+ Raj Kumar Pandey
General Setting
Everyone can be labeled as poor in one way or another. The list includes not only: weak, hunger, sick, homeless, landless, crippled, beggar, mad, slave, street vendor but also the solder in war, saint, loser of the world including a millionaire after crash of the stock exchange, popular artist who finds no buyer for his/her works, an expert who finds no place for engagement, a politician who finds no position in the mainstream politics and an intellectual who finds no job for engagement-all are poor in relative terms.
The social setting of the poor may be different in the various socio-cultural values, who may be recognized in several names and brand. For example, in Persian language, there are 30 words for naming poor. Similarly, in African language, at least 3-5 words have been identified for poverty. Moreover, in the context of Nepal, society perceives poverty as a matter of karma and poor are an outcome of luck that is termed as fatalism.
However, in many cultures of the world, poor are not always the opposite of rich. During 9th century in Europe, respect and admires were given to those who choose the life as volunteer poor since they could practice the freedom and were not enforced to join in the army to exercise the authority power.
Moreover, other several conditions such as falling from own’s station in life, loss of status, lack of protection, exclusion from own’s community, public humiliation, etc. are the state of poverty. It is a matter of state of mind that how a person responses to the reverse circumstances that may be reactive or proactive according to nature of a person.
Similarly, a highly educated but dependent with the parents’ property may also be considered as poor since the meaning of knowledge is to make life easier but if s/he can not manager his/her life through own efforts, is he capable in real sense? We all, by definition, are poor in actual meaning but it is matter of internal (personal) and external (social) perceptions and interpretations.
Poverty has been perceived from various prospective. All perceptions and interpretations are equally significant. Moreover, the poverty is the matter of abstract for some school of thoughts and it is matter of discourse and debate for others.
Identification of the Poverty
Which poor are we talking about? The World Bank’s poor? The UNDP’s Poor? The ILO’s Poor? The UNESCO’s poor? The WHO’s poor? The FAO’s poor?
Material Perceived View of the Poverty
The materials, on which, the poverty is based on the physical things can be categorized as the materialistic viewpoint of the poverty. The lack of things is poverty, which has focused only on the physical materials of the world. This lack of things may be one’s inability to meet the ends; lack of good fortune, self-confidence, not being respected or physically loved by others-opposite sex. This view is related with bhautikbad and it is derived from the philosophy of consumption and consumerism.
The materialistic factor includes discrimination, inequality, political or other form of domination, none-availability of minimum basic necessities (food, house, cloths, sex, education, health, sanitation, social respect, future security, etc.), which are required for the economical, social or biological survival as defined in the particular culture. The materialistic poverty may also include exclusion from the education and opportunities.
Emotionally Perceived View of the Poverty
This category of poverty is one’s perception of his/her own condition since we are what we repeatedly think of ourselves. Perception is quite a personal and/or socio-cultural affair. A person may perceive that s/he is poor due to metaphysical causes such as God’s will, one’s karma and so on which may be perceived beyond direct control of a person.
However, some enlightened people perceive poverty in a positive term such as Iranian Sufis and Hindu Jogis. Moreover, the Buddha or Gandhi who abandoned the physical property, and chose the different life for the sake of freedom from the possessions which proved blessing for them. For this school of thought, the poverty is an opportunity for reaching higher form of riches. Hence, the Islam says, “Poverty is my pride and glory”. And, the Geeta emphasizes on salvation, which is totally detachment from material life. For layman like us it is a principal of “Upoyogitabad” which emphasizes to be contented with whatever the things one possesses and to be adjusted with the reversed situation.
Socially Perceived View of the Poverty
This school of thought belongs to others view of the poverty and how other perceives to the poor. Poverty is perceived as the weak, sin, and virtue in general. In the context of Nepal, an economically sound, financially secured and professionally achieved person is comparatively considered as the most successful person than a highly intellectual but materialistically looser.
There are two types of reactions regarding the poverty. The first type of interpretation is related with the direct and/or indirect interventions. This is required to combat poverty which is based on social, cultural or ethical reasons such as charity, assistance etc. The second type of interpretation is none-intervention, which is justified by either belief that nothing should be done for poor since they deserve their condition. They trust that all interventions may eventually produce negative results so no change at all.
Psychologically Perceived View of the Poverty
Socio-cultural space and time affects various perception of the poverty. This is affected by the space-time to which they belong. This explains why, in different communities and at the different times, the same materials are perceived differently both by the poor and the society in large. For example: 5 Years ago when asked: “Where were the poorest houses?” The replied was, “We have no poor houses in our village”. However, recently the same question was asked and the reply was, “Please do something for us, we are so poor.” Such type of difference may be due to exposure or awareness or comparison with the other external societies.
Economically Perceived View of the Poverty
The first report of the World Bank (then in IBRD) in 1948 has closely correlated the problem of global poverty with the gross national product. The same report explains that countries with an average per capita income of less than US $ 100 are, by definition, poor and the underdeveloped.
The report expresses that the responsibility of the richer nations, the riches of them being the USA, to help the poor countries in raising their living standard. Thus, due to first Word Bank Report, for the first time in the history of the entire nations, came to be considered several countries as the poor (even by themselves). Consequently, national income was introduced as a new global measure for expressing the various stages of the economic development to measure the poverty.
The World Bank definition leaded to the great transformation, which disturbed the traditional relationship between society and the economy. Hence, the traditional concept of perceiving poor was totally changed and all humanitarian values were converted into the pure monetary term. Currently, s/he is said to be poor who earns less than 1 US dollar; or consumes less calorie, has no access to the radio, TV, education, etc, or has lower HRD index. It is a long list defined by all for the sake own interest and usage.
Moreover, President Herry S. Truman on the inaugural speech on the 20th of January 1949 said: “We must embark [go on board] on a bold new program for making the benefits of our scientific advances and individuals progress available for an improvement and growth of the underdeveloped areas”.
On that day, in the history of the world, in a pure economic sense, 2 billion people of the world become underdeveloped which means poor. Flowing a consensus reached among the world elites on the diagnosis of the disease (underdevelopment and lack of income) as well as its cure (economic and technological development) the armies of experts such as politicians, planners, bureaucrats, socio-economists and even the anthropologists started acting as a flower of the World Bank definition i.e. 1 US dollar concept.
The WB Approach was expressed in President Truman’s Point Four Declaration: Peace Corps, Fight for Poverty etc. several programs were launched and implemented globally. President Truman further explained: “The economic life [of the poor] is primitive and stagnant. Their poverty is handicap and a threat both to them and to prosperous areas”.
Poor are not poor but were made poor; they have got voices but made suppressed; they have got energy but that is being exploited so that all victimized people are poor and all the poor are victims of the system fault. Poverty does not come by birth, it is an acquired situation. The circumstances in the nation are the major factors where people can flourish or deteriorate. Poor are products of difficult circumstances; the circumstances are the products of fault systems; the fault systems are the products of wrong men in decision making; the wrong men in leadership are the products of poor people’s votes; the poor people made the wrong decision in selecting ‘the best among the worst leaders’ and gave them consent for ruling over own selves which is the products of low level of awareness about the civic rights.
Low level of awareness is the product of lack of good education because education makes people easy to lead but difficult to enslave. Mack Karley’s clerk producing education, under previous colonized developing countries, does not emphasize in identifying the inner potentiality rather it produces the exact photocopies after going through tough memorization based courses. The lack of proper education, eventually, is the result of fault in the existing systems.
Nature has given people energy and the vitality and only they can succeed who use their power productively but the failures can never recognize their own hidden capacities due to ignorance. In my opinion, poor, therefore, are state and system made poor who have no direct access to the national resources and the opportunities. The standard indicators in measuring the poverty, however, should be not merely based on money earning capacity but also various other factors such as indigenous knowledge, heritages, socio-economy, traditional cultures, customs, languages, potential resources etc. these are the precious assets, which determine whether the communities are realistically richer or poorer.
Those countries are poorest, who have not included all casts, creeds, religions, sex and political thoughts within their systems. They have not only excluded the poor from the main developmental stream but also loosing chances of own progresses. Discriminations, human rights violations, disturbances, tensions and misunderstanding are usually in those societies where all people are not actively participating for a commonly shared goal. The marginalized group of people, who have maximum potential resources, could be used as the best nation builders, unfortunately, no one is thinking on this issue seriously.
A country cannot have fruits without its roots i.e. grassroots level communities which are the strong foundation for development. Poor countries’ systems are incomplete because they have not included all components into them. The systems are made so narrow so that certain classes of people only have direct control over them. Without creative approaches to these problems and the opportunities, we can hardly alleviate the poverty in totality.
For this, the most important requirement is system reform that consists good governance that means orderly; result oriented mechanism, that means capable in the work and the scientifically improvement in distribution that means justifiable returns in the action.
A system is a combined functioning of all units and sub-units. All these components are interdependent and effective interdependence can only be built on a foundation of true independence. If all people are included into the main stream, a country will get synergy for its progress. Synergy means that the whole is grater than the sum of its parts. If we put two pieces of wood together, they will hold much more than the total of weight held by each separately. 1+1 equals not only 2 but also 11. The essence of synergy is to value difference-to respect them, to build on strength and to compensate for weaknesses.
Those individuals or societies or countries are happier who have liberal attitudes and the systems. Diverse societies are more successful where mixed cultures, values, sentiments, emotions, opinions, ideas and knowledge are heartily adopted. Cultural diversity refers to non-biological differences between group of people, communities and populations. The liberal diverse societies can easily welcome all the minority ethnic groups, casts, creeds, political thoughts and religions. There will be healthy competitions, creative tensions, willingness to do better than other, open minded for improvements and more importantly, all will learn and share with each-other.
Diverse societies are more organized and developed where there are no minorities, inequalities, social injustices and exploitations. If there is justice, there will be equality in the societies. Equality means that everyone and everything can find a place in the society where their specific capacities are usefully engaged. It does not mean that everyone is supposedly regarded as exactly the same. Systems should be always liberal, people will be serious; if systems are sociable and kind, their people will be loyal; systems should promote good and instruct unskilled, people will be enthusiastic. Such positive feelings in people promote the harmony; for where there is harmony, there is love; if there is love, there is peace; if there is peace, there is happiness and high possibility for development.
(What is the root causes of global poverty and the terrorism? Why terrorists are ready for-do or die? How can we overcome them and make the world a better place for the young generations? And, many more about world poverty, system fault and potential energies among the marginalized classes of people in backward societies)
Submitted by:
Raj K Pandey
GPO Box: 19862
Mobile: 9841 210094
Dear Global People:
This is my great pleasure to inform you that I searched and found our common problems. Again, I sought and understood the concealed root-causes of our negligence, which is directing us towards the destructions. It only reinforced the belief that I always held, among all the worst things to be found, we are easily the first one because today’s our problems are the outcomes of yesterday’s solutions. When the weakest groups of the people asked us to listen, we started giving them advice. When they initiated for a change, we stopped and warned them that they should not act on that way. We trampled on their feelings, when they wished to work with us. We enforced our vested interests to solve their problems and we failed them. All we were asked were: we should, at least, respect them; value them; accept them as human and let them survive with us. But, we ignored their feelings; killed their emotions; suppressed their voices and excluded their survival rights, too. Nothing, however, remains the same forever and it eventually brings ups and downs. Consequently, the suppressed talk loudly; the slept wake-up; the seated stand-up and run and the weakest become the strongest, when they know that they can do anything for themselves; they are not helpless; may be discouraged and faltered. Finally, they break the chains and choose their lives in different way-do or die! And, they convert themselves into the terrorists and the separatists. These groups of strongly determined worriers can hardly do good for others, who even do not care for themselves. Now, imagine, how unsecured we are to live in such a risky world. So, either we must find a way or make it one to overcome them. Let’s, therefore, wage another effective war, together, which may be last but the best one. To change others, we first alter ourselves and use our creative approaches to the problems and the opportunities. For this, we should learn from our previous mistakes and thoroughly understand-self; as well as, first, succeed at ourselves. If your goal is superior, be target oriented and never compromise with your missions and the visions. And, always consider excluded. Listen their voices, before judging; guide those, who are misdirected; maintain a liberal attitude and give them values as human. Just accept and respect them; facilitate to their positive actions. Do not fear with failures, fear only with the possible absence of your willpower to work with them even in future. Do your constant karma; the consequences are beyond your direct control. Teach them; love them; laugh with them and live with them. Think from them; learn from them and get approval from them. Exchange with each-others, what you have and appreciate theirs, which they made. Slowly, they will also acknowledge you as their leader. Now, you are actual conqueror, mobilize them for a desired change, at local level because your missions are to act locally and the visions are to think globally. The poverty, in this way, may be reduced and the anti-human forces: the global terrorisms can be alleviated. Congratulations! All the global human beings will get not only relief but also the release from the uncertainties. We all will, in a real sense, be the true winner but none the looser! Finally, I am desperately looking forward to hear from you very good news about the reincarnation of the 2nd Buddha, who will spread the light of peace, not only in Asia but also all around the world. That sleeping Buddha, may be you or myself or even someone else to make the world a better place for the young generations.
Yours sincerely,
Raj K Pandey
Cover Letter Executive Summary: Letter to the Global People………….……... 02-02
Acknowledgment…………………………………………………. 04-04
Introduction……………………………………………………….. 05-06
Background……………………………………………………….. 06-07
Problem Identification………………………………………….…. 08-08
Problem Analysis ...………………………………………………. 08-09
General Short term Impacts………………………………………. 09-11
Specific Impacts…………………………………………………... 11-11
General Long term Impacts………………………………………. 11-12
Possible Solutions ………………………………………………... 13-14
Pre-requisites for Reforms (what)………………………………… 14-14
System Reforms (how)………………………………………….… 15-15
Political Reforms…………………………………………………..
Educational Reforms………………………………………………
Economic Reforms ………………………………………………..
Agricultural Reforms……………………………………………...
Social Reforms…………………………………………………….
Technological Reforms …………………………………………...
Cultural Reforms ………………………………………………….
Industrial Reforms…………………………………………………
Financial Reforms…………………………………………………
Roles and Responsibilities of the Stakeholders (who)……………. 15-16
SWOT Analysis
Expected Outcomes
Target Beneficiaries
I am heartily grateful with all the poor people of the various disadvantaged minority communities as well as towards my own poverty, which made me justice lover. I am also very much indebted with all the known and unknown writers whose writings contributed to make my mind logical and critical which I think is the only property in my whole life.
My academic limitation, poor English, no regular writing practices, lack of proper supervision in writing etc. have made this document merely descriptive. If you use your brain, certainly, you may quickly loose your interest because the mind generally prefers logics supported by data, facts and researches that I have not included at all. You, therefore, are humbly requested to use heart and soul, while reading this so that we may build emotion based rapport, promoted by heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul relationship. Most of the statements, therefore, are assumption based, which may and/or may not be realistic in practice. This is an outcome of emotional beliefs. I, probably, may not be in a position to face the intellectuals’ comments and criticisms. I, however, am prepared to face another difficult challenge in life so that looking forward for your critical feedbacks!
The purpose of this essay is to obtain scholarship for my higher study and awaking-up to the global minorities and marginalized communities. Please wake up: this is already too late; now express your suppressed voices and request your civic rights creatively. It is natural, until a baby cries, the mother also does not care her. Do not make yourself mute, blind and dumb. You have everything, which you have emotionally killed. Please negotiate for your rights constructively and come into the mainstream in joining for the nation-building mission, which is the first priority and goal of every patriot citizen.
I also would like to kindly request with all the developed individuals, societies and the nations to consider the problems of the marginalized classes of people, seriously. They can easily prove themselves as the best development partner for the welfare of the global societies on the win-win negotiation basis. Please accept and give them value that they socially need and give it as the first priority in their lives. Moreover, the ruling elite classes of people are, especially, requested to make themselves more liberal and bring all the excluded communities into the main national development stream.
If the excluded poor communities join in the nation building plans, we all will also be more powerful and by the collective efforts of ours, we can easily reduce or alleviate the poverty. For this, the ruling classes of people should create ample opportunities for poor. If the excluded classes of people do not find an easy way for their desired destinations, they may create difficult one that may be more problematic for all the global humanity.
Today, we are facing many problems, which are the outcomes of yesterdays’ solutions. If we still continue our carelessness over the identified problems, our next generations will be the main victim. If one cannot contribute any new ideas and creative approaches to the existing problems and the opportunities, s/he also does not deserve the rights to replace the existing phenomenon. I, therefore, would like to humbly request to all the readers of this document to seek timely remedies for the present problems in keeping global peace!
I, being a citizen of the poorest country-Nepal, thought and slept, I am the richest person in the world! Next morning, I found myself to be the poorest of the poor, when I knew that s/he is said to be poor who earn less than 1 us dollar, daily! Until a person thinks himself weak, s/he is the strongest one. No one can make us feel inferior, without our consent. If we compare ourselves with others we may be the meaningless because we are what we repeatedly think about us. The international development experts forgot these humanitarian values and what a narrow definition they have given to us! They classify to all human beings only in terms of money and totally ignore our emotional, spiritual, social and cultural values, for which people in backward societies feel most pride. My mother can never earn even a cent so that in accordance with the expectorates’ definition, she is useless burden for earth, matter of shame and the poorest lady, but it is grate pleasure for me that I got a perfect and practical mother like her whose unconditional love, affection and services to us is incomparable which any dollars can never purchase.
I am very much grateful towards my poverty which made me laborious, dutiful, honest, confident and the ambitious which is my inner light that I can use anywhere. Poverty only is the best teacher in my life, which taught me in adjusting on any difficult circumstances. No doubt, money is important for better livelihood but entire life is not only for money so that people call it as bad master but the best servant. It is only a means but we are making as ends. A millionaire may spend sufficient budget for a queen-sized bed but not sound sleep; books but not sharp brain; food but not appetite; medicines but not health; luxuries but not cultures; amusement but not happiness and other many more things that money cannot purchase so that it is only a dry fruit! Poverty, on the other hand, is a relative term. A richest man in one society may be the poorest one in another. The experts, therefore, should not absolutely consider all the poor by the same spectacles that they wear; rather it will be better to analyze its concealed root causes to identify the real needy poor.
Poor are not poor but were made poor; they have got voices but made suppressed; they have got energy but that is being exploited so that all victimized people are poor and all the poor are victims of the system fault. Poverty does not come by birth, it is an acquired situation. The circumstances in the nation are the major factors where people can flourish or deteriorate. Poor are products of difficult circumstances; the circumstances are the products of fault systems; the fault systems are the products of wrong men in decision making; the wrong men in leadership are the products of poor people’s votes; the poor people made the wrong decision in selecting ‘the best among the worst leaders’ and gave them consent for ruling over own selves which is the products of low level of awareness about the civic rights. Low level of awareness is the product of lack of good education because education makes people easy to lead but difficult to enslave. Mack Karley’s clerk producing education, under previous colonized developing countries, does not emphasize in identifying the inner potentiality rather it produces the exact photocopies after going through tough memorization based courses. The lack of proper education, eventually, is the result of fault in the existing systems.
Nature has given people energy and the vitality and only they can succeed who use their power productively but the failures can never recognize their own hidden capacities due to ignorance. In my opinion, poor, therefore, are state and system made poor who have no direct access to the national resources and the opportunities. The standard indicators in measuring the poverty, however, should be not merely based on money earning capacity but also various other factors such as indigenous knowledge, heritages, socio-economy, traditional cultures, customs, languages, potential resources etc. these are the precious assets, which determine whether the communities are realistically richer or poorer.
Those countries are poorest, who have not included all casts, creeds, religions, sex and political thoughts within their systems. They have not only excluded the poor from the main developmental stream but also loosing chances of own progresses. Discriminations, human rights violations, disturbances, tensions and misunderstanding are usually in those societies where all people are not actively participating for a commonly shared goal. The marginalized group of people, who have maximum potential resources, could be used as the best nation builders, unfortunately, no one is thinking on this issue seriously.
A country cannot have fruits without its roots i.e. grassroots level communities which are the strong foundation for development. Poor countries’ systems are incomplete because they have not included all components into them. The systems are made so narrow so that certain classes of people only have direct control over them. Without creative approaches to these problems and the opportunities, we can hardly alleviate the poverty in totality. For this, the most important requirement is system reform that consists good governance that means orderly; result oriented mechanism, that means capable in the work and the scientifically improvement in distribution that means justifiable returns in the action.
A system is a combined functioning of all units and sub-units. All these components are interdependent and effective interdependence can only be built on a foundation of true independence. If all people are included into the main stream, a country will get synergy for its progress. Synergy means that the whole is grater than the sum of its parts. If we put two pieces of wood together, they will hold much more than the total of weight held by each separately. 1+1 equals not only 2 but also 11. The essence of synergy is to value difference-to respect them, to build on strength and to compensate for weaknesses.
Those individuals or societies or countries are happier who have liberal attitudes and the systems. Diverse societies are more successful where mixed cultures, values, sentiments, emotions, opinions, ideas and knowledge are heartily adopted. Cultural diversity refers to non-biological differences between group of people, communities and populations. The liberal diverse societies can easily welcome all the minority ethnic groups, casts, creeds, political thoughts and religions. There will be healthy competitions, creative tensions, willingness to do better than other, open minded for improvements and more importantly, all will learn and share with each-other.
Diverse societies are more organized and developed where there are no minorities, inequalities, social injustices and exploitations. If there is justice, there will be equality in the societies. Equality means that everyone and everything can find a place in the society where their specific capacities are usefully engaged. It does not mean that everyone is supposedly regarded as exactly the same. Systems should be always liberal, people will be serious; if systems are sociable and kind, their people will be loyal; systems should promote good and instruct unskilled, people will be enthusiastic. Such positive feelings in people promote the harmony; for where there is harmony, there is love; if there is love, there is peace; if there is peace, there is happiness and high possibility for development.
On the basis of my 13 years’ work experience with various disadvantaged communities, I am very much optimistic about them. They have high potentiality only they need is basic catalyst. They have so many things except few visionary leaders who can vitally improve the errors in the existing systems. The leaders are those who protect the people in the organization. If protection is complete, the organization will be strong. If the protection is flowed, the organization and its people will be vulnerable. Good leadership is continues process as the journey of ten thousand miles begins at the first step. It is not only a matter of having the energy and determination to take a step, it is also crucial to consider the questions of how, when and where to take an appropriate step.
Moreover, the international development expectorates use certain standards in measuring the poverty level of a nation. When the poverty-measuring tools such as GDP, GNP etc. are used in ranking the economic status, they may give us a fallacious conclusion since they never reflect the overall actual pictures of the marginalized communities. Generally, these tools and techniques are based on averages, but in reality, the majority of the resources may have concentrated in the hands of the limited elite classes of people.
These existing tools measure about the production but hardly focus on the distribution side. The tools never interpret how the goods and services are distributed to the needy communities at grassroots. As a result, the poverty ranking methodology of a nation is surface based which focuses in knowing about who earns more or less but it never pays any attentions in identifying about who consumes more or less. When we start in analyzing a problem from the wrong and/or negative aspects, it is obvious, we are sure to get the fallacious conclusions. As a result, the average based GDP indicator may show high economic progress of a nation, but in reality, its people may be in retreat conditions.
The backward communities, however, are seeking an appropriate tool and platform where they can use their possibilities and also get the real identity in the main stream. For this, they need good guidance and advice but we are not only ignoring their potential energies, feelings, emotions and sentiments but also enforcing our vested interests even though the needy people dislike it. The development tool designed for a particular society will give varying results, if implemented it everywhere, but we are using the same tool for all the backward global communities who ultimately suffer from its negative impacts. Poor, therefore, are real expert of their own problems than the so-called international experts since the poor has experience of many ups and downs in life but the expert is limited only within the certain framework of acquired expertise, who can not think beyond his field!
Problem Identification
Donors provide loan or aid to a developing country for the welfare of its real needy people. However, due to globally adopted pyramid structured: top-down distribution approach, the development fruits never reach to the grassroots target communities. The bitter fact in developing countries is that most of the resources and the opportunities are concentrated in the hands of certain classes of people. Voluminous the aid package, more the benefits that the elite class of people can get from; more bigger the project, more the chances in getting the advantages from it. In the name of poverty eradication, more capable people are making themselves richer but the real needy are in statuesque forever.
Problem Analysis
The government receives loan from a donor for infrastructure development i.e. road and irrigation facilities construction in a backward society. The poor highly expect from the development so that they voluntarily contribute their land and laborer for the road and canal construction. They hope that they will have direct accesses towards the productions, distributions, markets and the opportunities and consequently, there will be possibilities for an improvement in their livelihoods.
After completion of the canal, elite families will have more production because they hold ample pieces of land. The middle classes of people are the next category of beneficiaries who hold medium size of land. The real needy-targeted grassroots population, however, hardly can benefit from the so-called developments since they rarely hold any pieces of land, whereas they are the main factor who actually contributed for these developments.
For maximum production, the elites add labor forces and other necessary inputs. Due to improved additional efforts, indisputably, production goes on increasing. The elites send surplus agro products to sell. They either use money for more sophisticated livelihoods or invest for further businesses or deposit for the future. They also spend huge amount of money for political power, social respect and the prestige. On the other hand, the poor still lacks reliable earning sources to cope with the changed situations because s/he has been selling his blood, sweat and toil at very cheaper prices to the elite classes of people.
During the same period, various multinational companies enter into the newly opened town and make an interaction with the market forces. The elites deserve the capacities to persuade the forces because they have strong academic, social, economic and political backgrounds so that they build a mutual relationship on a win-win negotiation basis. It is natural that the capable can best survive everywhere! They launch many businesses and introduce various goods and the services in the doorsteps of the poor. The root concern of any businesses is to make enough money; it is not their primary responsibility to consider about the classes and the social justice. For maximum profits, they may adopt any hooks and crooks as an attractive market promotion strategy and eventually, convert their consumers into coca-colonized. The most effective weapon in influencing and colonizing weaker communities and states is through the multinational companies because they have acid-tested tools, techniques and strategies, which are result oriented in the purpose.
On the other hand, in order to pay the foreign loan back, government increases revenue and the tax rate on industries and resource owners. The industries, consequently, increase the product prices, which have to be bear by all consumers even the poor. The poor lacks money to pay tax, purchase multinational goods and services and in managing the altered situations. S/he, however, tries to adjust his unexpected, complex and challenging life by adopting any possible alternates such as taking loans in higher interest rate, selling whatever properties belong to him, receiving advance money etc.
As a result, the gap between haves and have nots keeps on increasing and the poor can never get rid from the vicious circle of poverty. It not only widens the economic gap between them but also increases the social, political, educational and the emotional distances. It may be counterproductive for all on that stage, while some get more dinner than their appetites and others get more appetites than their dinner.
General Short term Impacts
The invisible expenses keep on increasing but the earnings decrease due to replacement of his works by the newly introduced technologies. S/he cannot pay the cumulative loans, credits and advances easily back because s/he has seasonal, irregular and cheaper earning sources. Finally, s/he looses everything like land, properties and places for engagement. The only worthy assets which poor have is the knowledge, skill and the vital energy even though, s/he finds no any places to use them for any constructive activities.
Prior to road construction, the poor could work as porter for carrying goods from one place to another and used his full hours for some manual works. The busy has no time to think but only to act creatively for the desired change. Due to road, obviously, s/he can save ample hours but lacks fulltime engagement jobs. S/he therefore either goes to a local bar for alcohol or gossips with the friends or plays cards or backbites or shares negative frustrations or positively desires for using the expensive multinational products as their employers do. S/he forgets that to be an individual means to take responsibility of oneself not to compare with others. These are the common problems among poor as the idle mind is the worst ghost; which generally leads towards the hell.
Despite his great efforts to upgrade the living standard, s/he finds no any better solutions for livelihoods. S/he inwardly fears that s/he may not be able to take responsibilities of the family members. S/he continues his complex life with depressions, stresses, tensions and uncertainties. Self-frustrated people are most reactive because they always compare themselves with others and get more inferiority complexions, which make them sadder.
On the other hand, when poverty enters from the doors, the heavenly love goes out from the windows. Moreover, immediate dependents like wife and children are weaker groups for expressing his hostility, depression, negativity and anger. This attitude increases daily quarrel, which eventually promotes domestic violence within the family members. This practice not only ruins the couples, but also makes their children’ future darker because the curious kids learn from parents-dirty words, negative attitudes and the misbehaviors that make next generations too uncivilized and rude in their whole lives.
Elites have sufficient means to execute their plans into reality so that comparatively they are more dynamic and progressive. Poor, however, being means less people, are static, fatalistic and looser of their plans, which make them more dependent towards the luck and God. S/he, eventually, gives up his initiations and hopes, lowers down ambitions, withdraws efforts and does not seek any further alternates for changing his socio-economical status. They kill their emotions and feel more frustrations inwardly and the purpose of lives for them is just to survive anyhow and give continuity. Not the physical power but the emotional power can lead to the people because emotional energy directs to physical energy. If we have killed our emotions, we can physically never accomplish any tasks. We will not only loose the physical energy but also interests in the assigned responsibilities. Finally, emotionally died people neither can make further efforts for their own capacity building and progress nor they may think about the future of their children.
In fact, they forget that doing nothing does not avoid risk but it heightens it. Their activeness turns into passiveness and they develop slave mentalities who prefer to work only after getting command from others. Without waging any wars in life they surrender, they might have lost the battles but not the wars even though they compromise with the challenges. And, they accept the circumstances as the matter of God gift, which includes beliefs and rituals that acknowledge spiritual beings that govern them. Religion often plays vital role in one’s perception and interpretation of moral and immoral behavior. They took life as by product of luck/God and it is ultimate truth for them: every thing is pre-determined, which is the consequence of karma that a person did in his previous life! The commonly accepted meaning of karma reflects only one side of the coin. It is the side that does not give us freedom or power or the courage to take charge of our lives. When people do not get any alternatives to cope with the challenges, the only ultimate option they find is the God. Finally, s/he makes a conclusion that life is beyond his direct control, s/he is only an actor and the God is the director!
Desire commands people to run and get what they want. When they do not get what they want, they are disappointed and when they get what they do not want they are distressed. People live in their desires rather than in achievement. If they desire something that is not within their control, disappointment will follow; meanwhile they will be neglecting the very things, which are within their control that are worthy of desire. In my opinion, they, now onwards, are the actual poor in real sense because they have lost self-confidence over themselves. They cannot win over any battlefields, who loose the war within own self. Moreover, if we totally detached ourselves from the enthusiasms, goals and the visions we will, surely, have inner peace but will not attempt in giving some meanings to our lives so that we may roaming around to continue our lives only for survival.
It is bad luck for poor for ignoring what they already have and looking for something else. Poor believe in luck but in reality they are unlucky. When they are too passive or if they are too narrow in their preoccupation or ideas, they do miss the opportunities. There may be possibilities of which they cannot gain themselves, simply because of limited perspective and unwillingness to reach forward towards new perception of untapped potential. However, they switch-off their inner light and deactivate inner hidden energies for any improvements which strongly influence them to be none dynamic creatures!
What really frightens static people is not merely the external events but also the way in which they think about the results and how they interpret them. Moreover, the elites and the faulty systems are not as what poor wish them to be or what they seem to be but they are what they are. We cannot change external circumstances but we can at least choose is how we respond to the reversed circumstances-positively or negatively. When something happened, the only thing in our power is our attitudes towards them. Nobody should give consent to be hurt and won’t be hurt-this is a choice over which everybody has control. If we want to alter our situation, we also, first of all, have to change ourselves otherwise those who cannot rule over themselves are sure to be ruled by others. For this, we have to change our perceptions, thoughts, attitudes and the behaviors. People, however, make their own fortunes and eventually they curse to others for the reversed consequences.
Specific Impacts (please use your own hard disk brain box to analyze these issues)
Social Impacts
Economic Impacts
Educational Impacts
Religious Impacts
Geographical Impacts
Political Impacts
Technological Impacts
Impacts in Population
Impacts in Gender Discriminations
Impacts in Human Rights
Impacts in Environments
General Long term Impacts
Moreover, his positive desires for living similar comfortable life as of elite seem almost impossible, which unknowingly turn into negative and roots in his subconscious mind. When it is impossible to materialize the positive desires, they may turn into negatives and ultimately people behave very reactively towards their own positive desires. The weakest people cannot easily materialize their desires into reality; consequently, they are inwardly sadder that makes them more self-aggressive. These types of people comparatively can hardly do welfare to others who are even not capable for doing well to themselves. Their regular frustrated thought, emotion and input provide negative information to their mind, which may turn into reactive attitudes and behaviors in actions as an output in reality. We have seen wounded lover who wholeheartedly loves his beloved and ready to sacrifice even his life for her! When the girlfriend ignores his love, the same boy’s positive desire about his girlfriend changes into negative. Finally, he may harm her so brutally or kill in uncivilized manner. It clearly indicates that people take their unfulfilled desires as great opponent and the strong positive (creative) desires about expectations turn into negative (destructive). It is cumulative effects in our subconscious minds; every habit is preserved and increased by its corresponding actions. The habit of walking makes us better walker; regular running makes us better runner. It is the same regarding matter of soul; whenever, we are angry, we increase our angers; we have increased a habit and added fuel to a fire. The poor has already given up the ambition who has no more any specific goals in his life and being a meaningless, s/he is roaming around without any determined purposes. If we do not know where and why we are heading for, we may reach to the different places. S/he, however, has sufficient untapped energies, which neither can be created nor can be destroyed; it can only be transferred from one form to another! And, ignorance, poverty and vanity make many soldiers since there are no rules for necessities. Hence, when two people have similar qualities and problems but not develop or solve to some degree, if they work as equals, it is possible to raise the level of less-developed partners. The liking minds become organized and choose a final alternate to change their lives as last attempt-do or die! Same mob, which has many heads but no brains, acts as an anti-system force with a trust that one for all and all for one. The mob thinks that it is only an organization where they can get justice, value, respect and freedom. The mob starts in understanding the meaning of their organized energies since the duty determines the destiny!
The terrorists, therefore, are the group of organized frustrated individuals, who could not use their energies in a constructive manner so that they choose the destructive! The faulty system creates the crimes but the terrorists commit them. When people cannot easily tackle complicated challenges bigger than their capacities, they choose any means to face them. Poor, who used to think life as a matter of chance or luck, unconsciously they start in choosing the life in different way, with the expectation that they will fight another war in life which will be the last one but the best one-do or die! Evil does not naturally dwell in the world; it is a by-product of perception, reaction, interpretation and how people respond to it. Backward societies are the most fertile lands for the terrorists where consist highly destructive minds because they hardly get any places to use their creativities. The more they develop the negativity and reactive thoughts, the more destructive they are.
Developed countries will be faultless if they avoid possible harms by a creative manner and they will also be blameless if they realize danger and forth-coming struggle against the global terrorism. To overcome the world terrorism, we have to declare a war against world poverty, negativity, frustration, destructive perceptions and the thoughts among the people. For this, we have to give them value, respect and utilization of their untapped energies. We must also win over our own attitudes and make ourselves more liberal so that we can respect others. Those who know others are wise; those who know themselves are enlightened. If we know ourselves and others, we will never be engaged in battle but if we do not know ourselves and others, we will be in danger.
The weapon has never won any wars in totality rather it increases the number of enemies in a long run. If we abolish a terrorist by using the armed force, it will multiply the number of foes in a geometrical ratio such as 2,4,8,16,32 etc. If, let us suppose, the government killed me in a charge, slowly all my family members, relatives, colleagues and the well wishers will negatively accept the bitter fact and ultimately develop the negative feelings towards ruling system and some will also act as an anti-system force. Moreover, what will remain the differences between the government and the terrorist, if government also choose same destructive way in the name of peace keeping in nation? Government will be a legal super terrorist, who has rights to use people’s resources, too!
Possible Solutions: (why, when, who, where, but why, why not, if not, if yes, how???)
Love begets love and the haters multiply the haters so that we should use our brainpower, liberal attitudes and love to overcome to possible global enemies. The terrorists do not choose the final-do or die alternate without any determined motives because only strong reasons make the strong actions. If we still ignore them, than no disaster is worse than to underestimating our opponents. They can easily harm others, who do not love own; they do not love own, who have no meaning in life; they have no meaning in life, who have no any goals; they have no any goals, who have repeatedly loose games; they usually loose the games, who are not action oriented; they are not action oriented, who are frustrated; they have sadness within, who do not act for change; they do not have desires for change, who have deep-rooted thoughts that life is predetermined by luck and which is the result of previous karma; they strongly believe in karma, who hardly get a desired results; they hardly get desired results, where systems function wrongly and they are the products of wrong men in authority for making the decisions in others’ lives.
The rules are mainly effective for their makers so that they always insist in continuing them, which are indirectly beneficial for them. It is, one the other hand, important to understand the implications of how the beneficiaries of the existing systems react to the change. When people’s sense of security is based entirely on statuesque and particular state of affair, then they can hardly avoid the upset when changes take place. This is exactly like a gambling where nobody wins until somebody looses. Elites does not like to loose the game at any costs so that they also have a kind of fear within; it is not for an authority but they affaire to loose it. They, as a result, never allow an opportunity to poor to learn anything; just make them like a horse in a regular duty. Things, however, cannot remain the same forever and must eventually alter so that at anytime poor may change.
Someone may have a good without having any means to achieve it; another may have power to achieve the great things without the direction to guide it. The one who has the goal but lacks the means may become an idle dreamer; the one who has the power but lacks direction may become a bull. Only when a person has both capacity to accomplish the work and a worthy aim to guide it can then be perfect in his action. It is not enough to have great qualities and energies; we must also have management of them. If we mobilize unused energies of the poor in constructive activities, it will be highly beneficial for the entire world communities so that for this issue we should think globally but act locally.
Overall progress in a group or an organization or a society cannot take place through the single efforts and actions of an elite alone, even if the elite really has super capacity. It is essential to include less powerful and other talented people/societies, too so that all can develop through energy of pooled abilities. This can only work if solidarity is express in understanding and action. All should focus in understanding what is to be done over time and how it can be accomplished through cooperative efforts of all; inequalities can be conquered and extreme polarization can be avoided. Solidarity and mutual cooperation are needed in promoting equality and social justice, which strengthen global partnership. Compassion and cooperation lead to future success because the cooperation is nothing we do to a person but it is something we become with a person. It is by the sympathetic interaction and sharing of people with different qualities and the characteristics so that collective development can take place with the great effects.
I, therefore, strongly recommend that all elites should accept others with tolerance, be positive and farsighted in their endeavors and they can be impartial and balance in action. The elites, therefore, should go in search of poor, learn from them, plan with them, serve them, begin with what they have and build with what they know. However, at last, when the task is accomplished, their work is done, the poor all will remark-we have done it ourselves, so that success is bastter and the failure is orphan! Let’s give birth to another bastter by the collective efforts of the entire global people and name it as-‘system reform’
Prerequisites for Reforms (What)
a) Leadership with the nation building visions and certain royal qualities, who is:
students of worldwide human relations and values;
open and flexible in dealing in diversity in people;
comfortable with those from different disciplines, fields, backgrounds and races;
facilitator of newcomers, strangers, minorities and immigrants to the groups;
collaborators in joint ventures, consortia or coalitions; and
planned change agents and futurists.
The perfect leaders with royal qualities characteristically are:
adopt readily to new and unusual circumstances and lifestyles;
think beyond local perceptions and transforms stereotypes into positive views;
prepare for new mind shifts, while eliminating old mindsets;
re-creates cultural assumptions, norms and practices based on new insights;
reprogramme their mental maps and constructs;
welcome and facilitate transitional experiences;
acquire multicultural competencies and skills;
creates cultural synergy whenever and wherever feasible;
operate effectively in multicultural environments; and
creates optimistic and double scenarios for future.
b) All political parties’ consensus, shared visions and goals among all the stakeholders;
c) Empowered ‘public watch dog’ group and non-politicalized occupational association
d) Decentralized good governance and improvements in the government mechanisms;
e) Implementation of my-‘tow down brain-bottom up resources (tdb-bur)’ approach;
f) Commitments among the politicians and awareness in the grassroots communities;
g) Readiness for change among all the stakeholders and beneficiaries;
h) Favorable and supportive circumstances for dynamic changes and progresses;
i) Mutual cooperation and harmony among the individuals, societies and nations;
j) Promoting weaker individuals and nations by the global developed countries.
System Reforms (How)
Regulated democratic ruling system; decentralized good governance; empowered occupational and professional associations; transparent civil services system; and deadline oriented mechanism with certain standard in measuring qualities in work
Public forums for complains and sharing the frustrations and problems. Strong, autonomous and transparent watch dog group who should have direct link with the communities and occupational groups, where intellectuals from various walks of lives are represented and will observe government activities and impacts. If the government policies and programmes are wrong, the group will go to the public so that in next election the opposition will get benefit
In every fiscal year budget, at least, 1 specially prioritized development sector to be declared. Each region should be specialized as pocket area for health, education, industry, agriculture, tourism etc. in accordance with the potentiality
An autonomous public court where advocates and judges should represent from the occupational groups, professional association etc. who will transparently work as an anti-corruption, anti-commission, protection of human rights etc.
For policy implementation, introduction of Management by Objective (MBO) with bottom-up responsibilities and top-down goal, visions, plans and evaluations. Prioritized-goals-visions-plans-strategies-implementation-follow-up-monitoring-evaluation-and again re-planning for the new programs for the desired results
Recruitment of staff on decentralized basis-the local for the local and competitive reservation for some selected minority communities for certain years
Political Reforms
There must be only 3 national level major political parties, with representation of different political thoughts, philosophies, visions and developmental strategies as well as policies. All minor local associations should be affiliated with any of these
These political parties should provide tickets in equal basis to all the casts, creeds, religions, professions, occupation and so on during the elections. On the basis of tickets, there will be representatives from all communities in the parliament. If there is no equal number of elected representatives in parliament, they should be elected from competitive reservation to give equal participation to all. There will be competition in particular group but based on reservation at the national level.
Government should be formed from not only active politicians but also from the different background: health practitioner, economists, social and religious leaders, representatives of the many associations, industry, commerce, tourism, transport, development, education and others.
If the most dedicated, visionary, committed social and/or political leaders are not elected in the poll; they should be nominated in the upper house.
The largest party, no doubt, will form the government and will act for planning, budgeting, policymaking, program designing etc. For this, the second largest party being a waiting government will form another support government to work as advisor. 51% + 49%-% representatives will participate in win-win government. The support government will also continue the nation building plans in the future.
The third largest party is a real opposition in practice; it will give critical support to both the government and actively play the opposition’s roles because it has comparatively direct public contacts through members of the watchdog groups.
Not an area based but the number of population distribution based constituency areas, which will represent to all the casts, creeds, minorities and backgrounds.
Restriction in the election expenses and the government should bear the election expenses of all 3 major political parties and none of them are allowed to receive donations and supports from others. They must submit their property belonging statements to the public associations before and after holding any positions.
Educational Reforms
10 years compulsory free education, at community owned schools, where national and local ethnic languages also be used during teaching.
After 10 years of education, the students must join national army force for at least 2 years for higher schooling, practical learning and disciplines. After 10+2 years’ education completion, the students must leave home for 1 year and work as paid volunteer in his community in accordance with the acquired knowledge, skill and experience during his10+2 years’ education in school and army forces.
After 10 years general education, 2 years basic specialization army education plus 1-year practical work, s/he should enroll for semester-based collage education. Only after that, on the basis of his theoretical and practical knowledge, s/he can either take part in the civil servant exam or continue for higher studies. The civil servant examination should not merely base on GK, IQ, EQ but also must focus on specialized knowledge and skills.
Each community must have 1 community owned school, polytechnic institute for skill development, literacy center, health post and local development fund. Government should operate education fund aiming for needy students’ higher studies where they can borrow but after a job, should pay it back in installment.
Literacy classes to be run for 6-12 months. After graduation, the new literate must contribute daily 1 hour for 3 new illiterates. CBOs/NGOs should operate such classes and act for quality control, monitoring, supervision and evaluation.
The education should focus on technology transfer, modernization, diversification and development. For this, from grade 7, technical subjects to be taught.
Human Resource Development to be given first priority; strengthening health sector in communities; drinking water-easy access, awareness raising at grassroots which will also support in reducing the population growth, poverty and illiteracy.
Provision of social security to old, women, children, weaker and minorities such as taking care of old people, free schooling, health and creation of employment opportunities to the entire economically active population.
Economic Reforms
Implementation of the scientific, new and improved distribution system-top down brain: bottom-up resources. Planning, policymaking, goal setting, follow-up, monitoring and evaluation will be carried on with the active participation of the backward communities at higher level so that it is top-down brain (tdb) approach. Programme implementation, production, distribution, marketing, management, pricing will be at bottom-up level so that it is bottom-up resource (bur) approach.
Limitation in land holdings and the existing land to be redistributed in accordance with the number of family members in every household.
More the deposits, higher the tax, lesser the interest; more the investment, lesser the tax and more the supports. Special program for income generation and improvements in people’s livelihood. Poverty reduction and sustainable economic growth with the modernization of agriculture and industrial sectors.
Encouraging global investments by adopting liberal investment policies. And, also promoting market oriented liberal economy and maintaining it sustainable.
Agricultural Reforms
Price determination of the farm products should not be on individual basis but by the negotiation between the farmer and businessmen’s associations: to give better return, save small farmers and for fixing the justifiable prices in the market.
Peasant Funds for establishment of community managed cold storages, collection centers and cooperatives in supporting needy peasants at local level.
Priority in polytechnics and vocational education centers, which will focus in decentralizing agriculture researches, growth in productivity and modernization.
Farm services should reach to the doorsteps of the farmers by an active initiation of the NGOs/CBOs, peasant association and the decentralized government.
Subsidy for improved seeds, pesticides and irrigation. The local government can use peasant fund and local development fund to construct the feeder roads. And, the local government is fully responsible in mobilizing the local resources.
Social Reforms
No social discrimination in terms of casts, creeds, religions, political thoughts, and ism. For this, strict rules and regulations to be introduced.
To increase gender balance, not only women empowerment but also promotion of income generation activities, literacy and awareness level etc.
Strict rules and regulations: to control gambling during working hours; against social disturbances caused by drunkard, looting, dacoits; for those who charge higher interests and provision of standard government rate. And, introduction of minimum wage rate for each professional occupation.
The laws and orders must be creative; it means people should not be imprisoned but be used in development activities such as labor, money, skill, knowledge contribution and the penalty money be used in local development fund.
At least one member of every house must engage in any economic activities such as cottage industry, farming, jobs, business and others created by the government.
Women’s clubs at grassroots that will work for empowerment, literacy, income generation, skill development, exposures, health, saving, gender; strict rules for not using land in production and all should encourage for 4 ideal family concept.
Technological Reforms
Private and multinational companies to be encouraged for technology transfer and government should facilitate by introducing liberal policy.
Indigenous tools, technology-promoting projects be encouraged and subsidized for their expansions/adaptation in the grassroots.
Education and polytechnics should be based on up to dated changed technology.
Development, modernization, diversification, community adoption, experiments and improvements of the technologies in accordance with the geographical needs.
The experienced and retired technical experts to be invited as visiting teacher and advisor for necessary technical inputs and contributions at certain wages.
Cultural Reforms
Culture is sum of beliefs, practices, habits, likes, dislikes, norms, customs, rituals etc that we learnt from families and societies. The ethnic associations should have cultural protection, language promotion and heritages preservation divisions.
The associations and the divisions are solely responsible to promote, modify, save and exchange their cultures, values, customs, heritages, festivals and languages with each other among different communities and members.
Ethnic groups and divisions should exchange information with each other. They can run culture mix-up programmes, education tours, student exchange, exposure visits and inter-cultural scholarships for interested members of other communities that will strengthen mutual relationships among all the ethnicities.
The government should identify some most endangered ethnicities, languages and cultures. To protect them, some active, visionary and social leaders from the same groups to be elected who will be responsible for their own cultural protection.
Some libraries and the museums should be established; where the same number of divisions and/or departments to be created as per needs of the existing ethnic groups. The departments will have some sub-divisions such as department for music, arts, literatures, languages, cultures, heritages and the dresses. They are national, regional and local representative offices of the minority communities and directly will work to the grassroots for expansion, promotion and preservation of their own cultures, languages, arts, dresses etc.
Some talented and prospective children should be sought from the nationwide who are potential for leadership, sports, music, literatures, arts etc. They should be developed as best among the bests at central level from their very childhoods. They will take a leading role in developing various national sectors in the future.
Industrial Reforms
Some potential areas, where infrastructure, manpower, raw materials etc. are well developed and available should be declared as pocket areas for specialization.
The chamber of commerce should negotiate with the foreign investors to attract the capital and technology. Each businessman should be given freedom to attract investors, loans and business partners from global nations through an investment attracting window policy of the government.
The investors, who bring certain capital, should be honored as development friend and provide them maximum facilities and support as honor. Government should encourage those industries, which are based on bottom-up distribution, maximum use of local resources and implementation of tdb-bur.
World’s renowned leaders, investors, businessmen, actors/actresses be requested to take some specific responsibilities of any sectors. S/he should be honored as development ambassador with diplomatic respect and facility. The government may not influence to the prospective investors so that these popular personalities will work to promote the world’s attention, capital, technology, tourism etc.
Those citizens’ properties to be seized, who deposit the money in foreign banks. If the foreign investors, however, wish to back their properties to their countries, the government should liberally farewell them. And, if the citizen of the country wishes to transfer capital to other country, there must be progressive tax for them since the government has invested huge resources in those capitals.
If a citizen continually stays in any foreign countries for more than 20 years without contributing anything for her nation, his identification should be invalid because s/he contributed all his youth energies, tax and mind for other countries’ progress but the nation does not need such retired burden bulls for the future!
Financial Reforms
Interest free loan for establishment of cottage and small industries. At BEP stage, no interests should be charged but in following years, as the profit increases, the interest rate will also be increased.
Discouraging unnecessary imports, which are directly harmful for heath, social and economic point of view such as liquor, cigarettes, luxuries etc.
Foreign aid should be chanalised in proper way. Government should deduct only 25% and remaining 75% should directly go to the purposed programs through occupational associations to materialize their plans into reality.
Creating favorable business environment for foreign investors where they can get confidence and guarantee of security for their investments.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Stakeholders (Who)
Government’s Roles and Responsibilities
Support Government and Opposition’s Roles and Responsibilities
Occupational Associations’ Roles and Responsibilities
Political and Informal Social Leaders’ Roles and Responsibilities
Civic Society’s Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities of the Foreign Aid
INGOs/NGOs/CBOs’ Roles and Responsibilities
Media’s Roles and Responsibilities
Individual’s Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities of the UN Agencies
UN should more actively function for the good governance, system reforms and the technology (brain, capital and genius manpower) exchange for its member countries. It should have an autonomous global watchdog department, which will advice, direct, observe, follow-up, monitor and evaluate the political activities, government plans, policies and human rights in its member nations. If the government rules, laws and orders are not satisfactory it may send a mission team in those countries for designing and forming all approved government.
For this, UN should have a roster of the experienced, successful, prospective and visionary global leaders, who will give inputs in accordance with needs of countries. It should honor genius global leaders such as presidents, prim ministers, economists, advocates, scientists, educationists, businessmen, activists and social and/or informal leaders as an Global Ambassador who will have diplomatic status in all its members. They will contribute their services to the needy countries for a certain period of time.
Those general human beings, whose contributions are proved beneficial for the entire global humanity, should be honored, as Global Citizen and they will have a status of the citizen in all member countries.
It should form a team of the Global Businessmen and facilitate for a negotiation between its member countries and the investors for the capital, technology, brain and other resources transfer from one to another needy country.
For this, UN will inform about situations, potentialities and needs of the nation and will support for necessary infrastructure development for welfare of both the parties.
It should run a Global University; there will be educated, trained and developed visionary, prospective, futuristic and potential global leaders, who wish to contribute for the welfare of the global nations and their people. (Like me!?).
UNDP should focus in implementing tdb:bur approach, which is more scientific and improved in distribution and for developing poor societies.
UN can replace autocratic and disgusted government, if the majority of the national citizens wish to do so.
For this, during transitional period, UN can assign some members from the roster, who will establish better systems and hand over it for the all approved government. It should work as government of its members who will maintain global laws and orders, human rights, good governance etc. for maintaining the global peace.
Developed countries should give skill of fishing than merely a fish to the reconstructing countries. Poor countries should work, first of all, on self and take responsibilities for own progresses. When there is potential but no momentum, it may be that all they can do at first is to assemble their own resources and try to develop capacities. If they rely on others before they have consolidated their own strengths they may tend to become dependent and weak. Foreign aid can never solve the problems in totality; it makes people more dependent as parasites, lazy and irresponsible. People neither think for change nor search some alternates to the problems because they are getting solutions without working. I have not seen any developed countries that progressed by foreign aid. Every successful person and/or country is so by self-efforts. Until they use their energies, resources, willpowers and desires for change, external aid merely will not work perfectly.
Most aid recipients in the world are the poorest countries, the more they receive the aid, the poorer they are. It should be used merely as catalyst and other components should be mobilized at local level. It has to be properly used as lubricant in activating existing local resources for a certain period of time. If its inflow is continuing forever, all mechanisms may be handicapped and dependent and the recipient county can never get rid from them.
Aid should cover people’s desires, emotions, necessities and the values. It should mainly focus as per the needs of the recipients not due to interests of the donors. The root cause of poverty is not due to minimum production but it is the impacts of faulty distribution. The foreign technical experts (we so-called local development workers, too) do not understand these concealed local reasons but proudly mention that we are serving to the particular societies for upgrading them. We make our more attractive resumes (as myself have done!) and expand our own marketability as an expert for other needy communities, whereas, we have already ruined the previous society in the name of development by implementing our immature, inexperienced and assumption based theoretical services!
The local poor peasants are the real experts in the context of local circumstances who can easily forecast about the weather, crop production, necessary inputs etc. by simply observing the nature-sky! And, accordingly they can plan for required seeds, harvesting, manpower, storage and management. However, how innocent those unlucky peasants are, who easily believe us as the development angels and apply our development capsules in their daily lives and replace their indigenous knowledge and skill. They ultimately suffer as development victim which is just like teaching father for a sexual intercourse by son?!
On the recommendation of the technical experts, the peasants start using modern seeds, pesticide, tools and technologies for higher productions. At the initial phases, until the project is phase-out, the donors subsidize the required expenses to purchase them. The peasants also replace indigenous farming methods and adopt donor recommended new. In a long run, the project quits from village and the farmers hardly can afford the expensive multinational company products: seeds-pesticide. Finally, neither they can re-collect their indigenous knowledge; methods, skills, seeds and technologies nor they can continue the expensive farming methods. And, eventually they become development victims forever!
Fundamental limitations & problems to implement projects in developing communities
Lack of infrastructure development
Donor driven
Duplications of programmes due to lack of coordination
Lack of sustainability of programmes
Maximum technical assistance
Lack of capital and tools
Strong influence of traditional management
Project oriented problems
Selection of wrong project
Selection of wrong methods
Lack of disciplines
Incomplete projects
Lack of maintenance of the projects
Approval of projects without needs
Delays in decision processes
Lack of institution to sustain the projects
Wrong tool for monitoring and evaluation
Misuse and leakages of resources
Making projects as employment platform
Making projects as a play ground by the politicians
Problem of authority delegation
Feudocratic management
Lack of professional human resources
System oriented problems
Interest conflicts
Cultural constraints
Unclear policies and objectives
Weak institutional capacities
Lack of users participation
Defective project design
Consultant related problems
Procurement delays
Delays in contract awards
Lack of coordination and communication
Delays in budget release
Lack of counter part funds
Reimbursement problems
Lack of transparency and corruptions
Ignores indigenous knowledge and skills
Ruins to the socio-cultural values
Possible Solutions to Solve the Problems
Developing good political leadership
Maximum utilization of the local resources
Modernization of the management
Selection of the need based appropriate projects
Implementation of the appropriate tools and technology
Strictly maintaining the disciplines
Maximization of the users participation
Autonomous in decision making processes
Selection of the right team leader
Improvement in monitoring and evaluation
Simplification of the payment
Provisions of reward and punishment
Clear-cut roles and responsibilities of the team members
Development of certain standards
Formulation of proper policies and guidelines
Ensure good project design
Improve project management system
Improve financial management
Streamline procedures
Strengthening monitoring and evaluation
Control in corruption and politicization
Prioritized sector for foreign aid
Infrastructure development: Hydropower, solar and wind energy
Transport sector: Road, rail, air and water transport
Rural infrastructure development: Rural electrification, roads and bridges
Tourism sector: Rural, eco and new areas development
Agriculture, irrigation and forestry: Geo-utilization, agricultural marketing, improved seeds, irrigation and river control, environment
Human resource & social development: Technical education & manpower development,
public health, pure drinking water supply, population management, poverty reduction, backward community development and employment creation
Good governance: system reforms, corruption control, public awareness, strengthening public watchdog forums, empowering professional associations and local clubs
Capacity building: building capacities of individuals, associations, clubs, institutions, NGOs/CBOs and private agencies who are partners for the development activities
Developing countries backward people are being made gini-pig for an experiment: The experiment results, if it is found positive, the world will benefit from it. If it is reverse, the poor are the only people who will suffer from its negative effects.
Nepal received polio vaccines at free of cost from a developed country at the preliminary phases for an experiment. Next time, when these vaccines were proved effective, Nepal government was asked to purchase them; no chance at free of cost! At inception stages, the company and both the governments were silent because it was win-win negotiation. But, when the vaccines proved effective, it became win-lose dealing. And, how selfish they were who easily made poor communities as lab and the government agreed for it.
Charity service organizations also do the give and take business: Dozens of voluntary organizations are working for poor people in the remote parts of Nepal. Their main goal is to provide the need based services to the backward societies, but in return, they take religions, traditional cultures and customs of the marginalized communities. Church and Missionary funded INGOs and projects are converting poor Hindus and Budhists into the Christianity. The trust comes voluntarily from corner of the soul and it is an emotional faith so that no any logics and debates against any believe work properly. But, as we know, hunger people are easily led so that the poor are ready to sell their heartily trust with the expectation of getting some returns. They are being converted with the full of expectation for the better livelihood. I am not against any religions, ethnicity, casts and creeds because I believe more in humanity. My only opinion is that no one should take any undue advantages from any people who are in crisis.
Multinational companies are making poor coca-colonized: A sanitation campaign was launched in a backward society. Slowly, people changed their habits and started to use soaps. Prior to this, they used to use locally available materials for sanitation purposes. I am not sure, what might have the impacts among communities, but it was sure, that the sell of different brands of soaps, produced by multinational company was 10 times higher than before because the company, as a strategy of its market expansion scheme, funded the sanitation project for a short period and when poor were fully converted into the coca-colonized, project was phased out. And, people were compelled to use soap by self!
Poor countries are the best markets for developed countries: A rich country supports us mainly for infrastructure development i.e. road construction; whereas we have many other prioritized sectors. One will be surprised to see the most expensive vehicles of that particular country very common in our country, where as we could purchase cheaper one!
Development aid with an expectation of return in a long run: Few decades ago, we received cooperation from a friendly country to construct a highway. For this, the local people choose the shortest, easiest, cheapest and straight corridor. But the donor choose the most difficult, longer, hilly and the complex areas as the corridor. The same country is the major supplier of fuel and genuine vehicle parts to our country since long ago! It is just like donating by one liberal hand and taking it back by another greedy hand!
Most needy countries also provide aid to other developing countries: Few decades ago, a country who was poorer in health sector and where was more need of hospital, supported us to construct it in our country. For this, we needed more health practitioners and the allopathic medications. But, at that time, neither we had any institutes or companies in producing manpower and the medicines. She is the only country, where we could afford for medical studies. And, even today, approximately more than 90% allopathic medicines are imported to our health service sector from the same country!
Aid returns to the same country: The highly paid consultants take the major part of aid towards their own country. These so-called Nepal experts are assigned to our country in the name of technical aid, who may have some paper based knowledge and information about Nepal, obtained in some star-hotels’ seminars. But, we can hardly find any experts, who might have slept, even for a night, in the huts of poor communities. These experts claim themselves as Nepal’s real pundit but they cannot dare to drink, eat, breath, sleep and mix-up with the real poor in the targeted areas.
Similarly, we receive many outdated medicines, food crops, clothes, cars and electronic appliances and make others easy to use our places as dumping sites in the name of aid. I am, however, not totally against the foreign aid, but it must be need-based. It should be humanitarian cooperation and not seek any political and economic returns in a long run.
Moreover, it is imbalance to blame only to the donors. We developing countries’ people and governments are primary responsible parties to ruin our own status. Beggar cannot be chooser hence backward communities are making themselves slave minded & colonized.
If I am a foreigner kuire (blue eyed), I will be treated as development angel in backward societies. The first honor, I will receive is as gora sahib, no matter, even if I am a junkie! Educated intellectuals will respect me as sir even if I may be the worst creature in the world! They are not ready for any debates and logical discussions with me because they perceive all khaires (brown skinned) as the most knowledgeable and experts, even if, I may be an illiterate! Authorities will heartedly honor me and convert themselves into yes man even if my brain has illness of neurosis and I am totally a mental retarded foreigner!
As a result, (I may) junior level representative of the donors wish to establish direct link with the prim minister or ministers of the developing countries. Who cares to Secretaries of the ministries, whereas the donor representatives have direct accesses with the policy and decision makers! The national policy makers also take this as golden opportunities for shaking hands with bideshi pahuna (foreigner guests). And, having precious chances for dine, friendship and establishing informal relationship with gora sahib. Consequently, in the future, these thulo manchhe (big bosses) can easily request for out-country tours, trainings, seminars, scholarship opportunities for children, project jobs for relatives and many other personal favors and benefits. The donor representatives also do fulfill their special demands and eventually rule over their brains; convert them into slaves and command: do this; do that; do this way; do that way; otherwise….And, the government mechanisms become yes men to entire donors, even if they may be completely wrong! Finally, the entire people also suffer from the paralysis caused by the wrong decisions!
Nepal was the world’s 2nd largest rice producing country (First the Burma/Myanmar) up to 1950. Our neighbor country used to import rice from us but situation is completely reversed now! During same period, the development indicators of Korea and ours were same, but now we can easily figure out where we are? Moreover, at that time, people’s livelihoods were self-sustained but now it is not new to know about the famine problems in some of the hilly districts of Nepal. Another interesting coincidence is that, doors of Nepal were opened-up for the foreigners and the foreign aid during 1950! The ridiculous issue is that, aid was mainly focused for agriculture development but in every following years, farm products in Nepal are decreasing!
First five-year plan development introduced during 1957 which was mainly concentrated for poverty alleviation by the support of foreign aid, but number of marginalized people are dramatically increasing! We can easily reveal from following table that the volume of aid is higher at the very inception periods, but later on, the loan is multiplying. Moreover, during cold war, neutral countries highly benefited from the foreign cooperation. Donors funded various projects and INGOs for developing backward communities, but behind the curtain, it was back supporting to their political ideologies and persuading to the needy nations for vested interests!
Table-1: Nepal’s Development Plans and Foreign Cooperation (in current price)
External Sources
Aid Loan Total
First 21.44 - 38.28* - 38.28 178.5
Second 59.68 12.09 43.24 4.35 47.59 79.7
Third 163.91 71.93 90.52 1.46 91.98 56.1
Forth 335.68 184.77 119.84 31.07 150.91 45.0
Fifth 883.26 459.18 262.37 161.71 424.08 48.0
Sixth 2209.27 1150.57 475.23 583.47 1058.70 47.9
Seventh 4834.54 1950.59 819.08 2064.87 2883.95 59.6
Eight 11191.98 4907.81 2093.74 4190.43 6284.17 56.1
Ninth** 17945.85 7312.93 3924.89 3708.03 10632.92 59.2
Tenth*** 26400.00 12041.00 5743.00 8615.00 14359.00 54.4
* Included development and other expenses, too. ** Projected. *** Proposed and in the current price of the 2001/2002.
Sources: Ministry of Finance, based on an article written by Dr. BPS, in a Nepali Magazine.
Poor countries, at inception phases, were provided aid; slowly they started to receive the loans; the loans make weak countries weaker since they never can say no to the donors because they are suffering from an illness of mental paralysis caused by gratefulness. The donors perceive weaker’s respects as followers and start indirectly ruling over them. The donors cannot understand the local problems emerged from local circumstances, cultures and socio-economical gaps; however, they enforcedly recommend generalized solutions as ready-made formula of the entire problems for all weaker nations. Basically, the donor representatives were/are grown-up, educated and trained in developed societies, who have some bookish knowledge and/or solutions about the backward societies and their problems. However, they consider global problems through the same old spectacles!
Contemporary development in Nepal has been neither socio-politically revolutionary nor economically progressive because today’s problems are come from yesterday’s solutions. For this, we have to briefly overview the previous mistakes that were committed by us and consequently, we are getting the reversed results at this particular moment in Nepal.
Political Mistakes: Our forefathers unified various autonomous and independent states and/or lands into the greater Nepal. However, they neither ever tried to unify the hearts, minds, emotions, sentiments and feelings of the state looser people nor they developed such practices. Probably it is natural; the winner is all in all and acts as per his wishes. He influences to the circles so that the defeated circles also start in appreciating (I prefer to call it flattering because it is only lip service to execute to their vested interests) to all the deeds of the doer.
Certainly, the state looser never flattered to the victory over their states. If someone is winner, s/he does not require saying how s/he won it, but if s/he is a looser, s/he does not get any chances to say how s/he loose it. Winner is blind, which makes him arrogant and never gets an opportunity for learning from the mistakes. The circles also do scare in pointing out to committed mistakes so that they blindly support to all the actions of the winner. In the context of Nepal, some classes of people, particularly, Aryans made themselves flexible and cashed the opportunities by morally supporting to all deeds of the victory. I think, the same practices deeply rooted in Nepali politics as chakari and highly boosted in flowing periods. The more they flattered to the winner, the more prestigious positions the winner offered to them. They eventually got a platform in proving their capacities and the rulers’ trusts increased over them. As the trusts increased, they were offered the higher political or administrative positions in the strategically most significant regions, which were newly unified into the greater Nepal.
People of looser states, who were comparatively rigid in accepting to impose rulings, were excluded from mainstream of the system. Flexible group of Aryans were appointed as Jamindar (landlord), governor, administrator for unified states whose responsibilities were in maintaining law and order; collecting revenues; liaison and coordination with the local and central administrations and governments.
The Aryans increased in entire administrations and tried to convert to the Tibeto-Burmo minority communities into Aryan cultures. They mentally, emotionally, culturally and psychologically colonized to minorities and Sanskritinized their languages, cultures, customs and traditions. Those who did not accept the Aryans and Sanskritinized cultures were indirectly treated as second-class citizen within the system and considered as prospective oppositions. Consequently, the minorities were politically excluded from the mainstream. As a result, frankly speaking, we Nepalese people, still have faith crisis among our diverse societies. Moreover, minority group of people still have identity crisis among Aryans. Some of the excluded minority leaders, no doubt, struggled for their racial identity, time-to-time, which went in vain.
Latter on, there was power struggle particularly, among some Aryans group of people such as Pandey, Basnet, Thapa, Kunwar and few others who were in authority. Each of these groups flattered and tried to persuade to the rulers for their vested interests, which not only promoted confusion but also directed nation towards instable politics. When two dogs fight for a bone, third one wins over it. Similarly, due to power struggle within Aryans, Jung Bahadur Rana, originally a fraction of Aryan, established autocratic family ruling system. The few group of Aryan rule shifted towards narrower Rana family ruling system. They introduced autocracy and feaudocracy system so that political powers were only within Rana family members.
In fact, in the front, the rulers were Kshetri, but behind the curtain, the real rulers were superior Aryans-Bramins. I do not see any vast differences between Bramin and Kshetri since their language, culture and values are from the Aryan-Sanskrit background that is supported by Hinduism. However, they have superior feeling and strong class difference among themselves. Branmins did not act directly in political activities but worked as advisors, consultants and strategist for Kshetri class of people who were/are in authorities in directing daily administrations.
However, main weakness of the superior position holders was blind faith in religion. Being Hindu, Aryan group of people, Sanskritinized their daily administration, Aryanized cultures and Bramanized system. Moreover, Branmins are major designer, interpreter and advocators of Hinduisam. The systems, therefore, are directly based on Hinduisam, which was designed by Bramins and implemented by Kshetris, both are originally from Aryans. Moreover, during Rana period, not only Tibeto-Burmo minorities but also anti-Rana Aryans were totally excluded from the system. And, there was maximum trust crisis even with family members and all external people used to be doubtfully welcomed.
Rana tried to make all, specially, the minorities slave. One example will illustrate the fact in detail. Rana issued a circular to all the administrations and army forces stating that, a minority community, originally from Tibeto-Burmo, should not be offered bigger jobs than pipa as dishwasher within the army forces. To please neighbor country, they used Nepalese army forces to overcome to the internal army revolution there. Moreover, Nepal was not directly involved in the world war 1st and 2nd but she actively participated in both wars in supporting to neighbor. She loosed thousands of innocent minority people, cash and kinds. The state exported minority communities for greatest battlefields who were untrained, unexposed and innocent. It is still mysterious treaty among 3 nations about the transaction of Gorkhas, cheapest blood in the world, ready to kill or die but for nothing! The illiterate minority youths were sold to the battlefields but it is still unknown at how much? Who receives money? Where it goes? Another mysterious issue is that why ruling Aryans (except some Kshetries, who claim themselves as worrier, in accordance with Hinduism based division of labor) did not participate in both world wars? State inspired all people in joining to neighbor’s army forces, but why Aryans and Bramins as well as Newars who are actively participating in existing system did not allow in joining those army forces? Was it politics to avoid other communities from national stream and retaining Bahun, Kshetri and Newar into daily administrations and mainstream of the system? It is matter of different study to reveal the mysterious historical fact for all!
The innocent and illiterate minority youths faced the dangerous battlefields without any hesitations. They probably, even might never had knowledge about the explosion and its impacts. However, in overnight, some of Gorkhas won the Victoria Cross medals. It is perhaps: hero by courage or innocence or chance or mistake or foolish or crisis. If they were aware about the possible risks of the explosions, they would, certainly, never caught explosions by hands and threw them to the enemies as counter attacks!
The Gorkhas were proved effective, cheapest and reliable worriers so that sahib thought for producing exact-yesmen within colonized territory, where from very beginning, Nepalese people were already settled, since those places once were part of the kingdom of Nepal. As a result, Gorkha armies were produced within neighbor country, where many minority communities migrated from Nepal. Also, the minority societies adopted lahure culture all over rural parts and it is socially respected profession in many minority communities, yet. This culture has its own pros and cons, which is the matter of different study. Simply, it excluded minorities from daily administration and political stream. However, socio-economically it has brought radical impacts in backward communities.
In 1950/51, Rana rule was thrown away and democracy established. But, majority of the powers were on the hands of same elite people who were from previous background. Unfortunately, there were 9 governments in 10 years due to non-stable politics!
In 1960/61, democracy was replaced by an autocratic single panchayat system under the direct leadership and/or kingship. This regulated and closed system was exactly same to old wine in new bottle! Panchayat introduced uniformities from the diversities to all the political thoughts, casts, creeds, religions and languages.
This system implemented some populist reforms, which were more counterproductive to the indigenous and minority community people! In 1965, land reform taken place with the limitation in holding land. This imposed rule was applicable only to general peasants! The rule was not applicable at all to the industrialists, ruler cast, kaji (ministers and big shots who were in authorities), Rana and major landlords who had direct accesses towards national systems and policies!
In 1990, democracy restored and people highly expected from it. When expectations are not easily fulfill, frustration increases. Frustrated, unemployed, misdirected, visionless, and suppressed individuals became organized and converted their negative energies into the people’s movement in 1995.
Currently, a misguided Nepali is killing to another innocent Nepali and directing nation towards more complex poverty. What brevity!!! But why??? But for whom??? But up to when??? And, what will be the impacts in this Buddhaland??? How many years back, we are pushing to our nation??? Who will be the real winner and who are the looser???
We, all Nepalese, therefore, should accept our previous mistakes, learn from them and let’s join our hands-in-hands in re-constructing this Buddhaland for the welfare of all…
In The News
Experts call to scrap citizenship bill NepalNews They claimed that Nepali people would be outnumbered by foreigners if the proposed bill comes into effect ..... Sadhya Bahadur Bhandari, leader of the People’s Front Nepal, said, "The draft of the citizenship bill must be scrapped immediately because this will ultimately outnumber Nepali people." ..... termed the draft as "anti-nationalist". ..... millions of foreigners living in Nepal from over 16 countries will claim citizenship .... Borna Bahadur Karki .... Expert on border issues Chetendra Jung Himali said the bill would put Nepal's existence in danger. He said the people should begin campaign against the draft of the citizenship bill. .... suggested the government to adopt Green Card system for the foreigners living in Nepal
Nepali political parties condemn Thai coup
Over 50 Dalits arrested
Thai coup unfortunate: PM
NRNs demand immediate adoption of NRN bill with amendments the proposed NRN bill, which is being tabled before the parliament .... president of the association Dr. Upendra Mahato expressed dissatisfaction over the delay in making laws related to NRN. ..... He said investment by the NRNs would be instrumental in country's progress. He warned that adoption of the bill without consulting NRNA would be boycotted. ...... Speaker Subash Nemwang assured NRNA that the bill would incorporate suggestions made by the NRNA. The reinstated House is serious towards mobilising income of the Nepalis abroad for Nepal's economic and social development, he said. ..... Nemwang said the environment would be easier if the NRNs invest in Nepal not only with the business motives but with intentions to support the overall progress of the country. ..... Former president of the Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) Binod Bahadur Shrestha said government must address the demands of the NRNA since they have demanded what foreign investors are already entitled to in Nepal so far. ....... The adoption of the bill has been delayed since it needed provisions that could ensure that profits from the investment remain within the country ....... NRN Association .. has asked to replace the phrase 'to engage them for investment in Nepal' with 'to involve them for overall development of Nepal'. ...... NRN Identity Cards should be validated as the residential visa to Nepal for at least 10 years and allow them to own, use and sell land and house here. ..... opposed the proposed provision that landholdings of NRN is non transferable to offspring or relative on his or her demise. The NRNA should be allowed to register in Nepal with special provision in the bill ..... The existing Registration Act allows registration of company owned by Nepali citizens only. .....
CIAA submits report to PM
Sherchan for resolving political and arms issues together “A consolidated package that will address the issues of political settlement and arms management could be a solution.” ..... Maoist leader Dina Nath Sharma demanded that the peace process should reach to a logical end prior to Dashain. ..... "Laying down of arms is not a problem but if we give up arms now, a situation will arise when the political parties including us will again have to raise them" ........ charged the government with sidelining the main issue of the proposed assembly elections and focusing on petty issues. .....
HR situation ‘improved significantly’ in Nepal: Arbour
First Things First: Agenda for Nepal’s development
23:31 | University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, United States |
03:40 | Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan |
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