There should be a parliamentary constituency for every 100,000 people, and there should be a wada for every 1,000 people, so you end up with 100 wada chiefs in each constituency. I think we have to thus firmly establish the one person, one vote principle. We have to stick to it through its vertical implications. If you don't do this you shortchange the Terai. And, more importantly, you shortchange democracy.
The basic organizational principle would be the same. It would be the vertical implications of one person, one vote. And the country would have a left of center party, and a right of center party. The communists seem more likely to do it. And if they manage to do it, and the other parties stay separate, you are looking at that communist party winning 60% of the votes in the country, at least. As long as the communists stay nonviolent, and as long as they stick to the multi-party framework, as no doubt they will, all the glory to them.
This is less like party unification, and more like saying let's dissolve all parties, and let's form a new one from scratch. The party gets established at a national convention. Everybody starts by signing up as an ordinary member. And then you hold elections at all levels to fill up all the posts.
I wonder who would emerge the Chairperson of such a unified communist party. It is obviously between Madhav Nepal and Prachanda. It will be nice to know who has a larger mass base.
These communists should not make the mistake of unifying the parties through unification talks alone. Unification talks are but a starting point. But the actual unification has to take place through a convention.
It amazes me how lethargic Girija has been on this whole issue. But then that is the beauty of democracy. If the Congress does not take similar unification steps, it will pay dearly at the polls.
The implications of there being one communist party are mind boggling. I have talked about its continental implications before. What Prachanda could never have achieved through the gun he is about to achieve through peaceful means beyond his wildest dreams. This is both exciting and interesting.
One Communist Party, One Congress Party, Total Two Parties
The Idea Of One Communist Party In Nepal
In The News
Maoists choose 10 interim MPs NepalNews
Maoists to form ‘leftist alliance’ in interim parliament started negotiations with all left parties represented in the interim parliament to form a common front. He also said the CPN (Maoist) would lead the alliance ..... Communists are going to have strong majority in the interim parliament ....... his party is also trying to settle the intra-party disputes in fringe left parties
Thapa refuses to cooperate, demands proper letter from parliament Thapa was brought before the parliamentary committee formed to probe the killings of Nagarkot and Belbari during the royal regime.
UML names its new 10 parliamentarians Paru Devi Yadav (Siraha), wife of late Hem Narayan Yadav, Parbati Chaudhari (Kailali), wife of Chakra Bahadur Dagaura Chaudhary, Shanti Pakhrin (Dolakha), wife of Buddhi Man Pakhrin, Rijwan Ansari (Bara), Chudamani Jangali BK (Kaski), Jayanti Rai (Bhojpur) and Rima Nepali (Rolpa).
Nepal claims UML will win majority in CA polls
Police produce Kamal Thapa at parliamentary probe committee
Dictatorship of Eight Parties? Former prime minister Surya Bahadur Thapa, who was popularly elected for several times in parliament, now will not have a seat in the parliament in case eight parties find his role is ‘against Loktantric Andolan.’ ....... article 38 of the interim statute states that prime minister will be chosen under the political understanding of eight political parties. The article explicitly says eight parties will include Nepali Congress, CPN-UML, Nepali Congress (Democratic), United People’s Front, Nepal Sadvabana Party (Anandidevi), Nepal Workers and Peasant Party, United Left Front and CPN-Maoist......... Under the article 45 (2), leaders of eight parties can bar any member by terming them to have been affiliated with the group of anti People’s Movement. ...... the requirement of 10,000 signatures of voters to register new political parties. ....... demanding the independence of judiciary seems to be a crime in the eyes of eight party alliance. ....... the judges of supreme court have risked their jobs and security to uphold the ideals which Nepal ’s judiciary has been building up brick by brick since the great change of 1951 ........ the opinion of followers of dictatorship of proletariat like CPN-Maoist and CPN-UML leaders. ........ “Judiciary still has the hangover of feudalist Ranas. Our demand of reappointment of judges has been justified following the decision of Supreme Court,” said CPN-Maoist leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai commenting on the decision of Supreme Court. “Such judges must be removed who oppose the document prepared by eight parties.”
Bandh cripples life in Terai
Goit against interim constitution
Parliamentary probe committee asks government to produce Thapa
Maoist-nominated representatives need not follow party whip: Badal Kantipur
Siraha region under grip of terror following a bomb explosion by JTMM bombed six grocery stores in Bhagwatipur Chowk ...... The JTMM cadres had planted the bombs, accusing the shopkeepers of defying a three-day Terai banda called by JTMM. ...... The buildings as well as all the inventories of the shops were destroyed in the ensuing fire. ......... JTMM eastern region commander Bisfot Singh ...... Two rounds of bullets were also fired after the explosion. Following the bomb blasts and firing, the entire region is under the grip of terror. ...... blasted two more bombs in Sonbarsha Chowk ...... the JTMM cadres, at 11 pm on Friday, set a cardboard factory ablaze. The factory, located at Lahan-4 ...... The main centers of the district like Lahan, Golbazar, Mirchaiya, Chorwa, Sukhipur and Bandipur are shut down and the vehicular motion has come to a complete standstill.
Guns no solution: Matrika tells JTMM "If Goitji does not like to talk to me (thinking me stupid), I would arrange for talks with chairman Prachanda and Baburam Bhattarai," Yadav said. ....... He termed JTMM's demand for "creating a separate madhesh nation" as impossible. ....... accused home minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula of not being serious about addressing the problem despite their (Maoists') frequent requests to resolve it.
Valley sees petro product crisis, NOC has nothing left in stock
अवरोध हटाउन राजनीतिक संयन्त्र निर्माण गरिने
'बन्दुकबाट निकास हु“दैन'
वार्ता गर्न तयार छौं ः जनतान्त्रिक तर त्यसका लागि सरकारले औपचारिक रूपमा प्रस्ताव गनर्ुर्ुर्े छ । ..... 'प्रधानमन्त्री र गृहमन्त्रीले र्सार्वजनिक रूपमा वार्ता गर्ने भने पनि सरकारले त्यसलाई औपचारिक रूपमा अघि बढाएको छैन,' उनले भनेका छन् । ...... नौ सूत्रीय माग ....... वैचारिक आन्दोलनमार्फ अघि बढ्दा सरकारले बाटो बन्द गरेकाले मोर्चा सशस्त्र संर्घष्ामा उत्रिएको ........ 'मधेसीहरूको अधिकारलाई यो सरकारले छुनै सकेको छैन । हामी पहाडे मार्ने होइनौं । हामी मान्छे मार्ने होइनौं,' उनले भने- 'हामी एकल पहाडे राज्यसत्ताविरुद्ध दबाब मुलुक सशस्त्र संर्घष्ा गर्दैछौं ।' ....... जयकृष्ण गोइतले नेतृत्व गरेको मोर्चाबाट ज्वालासिंह समूह विभाजित भएको भन्ठान्नु गलत हुने दाबी गर्दै उनले भने- 'मोर्चा फुटेको होइन । यसको पहिलो महाधिवेशनले तर्राईको र्सवमान्य नेताको रूपमा उहा“ -जयकृष्ण गाइत) लाई सम्मान गर्यो र उमेरले उहा“ पाको अस्वस्थ पनि भएकाले अध्यक्षको जिम्मेवारी मलाई दिइएको हो । नेतृत्वमा भने केही मतभेद छ ।' ........ 'पहाडेलाई हामीले पक्राउ, अपहरण गरेको होइन । तर्राईभित्र हामीलाई अधिकारबाट वञ्चित गर्नेलाई कब्जामा लिएका हौं । उहा“हरूस“ग फिरौती होइन जरिवाना र कर लिएर छाड्छौं
मोर्चाद्वारा आगजनी र विस्फोट
जनकपुर बमकाण्ड र लोकतान्त्रिक संस्कृति नेपाली कांग्रेसका नेता सुवर्ण्र्ाामशेरको आह्वानमा स्थानीय नेतास“गस“गै हामी पनि प्रहरी चौकी जलाउने, बन्दुक खोस्ने, भन्सार कार्यालय जलाउने र पुलहरू भत्काउने कार्यमा सहभागी भयौं । हामी राति-राति पार्टर्ीीे काममा जान्थ्यौं र दिउसो स्कुलमा पढ्थ्यौं ।........ ०१८ साल माघ ७ गते युवानेता रामचन्द्र सिंह -गाउ“ डाम्सी, जिल्ला महोत्तरी ...... भोलिपल्ट बिहान रामचन्द्र सिंहले बम थम्ााउ“दै मलाई भने, यसलाई जतनस“ग लैजाऊ । मैले हुन्छ भन्दै बम लिई हि“डे“ । सा“झपख रामनारायणबाबुको उमगाव“ -भारत) को कचहरीमा रहेको नेपाली कांग्रेस कार्यालयमा बमहरू बुझाए“ । रातिको खाना खाइसकेपछि स्थानीय नेता र क्रान्तिकारी विद्यार्थीहरूको संयुक्त बैठक बस्यो । हामीलाई जानकारी गराइयो, राजा महेन्द्र भोलि माघ ९ गते जनकपुर आउ“दैछ, ऊमाथि प्रथम जनकपुर एयरपोर्टमा बम प्रहार गर्ने । त्यहा“ असफल भए जानकी मन्दिरमा अर्को प्रहार गर्ने । यस योजनामा को-को जाने आ-आफ्नो नाउ“ भन्नुहोस् भनियो । ......... तर म ०१८ साल माघ ९ गते बिहान एयरपोर्टमा गिरफ्तार भए“ । दर्ुगानन्द झाले नेपाल पसेपछि आफैं गिरफ्तारी दिए । म र दर्ुगानन्द झासहित दलसिंह थापा र दुःखा साहनीलाई सेन्ट्रल जेलको गोलघरको 'सेलमा' फलामे नेल, गलफन्दी, हत्कडीसहित अठार महिना राखियो । ०२० साल माघ १५ गते राति १२ बजेतिर क्रूर र बर्बरतापर्ूण्ा तरिकाले जेलको कारखाना नजिकको कमलको रूखमा झुन्ड्याएर यातना दिइयो । त्यसपश्चात त्यसै रूखमा बा“धी दर्ुगानन्द झालाई गोली ठोकी हत्या गरियो । ......... अरविन्दकुमार ठाकुर
वाम एकता एमाले केन्द्रीय कमिटीको तेह्रौँ बैठकले नेपालमा कम्युनिष्ट आन्दोलन एकीकृत बन्न नसकेको विश्लेषण गर्दै 'एकीकृत र सुदृढ कम्युनिष्ट आन्दोलनको निर्माण गर्न र आर्थिक, सामाजिक र सांस्कृतिक समस्याहरूको समाधान गर्न कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीहरूबीच एकता आवश्यक' भएको ठहर गर्यो । ....... अब एमाले माओवादी होइन, समग्र नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी बनाउनुपर्छ । त्यसका लागि एमालेसँग एकताको प्रस्ताव राखेका छौँ ....... "अब नेपालमा एउटा कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी भए पुग्छ ।" ........ एमालेले पार्टी एकीकरणका लागि माक्र्सवाद, लेनिनवादलाई मार्गदर्शक सिद्धान्त तथा समाजवाद र साम्यवादलाई अधिकतम कार्यक्रम मान्नुका साथै बहुदलीय प्रतिस्पर्धा, कानूनी राज, मानव अधिकार, मौलिक अधिकार, संविधानको सर्वाेच्चतालगायत आधुनिक प्रजातान्त्रिक मान्यता अनुरूपको जनवादजस् ता आधारहरू अघि सारेको छ । ......... एमालेले लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र पक्षधरहरूबीच मोर्चा र वामपन्थी दलहरूबीच एकीकरणका लागि स्थायी कमिटी सदस्य वामदेव गौतम, ईश्वर पोखरेल र विष्णु पौडेल रहेको तीन सदस् यीय वार्ता टोलीसमेत गठन गरेको छ । ....... "राजनीतिक दलहरूको ध्यान अन्तरमि संविधान, अन्तरमि संसद् र अन्तरमि सरकारमा गएको छ," पौडेल भन्छन्, "त्यसपछि चाहिँ वाम एकताका साथै मोर्चा गठनको कार्य अघि बढ्ला ।" .......... बृहत् वाम एकताभन्दा पनि ठूला वामपन्थी दलहरूतिर आकषिर्त हुने क्रममा साना वामपन्थी दलहरूबीच भने अझ बढी विभाजन हुनेछ, एमाले र माओवादी दुई ठूला वाम पार्टीसँग नजिकिने क्रममा । .......... त्यसो त अहिले पनि जनमोर्चाका चित्रबहादुर आले समूहले एमालेसँग एकीकरणको प्रक्रिया अघि बढाइरहेको छ भने मोहनविक्रम सिंहले नेतृत्व गरेको चित्रबहादुर केसी समूह पनि एमाले निकट छ । त्यस् तै प्रकाशले अगुवाइ गररिहेको अमिक शेरचनको अर्काे जनमोर्चा समूहचाहिँ माओवादी निकट छ । वाममोर्चाभित्रका तीन वाम घटक पनि गुटगत रूपमा कुनै एमाले निकट र कुनै माओवादी निकट देखिएका छन् । "अहिले सबै पार्टीहरूले ध्रुवीकरणको आवश्यकता महसुस गरेका छन्," माओवादी नेता शर्मा भन्छन्, "तर, त्यो एकता सहज छैन ।"
A videotape of the incidents in Nepalganj on 26 December in the possession of Jana Aastha shows police involved in the violence. They are seen destroying shops and throwing furniture onto fires. In the clash between pahadis and madhesis, the Nepal Police is seen siding with pahadis and firing at madhesis. People in green jackets are visible, provoking the crowd, and mandaleys who work with Kamal Thapa and Rabindranath Sharma are also amongst those involved in the violence. The audio track of videotape contains sections of the crowd saying “Nepal Police jindabad.”
The police recorded are in half uniform and their faces are covered. One heard the words: “This shop is a Nepali’s, don’t destroy it.” The groups systematically attacked shops and homes, and SSP Rajendra Singh Bhandari insulted madhesi protestors, telling them to “go to India to protest”.
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