49pc seats for terai in CA Kantipur the 20 districts in the southern strip with 48.4 percent of the country's population will get 49 percent seats in the Constituent Assembly, while 51 percent seats will be divided among the 55 hilly and Himalayan districts that have 51.6 percent of the population. ...... all the groups in the country including Madhesi, dalits, janajatis, women, laborers, peasants and backward classes and regions will be included in the state organs on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion. Posted on: 2007-02-07 21:44:43 (Server Time)I am only now reading this. The NepalNews report I read hours ago was not this specific.
Eight parties seal the deal; PM urges protesters to withdraw agitation NepalNewsIt is now okay to call the Madhesi Movement off the streets.
The Home Minister did not resign and that is a shame.
But the martyrs have been recognized as such by the state. And their families are to be compensated. And the injured will be similarly taken care of both by the state and through civil society initiatives.
Federalism has been achieved in principle, but not in specifics. It is good that the constituent assembly will shape the federalism. It has to be shaped through major deliberation, not through street action.
Getting half the seats for the Terai is a huge achievement.
This does not mean the Madhesi Movement is over. This means the Madhesi Movement can now get off the streets.
I think now the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum faces a major question. Should it continue as a political organization? Or should it become a political party?
But this 49% seats in the Terai is such a fair deal that now that question is less important. Now all parties are going to compete for the Madhesi votes and that is the way it should be. That is how the Madhesis will be best served.
I am so happy right now.
समानता अौर अिधकार पर्याप्त नहीं हैं, हमें तो शक्ित चािहए
Brikhesh Chandra Lal: Meaning Of Inclusive Democracy
Pankaj Karna: Awakening Of Madhesh
Inbox 14
Photos From Janakpur: Santosh Bhagat 3
Photos From Janakpur: Santosh Bhagat 2
Photos From Janakpur: Santosh Bhagat
Protests Will Continue, Big Time
Proposed Constitution
Braindead Girija: The UML Needs To Walk Out Of This Government
Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go
Prachanda's Schizophrenia
Inbox 13
Stage Two, Stage Three
Preeti Koirala And Mainstream Pahadi Prejudice
The Army Is Going To Stay Out Of This
Madhesi Movement: Intensifying The Protest
Paudel Bahun Is Lying
Dhruba Adhikary: Your Typical Pahadi Liar
Anand Jha's Fight At SEBS
Inbox 12
Proportional Representation Might Work With DaMaJa Reservations
Guiding The Madhesi Movement
Open Letter To Surendra Devkota, Shiva Gautam
Inbox 11
Rajendra Mahto Live: Registering Dissent On Interim Constitution, January 15
माघे क्रान्ित
Satya Narayan Shah: Minimizing Conflict
Govind Shah: Peaceful Resolution
Inbox 10
Inbox 9
What Is Wrong With NDYCUSA?
Sitaula Resign, Koirala Declare Madhesh State, Now
February 10: New School: The Madhesi Question
Maoist Wet Dream
Inbox 8
Inbox 7
The Accurately Named Krishna Pahadi
Girija Has Proven To Be A Cruel Joke Upon Nepal
Compromise: Add 45 Constituencies To The Terai
Nonviolent Madhesi Movement For Equality Or Violent Ethnic Riot
King's 3 Years, Girija's 3 Years: Not Happening
Sukhdev Shah: Terai’s Fate—Looking Within!
Inbox 6
Pahadi Bias Colors Global Media
Butchers, Stop The Killing, You Will Get Tried
Action Plan: 5 + 5
Gyane In April: 3 Speeches, Girija In Magh: How Many?
Inbox 5
Inbox 4
Inbox 3
सत्ताधारी सात पहाडी पार्टीको घैंटोमा अझै घाम लागेको छैन
Girija Koirala: Address To The Nation: Madhesi Movement Partial Victory
The Movement Will Not Stop, It Will Go To Step 2
Dragonfly Without A Wing Loses Hearing Capacity
Inbox 2
सरिता गिरी: अशान्त मधेस, नया नेपाल
Hamro Nepal Press Release: Only A Political Outlet To The Madhesi Movement
माघे क्रान्ित, राजावादी र िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थीबारे
The Maoist Map Is A Pretty Good Map
Kamal Thapa Should Be Arrested, But Not For The Madhesi Movement
Madhesi Movement Invites The Dalit, The Janajati, The Mahila
The Ball Is In Girija's Court: A Response To Pramod Kantha
Gagan Thapa On The Terai
Anand Jha: Raising Dust At SEBS
Need For A Mahila Movement
ANTA Press Release: Stop The State Terror
Stop The Shooting, Give The Speech
Feedback, NSU, USA Canada Chapter Press Release
डटे रहो
Sahana Pradhan, Sarita Giri, Chitra Lekha Yadav, Pratibha Rana
Ram Sah, Ratan Jha, Lalit Jha, Pramod Kantha: Madhesi Diaspora, Pahadi Diaspora
Why Are The Pahadis Quiet?
B. K. Rana: Carter, Palestine and Apartheid
Girija, Give A Speech Like Gyane Did In April
Stop Shooting, Give Concession Speech, Calm Down The Streets
Brikhesh Chandra Lal: Who Will Take Responsibility?
Madhesh Is Burning
शान्ित वार्ता क्या, िवजय घोषणा करो
8 Parties Need To Declare 205 Constituencies Of Equal Population
Madhesi Movement Is April Revolution Part 2
Look Who Is Talking
Madhesi Movement: Write To The Media
बराबर जनसंख्याबाला २०५ सीट
मधेश जल रही है
Girija Koirala Is A Crook
205 Constituencies Based On Equal Population, And Reserved Seats
New Jersey Madhesi Gathering: Photos
Anand Jha: Slugging It Out At SEBS
Ram Manohar Sah: Madheshi Murmurings
Mihir Thakur: Paper On Madhesh Samasya 2051
Madhesi Gathering, New Jersey
Prabasi Madhesi Are With The Madhesi Movement In Nepal
My Role In The April Revolution: The Butterfly Effect
Typhoid And Typhoid Victims
Party Unification, And One Person One Vote Principle
Talk With Goit For The Same Reason We Talked With Maoists
Dr. Brian Cobb: Jubilee Member Of Hamro Nepal
Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav: A View On Proposed Constitution
Madhesi Alert, Nepalgunj Pahadi Attack On Madhesi, Raw Email, Video Footage
NepalPAC: A Great, But Limited Idea
Hours And Hours Of Paramendra
One Communist Party, One Congress Party, Total Two Parties
िफर से कह दो एक बार इन्िकलाब
The Idea Of One Communist Party In Nepal
पहाडी मधेशी दंगा, मधेशी जनजाित गठबंधन, र िनर्णायक, अिहंसात्मक अन्ितम अान्दोलनको खाँचो
सद्भावना रोडम्याप
नेपालमा दमजम अान्दोलनको अावश्यकता
Hamro Nepal: 50 Members
नेपालमा संसारको नम्बर एक लोकतन्त्रको स्थापना हुन सक्छ
Moriarty Should Take His Offer Directly To The Bhutani Refugees
Brian Cobb: An Illusion Of Peace
ICG Report: Making Peace Work In Nepal
SEBS Online Forum: Hate Speech On Madhesi Issue
Hisila Yami For President
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
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1 comment:
I am happy too and I am not even a Madhesi haha. This is a good start for the ultimate goal of a just nation. All Nepalis should feel proud that Nepal is moving towards a truly democratic system that will respect and recognize every ethnic group and individual that they deserve. Again, it is just the beginning. There will be many hurdles on the way, especially as long as people like Girija is around. My two concerns are as follows:
- There is no doubt that the most of the 49% seats will go to the madhesh centric parties whether it is Sadvavna or MJF. The Janajatis including the Tharus of the terai belt and the Dalits should learn a lesson and also get organized to secure their representation in the new federal system. It is very natural that the bahuns and chetris will now try to capture the seats in the areas where these un-organized groups form the majority. Now is the time to form a JAMADAMA coalition to completely sweep the elections for the constituent assembly.
- My second concern is how do we carve out the regions for a federal system. We must make sure that all regions get a fair share of the revenue making and development opportunities. The madeshis would have to be a bit accomodating on this since the madhesh is the largest contributor to the GDP today. After all, we all want prosperity for the whole Nepal not only for Madhesh.
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