World Trade Center
Times Square
Jackson Heights
Prospect Park

- ANONYC, Association of Nepali Organizations in New York City, is an umbrella organization.
- Any interested Nepali organization in the city can become a member. Membership is free.
- Each will be represented by either its president or the president's representative. The organization will meet at least once every three months, but not more than once a month. The Secretary is to publicize the venue and time to all concerned. At least 60% attendance is required for a meeting to be official. At the meetings, only one person speaks at a time. You get the floor from the president and will be alloted time limits.
- There will be an emphasis on consensus.
- But when voting has to take place, each organization's voting weight will be the number of members it has. The organization will have to submit the names and contact info (email address, phone number) of all its members to certify its voting weight. Voting, when it happens, will be open. The voting weight of an organization will be decided at the time of election and will be locked for a year. That does not apply to new member organizations who will get to submit their lists at the time of first joining. Those organizations that are not based just in the city, but perhaps are national or even global, may only count their local members.
- Money matters are to be kept online and transparent. The organization hopes to minimize the need to raise and spend money as much as possible. Meeting minutes are similarly to be kept online and transparent. All decision making is to be kept online and transparent. All votes are to be published online.
- There is to be an Executive Committee. President, Vice Presidents -2, Secretary, and Treasurer. They are to be elected annually, by December at the latest.
- All member organizations will stay autonomous, free to go about as they please.
- ANONYC at best is a loose federation. It is not registered. It hopes to work to empower the Nepalis locally. And it hopes to help keep vibrant the connection to the motherland. It hopes to democratize the power structure in the larger Nepali diaspora based on the vertical implications of one person, one vote and the basic premise of transparency and hence will not join umbrella organizations that do not practice the same.
- It will also work towards alliances with other groups in the city with the zeal to empower.
Running For President Of ANONYC

I hereby declare my candidacy for president of ANONYC.
The Virus Of The April Revolution
Democratic Vision For The 21st Century
The Matrix
Barack Obama: This Is A New Century
I am conscious of the ethnic and gender diversity stuff. This would be my dream team.
Karma Gyalden Sherpa - Vice President
Tara Niraula - Vice President
Luna Ranjit - Secretary
Chandra Prakash Sharma - Treasurer
I believe we meet on the 26th. We will decide then as to what shape it all takes.
My platform is give me a 10,000 strong matrix (The Matrix) and I will take you to the White House with me. I will likely not seek reelection in December 2007. I am a member of ANONYC as the president of Hamro Nepal, the "world's first digital democracy organization."
Interim Constitution, Revolutionary Parliament (April 8)
Proposed Republican Constitution 2006 (January 1)
Proposed Constitution (December 19)
Proposed Constitution (November 17)
Proposed Constitution (September 3)
Proposed Democratic Republican Constitution (August 12)
Janata Dal Constitution (August 8)
Proposed Constitution (June 18)
Reorganized UN, Proposed Constitution, Methods (May 30)
Proposed Constitution (May 3)
Shortcut To A New Constitution, Shortcut To Peace (April 8)
This Inadequate, Improper, Insufficient 1990 Constitution (April 4)
Draft 2: Time For A New Generation
November 19, 2006
President: Paramendra Bhagat
Vice President: Tek Gurung
Vice President: Sanjaya Parajuli
Secretary: Luna Ranjit
Treasurer: Chandra Prakash Sharma
Draft 3: Time For A New Generation
November 20, 2006
President: Paramendra Bhagat
Vice President: Tek Gurung
Vice President: Sanjaya Parajuli
Secretary: Luna Ranjit
Treasurer: Anand Bist
Draft 4: Time For A New Generation
November 21, 2006
President: Paramendra Bhagat
Vice President: Tek Gurung
Vice President: Sanjaya Parajuli
Secretary: Anand Bist
Treasurer: Chandra Prakash Sharma
Letter From The Nepali Mandir

Dear Respected Brothers And Sisters.
A very humble Namaste to you.
Founded in April 2006, The Nepali Mandir Inc. is obviously in its very infanthood. Despite a troubled past and present, especially the financial hardships, it has been serving the Nepali community with its principled objectives of strengthening Nepali unity, preserving Nepali values and cultured Nepali heritage among Nepali residents in and around Sunnyside, across Queens, across New York City, the tri-state area, and across the United States of America. It is through our inspiration that efforts are now underway to establish Nepali Mandirs in Michigan and in Los Angeles.
The Mandir has been providing services in areas such as help in observing Nepali festivals, organising religious talks, conducting ritual practices like Pooja and Path, seminars and talk programs and forums.
The Mandir has become a kind of platform from which Nepalis can voice their concerns regarding community upliftment, advancement and sharing of ideas and information. As per the enshrined goals, it is committed to providing the required level of services that are deemed necessary, and those that will be in demand.
We hope to extend the level of services in the future, we are committed towards achieving our goals that will ensure that The Nepali Mandir will stand tall in its activities as to providing Nepali representation, preserving Nepali identity, helping to foster a sense of community, participation in social works and inculcate sense of unity among different individuals, thus and thereby offering a bridge beyond the like: connecting with other communities and the wider world.
However, sadly this institution is strained due to its financial shortcomings. It has no resources to fund its needs. This has stagnated the whole process of going forward. We are facing increasing lack of funds to run the Temple, and presently are in a state of uncertainty. Should this uncertainty persist and meanwhile we fail to act, the consequences are hurtful. Very few to mention: this will strain our spirit, we will lose a place to practice our faith, we will lose a virtual representative, and spiritually, religiously and psychologically we will have failed a Temple. We believe that will be a great loss to our community which is unacceptable and so we appeal to you all to do something for its survival and ensure its future. This is everyone's temple. If it survives, it serves all. There is none's personal interest attached to it....Ever it serves..entirely is its own community.
There are ways to help survive this temple and one of them is wide participation among us and a commitment to save this temple/community center. For now, this is most important, we hope this is one of our identities and in its loss, we lose one of our own identities. We are dedicated to serve its goal, and working on to save it, but that only has not been enough...without your help, we cannot do it, that is apparent...but with you and your help, we can save our temple , and give a chance for spirituality to flourish, offer peace to our faith and heart, and continue regular community services.
The long term vision is to establish a community center that will be an inter-faith alliance of all religions practiced by the Nepalis.
For now we need 200 individuals to commit $5 a month to pay for rent. And we need 100 individuals who will chip in $100 each to help pay off the debt. Please come to our meeting on November 19th, 2006 at Phipps Garden Apts.' Party Hall, 5101 39 Avenue, Sunnyside, NY-11104 near the Nepali Mandir premises at 12:00 Noon.
Chandra Prakash Sharma
On behalf of
Nepali Mandir Management Team.
September 23 Helicopter Crash Memorial Service
Kul Chandra Gautam: Home Trip
Nepali Mandir Meeting
Langhali Association: Govind Thapa Magar
Solve The Bhutani Refugee Crisis: Send Them West
March And Rally For Full Immigrant Rights
Hamro Nepal Constitution
Seven Party Delegation
ANONYC: Association of Nepali Organizations in New York City
Nepali Faces 3
Nepali Convention Leadership Weekly Meeting
The KP Oli Event
KP Oli, September 24
Anti Musharraf Rally
Sushil Koirala 2
Nepali Faces 2
October 1: Sonam Sherpa Event: Movie
Nepali Convention: Management
Nepali Convention 2007: Venue Options: Flushing
Nepali Faces 1
Sushil Koirala In Jackson Heights
ANTA NYC Gathering In Prospect Park
Nepali Convention 2007 Shifted To Last Weekend In May
Voting Rights For Immigrants In New York City
How To Conduct A Meeting
Madhesi Mahila (MaMa) Gathering In Ridgewood, NY
Teej Photos 5
Teej Photos 4
Teej Photos 3
Teej Photos 2
Teej Photos 1
April Convention Venue Options 1
April Convention Market Research 1
1000 House Parties
Nepali Convention: Venue Options, Website, Core 200
Community Center Idea: A Few Options
Shailesh Shrestha Recognized
Nepali Community Center
Alliance, GFIPN: Audio, Video
Global Federation Of Indigenous People Of Nepal
Alliance Picnic 2
Alliance Picnic
Chandra Prakash Sharma 2
Chandra Prakash Sharma
Nepal Vista Site Of The Month
April Convention: Creating A Glowing Core
April Convention: Emerging Picture
SAJA Convention 2
SAJA Convention
MaHa Sanjh
FDI, NRN, Upendra Mahato, $100 Million Fund, Dual Citizenship
ANA Convention: Reflections
ANA Convention: My Hamro Nepal Speech
ANA Convention: Audio
ANA Convention 2006: Photos
ANA Convention Photos 15
ANA Convention Photos 14
ANA Convention Photos 13
ANA Convention Photos 12
ANA Convention Photos 11
ANA Convention Photos 10
ANA Convention Photos 9
ANA Convention Photos 8
ANA Convention Photos 7
ANA Convention Photos 6
ANA Convention Photos 5
ANA Convention Photos 4
ANA Convention Photos 3
ANA Convention Photos 2
ANA Convention Photos 1
Tara Niraula At City Hall
Tara Niraula Recognized By NYC Government
Countdown To The ANA Convention
Reform The Nepali Organizations In America
June 17 Madhesi Gathering In New York City
Madhesi Gathering Photos 2
Madhesi Gathering Photos
Nepali Mandir Board Meeting
Aitabare Mela 2
Aitabare Mela
Dr. Binay Shah
Dr. Tara Niraula
Nepal Janajati Statement From NYC
Somnath Ghimire, Family, Friends
What's Wrong With The ANA Convention
Democracy Diwali At The Nepali Mandir
Surya Bahadur Thapa
Janajati Sammelan At The New School
Dixit, Lawoti, Tamrat At Asia Society
NYC Events
Dr. Ram Krishna Shah
Top Dangi
Youth Council Victory Party
First Sunday Every Month, Aitabare Mela, Block Party Later
Internalized Racism Among Nepalis In NYC
Adhikaar 2
Dinesh Wagle, Kiran Nepal In Town
Sanjaya Parajuli In Brooklyn
Solidarity Rally DC
First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
Friday Rally
Nepali Mandir
Happy New Year 2063
BBC Calls
NYC Rally Photos: Arnico Panday
Deuba Off To DC
Deuba In Jackson Heights
Deuba At Hotel Pennsylvania
Deuba At Columbia
Sushil Pyakurel
Pin Plan
Sari Sansar At The UN
Chiran Thapa: Snafu
March 22 Event, Deuba In New York
March 8 Event At The UN
Kanak Mani Dixit, Rhoderick Chalmers
March 22 Event At Columbia
"Robin Hood Im Internet"
German Journalist Lena Brochhagen Inquires
February 1 New York Rally Photos
Not Journalism But Politics At The Speed Of Thought
Events To Mark 2/1
प्रवासी नेपाली: "नैतिक समर्थन कायम राख्दै भौतिक समर्थन थप्ने।"
Symposium At Columbia
My Proposal To The Saturday Symposium At Columbia
Anand Bist, Troublemaker
NAC Talk
Dinesh Tripathi In New York
Nepal Needs To Be Hitting The World Headlines: Write To The Media
Diaspora Dynamics
NDF Owner, Stop This Nonsense, Reinstate Immediately
December 11 Sunday 11 AM Union Square
NAC Goes Proactive
ND Dynamics
The Cloud Model, Not The Pyramid Model
ND Glasnost
To: ND Group, c/o Puru Subedi
Every Sunday 11 AM Union Square
Movement Taken To Online Video
Rajeev Goyal Talks Up Caste
Krishna Pahadi At New York University
Pahadi Says Goal Is Democratic Republic
Gagan's Talk In New York
Krishna Pahadi November 6 Sunday 5 PM
Seven Party Forum In Jackson Heights
A Day In The Life Of Gagan Thapa
The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Gagan Thapa
Gagan Thapa October 22 Saturday 2 PM Columbia University
A Day In The Life Of Charlie Szrom
Anil Jha, Bimal Nidhi, Jimmy Carter
Anil Jha, Bimal Nidhi US Tour Logistics
Bimalendra Nidhi US Tour
Gagan Thapa US Tour
Gagan Thapa Amerika Tour
Email From Madhav Kumar Nepal
September 16 Protest Rally
Sharad Chandra Shaha Is A Dazzling Person
Bharat Mohan Adhikari Is In Town
Dear Charlie
King Cancels UN Visit
Somnath Ghimire: King G Is Pinochet
Messenger Chat With Purandar Ghimire
September 16: Sajha Buzz
Renaming The Blog In Honor Of Gagan's Release
Project Take Over Tundikhel: Draft 1
Alliance Gathering At Queens Bridge Park
Gagan Thapa Case Taken To The United Nations
2005 Young Republican National Convention (US) Resolution 1 On Nepal
Tom Daschle
UN Security Council Needs To Enforce Human Rights On A War Footing
Kunda Dixit In Jackson Heights
The Road To The White House Goes Through Nepal
From Li Onesto
Getting Interviewed By A Cornell University Student
Op-Ed Piece Sent To The New York Times
Sangram Morcha: A New Political Party (1993)
Reorganized UN, Proposed Constitution, Methods
The Lake Freezes At 32 Degrees Fahrenheit Like Magic
The Maoists Have Been Reading My Emails, Blog Entries
Dinesh Prasain Tour: Report
Email From Arzu Rana Deuba
The King Will Only Respond To Internal Pressure
"Urgent: Disappearance Of My Father" by Sarahana Shrestha
The Nepali Diaspora Contradiction: Would You Like Some Tea?
The Dinesh Prasain US Speaking Tour
To: Benazir Bhutto
Phone Marathon II
To: George Soros
Phone Marathon: Called Up Delhi
Prime Minister-Elect Prasain: "You Have The Power!"
eDemocracy, 4S Campaign, 24/7 Vigil For Democracy: Take Over Tundikhel
Dinesh Prasain, Condi Rice, and the Indian Parliament
Democracy: The Third Wave
Dinesh Prasain's Possible US Tour In April
Deputy Prime Minister Bharat Mohan Adhikari's Daughter Speaks Out
Some Basic Acts Of Co-Ordination
Human Rights ----> Political Platform ----> Full-Fledged Movement
Non-Violent Militancy, Concerted Global Action
Towards a Democratic Republic of Nepal
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