riots.
This meeting condemns such prejudice and communal mentality as well as appeals the National and International genuine Human Right Activists to identify and be aware of such people and organizations.
( Proposed by : Ratneshwar Goit, Alternate Central Committee Member, CPN UML)
Resolution 4
Monarchy in Nepal has always been the centre of feudalistic activities and has exploited the Nepalese people. Killings, sabotaging, conspiracy, and power-lust have been its characteristics. Nepalese have always been compelled to fight against the monarchy for their civic rights and democracy. Monarchy is still sabotaging and working against democracy and the achievement of popular movement–II. Kings unauthorized and unconstitutional message on the Falgun 7th (19, Feb 2007) is the proof.
We hereby demand immediate abolition of Monarchy and establishment of FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF NEPAL.
( Proposed by : Mrs. Minakhsi Jha, DEMAS, Janakpur.)
Resolution 5
We the participants of this mass meeting, appeal all individuals as well as organizations working for the Madheshi Rights to act jointly with mutual coordination and cooperation.
A joint front for this noble cause is essential, this meeting appeals all the concerned to move forward for the formation of the needful association.
( Proposed by : Nirmal Kumar Chaudhary, Chairman Chamber of Commerce, Janakpur.)
Resolution 6
Bomb blast in the historic, religious and traditional festival of Mithila Bihari Parikrama in Marai VDC of Mahottary District is an attack on Madheshi religious belief and traditional culture. We condemn this barbaric act.
Due to lack of responsibility and accountability, proper security arrangements could not been made during such an important and religious event. This shows the ill attitude of the present rulers and administrators. This is a conspiracy against Madheshi Culture. We warn, those who are responsible, to stop such activities instantly.
( Proposed by : Amar Chandra Anil, Convener Joint Youth Action Committee, Janakpur.)
Resolution 7
We Madheshi are proud of our Great Martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Madheshi Rights during the peaceful Movement against Khas Hegemony.
We honor them and promise to perform all efforts for the achievements they wished. Wishing peace for the great SOULS, we collectively express our cordial condolences to their families.
( Proposed by : Er. Satya Narayan Shah, Civic Society Janakpur.)

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