I believe the next round of the summit talks should be conducted on live television. Not even the MPs seem to know what is going on. You hear the leaders have been meeting and talking, you get the outlines of the talks in the media. But you don't get to know the details. If the talks were to be conducted on live television, the leaders on both sides will be forced to offer more clarity than they have been offering.
The UML is for a republic, the Deuba Congress is for a republic, the Maoists are for a republic, the Jana Morcha is for a republic. The Congress is not for the monarchy. The RPP is for a republic. The Sadbhavana is not against the republic idea, neither is the Bijukchhe party. The Left Front is for a republic. Do the maths.
The monarchy is a small "price" to pay for permanent peace.
Referendum On Monarchy
Girija Koirala may not defend his stand against the referendum idea. It is either you declare a republic now, or you go for a referendum. The monarchy can be abolished with a 51% vote. Girija not coming to the referendum idea makes the Maoists dig their heels.
Which Came First, Chicken Or Egg
It is not like that. You agree on the political issues, then you agree on the arms management issues. You implement the arms part first. Then you form the interim government.
Monarchy, Army, Federalism
Each party will have to take a clear stand. Are you for or against a republic? What exactly is your proposed map for federalism? What size army do you want for the country? What should be its composition and how to achieve that?
In The News
Talks teams busy making ends meet separately Kantipur seeking points of agreement on the interim constitution and monarchy issue. ..... Dr Baburam Bhattarai said that there had been no agreement made on any political issues with the SPA during Tuesday's meeting except on the dates for the constituent assembly elections. ...... "The major discrepancy that surfaced during the entire talks was the issue of monarchy, especially the NC did not seem to be able to take any concrete decision in this regard. Similarly, there are some disagreements on the interim legislature as well." ....... "We have proposed to form an interim legislature, maybe a smaller one, but with a representation of those who played major role in the pro-democracy movement. The interim legislature should bear the spirit of the April movement with proportional representation from the parties." ...... Dr Bhattarai also pointed out the issue of re-appointment of justices in the changed political scenario of country, admitting that the interim government was not a big subject of disagreement. .....Ram Chandra Poudel.. NC is not guarding the monarchy ...... the peace talks would protract if the government did not agree on heading towards republic state. Stating that the NC should give up the charm of monarchy, Gurung said, if the country is declared to be a republican state, "we are ready to lock up our arms."
UN experts discuss peace talks progress, arms mgmt with PM
Disappeared girl bonded domestic at colonel’s house
विदेश जानेका कारण सामाजिक क्रान्ति’
नोबेल विजेता लेख्छन्
गैरआवासीय नेपालीका सरोकार
APF Taking in New Men, Maoists Concerned Himalayan Times
NEPAL: Rebels and government agree to hold elections Reuters AlertNet, UK
Key Nepal pact reached
Success of peace talks depends on Prime Minister’s stance: Gurung NepalNews if the Nepali Congress and Prime Minister Koirala agrees for the establishment of democratic republican set up in the country, all outstanding issues of the talks will be resolved within a hour. ...... Maoists are ready to lock their arms if ruling seven political parties display a clear stance on the contentious issues of monarchy, national referendum and constituent assembly. .......... Ram Chandra Poudel made it clear that NC will not stand in favour of monarchy ..... Thursday’s talks will be decisive if Maoists agrees to accept the five point agreement of the letter sent to the UN for arms management and NC agrees to go for the democratic republic
Govt asked to inform parliament about summit talks a meeting between the SPA leadership and the Maoists on June 16 agreed, among other things, to dissolve the HoR and constitute an interim parliament inclusive of the Maoists, no consensus has been reached yet regarding the modalities of the interim parliament and the timeframe of its formation.
UN team meets PM, discusses peace process
NHRC asks Maoists to release four people abducted from the capital
Maoists capture six cargo vans on Arniko Highway
Political deadlocks cause a static condition - By Kamala Sarup
Understanding to manage both armies, says Bhattarai
SC issues show cause notices on Katawal's appointment as CoAS
India concerned about Nepal situation, says Thapa
'Thursday’s talks will be historic’; constituent assembly polls by mid-June

SC issues show cause notices on Katawal's appointment as CoAS
India concerned about Nepal situation, says Thapa
'Thursday’s talks will be historic’; constituent assembly polls by mid-June
INTERVIEW WITH PRACHANDA Kantipur Publications the seven-party government has deviated from the spirit of these historical understandings. ...... we have made it clear that we will neither head back to the jungle, nor will we leave the negotiating table ...... Issues like restructuring of the state, constituent assembly, democratic republic-- issues which were raised through the sacrifice of thousands of lives during the people’s war—have today become national slogans. ........ the two of us have always been at odds ever since our first meeting four and a half years ago ....... he stands at a crossroads—one that will determine whether he will be remembered as a great hero or a villain. The way I see it, at this point, he teeters on the brink....... If you move forward as directed by the 12-point and eight-point understandings, you will become the main character in history. I will also have a role, but that will be only a supporting role........ After forming the government, the seven parties are getting closer to the structures of the old regime. ...... if the SPA government goes against the spirit of the April movement that created a new history then the same people who took part in the April movement will stand up for the new uprising. ........ the seven parties are now quarrelling over the same agreements. But they raise the issue of donations and all....... we are talking about holding a referendum (to decide the fate of monarchy) because we think this is more democratic. ..... this proposal was put forward by the UML. But during the course of discussion, we thought that it is more democratic and therefore we agreed on this proposal....... During the Dashain holidays, I visited Sindhupalchowk, Tatopani, Naubise, Daman of Makwanpur and Pokhara. I also experienced the cable car journey and visited Mankamana as well this time. In my experience, the people are desperate and are agitated within. ....... In case the talks fail, we feel that we will have to take certain steps to address the people's desperation. You will know about these steps after a week. ..... I am not very optimistic. ...... We don't think it's necessary to sit for talks just to conclude that no conclusion could be drawn. ..... the leaders gather and the gathering gets much publicity but nothing comes out at the end ....... We may walk out by handing over everything to the seven parties. Let us just go to the people. ..... Then the seven parties can do whatever they want; we may say that constituent assembly is enough for us........ Last year also, we had declared a three-month-long unilateral truce. Now, the seven parties are preoccupied with their own things even as the royalists are looking for a role again. The people feel suffocated.
Arms management issue blocking peace deal
Two more UN officials to arrive in capital
UNHCR creating rift among refugees: Tek Nath Rijal
BALUWATAR TALKS: Govt, Maoists agree to hold CA polls by mid-June; next meeting on Thursday
Gajurel not to be released
HYDROPOWER SERIES – III:Negotiations: the tricky part
Maoists abduct 30 civilians
Market capitalization crosses Rs 100b
Govt-Maoist Baluwatar talks likely to resolve prickly issues
Pressure inside NC to side with king due to fear of communists: Acharya "The Congress (NC) is again heading towards a compromise. This confusion is seen in some friends due to practical reasons," said Acharya, "They say the communists have become stronger and an alliance should be made with the king against the communists. But this is a totally wrong thinking." ..... "NoW we have to take the path of a federal republic," Acharya said, adding a movement was on to achieve intra-party democracy in the NC. .... National advisor of the Socialist Front, India, Bijay Pratap said that it was time the Nepali politics led the South Asia and that the April Movement was an example for this.
Maoists- security forces carry out joint border patrol
आज फेरि शिखर बैठक
तीन विषयमा निर्णयको अपेक्षा
बालबालिकाको राजनीतिमा प्रयोग बन्द गर’
अपहरण, कारबाही, चन्दा असुली र कुटपिट जारी
एमाले जनमतसंग्रहको अडानमा
हिन्दीलाई संवैधानिक मान्यता दिन माग कान्तिपुर समाचारदाता
जनकपुर, असोज २३ - राष्ट्रिय हिन्दी सम्मेलनले हिन्दी भाषालाई संवैधानिक मान्यता दिनुपर्नेलगायत माग गरेको छ ।...... सम्मेलनले जनकपुर घोषणापत्र जारी गर्दै हिन्दीलाई संवैधानिक मान्यता, प्राथमिक स्तरदेखि हिन्दीको औपचारिक शिक्षा, लोकसेवा परीक्षामा हिन्दी समावेश, नेपाल प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठानमा हिन्दी प्राज्ञ अनिवार्य समावेश, नेपाल हिन्दी प्रतिष्ठान स्थापना र विद्युतीय सञ्चारमाध्यममा बिहान-बेलुका समाचारलगायत दुईदुई घन्टाका कार्यक्रम सञ्चालनको माग गरेको हो । जनकपुर बौद्धिक समाजद्वारा शुक्रबार आयोजित आठौं सम्मेलन शनिबार समापन भयो ।............ सम्मेलनमा समाज अध्यक्ष राजेश्वर नेपालीले प्रतिवेदन प्रस्तुत गर्दै संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा हिन्दी भाषा विकासका लागि सबैले सम्मिलित प्रयास गर्नुपर्ने औंल्याए । समापन समारोहमा अधिवक्ता युगलकिशोर लालले हिन्दीलाई सम्पर्क भाषाका रूपमा चित्रण गर्दै यसले सिंगो मुलुकलाई जोड्ने माध्यमको काम गरेको बताए । यति हुँदाहुँदै 'हिन्दीलाई कमजोर पार्न कहिले मैथिली त कहिले बज्जिकाको प्रसंग उठाइने गरेको' उनको भनाइ थियो ।.......... सामान्य प्रशासन राज्यमन्त्री धर्मनाथ साहले उद्घाटन गरेको सम्मेलनमा प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले पठाएको शुभकामना सन्देश सुनाइएको थियो । सन्देशमा 'सम्मेलनले हिन्दी र नेपाली भाषाको सम्बन्धलाई अझ प्रगाढ बनाउने' उल्लेख थियो ।................ राज्यमन्त्री साहले हिन्दीलाई मातृभाषाविरोधीका रूपमा नलिन आग्रह गरेका थिए । एमाले केन्द्रीय सदस्य रामचन्द्र झाले हिन्दीको विकास हुनुपर्ने उल्लेखसहित यसबाट मैथिलीलगायत मातृभाषा चेपुवामा पर्न सक्ने आशंका जनाए ।
संविधानसभामा जनजातिलाई समेट्न माग
Nepal peace talks edge onward but communists unwilling to reject ... Hindu, India Nepal's governing parties and communist rebels made little progress in Tuesday's peace talks ..... Commerce Minister Hridesh Tripathi said the committee would try work out the differences and present a draft of an interim constitution acceptable to both sides by Thursday afternoon. ..... "We hope to resolve all the political issues based on suggestions by this committee,'' said Tripathi. ..... "If the two sides are able to make headway on the issue of the rebels' weapons, most of the political differences can easily be resolved,'' said Ramesh Lekhak, Labour Minister and a member of the government peace talks team....... "We want the ruling alliance and the rebel leaders to take decisions on crucial political issues immediately,'' said Devendra Raj Panday, a peace activist, who is also an independent observer in the talks....... Hundreds of protesters outside the peace talks venue carried banners demanding an end to monarchy rule in Nepal, an immediate announcement of a date for election to a special assembly that would make a new constitution and promulgation of an interim statute to govern the country until the elected assembly makes the constitution......
Nepal government, rebels to continue peace talks
Nepal government, rebels upbeat after peace talks Reuters India, India Nepal's government and Maoist rebel leaders were upbeat after peace talks on Tuesday, but adjourned for two days without resolving differences over the thorny issue of disarming the leftist insurgents. ..... Prachanda told reporters the talks were "positive" as he left the meeting. .... a consensus on arms management, an interim constitution and other political subjects will be worked out..... Both sides have agreed to confine their armies to camps or barracks under U.N. supervision during the constituent assembly elections...... The Maoists, who see the constituent assembly elections as a tool to abolish the monarchy, say they would rather stay out of the administration than lay down their weapons.......
Maoists pledge 'historic pact' by Thursday Telugu Portal, India the intense pressure from people kept both sides glued to the negotiations.
'Thursday’s talks will be historic’; constituent assembly ... Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Summit meeting ends without any breakthrough, another meeting slated for Thursday NepalNews seven-hour-long summit meeting between the leaders of seven parties and the Maoists has ended without any breakthrough .... meeting revolved around the key contentious issues such as arms management, status of the King and interim arrangement (interim constitution and parliament) ..... the leaders were able to reach a consensus understanding to hold the elections of Constituent Assembly by April/May next year. ...... During the meeting, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala is learnt to have asked the Maoists to agree for arms management before CA elections to which Maoist chairman Prachanda replied by saying that they were OK with arms management so long as other political issues are also dealt in a package form.
NHRC expresses concerns over continued abduction by the Maoists
Nepal will prosper from NRN investments: Dr Mahato (NRN Day Special) NRNA demands for dual citizenship, long term visas and investment environment ..... Born in Siraha in 1960, Dr. Mahato is an established international entrepreneur in Russia ...... is the president of Russia-Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the honorary consul general of Nepal to the Republic of Belarus . He holds a PhD and a DSc degrees in soil mechanics ...... October 11 marks the third anniversary of the NRNA. ...... We have not asked for anything special but the recognition of our capital investment on par with FDI, intellectual contribution or knowledge and skill transfer on part with capital investment, legal definition of NRN and People of Nepali Origin (PNO), property rights of PNOs and a visa-free regime for people holding PNO cards. .... In the first Global Conference held in Kathmandu in October 2003 the government had promised to bring the NRN bill within 4 months...... After spending 36 tireless months and umpteen meetings with media and civil society representatives, bureaucrats, politicians, ministers and prime ministers and after getting full support, assurance and empathy from all of them, we are unable to get the law. ....... Help Nepal Network run by some young and energetic Nepalis living in different countries is a remarkable project that amply demonstrates what Nepali diaspora can do even with limited resources if it is united...... At this time and age, brain drain and money drain are not relevant terminologies anymore. We have to contemplate more on brain gain and capital gain. Let us think positively. Did not India have similar concerns? But look at the contribution of NRIs in that country....... I have no close relation with the royal family. ..... Many people say I also have close links with UML and NC. But that is true. I do have many friends in both parties. ....... My mantra is “As long as the country remains destitute, our personal prosperity is meaningless”. ..... The country needs one more revolution, but this time in the form of a peaceful economic transformation.
Normal life affected due to ‘Jhapa bandh’; 14 vehicles vandalized
Camp secretaries welcome US offer for Bhutanese refugees
Gajurel sent to Kolkata
Load shedding to go
FNCCI to shut down businesses for one day
Maoist capture yet another school in Sunsari
NC, UML separately brainstorm over Tuesday’s summit talks NC sources said the meeting concluded that the summit talks were moving towards positive direction. ..... the UML was firm in its stand that the fate of monarchy should be decided through a referendum held alongside the constituent assembly elections. ...... the meeting came to the conclusion that yesterday’s summit talks went positively. ..... issues like interim constitution, election of constituent assembly, implementation of past agreements, arms management, relief to conflict-victims, socio-economic transformation and restructuring of the state were discussed......... Madhav Kumar Nepal, said that there had been wide understanding to hold elections for the Constituent Assembly by Baisakh/Jestha (April/May) next year. ..... Nepal hoped that Tuesday's talks would help in reaching to final conclusion on all issues under discussion.
FNJ laments mistreatment of journalists at summit talks venue
Summit talks will give outlet: Leaders 
Maoists hopeful but not fully confident about the talks
Resettlement plan in favor of Bhutanese King, says Rijal
Today's summit meeting ends, next meeting on Tuesday
Summit meeting begins at Baluwatar
Maoists demonstrate more flexibility on arms issue, Khanal says
NEPAL: Impact of conflict on Nepal’s East-West highway
The East-West Highway is Nepal’s lifeline. It brings goods and passengers from the countryside into the capital Kathmandu. During the past decade it became one of the major battle grounds between government forces ...
Resettlement plan in favor of Bhutanese King, says Rijal
Today's summit meeting ends, next meeting on Tuesday
Summit meeting begins at Baluwatar
Maoists demonstrate more flexibility on arms issue, Khanal says
NEPAL: Impact of conflict on Nepal’s East-West highway
The East-West Highway is Nepal’s lifeline. It brings goods and passengers from the countryside into the capital Kathmandu. During the past decade it became one of the major battle grounds between government forces ...
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1 comment:
Someone told me that you are an agent of Maoist terrorists. So I just came to check.
Are you really a terrorist or what?
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