शिखर वार्ता तयारी गुणराज लुइँटेल ..... राजासम्बन्धी प्रश्न, हतियार तथा सैन्य व्यवस्थापन, अन्तरिम संसद् निर्माण र राज्यको पुनर्संरचना ...... ती विषयमा समाधान निस्किए अन्तरिम संविधान जारी भई मुलुकमा नयाँ परिस्थिति सिर्जना हुनेछ । ..... माओवादीका सेना र हतियार अलग गर्नुपर्छ भनी राज्यका तर्फबाट राखिएको प्रस्ताव माओवादीले मानेको छैन । 'हतियार छुटाइसकेपछि त्यो सेनै हुँदैन र हतियारबेगरको सेनालाई अस्थायी शिविरमा किन राख्नुपर्यो ?' भन्ने माओवादीको तर्क छ । ........ दुवै सेना क्याम्पमा बस्ने र तिनलाई संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको 'नियन्त्रण' मा राख्न सकिने माओवादीको धारणा छ । माओवादीले आफ्नो र राज्यको दुवै सेना विघटन गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने माग छोड्न एउटा सर्त राखेको छ- दुवै सेना पुनर्संरचनाका लागि भरपर्दो आश्वासन । ...... 'हाम्रो सेनाको हतियार छुटाउने हो भने भोलि दुई सेना मिलाउने, दुवै मिलाएर सानो सेना बनाउने, दुवैका हतियार भण्डारण गर्ने -बरु हाम्रो धेरै र राज्यको सेनाको थोरै गरे पनि हुन्छ) भने समाधान निस्किन सक्छ' ...... दलहरूले अन्तरिम विधायिकामा ३ सयदेखि ३ सय २५ सम्म सदस्य राख्ने र त्यसमा २ सय ५ सदस्यबाहेक अरू माओवादीलाई स्थान दिने प्रस्ताव गरेका छन् । माओवादीले त्यस्तो संरचनामा आफू, नागरिक समाज र सात दल सबैलाई एक/एक तिहाइ हुनुपर्ने अडान राखेको छ । ......... त्यस्तै संविधानसभा निर्वाचन समानुपातिक मतका आधारमा गर्ने माओवादीको धारणा छ भने सात दल प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचनलाई नै निरन्तरता दिर्ने पक्षमा छन् । ...... माओवादीले सामाजिक, आर्थिक, सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्रमा पुनर्संरचनाको प्रस्ताव गरेको छ । सात दल भने राज्य पुनर्संरचनाजस्ता मुद्दा संविधानसभाले टुंगो लगाउने र त्यसका लागि व्यापक गृहकार्य गर्नुपर्ने पक्षमा छन् ।The summit talks will succeed. I see the common ground emerging. In this report by Gunaraj Luitel, who I have had the opportunity to personally meet, I see plenty of evidence. (Bharat Mohan Adhikari Is In Town)

There are four issues of contention that have been identified.
The UML stand of a referendum is the common ground. I am suspicious of the Congress stand. That is Girija's ploy to (1) seek election money from the monarchist camp, and (2) use the monarchy as a bargaining chip on other unrelated issues, as in, you let me keep the ceremonial monarchy, I will let you have federalism.
The Maoists want the monarchy scrapped now. If that not be an option, they are okay with the referendum idea. That shows the Maoists are a reasonable group of people. We can do business with them.
The Maoist proposal that both armies be disbanded, what exactly is wrong with that proposal? The Maoists proposal of a much smaller combined army, what is wrong with that?
What is troubling here is there is no talk of their militia. Their 100,000 militia will have to disarm totally. (100,000 Maoist Militia Must Disarm)
If their 100,000 disarm, the idea of keeping the two armies in separate barracks is not troubling.
We should move beyond our fantassy that the Maoist soldiers will surrender their weapons now.
Interim Parliament
The seven party proposal is fair enough. You expand the current House to 300, of which 95 seats go to the Maoists. I mean, I would have given less, because at 95, the Maoists will emerge the largest party, and I think that is unfair. Unless the two Congress factions come together, which looks increasingly likely.
I think it is grand of the UML to agree to the 95 seat formula for the Maoists. We should be thankful.
Interim Parliament: 300 Sounds Fine
The Revolutionary Parliament Should Bring Forth An Interim Judiciary
Interim Parliament: 101 Members Total
Madhesi Caucus In Interim Parliament Needed
Interim Monarchy, Interim Army, Interim Parliament
State Restructuring
That is what the constituent assembly is for. The Maoists are being unreasonable if they want it all now, especially when they want it all their way.
Pramukh Dar
So there will be some give and take involved on all sides. That is how peace talks proceed when they work. I see no reason why this round of peace talks should not be final and successful.
On The Web
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Agree and Disagree in Peace
Principles of Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution Techniques In The Workplace
The Philosophy of Conflict Resolution
Center for Conflict Resolution
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Mental Help Net - Psychological Self-Tools - Online Self-Help Book ...
Resolving Conflict - Tips
Conflict resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Conflict resolution or conflictology is the process of attempting to resolve a dispute or a conflict. Successful conflict resolution occurs by listening to and providing opportunities to meet each side's needs, and adequately address their interests so that they are each satisfied with the outcome. Conflict resolution aims to end conflicts before they start or lead to verbal, physical, or legal fighting. .... More common but not popular with practitioners in conflict resolution is conflict management, where Conflict is a deliberate personal, social and organizational tool, especially used by capable politicians and other social engineers.
Conflict Resolution Tools
A List of Conflict Resolution Links
Department of Justice - A Conflict Resolution Toolkit
NVC Conflict Resolution
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Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution - By Annick M. Brennen In a school setting where persons work closely and where job functions demand constant communication, some relationships will inevitably be wrought with conflicts. ..... Conflicts can (1) cause stress, (2) cause frustration, (3) cause hostility, (4) result in impaired or bad judgment, (5) restrict freedom, (6) use valuable energy, (7) influence other workers negatively, (8) result in lack of confidence in principal or administrator, (9) detract from the attainment of goals and objectives. ..... The choice of an appropriate conflict resolution technique depends on a number of factors including (1) why the conflict occurred, (2) the relation between the conflicting parties, and (3) the relationship between the principal and the conflicting parties. .... Conflicts can have constructive outcomes when they are properly handled. They can: (1) provide greater interest in the topic of discussion, (2) stimulate greater feelings of identify, (3) cause attention to be drawn to the existing problems, (4) cause diffusion of ideas for the solution for other problems, (5) promote understanding, (6) motivate one to work more efficiently.
User-Defined Conflict Resolution Methods
Publications: Indigenous water conflict resolution methods
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PPPUE: Tools for pro-poor municipal PPP: Mod 20/5–Managing Conflict
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PCCP: from Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential - Water ...
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Conflict Resolution - Maven - Confluence
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Body Mind And Modem: Conflict Resolution
Online Course: Conflict Resolution - Certificate and CEUs
Conflict Resolution - 9 steps - World Peace Australia
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