I have had never entertained your e-mail. If I want to get updated, theres plenty ways that I can choose on my own. I do- in no way- wish your e-mail anymore. Please stop it.
Is there anything we can do to move things along, this is truly exciting!
Ambika Prasad Adhikari, Dr. Des., AICP
President, Nepalese Americas Council (NAC)
Newars support the Madhesi movement as you requested
see attachment
published your post - had to make quite a few changes and add a few links too..
other minority group has sufferd anywhere in the world.International
community remains unaware because our voices dont reach them.The
national media is completely in the hands of majority hilly people and
even the International media looks through the government's eyes.WE
appeal the international community to look into the issue independently
and help us.
with no interest in politics but the descrimination domination and
injustice against we madheshi people is dragging my spirit to jump into
a war.We are not ready for a blood bath again in this country but we
are even not ready to be slaves in our own land .
compensation for killing our people.Our lives are not purchasable.I am counting each drop of blood.The government is digging its grave.
their rights.If this manner continues nobody can be sure that we will
not fight a war for independent Terai.
Krasimira Petrova < krasimira.petrova@bbc.co.uk> wrote:
Hello there,
Thank you for sending us your comment. I work for the BBC News website
and I would be interested in hearing more about your experiences and
views, in light of latest violence in southern Nepal. Have you actually
witnessed anything from the last few days? How has life been affected?
Can you please send me your telephone number so that I can get in touch
for a chat?
Many thanks
Krasimira Petrova
Don't say pahade,himali, N madhesi............say all nepaly and urge all
nepali........talk 4 all nepalease grief man.............I am not foolish to
blame other but I hate who talk about jati man...........for me we all
equall n we all have to get equal right.............
for that we have to fight .........but not strike n kill..........where is
peace,where is our peace nation........I am in favour of jati n religion
......but I love b part of those people who suffers n who care for
other............not blame.
why we talking about Girija.......now if didn't support him he will not b
there.............? but why we did.......?
tell me........u talk like u know every thing tell me ? wat u
Dear Parmendra Ji and all:
As long as it is during the weekend, I will be glad to participate in
it. I am looking forward to it. Thanks.
what time can i come today (not to "socialize"), but to get the rent as per our last conversation?jeff
Thanks. As you can see to some extent world has
started using phrases like "ethnic cleansing" as in
article at
Similarly, we want to promote words
*"independence movement of Madhesh" ,
*"freedom movement" (not separatist movement)
*MADHESH (with 'sh', and not word terai/tarai, and you
know the reasons(or see our site). Who uses word
terai/tarai? Those people who are ashamed to be called
Madheshi. Besides, using the same word "concentrates"
the problem, whereas calling it by different names
makes it appear problems of different places in
people's perception)
*MADHESHI (both singular/plural, this will avoid
confusion over using Madheshis or Madheshees or
Madhesheses etc., and give consistency)
As you publish lots of articles (your own and others),
please try to promote these words (even editing
other's article ;) or suggesting the authors to use
them )
Thank you very much.
Please find the public address given by Aazaad on behalf of ARIM (2007 January 31), attached with the email. The public address is also available at
ARIM Secretariat
(Alliance for Rights and Indepedence of Madhesh)
जनतान्त्रिक तर्राई मुक्ति
मोर्चाका मागहरु
१. तर्राईलाई स्वतन्त्र राज्य घोषणा गर ।
२. जनसंख्याको आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र तोकि समानुपातिक सहभागिता गराउनु पर्ने ।
३. तर्राईमा रहेको सम्पर्ूण्ा सेना, प्रहरी र प्रशासनलाई खाली गरी तर्राईको मुलनिवासीहरुलाई नियुक्त गरेमा ।
४. मधेशीको संयोजकत्वमा तर्राई भित्र जनगणना गरेमा ।
५. तर्राईबाट उठेको सम्पर्ूण्ा राजश्व तर्राईकै विकासमा खर्च गरेमा ।
६. सरकार पक्ष र माओवादीबाट मारिएका मधेशीहरुलाई शहीद घोषणा गरी १५ लाखका दरले क्षतिपर्ूर्तिको व्यवस्था गरेमा ।
७. मधेशीको संयोजकत्वमा केन्द्रीय देखि जिल्लासम्म नागरिकता प्रदान गर्ने व्यवस्था गरेमा ।
८. माओवादीहरुले कव्जा गरेको मधेशीको जग्गा फिर्ता गरेमा ।
९. चन्दा आतंक र तर्राईमा कर उठाउन बन्द गरेमा ।
Please find attached the "Press Release" by FMCN, lead by Madhesi
intellectuals for resolving the Tarai crisis.
Kishore K Jha
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