NYC Nepali Are Madhesi, Powerless
I would like to be reinstated, but I can not see me participating in any active way unless the administrator makes the archives of this group public. It takes one simple click to do it. You retain the exclusive nature of the membership, and a private group can do that. But you allow anyone to watch the discussions from the visitors' gallery. Make it democratic that way. Down with the elitism.
Facebook: New Nepal
Nepal Democracy Google Group Does Not Believe In Free Speech (November 23, 2005)
Dear Paramendra Ji:Congratulations for job done very well. I am proud of you.--Ram----- Original Message -----From: Ram SahSent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 10:15 PMSubject: Re: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in NepalDear Anil and Anup Ji:Right on the money --I could not with you any more. I would like to hear reasoning of those in whose view person(s) with strong views, say Paramendra, should not be included in our discussion. By the way, can some enlighten me the reason of removing Paramendra from ND forum.Thanks,Ram Sah----- Original Message -----From: apahari@comcast.netSent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 6:44 PMSubject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in NepalAnil ji:I agree fully with your well articulated views. If someone like Paramendra is a threat to loktantra in Nepal, then our loktantra will not go very far at all. Nepali loktantra should be able to take many Parmendras in stride before it is mature and stable.To their credit the leaders in Nepal have, in fact, started to do just that, first by making it possible for the maoists to come overground, and now in dealing squarely with the Tarai issue. I belive in the sunshine rule....even if it is rotten, airing it out in the sunshine will dissipate the smell. Besides, many of Parmendra's views are far from rotten.....But even if some of his views are odious, letting him espouse them in public and having many people critique them will be the best method for him to rethink his positions.Look forward to hearing the discussion... thanks fo rthe effort.Anup
Dear Paramendra Ji:
Congratulations for job done very well. I am proud of you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ram Sah
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Dear Anil and Anup Ji:
Right on the money --I could not with you any more. I would like to hear reasoning of those in whose view person(s) with strong views, say Paramendra, should not be included in our discussion. By the way, can some enlighten me the reason of removing Paramendra from ND forum.
Ram Sah
----- Original Message -----
From: apahari@comcast.net
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 6:44 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Anil ji:
I agree fully with your well articulated views. If someone like Paramendra is a threat to loktantra in Nepal, then our loktantra will not go very far at all. Nepali loktantra should be able to take many Parmendras in stride before it is mature and stable.
To their credit the leaders in Nepal have, in fact, started to do just that, first by making it possible for the maoists to come overground, and now in dealing squarely with the Tarai issue. I belive in the sunshine rule....
even if it is rotten, airing it out in the sunshine will dissipate the smell. Besides, many of Parmendra's views are far from rotten.....
But even if some of his views are odious, letting him espouse them in public and having many people critique them will be the best method for him to rethink his positions.
Look forward to hearing the discussion... thanks fo rthe effort.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ratan Jha"
To: "nepal democracy"
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 10:59 PM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
> Dear Anil ji, Anand ji and Friends in NY:
> I too appreciate your effort for organizing such a timely discussion
> event on Terai issue. I look forward to hearing the recorded
> proceedings of the event.
> I commend Ashok ji for his bold decision in encouraging diverse views
> - like that of Paramendra. I concur with Anup ji, Anil ji and Ram ji
> that we need to hear all sides in democracy; and each individual
> should have the right to express his/her views - no matter how bitter
> those views may be!
> Thanks,
> Ratan Jha
---- Original Message -----
From: Subodh
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 12:01 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Dear Friends,
I do not remember our rule on the removal. But we can assume that it is very democratic in nature and culture. If Parmendra has been removed from this forum, it's a blunder. And I urge to repeal please. I believe we call member's view before taking any stringent step unless some one has committed seriously visible crime.
Subodh Raj Pyakurel
INSEC,G p o Box-2726, Kathmandu.
www.inseconline.org &
Forum-Asia, Bangkok.
Email: subodh.freenep@gmail.com
----- Original Message -----
From: Shyam D. Karki
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 4:11 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Dear Anilji,
I commend you for articulating your views about the need to practice what we preach about Loktantra. We need to do more on this and adopt the Loktantra culture. Like Jean Jaques Rousseau said in French " I do not agree with you but I will defend it until my death your right to say it".
As regards Parmendra, I remember meeting him first time in New York at the Workshop we (Taraji and NAPAC) had organized at the Columbia University on the Democracy struggle. I found him very dedicated and articulate young man. We chatted for a while. He had some strong views on some of the issues at the time. I recommended that he should attend the NAC board meeting in Nashville and present his views. He could not attend it for some logistic reasons. I suggested to him that he should write a brief synopsis and I would distribute it at the NAC meeting. He sent it to me and I distributed it to all the NARC attendees in Nashville as a part of my presentation on the NAPAC.
Again to reinforce your point, I did not agree with everything Pandora had to say. However, I strongly felt that he ( for that matter any one ) must be encouraged to participate at the community meetings and interact with each other. This gives an opportunity to all community members to learn from each other and be a better community.
It gives me a great satisfaction that many energetic and dedicated young men and women who at times felt that they were bypassed by the Nepali community mainstream (because of age, caste, language, social status, regional issues etc) are currently playing important leadership roles and I had done my share in ensuring that they are not sidelined.
We must nurture emerging dedicated and energetic youths to be actively engaged in the community affairs. Whether we agree or disagree, in the long run, all of us will learn a lot from each other and the community will be better off.
Again, Anilji, let me express my admiration for you for expressing it very candidly and frankly and commend you for your courageous stand.
Warm regards,
Shyam Karki,
----- Original Message -----
From: Sharun5@aol.com
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 5:07 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Good effort! Yes from Rousseau to all of us to US Supreme Court ( if it makes there) defended/will defend Parmendra's right to speech/expression. I hope no one is really saying Parmendra is a threat to loktantra!
Anil-ji has any one prepared a report/synopsis of the discussion!
Thank you for report!
----- Original Message -----
From: apahari@comcast.net
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:02 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
Along the same vein, here is another story of intolerance in Nepal.
Many self-proclaimed propthets of loktantra will hesitate to defend RPPs freedom to meet and campaign with their message, or to denounce such maoist attacks on RPP as hurtful for loktantra.
Some journalists like Gunaraj Luintel of Katipur, however, did strongly condemn organized attacks on RPP in Pokhara by SPA and maoist students couple of months ago.
Just like in the case of Parmendra, if the message of RPP or any other group for that matter, is wrong and harmful for the nation, then I trust Nepalis to sense it, and to vote against it when the time comes. By attacking RPP meeting in Lamjumg, I suspect the maoists have simply managed to generate more sympathy (martyrdom) for the RPP.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Tara Niraula"
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:47 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
> I am delighted to know that the program at New School went well and I look
> forward to listening the audio recording when Anil uploads.
> I am sorry I missed the event as I had a prior family commitment and was
> out
> of town. The principal organizer and I had discussed about my being
> away.
> I do believe that having opportunity to listen to those you may not even
> necessarily agree with is helpful and should not be ignored as long as we
> all remain more tolerant and be respectful of our differences. I myself
> may not always agree with Paramendra, but that does not mean that he or
> any
> one like him should not be heard. Interactions in disciplined
> environment
> can add lot to the discussions of genuine issues.
> With best regards,
> Tara Niraula
----- Original Message -----
From: "Poorna Adhikary"
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 7:45 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
> Dear friends,
> I also think so. If we do not have capability to listen to the others'
> opinion, how can we qualify to work for lokatantra.
> Poorna
----- Original Message -----
From: Anil Shahi
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 10:21 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: New York Events on Terai (Madhesh) Issue in Nepal
After overcoming some technical hurdles, we are finally pleased to provide you with the audio link of "Nepal in Transition: The Terai Question", held at The New School on Saturday, February 10th, 2007:
Also, we'd like to take this opportunity to let you know that you can read "Samaya" (weekly Nepali magazine) online exclusively at Alliance's website, as well as "News Front", a new weekly newspaper edited by prominent journalist Yubaraj Ghimire. You will be able to find links to these news outlets on the Alliance's home page at:
Finally, on a personal note, thank you all for your words of support with regards to the recent "Paramendra saga". For me, though, the issue is much more than just about Paramendra or any other individual -- I deemed it necessary to raise the issue because, as I saw it, a fundamental democratic principle was being challenged/threatened by the very people who claim to espouse to democratic values.
Tara dai, I am sure there were many who could not make it to the event due to various other commitments, which is perfectly understandable. What I am dismayed with, however, is the fact that few people actually took time to launch a campaign to remove Paramendra from the list of panelists in the days prior to the event. I am glad that they failed, and I hope we all will take this as an important lesson on democracy 101.
----- Original Message -----
From: Shyam D. Karki
To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:39 AM
Subject: [ND] Re: Interaction Program in NE OHIO
Dear Suchetaji,
My commendation for organizing a very timely Interaction program. I will miss it by a week,
I am coming to Cleveland on Febraury 23. I am also working on organizing a similar program in Baltimore and Washington.
Warm regards, '
Shyam Karki
Sucheta Pyakuryal
NAOO and NSA (UAkron) Presents an Interaction Program on:
Ethnic Minorities and Politics of Exclusion in Democratic Nepal
The University Of Akron
College of Arts and Science Building
Buchtel Commons, Akron, OH
Saturday, February 17th 2007
2 P.M. – 5 P.M.
Panelists are:
· Dr. Pramod Kantha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science; Wright State University, Dayton OH.
· Dr. Mahendra Lawoti, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, MI.
· Mr. Mukesh Singh, Lawyer, Columbus, OH.
· Dr. Janardan Subedi, Professor of Sociology; Miami University, OH.
· Dr. Mark Tausig, Professor of Sociology & Associate Dean of the Graduate School; University of Akron, OH.
REFRESHMENTS : 1:30-2:00 p.m.
Feb 9, 2007 4:17 PM
To: The Eight Party Alliance In Nepal
We the undersigned concerned Nepalis and friends of Nepal in New York City and beyond urge you to expedite the political solution to the Madhesi Movement that has caused so much chaos for weeks in Nepal for lack of attempts at sound, expedited political resolutions. Deciding to have half of all constituencies in the Terai is a good start.
This Maghe Kranti has lasted longer than the April Revolution. This Maghe Kranti has produced more martyrs than the April Revolution. Krishna Sitaula has to go on moral grounds. That would be the legitimate step two of the political solution.
All the thorniest issues will be settled through the constituent assembly. But elections to that constituent assembly have to be free, fair and representative.
We hope the Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati and Mahila's composition in the assembly ends up proportionate to their composition in the national population. We have to come up with a mechanism to ensure that. We should seriously look into reserving one third of all constituencies for women. There would still be elections in those constituencies, but all candidates will have to be women. And two thirds of those should be for the Dalit, Madhesi and Janajati women. And we propose additional reserved constituencies for the Dalit, Madhesi and Janajati.
We can not emphasize enough the need for a free, fair and representative election to a constituent assembly. Such an assembly will make sure all the big issues will be settled through debate, dialogue and voting as opposed to street agitations, and Nepal Bands and chukka jams.
We believe we played an important role in the April Revolution. We hope to continue to play an important role upto and during the constituent assembly by staying an active part of the debate and discussions.
The Chinese diaspora has played a central role in China's magical economic story of the past few decades. Ultimately we Nepalis in New York City, the capital city of the world, the Kathmandu of the world, the city that never sleeps, hope to play a central role in rallying the Nepali diaspora for an economic revolution in Nepal lasting decades. A sound constitution will be the framework that will make that possible.
If we are all for democracy, and social justice, and we want the best by the Nepali people, it should not be hard to find common ground.
We urge you to find a quick and fair resolution to the Madhesi Movement. What is best by the Madhesi has to best by Nepal. What is best by Nepal has to be best by its Prime Minister, its eight parties in power.
And while you are at it, please take a look at this:
Paramendra Bhagat
President, Hamro Nepal
Convenor, Coordination Committee, Nepali Organizations In New York City
Anil Shahi
Vice President, Hamro Nepal
Vice President, Alliance For Democracy And Human Rights In Nepal
Sanjaya Parajuli
President, Alliance For Democracy And Human Rights In Nepal
Somnath Ghimire
President, Nepal Students' Union, US Canada Chapter
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