The Nepali Congress has to be isolated. Girija does not operate in a democratic way. He is dictatorial. For him it is my way or highway. He acts like he has veto power. So the only way for parties other than his own to get along with him is to give in to his stands that are never explained, or defended. He will not provide reasoning. He will just state it. And you have to put up with it.
Girija Koirala has been utterly disrespectful of the Madhesi Movement.
We have only a few months to the constituent assembly elections. Having a 300 strong assembly where all members are elected through proportional representation might be the best option right now. That is democratic, that is simple.
Instead the discussion should shift to modalities. There should be rules for the lists of the parties. For example, every third name on the list has to be female, and every seond and third female name going down the list has to be Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati women, with Dalit getting a third of what the other two groups get.
And there should be additional provisions for the Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati men. This should apply to every 10 names on the list: three ought to be female, and an additional two have to be Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati. So half of all names are DaMaJaMa for every 10 names.
A party could have a list of only 10 names, or 50 or 300 max. For any political party that might have more than 10 names on its list, the rules above would apply.
And we have to respect the basic human right to peaceful assembly, the basic human right to get organized. Armed political parties are not allowed. But other than that there can be no rules. You can not pass laws saying ethnic parties are not allowed.
As long as a party is not armed, it is for that party to decide how it organizes itself.
The UML has a gold nugget in its hands. It needs to stick by it. It has to be willing to walk out of the government if necessary.
Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go
Prachanda's Schizophrenia
Inbox 13
Stage Two, Stage Three
Preeti Koirala And Mainstream Pahadi Prejudice
The Army Is Going To Stay Out Of This
Madhesi Movement: Intensifying The Protest
Paudel Bahun Is Lying
Dhruba Adhikary: Your Typical Pahadi Liar
Anand Jha's Fight At SEBS
Inbox 12
Proportional Representation Might Work With DaMaJa Reservations
Guiding The Madhesi Movement
Open Letter To Surendra Devkota, Shiva Gautam
Inbox 11
Rajendra Mahto Live: Registering Dissent On Interim Constitution, January 15
माघे क्रान्ित
Satya Narayan Shah: Minimizing Conflict
Govind Shah: Peaceful Resolution
Inbox 10
Inbox 9
What Is Wrong With NDYCUSA?
Sitaula Resign, Koirala Declare Madhesh State, Now
February 10: New School: The Madhesi Question
Maoist Wet Dream
Inbox 8
Inbox 7
The Accurately Named Krishna Pahadi
Girija Has Proven To Be A Cruel Joke Upon Nepal
Compromise: Add 45 Constituencies To The Terai
Nonviolent Madhesi Movement For Equality Or Violent Ethnic Riot
King's 3 Years, Girija's 3 Years: Not Happening
Sukhdev Shah: Terai’s Fate—Looking Within!
Inbox 6
Pahadi Bias Colors Global Media
Butchers, Stop The Killing, You Will Get Tried
Action Plan: 5 + 5
Gyane In April: 3 Speeches, Girija In Magh: How Many?
Inbox 5
Inbox 4
Inbox 3
सत्ताधारी सात पहाडी पार्टीको घैंटोमा अझै घाम लागेको छैन
In The News
Eight-party leaders discuss polls model Kantipur
Two protesters killed, 3 dozen injured in Biratnagar
PM, Moriarty discuss Terai unrest
Thousands of Sadhus to demonstrate against secularism
CPN-UML meet over Terai unrest resumes The meeting yesterday had concluded that the party's stance on the issue of proportionate electoral system during the historic agreement between the Maoists and the seven parties had become even more relevant at present. ...... "The meeting yesterday had also decided that present problem could not be fully resolved without proportionate electoral system and a federal set up," Bohara said.
NOC supplies 600 tons of cooking gas
Martin picked to head UNMIN
Maoists seize voters list in Valley for not incorporating, laborers, students and people living in rented houses. ..... In Sainbu, Maoist leader Paban Tamang, informed that he signed on a paper before taking away documents from the office assuring that he would keep the documents safe.
Civil service no domain of the elite candidates from farming families took almost fifty percent of state jobs out of 8,421vacancies in fiscal year 2001/2002. .... In 2002/2003 alone, applicants with farming background captured 1,126 of 1,255 vacancies offered by the PSC. ...... about 80 percent of Nepalis still have some link to farming ...... farmers' children generally have modest educational background and find it difficult to get jobs in the private and NGO sectors. "So they often vie for state jobs." ..... In fiscal year 2001/2002, a total of 615 women applied for vacancies announced by the PSC and of them 144 got jobs. In the ensuing fiscal years, the number of female applicants rose to 794, 819, 1,117 and 2,266 respectively. .... In fiscal year 2001/2002, the number of Dalit applicants was 51. This figure rose to 79, 131, 991 and 1,200 respectively in the following years. However, only 29 Dalit candidates got state jobs in the last five years. ..... After Bahun, Chhetri and Newar, the three castes which dominate the bureaucracy, Kirat, Gurung and Magar are ahead of other ethnic groups in joining the civil service. .... Only 14 percent of state jobs went to people of ethnic groups in the last five years. Of the total recruitment in the past five years, 5,026 were from Bahun castes, 1,710 Chhetris and 502 from among Newars.
200,000 carpet workers rendered jobless Demanding that monthly wage of people working in carpet industries be increased to Rs 5,000, labor unions affiliated to Maoists had padlocked offices of NWCEA and 10 major carpet factories some 25 days ago
Eight-party leaders struggle to address Madhesi demands failed to reach a consensus after over four hours of discussions .... The major left parties including the CPN-UML and Maoists have been stressing for the proportional electoral system, while the Nepali Congress, the largest party in the ruling alliance, is hesitant over the system
Amend interim statute to address Madheshi demands: Nemwang
Resolve Terai issue before it is too late: Tripathi
पेट्रोलियम पदार्थ आउन थाल्यो
४० घाइते राजधानीमा
आठ दल बैठक बिना निष्कर्ष
मधेसमा पर््रदर्शन अझै पर््रदर्शनकारीले कटुवा बन्दुकसहित ढुंगा, भाला र तीर प्रहार गरेका थिए । प्रहरीले अश्रुग्यास हानेको थियो । झडपस्थल नजिकको गणपति पेट्रोल पम्पमा राखिएका तीनवटा बस पनि पर््रदर्शनकारीले तोडफोड गरेका थिए । पर््रदर्शनकारीले आफूतर्फा घाइतेलाई एम्बुलेन्समा हालेर उपचारका लागि लगेका थिए । पर््रदर्शनको अग्रपंक्तिमा बालबालिकालाई राखिएको थियो । ..... जनकपुरमा सात दल, पेसागत संघ-संस्था, संयुक्त युवा संर्घष्ा समिति र मधेसी लोकतान्त्रिक समाजले छुट्टाछुट्टै पर््रदर्शन गरेका थिए । केही समूहले प्रधानमन्त्री र प्रचण्डको पुतला जलाउ“दै गृहमन्त्रीको राजीनामा माग गरेका थिए । मधेसी समस्यालाई अन्तर्रर्ााट्रयकरण गर्न ३५ युवाको एक समूह मंगलबार दिल्ली प्रस्थान गरेको छ । मधेसी नागरिक समाजका अध्यक्ष सञ्जयकुमार साहले उनीहरूलाई फूलमाला र अबिर लगाएर बिदा गरेका थिए । उनीहरूले पटना र दिल्लीमा रहेका भारतीय नेताहरूस“ग भेटी मधेसी आन्दोलनबारे र्समर्थन जुटाउने छन् । यसैबीच, सोमबारदेखि आमरण अनशनमा बसेका दलित मजदुर किसान पार्टर्ीी अध्यक्ष विमल अरगरियाको स्वास्थ्य स्थिति ब्रि्रन थालेको छ । ........ महोत्तरीको जलेश्वरमा फोरम र मधेस युवा नागरिक समाज, निजामती कर्मचारी संगठन, नेपाल नाई संघ, शिक्षक युनियन तथा डिक्का संघले छुट्टाछुट्टै पर््रदर्शन गरेका थिए । बलबा गाविसका किसानले ट्याक्टर र्याली निकाले । ....... सिरहामा पर््रदर्शनकारीले सोमबार राति दर्ुइवटा सवारीसाधनमा आगजनी गरेका थिए । लहानमा मधेस जनआन्दोलन संर्घष्ा समिति र सात दलले छुट्टाछुट्टै पर््रदर्शन गरे । मधेसी विद्यार्थी प|mन्टले मसाल जुलुस निकाल्यो । थारू कल्याणकारी सभाले साइकल यात्रा गर्यो । ...... रौतहटको गौरमा फोरम, एमाले र मुक्तिमोर्चालगायतले पर््रदर्शन गरे । फोरमबाहेक संस्थाले मधेस आन्दोलनमा ऐक्यबद्धता जनाउ“दै पर््रदर्शन गरेका थिए । फोरमको बन्दले नवलपरासीका यातायात, कलकारखाना र शिक्ष्ँण संस्था सञ्चालन भएनन् । ..... सुनवल-परासी सडकखण्ड स्वाठींमा रूख ढालेर अवरुद्ध पारियो भने परासी-महेशपुर खण्डमा ढुंगा थुपारेर अवरोध गरिएको थियो । बारा कलैयामा फोरमले शान्तिपर्ूण्ा पर््रदर्शन गर्यो । धरानमा आठ दल र नागरिक समाजले सद््भाव र्याली निकाले । र्सलाही सदरमुकाम मलंगवामा बिहान ८ देखि बेलुका ७ बजेसम्म कफर््र्यु लगाइएको थियो । .... र्सलाही क्षेत्र नम्बर- ४ बाट नेपाली कांग्रेसका सांसद नागेन्द्रकुमार रायले मधेसमा अधिकारका लागि भएको आन्दोलनमा सरकारले ध्यान नदिएको जनाउ“दै तीन दिनभित्र समस्या समाधान नभए राजीनामा गर्ने चेतावनी दिएका छन् । .... नवलपरासी- फोरमले सांसद चिनक कर्ुर्मीसहित १८ माओवादीलाई पा“च घन्टा नियन्त्रणमा लिई मुक्त गरेका छन् । रामग्राम नगरपालिका-४ बाट उनीहरूलाई कब्जामा लिइएको हो । त्यही फोरमस“गको झडपमा आठ माओवादी घाइते भएका थिए । ...... सांसद कर्ुर्मीसहित नियन्त्रणमा लिइएका १८ जनालाई फोरम कार्यकर्ता र स्थानीयवासीको भीडले घेरेको थियो । आठ दल, प्रशासन, फोरम, राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोग र सञ्चारकर्मीको पहलमा उत्तेजित भीडलाई शान्त गर्राई सांसद कर्ुर्मीले सोमबार रातिको घटनामा माफी मागेपछि छाडिएको थियो । कर्ुर्मीले फोरम कार्यकर्तालाई नियन्त्रणमा लिनु पार्टर्ीीे गल्ती भएको स्वीकारे ।
शिवरात्रिमा ३० हजार साधु ल्याइने
समानुपातिक र संघीय ढा“चा’
विषयका रूपमा अंगे्रजी चार कक्षाबाट पढाइने
समान शिक्षाका लागि मेची-महाकाली यात्रा
गठबन्धन चुनौती
पा“चौं आयाम
कस्तो हुन्छ समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व ?
मधेसको आगो निभाउने सिद्धान्त यता निकै दिनदेखि मधेसमा मधेसीहरूको संर्घष्ा चलिरहेको छ । जुन मागका लागि उनीहरू संर्घष्ा गर्दैछन्, ती मागलाई अनुचित र अनावश्यक कसैले पनि भन्नसकेको छैन । हुन त मधेसी नेताहरूले आफ्नो यस आन्दोलनलाई शान्तिपर्ूण्ा रूपमा सञ्चालन गर्ने प्रण बारम्बार दोहोर्याउ“दै आएका छन्, तापनि आन्दोलन शान्तिपर्ूण्ा रहनसकेको छैन । कति सरकारी कार्यालयहरू जलाइएका छन्, कति नेताहरूका सालिक तोडफोड गरिएका छन्, कति नेताहरूका घरमा समेत आगो लगाइएको छ । घर जलाउने क्रममा नेताहरूको मात्र नभई र्सवसाधारणसमेत मारमा पर्न थालेका छन् । आन्दोलनमा मधेसी र पहाडी भन्ने भावना समेत उर्लिन र उरालिन थालेको छ । जुन उद्देश्यले यो आन्दोलन सुरु गरिएको छ, ती उद्देश्यलाई ध्यानमा राख्दा त्यसलाई गलत र अनुचित भन्न अवश्य सकिन्न । ....... मधेसी नेताहरूतिर मात्र नभई आठ दलका नेताहरू र सरकारप्रति फर्केर गर्नुपर्ने अनुरोध धेरै छ । अहिले मधेसमा जुन आन्दोलन चर्केको छ, त्यसको कारण खोज्दै जाने हो भने अन्तरिम संविधानतिर नै फर्किनर्ुपर्छ । अन्तरिम संविधान केलाएर पढ्ने हो भने निर्वाचन प्रणालीका सम्बन्धमा के स्पष्ट देखिन्छ भने मिश्रति निर्वाचन प्रणालीमा पर्ूवसांसद र आठ पार्टर्ीी नेताहरूको पार्टर्ीीवार्थ छिपेको छ । यस विषयमा चर्चा गर्दा स्पष्ट के भन्न सकिन्छ भने एक त हाम्रोजस्तो देशमा सांसदहरूको संख्या २०५ बाट बढाएर ४२५ पुर्याउनु नै आवश्यक किन भयो, यही नै बुझ्न गाह्रो छ । अर्को कुरा, जब समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्वको सिद्घान्त स्वीकार गरेर अब थपिने सिटका लागि समानुपातिक प्रणालीको नया“ सिद्घान्त अ“गालिसकिएको छ भने पुराना २०५ मा पनि त्यही प्रणाली लागू गर्दा आपत्ति हुने कुरा के थियो र - योे पुराना सांसदहरूको स्वार्थ संरक्षणको प्रयास भन्ने प्रस्टै देखि“दैन - समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्वको हकमा पनि यस संविधानले पार्टर्ीीबीच मात्र समानुपातिक कुरा गरेको छ, जातजाति र विभिन्न वर्गको विषयमा कुनै चर्चा गरेको छैन । यो समानुपातिक प्रणाली उनीहरूका निम्ति केही बोल्दैन । ...... अब मधेसी आन्दोलनका साथ हातमा हात मिलाएर जनजाति र विभिन्न वर्ग पनि आन्दोलनमा उत्रे भने त्यसलाई आर्श्चर्य नमाने हुन्छ । के जनजाति महासंघले अन्तरिम संविधानप्रति आफ्ना असन्तोष व्यक्त गरिसकेको छैन - पर्ूवाञ्चलका पहाडी जिल्लाहरूमा फैलिएको असन्तोष यसैको परिणाम होइन ...... हाम्रो मुलुकमा एउटैमात्र जातिको बहुसंख्या भएको कुनै पनि क्षेत्र छैन । उदाहरणका लागि काठमाडौं उपत्यकाकै कुरा गरौं । नेवारहरूको घना बस्ती भएको क्षेत्र यही हो । हो, नेवारहरू अन्यत्र पनि नभएका होइनन्, तर यहा“जति बाक्लो संख्या अन्यत्र पाउन सकिन्न । अहिले उपत्यकामै पनि नेवारहरूको भन्दा अरू जातजातिको संख्या धेरै भइसकेको छ । त्यस्तै गण्डकी अञ्चलकै कुरा गरौं । राष्ट्रभरका गुरुङहरूको मात्र कुरा गर्ने हो भने गण्डकी अञ्चलमा जति धेरै गुरुङ बस्ती अन्यत्र पाइ“दैन । त्यसै गण्डकी अञ्चलमै पनि गुरुङ र अरू जातजातिको हिसाबमा गुरुङको संख्या कमै छ ।
तर्राई तनावले उपभोग्य वस्तुको अभाव
Nepal police fire on protesters, two killed
Reuters AlertNet, UK -
KATHMANDU, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Police opened fire on protesters from ethnic Madhesi groups demanding autonomy in southeast Nepal on Wednesday, ...
NEPAL:Eight parties to discuss terai violence
Police Shoot, Kill 3 Protesters in Nepal
Fuel shortage hits Nepal's capital as crisis worsens in south Nepal
Citizen Journalism Nepal | Nepal's Maoists demand abolition of monarchy ABC Online, Australia - Nepal appears to be facing a new political crisis, as Maoists who agreed to lay down their arms last year say the peace deal has been undermined by the ... Nepal King is leaving the country: Reports King to quit Nepal? Nepal`s Maoist leader predicts end of ethnic unrest |
Gulf Times | Police open fire on Nepal protest MWC News, Canada - Police opened fire on the protesters, a Madhesi group demanding autonomy for their region in southeast Nepal, after they broke a curfew on Tuesday, ... EU expresses concern over Nepal violence Nepal's Madhesis protest low representation in parliament, govt. jobs New Government Seeing Bad Reflections In Nepal Violence |
Two Protesters Killed In Clashes With Police In Southern Nepal All Headline News - Biratnagar, Nepal (AHN) - Two protesters were killed in clashes with policemen during violent demonstrations, organized by Madheshee groups on Wednesday in ... 3 dead, 21 injured as police open fire on protesters in Nepal 3 dead, 21 injured as police open fire on protesters in Nepal Unrest in Nepal worsens |
OFAC License Ensures Continued US Aid to Nepal Govt Himalayan Times, Nepal - The US Mission in Nepal has been authorised to continue providing economic and development assistance to the Government of Nepal and to the peace process ... US Decides To Continue Its Assistance In Nepal US decides to give license to its agencies in Nepal US to continue assistance even after Maoists join interim government |
Two killed in new Nepal protests BBC News, UK - The Madheshi group argued that "ruling elites" dominated by people from the mountains of Nepal have denied them fair political representation, ... Gunmen kill three in south Nepal Protests rock Nepal peace process Nepal police kill three in riots |
Nepal police fire on protesters, two killed Reuters India, India - KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Police opened fire on protesters from ethnic Madhesi groups demanding autonomy in southeast Nepal on Wednesday, killing two people, ... |
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Police fire on demonstrators in southeast Nepal city killing two ... USA Today - KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Police opened fire on hundreds of protesters in southeastern Nepal on Wednesday, killing at least two and wounding several more in ... Nepal's top leaders try to reach agreement Nepal PM set to make announcement aimed at resolving southern violence |
PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal -
The United Nations Political Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) was established in accordance with Security Council resolution 1740 late last month. ...
Thai peacekeepers to head for Nepal
Thailand to send peacekeepers to Nepal
Thailand to Send 20 Military Officers to Nepal Peace Mission
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