Mahara says he wants Defense. That is him saying he wants Defense, but if the seven parties have problems with that, he will settle for Home. These Maoists, they really relish use of force, don't they? If they can't hold the gun, they want at least to be able to smell it.
He can be Deputy Prime Minister, but he can not have Home or Defense. What he really wants is Home. He can't have it.
Instead they can be part of an eight party steering committee that will oversee the democratization and restructuring of the Nepal Army even as the country moves towards the constituent assembly elections. That same committe could also go on to restructure the police. But the committee will be beneath the interim parliament in authority. It will be a parliamentary committee.
This is to be an eight party government. There is to be eight party oversight of the two armies. The Maoists cease to be a parallel state as soon as the eight party government is formed.
I don't blame Mahara from trying to strike a hard bargain. That is in the best interests of his party. But he will have to learn to settle for less. He can not start with one army and end up with two! That is too good to be true, even for him.
Instead the eight parties should focus on sending the two armies to school. What about mandatory human rights classes to all the soldiers in both the armies.
The Maoists might also want to retain their militia. How do you win hearts and minds? You teach them.
Or you can have Defense with the Congress, and Home with the UML.
In The News
Bhattarai criticizes government for making peace accord draft public NepalNews The Peace Committee, which is headed by general secretary of the Nepali Congress (NC) Ram Chandra Poudel, includes representatives from seven parties as well as other parties represented in the House of Representatives such as Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Rastriya Janashakti Party (RJP), and other faction of People's Front Nepal (PFN).
Appointments by this government will not be acceptable, says Mahara any appointment of ambassadors, promotion of army generals or transfer of bureaucrats without their consent would be unacceptable to them. ...... Mahara also staked his party's claim to the Defense Ministry in the forthcoming interim government. "The interim government will have to conduct the job of restructuring the army. This is not going to be an easy job. Therefore, we have staked claim to this ministry," he said.
Maoists bargained hard for 73 seats, says Oli Oli said the Maoists were able to get those seats since UML did not resort to politics of bargaining.
Mahara to lead CPN-M in interim govt Kantipur
'Hats off to people of Nepal, we must learn from you'
Govt-Maoist-UN team inspects Palpa, Rolpa cantonment sites
Sitting House to pass citizenship bill The government wants to approve the citizenship bill that is under consideration at the parliamentary State Affairs Committee (SAC) before forming a new interim legislature ...... The bill has been languishing in SAC after some MPs, especially left-wing ones, pointed fingers at its loopholes. ...... Most of them stressed the need to send special teams to all the villages to distribute citizenship to the people. ..... RPP Chairman Rana suggested that the government send teams to the doorsteps of the people. .... Lawyer Kamal Narayan Das suggested that cut off date should be the day when the new law is promulgated. .... it will take tentatively 45 days to send the teams and the teams will take 2-3 months to complete the task. ...... Following pressure from the Terai region to scrap mandatory provision of the Nepali cap in the photos of male citizens wanting to acquire citizenship papers, the Home Ministry is in the process of scrapping this mandatory provision
BHUTANESE REFUGEES SERIES IV: Refugees are boon for some Nepalis
NSP committee to expedite party unity In order to expedite party unification with Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandidevi) and form a broader Madhesi Democratic Front, Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP) on Sunday constituted a five-member committee under the convenorship of party member Dr Dambar Narayan Yadav. According to a statement issued by NSP, the National Executive Committee meeting held at the party office here today adopted a decision to forge unity among Madhesis while going for constituent assembly election to ensure their fundamental rights. The NSP has become the first political party to denounce the recent historic agreement reached between seven-party alliance and Maoists saying that it was the most undemocratic and totalitarian practice as NSP was excluded from the process leading to the agreement. NSP also claimed that the eight political parties failed to address pertinent issues related to the marginalized Madhesis, indigenous nationalities and dalit communities. Citing these reasons, NSP has also decided to launch a nationwide public awareness campaign and protest programs across the country. The nationwide protest is slated for December 7.
Peace Accord draft ready The signing of the agreement will officially end the 11-year old insurgency.... the 10-point agreement ..... The 10 points in the 17-page agreement include: preamble, definitions, ceasefire, end of war, commitment to multiparty democracy, human rights principles, respect for humanitarian laws, settlement of disputes, implementation and monitoring, and miscellaneous. ..... carrying of arms will be punishable under existing law .... replacing the present Peace Committee with a Peace, Coordination and Rehabilitation Commission ...... Poudel and Prajapati, Ishwor Pokharel of CPN-UML, Tek Bahadur Chokhyal of NC (Democratic), Dr Prakash Chandra Lohani of Rastriya Janashakti Party, Khem Raj Pandit of Rastriya Prajatantra Party, Shashi Shrestha and Chitra bahadur KC of the two factions of People's Front Nepal, Rajendra Mahato of Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandidevi) and a representative from the United Left Front
Surya Nepal awards ad hoc increment to protesting workers
Maoists hold central committee meeting Prachanda is slated to leave for the Indian capital to attend the November 17-18 summit organised by the Indian daily The Hindustan Times. More than 20 world figures including Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Indian Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, Malaysia's ex-president Mahathir Mohhammed will participate in the programme.
Draft of comprehensive peace agreement submitted
Action sought against citizenship recommendation forgers CPN-UML General Secretary Madhav Kuamr Nepal, who was also present during the discussion, said that the provision mentioned in the Bill that awards citizenship to anyone born after 1989 should be replaced with the system of lineage based citizenship. .... Ratriya Prajantra Party president Pashupati Shamshere Rana said that the problem of citizenship was the single greatest problem for the disenfranchised and the madheshis and proposed "a priority based solution" to the problem. ..... Chairman of Nepal Bar Association, Shambhu Thapa said that since the present constitution is being scrapped, there would be no legal hurdle to anything the parliament proposes. ..... legal expert Harihar Dahal demanded a straightforward citizenship mechanism for those who are born in Nepal and have made permanent residence here. ..... Dahal opined that the present provision of awarding citizenship based on recommendation from three individuals should be replaced with one that allows only government officials to make such recommendations.
संसद् र सरकारमा प्रतिनिधि छान्न कार्यदल
प्रधानमन्त्री कोइराला नै ः देउवा सात दलभित्र अन्तरिम सरकारमा प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाको विकल्प खोज्नेबारे छलफल नभएको ..... 'हामीले प्रधानमन्त्री 'रिप्लेस' गर्नुपर्छ भनेकै छैनौं । आठ दलमध्ये कुनै एक दलले सरकारको नेतृत्वमा विरोध जनाएमात्र छलफल हुने हो । यहाँ त माओवादीले समेत गिरिजाबाबुको नेतृत्व मानिसक्यो, हामीले नमान्ने कुरै छैन,' देउवाले भने । बैठकमा पूर्वउपसभापति चिरञ्जीवी वाग्ले र पूर्वमहामन्त्री विजयकुमार गच्छदारको नेतृत्वमा रहेको असन्तुष्ट पक्षधर सदस्यहरूले सभापति देउवालाई पार्टी एकताको प्रक्रिया तत्काल सुरु गर्न दबाब दिए । प्रत्युत्तरमा देउवाले पार्टीका जिल्ला सभापतिहरूसमेतको मंगलबारदेखि हुने भेलापछि एकता पहल गर्ने आश्वासन दिए । राजधानीमा मंगलबार पार्टीको तीनदिने बृहत् भेला सुरु हुँदैछ । भेलामा पार्टीका सम्पूर्ण सांसद, पूर्वसांसद, केन्द्रीय सदस्य, पूर्वकेन्द्रीय सदस्य र ७५ वटै जिल्ला सभापति सहभागी हुनेछन् ।
थप दुई मातृभाषा पाठ्यक्रम
समावेशीका चुनौती
वामशक्तिले बिर्सन नहुने अनुभव
पालो आर्थिक एजेन्डाको
ऐतिहासिक समझदारीका चुनौती
NEPAL: Bilateral refugee talks planned Reuters AlertNet, UK
Bhutanese refugees series- III:Death of the repatriation option?
New hope in Nepal Khaleej Times the people of Nepal deserve a new dawn of hope, having suffered as they have at the hands of corrupt politicians, a reckless monarch and ruthless Maoist rebels. .... catch up with the lost time and effort.
Nepal government, rebels set to sign formal peace accord
Maoists still envy weapons: Oli
Nepal - Why Prachanda Wants Girija To Lead The Interim Government Citizen Journalism Nepal, NY
Now, Restructuring State of Nepal Is the Key United We Blog, Nepal We must eradicate government employees’ dominance over local government bodies with the electoral democratic procedures. .... “The most successful modern-day communist insurgency” is how Daily Telegraph, London commented on the Nepali Maoists for their openness to the multiparty electoral democracy.
Nepal signs deal to build trans-Asian railway network Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Countries sign agreement on Trans-Asian railway plan VietNamNet Bridge Transportation and railway ministers of 17 Asian countries and Russia Friday signed an agreement on trans-Asian railway network in Busan, paving the way for further connection of the 81,000-km trans-continental railway network in Asia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, South Korea, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tajikstan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Vietnam .... starts on the Pacific seaboard of Asia and ends up on the doorstep of Europe
Nepal Maoists Release 8 from Their Captivity Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
Nepal Army to Fill 4,000 Vacant Posts Himalayan Times
UML Man Threatened of Life
Maoists Agree to Stop Disrupting Tax Collection
New code of conduct for civil servants coming aims to rid the civil service of corruption and make civil servants more efficient and accountable to the people. ..... a professional, efficient and non-corrupt civil service. ..... aims to make the civil service inclusive and give the civil servants more opportunities for personal development. ..... aims to revise the structure of ministries. ..... copies of the blueprint will be sent to all political parties to garner suggestions. The blueprint will be finally presented at the parliament. ...... Red-tapism, unclear work division and weakening morale of civil servants are major weaknesses facing the civil service ....... “Recruiting process will be simplified and made scientific, the curriculum of the Public Service Commission will be revised and salary and benefits will be fixed on a par with international standard.”
CA polls in mind, Maoists plan panel to effect a metamorphosis to re-orient the party organisation in the changed political scenario. ..... The meeting also approved a political report presented by chairman Prachanda and hailed the November 8 accord as “historic.” ...... the possibility of polarisation of the leftist forces under a democratic republic front. .... the need of massive transformation of the party’s organisations ...... pick 73 representatives the party is supposed to send in the interim legislature according to ethnicity, region, gender and socio-cultural diversity.
Sujata lambasts UML chief accused CPN (UML) general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal of working overtime to hinder the implementation of the agreement between the seven-party alliance and the Maoists. ..... Nepal was creating problems by raising the issue of who should lead the interim government. Alleging that the UML leaders were slandering Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, she said, “The government has done a lot of work; the charges against the government will boost regression.” ..... Both the Congresses would unite soon, she said. “The issue of party unification has reached the final point; it’s near announcement now,” she added. ...... “The NC favours ceremonial kingship; not only the PM but the entire Nepali Congress wants this. The election to a constituent assembly is the best means to settle the dispute over this issue,” Sujata said.
EC forms panels to prepare for CA polls smooth conduct of elections to a constituent assembly by June 15. ...... the move to have the elections before the monsoon season.
31 October 2006, Tuesday | 501 | |
1 November 2006, Wednesday | 308 | |
2 November 2006, Thursday | 190 | |
3 November 2006, Friday | 155 | |
4 November 2006, Saturday | 118 | |
5 November 2006, Sunday | 117 | |
6 November 2006, Monday | 170 | |
7 November 2006, Tuesday | 132 | |
8 November 2006, Wednesday | 128 | |
9 November 2006, Thursday | 122 | |
10 November 2006, Friday | 90 | |
11 November 2006, Saturday | 71 | |
12 November 2006, Sunday | 130 | |
13 November 2006, Monday | 514 |
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