अशान्त मधेस, नया नेपाल
सरिता गिरी
वार्ताटोलीका चारै पार्टर्ीीरम्परागत एकात्मक राज्यव्यवस्थाको ठाउ“मा संघात्मक राज्यव्यवस्थाका पक्षधर होइनन् । हुन त कांग्रेस प्रजातान्त्रिकले आफ्नो दस्तावेजमा संघात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाको नीति अख्तियार गरेको छ, तर धेरैले त्यसलाई गम्भीरतासाथ लिएका छैनन् । दुवै कांग्रेस विलय होउन्जेलसम्मका लागि कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) ले यस्ता नीति अख्तियार गरेको हुनसक्छ । एमाले सुरुदेखि नै संघात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाको विरोधी रहेको छ । उसको जोड विकेन्द्रीकरणमा छ । माओवादी संघात्मक प्रतिबद्धताबारे पनि प्रश्नचिह्न छन् । जातीय स्वायत्तता, आत्मनिर्ण्र्ााो अधिकार र संघात्मक शासन व्यवस्था सम्बन्धमा माओवादीले एकैचोटी कुरा राखेको छ । तर वास्तवमा उसले कस्तो खालको शासन व्यवस्था चाहेको हो, स्पष्टता छैन । जहा“सम्म नेपाली कांग्रेसको प्रश्न छ, उसको जोड पनि अहिलेसम्म विकेन्द्रीकरणमा नै छ । त्यसैले २२ बु“दे सम्झौता र अन्तरिम संविधान संघीय शासन व्यवस्थाबारे मौन रहेको छ ।
भनिन्छ, युद्ध भड्काउनेहरू शान्तिको सहज र स्वाभाविक निर्माता हुन सक्दैनन् । नेपालको सर्न्दर्भमा यो सत्य हो । वार्तामा सहभागी प्रमुख दल विगतमा द्वन्द्वका मुख्य र्सजक थिए । तिनले द्वन्द्वको मुख्य कारण पहिचान गर्न सकेनन् । विगतको द्वन्द्वको मुख्य कारण सामन्तवादमाथि आधारित केन्द्रीकृत र असहभागितामूलक राज्यव्यवस्था हो । निरंकुश राजतन्त्र त्यस व्यवस्थाको एउटा अंगमात्र हो । ती चार दलले राजालाई लोकतन्त्रको समस्या ठाने । उनीहरू त्रुटिपर्ूण्ा राज्यव्यवस्थ्ााप्रति कहिल्यै गम्भीर भएनन् । त्यसैले ०४६ को परिवर्तनले परम्परागत शासन व्यवस्थामा कुनै तात्विक परिवर्तन ल्याउन सकेन । बरु प्रजातान्त्रिक निर्वाचनले परम्परागत केन्द्रीकृत राज्यव्यवस्थालाई वैधानिक रूप दियो । त्यसैले विगतको वैध तर विभेदकारी व्यवस्थालाई ध्वस्त तुल्याउन १५ हजार नेपालीले ज्यान गुमाउनुपर्यो । तर त्यो सहादत पनि नया“ नेपाल निर्माणनिम्ति पर्याप्त रहेनछ । अहिले मधेसमा नया“ नेपाल निर्माणका लागि रगत बगिरहेछ । नौजना निर्दोष मधेसीले सहादत प्राप्त गरिसकेका छन् । सयौं घाइते छन् ।
केन्द्रीकृत राज्य र विभेदकारी सामाजिक व्यवस्थाले सबभन्दा बढी मधेस र मधेसीलाई आहत तुल्याएको छ । सामाजिक, आर्थिक, भौगोलिक र सांस्कृतिक रूपमा सम्पदाका दृष्टिकोणले मधेस सम्पन्न भए पनि मधेसी जनता जहिले पनि शासकीय थिचोमिचोबाट पीडित रहे । मधेसको भूमि उर्वर नभइदिएको भए मधेसी नेपालबाट विलिन भइसक्थे होलान् । १९५० पछि मधेसीलाई शोषण र हतोत्साहित गर्न नागरिकता र भूमि समस्या जन्माइयो । मधेसीलाई नीति निर्माणबाट टाढा पन्छाइयो । उनीहरूलाई जहिले पनि शंका र अविश्वासको दृष्टिकोणबाट मात्र हेरियो । मधेसी स्वाभिमानमाथि जहिले पनि प्रहार गरियो । आज मधेसीमा देखिएको उन्माद र आक्रोश त्यसैको परिणाम हो । संर्घष्ा गरेर आफ्नो गौरवमयी इतिहास निर्माण गर्नुबाहेक मधेसीस“ग कुनै विकल्प छैन ।
संघीय समावेशी शासन व्यवस्थाको स्थापना मधेसी आन्दोलनको लक्ष्य रहेको छ । संविधानसभाद्वारा राज्यको पुनःसंरचना गर्ने राष्ट्रिय सहमतिलाई मधेसी समुदायले स्वागत गरे । तर २२ बु“दे सहमति र अन्तरिम संविधानले एकात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाको ठाउ“मा संघात्मक शासन व्यवस्था ल्याउने प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गर्न सकेन । त्यसमाथि संविधानसभाका लागि मिश्रति निर्वाचन पद्धति चयनले परिस्थितिलाई जटिल तुल्यायो । धेरैले अनुमान लगाए, मिश्रति निर्वाचन पद्धति परिणामले अघोषित रूपमा एकात्मक राज्यव्यवस्थालाई नै निरन्तरता दिनेछ । सामान्य मधेसीले पनि बुझे, समावेशीको नाममा मधेसी लगायत अन्य सिमान्तीकृत समुदायबाट नया“ अभिजात्य वर्ग जन्मिन सक्छ । तर त्यसले राज्यको रूपान्तरण भई सामान्य जनता राजनीतिक रूपमा शक्तिशाली हु“दैनन् । आजको मधेस आन्दोलन त्यस्तै सम्भावनाविरुद्ध छ । राज्य पुनःसंरचनाका लागि तर्राई आन्दोलनको सफलता कोशेढुंगा सावित हुनेछ ।
मधेसलाई दृष्टिगत गरी नागरिकता विधेयक पारित गर्न पनि प्रमुख दलले राजनीति गरे । संविधानसभाका लागि समानुपातिक निर्वाचन पद्धति चयनको सम्भावना रहुन्जेल नागरिकता विधेयक पारित गरिएन । प्रमुख पार्टर्ीीई थाहा थियो, समानुपातिक निर्वाचन पद्धतिको चयन भइदिइएको भए, चालीस लाख नागरिकता बा“डेको भए मुलुकको राजनीतिक समीकरणमा आमूल परिवर्तन हुन्थ्यो । मधेसीले बराबरीको आधारमा आफ्नो राजनीतिक अधिकार पाइहाल्थ्यो । तर्सथ संविधानसभाका लागि मिश्रति पद्धतिबारे निर्ण्र्ााभएको दोस्रो दिनमात्र नागरिकता विधेयक पारित भयो । मिश्रति निर्वाचन पद्धतिको परिणामस्वरूप चालीस लाख मधेसीले नागरिकता पाए पनि मधेस विगतजस्तै उपनिवेश रही नै रहनेछ ।
मधेस समस्याको समाधान जनसंख्याको आधारमा चुनावी क्षेत्रको निर्धारण होइन । जनसंख्याको आधारमा चुनावी क्षेत्र निर्धारण ०४७ को संविधानको सर्न्दर्भमा उठेको हो । अहिले त्यसको सान्दर्भिकता छैन । आजको आवश्यकता समानुपातिक निर्वाचन पद्धति नै हो । मिश्रति निर्वाचन पद्धतिको औचित्य संविधान बनिसकेपछि संसदीय निर्वाचनका लागि हुनसक्छ । यस मुलुकलाई हिंसाको राजनीति र विखण्डनबाट जोगाउन समानुपातिक निर्वाचन पद्धति र संघीय लोकतन्त्रमात्र कारगर हुनसक्छ । माओवादी हिंसात्मक व्रि्रोहले पुरानो नेपाललाई समाप्त पार्न प्रमुख भूमिका निर्वाह गरेको हो । नया“ लोकतान्त्रिक संघात्मक नेपाल निर्माणका लागि मधेसको शान्तिपर्ूण्ा आन्दोलनले नै मुख्य भूमिका निर्वाह गर्नेछ ।
-लेखक, नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टर्ीीआनन्दीदेवी) की केन्द्रीय सदस्य हुन् ।)
In The News
8-parties reach understanding to resolve Terai unrest; PM to address nation on Wednesday NepalNews "The eight parties have agreed to embrace federal democratic system through the CA; adopt mixed electoral system – fifty percent in the existing First-Past-The-Post system and fifty percent in the proportional representation system; and also to undertake fresh delimitation of existing constituencies based on latest census," said Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula. The total number of 205 constituencies will remain the same but they will be redistributed based on increase of population in certain regions. ..... the Prime Minister will address the nation on Wednesday morning (around 9 to 10 am) by including all these agreements aimed at resolving the ongoing unrest in Terai. ..... the eight parties have concluded that conspirators had engaged in violence in Terai unrest and vowed to take action against them. ..... Bharat Mohan Adhikary ... "I want to tell all the people of Terai, indigenous community and Dalits that the eight parties have agreed to embrace federal democratic system," said Adhikary.
Curfew Clamped in Chandranigahpur After Clashes Himalayan Times
8-Party Leaders Meet at Baluwatar
WFP Appeals for Safe Passage of Food Aid in Terai
One Killed in Biratnagar Protest; Curfew Clamped in Gaur
Eight-hour Curfew Imposed in Kalaiya
Panel Releases Nepalgunj Riot Report A total of 211 houses and shops were damaged and property worth over Rs 78 million was destroyed and one person was killed and 26 injured in the December 25-26, 2006 Nepalgunj violence .... declare Kamal Giri, who was killed in police firing during the violence, a martyr. ..... provide Rs 10 lakh to Giri's family as compensation. ..... suggested that the eight political parties address the demands of the Madhesi people at the earliest, the panel has asked the government to bring to book those responsible for the Nepalgunj incident.
Eight-party leaders meet at Baluwatar; PM not to address the nation today NepalNews Krishna Prasad Sitaula (Nepali Congress), Ishwor Pokhrel (CPN-UML), Dr Baburam Bhattarai (CPN-Maoist), Bimalendra Nidhi (NC-Democratic), Rajendra Mahato (Nepal Sadbhawana Party-Aandi Devi), Sunil Prajapati (Nepal Workers and Peasants Party) and Ganesh Shah of the Left front ...... differences surfacing within the taskforce regarding key demands of protesting Madhesi groups – proportional representation in the upcoming constituent assembly election on the basis of population and the federal structure of the country. ...... the PM will address the nation either tomorrow or the day-after after the eight parties reach a 'concrete' agreement.
India ‘concerned’ about Terai unrest; steps up security in bordering areas Mukherjee on his part said Nepal should resolve the crisis by addressing the just demands of the protesting Terai groups
One protester killed in Biratnagar; curfew imposed Raj Kumar Kamat, 33, who was shot and injured during a demonstration in Bhittiamode area died on the way to Koshi Zonal Hospital. ..... Seven others were injured in the incident. ..... local administration clamped indefinite curfew in Biratnagar from 1.30 pm. .. death toll in eastern Terai districts reached 8
Eight-party taskforce discussing draft report differed on the demands of Madhesi people for a federal state and delimitation of election constituencies for the CA elections based on proportional electoral system, among others. ..... consensus has already been reached on the proposal for a federal structure of the state while debate is underway regarding the electoral procedures. ..... Based on the draft resolution prepared by the taskforce, the high-level meeting of the SPA and the Maoists will take significant decisions regarding federal structure of the state and electoral procedures later today. ...... Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala is scheduled to deliver a key address to the nation
Former Minister Ansari, DDC chairman arrested
Journalists come under heightened risk in restive Terai districts A group of protesters manhandled Kamal Rimal, a local reporter, last evening while a second journalist, Bikram Luintel, was attacked when he was covering the protests in Biratnagar today.
Thapa, Mandal arrested for 'instigating' violence in Terai; other royalists under watch
Property worth 78 million rupees destroyed in Nepalgunj violence: Civil Investigation Report
More seats for Nepal ethnic group Aljazeera.net, Qatar Krishna Prasad Sitaula said on Monday: "We plan to redraw the seats according to the population in the Terai and the Kathmandu Valley, where population density is higher. ...... "The representation will increase from Madhesh [Terai] and Kathmandu." ..... More than 100 people were wounded in the unrest over the last two weeks
Nepal king's men arrested as Terai toll rises
Curfew imposed in southern Nepal Kalaiya
Former Nepal ministers arrested
Deja Voodoo In 'New' Nepal
Nepal Himali indigen demands representation in interim legislature PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal The Himali Indigenous Nationalities Coordination Council (HINCC) warned that the people of Karnali would disrupt air service and ban tourism activities if the government failed to meet their demands by February 27 ...The HINCC demanded that the election constituencies should be allocated on the basis of geography and the interim legislature and the constituent assembly should provide 17.5 percent seats to the rural and mountainous region. ..... 52 representatives from the Karnali, rural and mountainous region should get representation in the interim legislature, to appoint one representative each from the indigenous organizations affiliated to the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities, to declare public holiday on local festival, to prioritize the rural and mountainous region on foreign employment ...... HINCC president Krispasur Sherpa said, "We are planning to serve one month ultimatum to the government to meet our demands." He added that if the demands were not met on time, they would launch strong protest programs. ... the indifference of the government towards the development of backward region.
Nepal: ICJ urges Nepal to ratify convention against enforced ... PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances and passing enabling laws giving effect domestically to the provisions of the Convention. The Convention was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 December 2006. ..... Between May 2000 and 13 January 2007, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nepal received 2028 cases of disappearance. The whereabouts of people involved in 645 of these cases remains unknown. ...... 49 individuals had disappeared at Maharajgunj Royal Nepal Army Barrack between 2003 and 2004. ..... the failure to hold accountable even a single perpetrator, perpetuates the culture of impunity in Nepal and could lead to future gross human rights violations. ...... a prohibition on secret detentions; a requirement that people be detained only in officially recognized and supervised facilities that maintain records of all detainees; a requirement that the State ensure that all detainees are able to challenge in court the legality of their detention (habeas corpus) and the right to obtain information on detainees. ...... widespread and systematic practices of enforced disappearance.
More seats for Nepal ethnic group MWC News, Canada
India, Nepal agree on law and order maintenance during polls Zee News, India
Nepal Govt crackdown on King loyalists as Terai simmers Hindu, India
India directs state govts to increase security along Indo-Nepal border Kantipur Online, Nepal
Madhav Nepal apprises Pranab Mukherjee of current situation in Nepal DailyIndia.com, FL
Top eight-party leaders discuss Terai unrest Kantipur Online, Nepal the task force of the eight parties failed to reach a common agreement on issues like the proportional representation election system for the Constituent Assembly polls, one of the key demands of the Madhesi people, while the issue of a federal structure of governance was agreed on in principle. ....... The bloody protests flared up suddenly after a Maoist cadre shot dead an MPRF activist in Lahan on January 19. ....... the increasing unrest in the southeastern region has damaged government buildings, party offices of the ruling seven parties and Maoists, media houses and houses of the seven-party leaders have been either vandalized or set on fire. ...... The authorities arrested former home minister of the royal cabinet Kamal Thapa, his ministerial colleague Badri Prasad Mandal and Salim Miya Ansari late Monday accusing them of stirring up communal violence in the region.
Task force asks eight party leaders to reach consensus on Madhesi demands Kantipur CPN-UML was in favour of the proposed proportionate electoral system ..... "We are in favour of the proportionate electoral system," Nepal said, adding "The issue of reconfiguring the election constituencies based on geographic consideration has also come up and we must move ahead with common understanding in this regards." ....... Left front leader CP Mainali said that today's discussion must address the poll procedure issues adding that the election constituencies must be reconfigured based on the demographics and population. ..... protests launched by little-known Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) flared up suddenly after a Maoist cadre heading for Chitwan from eastern Nepal shot dead an MPRF activist in Lahan on January 19. .... The demands of the Madhesis are gaining increasing support from various walks of life, including from the ruling alliance lawmakers and ministers. ..... Altogether 53 madhesi lawmakers in the Interim Legislature and four ministers on Sunday handed over a memorandum to the Prime Minister, urging him to address the two essential demands put forward by the Madhesi people. ...... PM will address the nation after the leaders of the eight parties come to an agreement as to how to address the recent unrest ...... The high-level meeting of the eight party leaders later today is likely to take significant decisions regarding federal setup and electoral procedures, a few of the demands among others put forward by the Madhesi People’s Rights Forum.
PM Koirala's address on Terai unrest postponed the task force could not decide on the issue of a proportional representation election system for the June polls, which is another major demand put forward by the Madhesi community.
Biratnagar protest turns violent, one killed; indefinite curfew clamped
Former minister Ansari arrested
Maoists to shun private property In a drive to create a communist 'commune', the CPN-Maoist has initiated collecting details of individual property of its leaders and cadres to transfer them in the name of the party. ... the Maoists always fought against the concept of retaining private property. ..... "The Kandel-committee had begun collecting details of individual property of all leaders and cadres. ........ Maoist leaders and cadres shouldn't claim individual property and they are not supposed to have their individual expectations besides the party. "They must accept what the party decides for them ....... formulate necessary rules and regulations to keep the party and its cadres well-disciplined. ...... "We will first begin from the central leaders and will gradually go down to the local levels ...... The party has ruled that its lawmakers can't possess the money, received under the Parliamentary Act related to facilities and perks to parliamentarians. The party has taken responsibility of managing the expenses of its lawmakers.
Indian help sought to resolve terai impasse Nepali Congress General Secretary Ram Chandra Poudel ..... he is supposed to meet leaders of Bharatiya Janata Party Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Lal Krishna Advani and Raj Nath Singh.
TU exams postponed
Kamal Thapa, Mandal arrested
Extra flights fail to rescue stranded passengers Most airline operators say they are unable to cope with the current soaring demand. Despite assigning additional flights to the eastern region, thousands of passengers remain stranded in the eastern cities of Biratnagar, Bhadrapur, and Janakpur. .... Buddha Air is charging Rs 6,500 for a ticket from Biratnagar to Kathamndu against the normal fare of Rs 4,010 on additional flights. Yeti Airlines has raised fares by Rs 400 on the route.
Terai unrest worsens petrol shortage Shortage of petroleum products has hit the eastern and central region including Kathmandu Valley, as the protracted Terai unrest affected the transportation of fuel. ..... “The stock at Amlekhgunj depot is rapidly approaching zero level, particularly in the case of petrol” ...... The supply of petrol made on the day, however, was just half the normal daily demand. Overall supply of petroleum products was also just one-fourth of the normal daily consumption. ....... As severe fuel crisis looms in the Valley, the eastern region of the country is already suffering from severe fuel crisis, as stocks at Biratnagar and Janakpur depots of NOC have dried out. ...... “Since people are more concerned over the ongoing stir in Terai, they have not reacted to the fuel shortage. But, panic will hit as soon as the stir ends” ....... if bandas and tension in Terai continues for the next few days, the much-replenished stock at Thankot depot will also not help ...... Supply situation of petroleum products in western regions of the country are normal. According to officials, NOC has maintained supplies in Pokhara, Butwal and other western cities through Bhairahawa depot. ...... Likewise, mid-western and far-western regions are also getting enough supply of oil, as the stir has not affected those regions
Eight-party meet Tuesday to tackle Terai unrest
मन्त्री त्रिपाठीद्वारा राजीनामा
संघीय राज्यको सहमति मधेसी, आदिवासी जनजातिले उठाएका माग सम्बोधन गर्न संघीय राज्य तथा जनसंख्या र भूगोलका आधारमा निर्वाचन प्रणालीमा जाने विषयमा आठ दल सहमत भएका छन् । संघीय राज्य र समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली माग जायज भएको ठहर गर्दै त्यसलाई संयोजन गरेर अघि बढ्ने सहमति भएको हो । संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनका लागि मतदाता नामावली र नागरिकता वितरण कार्य पहिलो प्रक्रिया भएकाले त्यसलाई बिथोल्न दरबारियाहरूले अराजकता मच्चाएको धारणा आठ दलको छ ।
थापा र मण्डल पक्राउ
'षड्यन्त्रकारीलाई सरकारले कारबाही गर्छ'
मधेसका जायज माग पूरा गर्न आग्रह नेकपा -एमाले) र कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) ले तर्राईका जायज माग पूरा गर्न सरकारलाई छुट्टाछुट्टै आग्रह गरेका छन् । यसै गरी विभिन्न भातृ संगठनले पनि माग पुरा गर्न अपिल गरेका छन् । मधेसीले उठाएका समानुपातिक चुनाव प्रणाली र संघात्मक राज्यसंरचनाको माग जायज भएको ठहर गर्दै उनीहरूका मागलाई सम्बोधन गर्न आग्रह गरेको हो । एमालेले तर्राईवासीलाई आफ्ना माग अघि सार्दा संविधानसभा चुनावको मूल लक्ष्यलाई केन्द्रबिन्दुमा राखी शान्तिपर्ूण्ा ढंगले विरोध पर््रदर्शन गर्नसमेत आग्रह गरेको छ । लोकतान्त्रिक शक्तिबाट हिंसात्मक घटना हुन नसक्ने ..... जनआन्दोलनका अपराधीमाथि कारबाही नभएकाले प्रतिगामी तत्त्व संविधानसभा निर्वाचन बिथोल्न लागिपरेको ठहर गर्दै रायमाझी आयोगको प्रतिवेदन चा“डो र्सार्वजनिक गरी दोषीलाई कारबाहीको माग गरेको छ । ....... कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) केन्द्रीय कार्यसमितिको सोमबारको बैठकले मधेसी समुदायसित तत्काल वार्ता गर्न सरकारलाई आग्रह गरेको हो । बैठकले संविधानसभा सुनिश्चित गर्न सरकारले संघीय अवधारणाअनुरूप राज्यको पुनर्ःसरचनाको प्रतिबद्धता र जनसंख्या र भौगोलिक अनुकूलताका आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारण गर्नुपर्ने निर्ण्र्ाागरेको छ । ....... बैठकपछि महामन्त्री विमलेन्द्र निधिद्वारा जारी विज्ञप्तिअनुसार बैठकले राष्ट्रिय संकल्प पूरा गर्ने संविधानसभा चुनावमा कुनै पनि पहिचानमा आबद्ध नेपाली विमुख नहुने वातावरण सुनिश्चित गर्न सरकारले ती माग पूरा गर्नुपर्ने निर्ण्र्ाागरेको छ । ...... माओवादीको भ्रातृ संगठन मधेसी राष्ट्रिय मुक्ति मोर्चाले समान जनसंख्याका आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र, जातीय आत्मनिर्ण्र्ााो अधिकार, स्वशासन, समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व र संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रको घोषणा गर्न माग गरेको छ । ....... १९ दिने जनआन्दोलनको बलमा सिर्जित वर्तमान अवस्थामा पनि मधेसी जनताको आवाजलाई सम्बोधन गर्न नसक्नु विडम्बनापर्ुण्ा र दर्ुभाग्यपर्ूण्ा सावित भएको ....... माग पूरा नभए समझदारी र सम्झौताको नाममा मोर्चा मूकदर्शक भएर नबस्ने र सशक्त आन्दोलन गर्न बाध्य हुन ....... थारू विद्यार्थी समाजको पहिलो केन्द्रीय बैठकले तर्राईको आन्दोलन सान्दर्भिक र जायज रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै आन्दोलन शान्तिपर्ूण्ा रूपमा निरन्तर अगाडि बढाउन आह्वान गरेको छ । ........ मधेसी कानुन व्यवसायीहरूले शान्तिपर्ूण्ा आन्दोलनलाई सरकार र केही सञ्चारमाध्यमले 'तर्राईमा फैलिएको दंगा र साम्प्रदायिकता' भन्नु आफैंमा खेदजनक रहेको जनाएको छ । ........ मधेसको आन्दोलनलाई अन्तरिम संविधानले जनजाति, आदिवासी, दलित र मधेसी समुदायको समस्यालाई संवैधानिक रूपमा सम्बोधन गर्न नसकेपछिको स्वाभाविक परिणति रहेको ........ तामाङ स्वायत्त गणतान्त्रिक मञ्च र मैथिल महासंघले मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमले आह्वान गरेको आन्दोलनप्रति ऐक्यबद्घता जनाउ“दै सहकार्य गर्दै आन्दोलन अघि बढाउने निर्ण्र्ाागरेको छ । ........ मधेसी इन्जिनियरहरूले मधेसलाई राजनीतिक शक्तिहरूले बेवास्ता गरेपछि मधेसीहरूसामु संर्घष्ाको विकल्प नरहेको जनाएको छ । यस्तै नेपाल बुद्धिजीवी परिषद्ले मधेसको जायज सरोकार र मागप्रति ऐक्यबद्धता प्रकट गर्दै सरकार र आठ राजनीतिक दललाई माग पूरा गर्न अपिल गरेको छ । ...... रामराजाप्रसाद सिंहले माओवादी क्रान्तिद्वारा मधेसीले देख्ने नया“ भविष्य ठप्प भएपछि व्रि्रोहस्वरूप समानता प्राप्तिका लागि तर्राईमा आन्दोलन भएको बताएका छन् । ....... राजधानीमा मंगलबार पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरी उनले नेपाल नया“ युगमा प्रवेश गर्न मधेसी र पहाडका जनजातिको गठबन्धन आवश्यक भएको बताए । मधेस आन्दोलन माओवादीले सम्झौता गरेपछिको निराशाको परिचायक रहेको दाबीसमेत उनको थियो । आफूले माओवादी आन्दोलनलाई क्रान्ति भन्ने गरेको उल्लेख गर्दै उनले भने- 'क्रान्ति सम्झौतामा गएर टुंगिएपछि निराशा हुन्छ, मलाई ७२ वर्षो उमेरमा समेत भएको छ भने त्यहा“ -तर्राई) का युवामा हुनु त स्वाभाविकै हो ।'
अशान्त मधेस, नया“ नेपाल
निर्वाचनका लागि सम्झौता गरेका हौं
1 comment:
March 26th 2007
KATHMANDU - Five Maoist girls were allegedly gangraped in public, mutilated and later burnt to death in South Nepal during a clash between the former rebels and the Madhesis that claimed 29 lives, a rights activist has said.
According to eye-witness accounts, the girls were raped by cadres of the Madhesi People's Rights Forum, their breasts were chopped off, faces burnt and then set afire, leading human rights activist and a former minister Mathura Shrestha told the Kathmandu Post after visiting the site of the carnage.
Girls raped in public, mutilated in Gaur
29 Maoists, mostly the members of the young Communist League, were killed on March 21 during the clash between them and the MPRF activists in Gaur near the Indian border. The incident occurred when the Maoists and the MPRF, who were holding programmes simultaneously at the same venue in Gaur, got into an altercation.
Shrestha claimed that the MPRF hired at least two dozen professional killers to attack the Maoists. At least 40 people sustained injuries and 50 are still missing.
The police have so far arrested seven persons suspected to be involved in the killings. The government has formed a probe committee to inquire into the incident and asked it to submit a report within 15 days.
Nepal's Parliament yesterday passed a special resolution condemning the killing and instructed the government to take stern action against the culprits. The leaders of the Seven- Party Alliance described the incident as a "crime against humanity".
The government stepped up security in several districts of eastern Terai in view of violent demonstrations announced by the MPRF and also issued prohibitory orders in some areas to prevent clashes.
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