All educational institutions, public and private, must have at least 10% of its students on need-based full scholarships. Institutions may also opt to have 5% on such full scholarships, and 10% on need-based half scholarships, or 5% on full, 6% on half, and 6% on one-third scholarships. But at no time should the proportion of full scholarships dip below 5%....... Employees of the state in the education and health sectors will be paid salaries that are at least 10% larger than to those with similar qualifications serving in other fields.This is an important development, as far reaching as the 33% reservation for women. This is to say Nepal is willing to design its democracy anew. Nepal does not have to live the constraint of only doing things that others have already done. This national provision will be a major milestone for social justice in Nepal. This will have more far reaching positive effects on the target communities than reservations in jobs.
(Source: Proposed Constitution )
Private school operators 'surprised' by announcement of reservation a sudden decision by the government asking them to set aside 10 percent reservation for scholarship to students from underprivileged groups. ...... we are not in a position to provide 10 percent quota ..... the private schools, too, must demonstrate social responsibility and try to help the underprivileged students. ..... the cabinet approved the draft bill to amend the Education Act with provisions making it mandatory for private schools to set aside 10 percent of seats to underprivileged groups such as girls, Dalits and indigenous people ...... There are around 800,000 students in over 10,000 private schools across the country at present. The new bill also proposes to set up criteria to select the students for scholarship under reserved quota.
This is a great initiative. Now it is important to get the formula right. All the participating schools will have to factor this in as a cost of doing business. You pay your phone and electricity bills, don't you? Now you also pay for these scholarships.
I am sure there are a few different ways of doing it. But as long as there will be a periodic parliamentary review of this provision, I am sure the details will come out fair and effective.
This is yet another way to steal the Maoist thunder. Power flows through the ballot box. You win elections and design provisions like this one. The disadvantaged benefit. I am mighty proud of this government for taking this initiative.
I think the government should also move to make party finances transparent as a first step. The second step would be state funded parties.
In The News
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Nepal gets its own garden of Babylon India eNews.com, India Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world, will soon unveil one of the world’s costliest public gardens likely to eclipse the fabled Hanging Gardens of Babylon in both splendour and controversy. .... Located right opposite the royal palace in Kathmandu, flanked by narrow congested lanes and budget tourists, the pleasure garden of a former potentate’s son has been transformed by an Austrian architect into a garden of dreams, complete with a Viennese cafe, a restaurant for the well-heeled and an amphitheatre. ..... At a time Nepal is striving for a republic and equality, the plan to revive an elitist ruling clan’s garden as an ivory tower for the affluent tourist and aristocratic Nepalis is politically incorrect. Outside the garden, children beg from tourists and at night, prostitutes hustle customers...... the capital has few open, green spaces. Much of it has been encroached upon by the palace and the army.
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निजी स्कुलमा १० प्रतिशत छात्रवृत्ति १० प्रतिशत छात्रवृत्ति व्यवस्थाले करिब ८० हजार निम्न वर्गका बालबालिका लाभान्वित बनाउने बताएका छन् । छात्रवृत्ति व्यवस्था दुरुपयोग नहोस् भनेर उक्त कार्यक्रममा शिक्षा कार्यालयसमेतको सहभागिताको व्यवस्था गरिएको छ । छात्रवृत्ति वितरणका लागि विद्यालय सञ्चालक समितिका अध्यक्ष संयोजक तथा पि्रन्सिपल/ प्रधानाध्यापक र जिल्ला शिक्षा कार्यालयका प्रतिनिधि सदस्य रहेको समिति बन्नेछ । समितिको सिफारिसमा जिल्ला शिक्षा अधिकारीले सदर गरेपछि मात्र छात्रवृत्ति दिइने व्यवस्था विधेयकले गरेको छ । समितिले छात्रवृत्ति छनोट मापदण्ड निर्धारण गर्ने व्यवस्थासमेत गरेको छ । यसले निजी र सार्वजनिक विद्यालयबीच खाडल केही हदसम्म पूर्ति गर्ने शिक्षासचिवको दाबी छ । 'पहिलोपटक निजी विद्यालयमा सरकारको प्रवेश भएको छ ।' ..... शिक्षा ऐनको सातांै संशोधनमा कुल आम्दानीको एक दशमलव पाँच प्रतिशत छात्रवृत्ति कोषमा राख्नुपर्ने प्रावधान थियो । तर विद्यालयले रकम बढी भएको भनेपछि कार्यान्वयन भएन । .... क्रान्तिकारीसहितका विद्यार्थी संगठनले गरेको आन्दोलन क्रममा यस्तो छात्रवृत्ति १५ प्रतिशत हुनुपर्ने माग भएकामा त्यसलाई पनि समायोजन गरेर १० प्रतिशत बनाइएको शिक्षा अधिकारीको भनाइ छ ।
हतियार भित्रिए राजमार्गमा प्रत्यक्षदर्शीहरूले करिब ४० ठूला ट्रकहरू देखेको बताए । उनीहरूका अनुसार तीमध्ये अधिकांश सैनिक ट्रकहरू हुन् ।
मोरियार्टीद्वारा जिल्ला नेताहरूसँग छलफल
नागरिकता राष्ट्रिय समस्या
नयाँ युद्धको षड्यन्त्र
मधेसमा अनेरास्ववियुका चुनौती अध्यक्ष्ा खिमलाल भट्टराईले अखिललाई मधेसी विद्यार्थीमाझ कसरी फैलाउने र आस्था तथा भरोसाको केन्द्र बनाउने सुझाव माग्नुभयो ।
Sept.13, 2006
Over 20 truck-loads of the mystry weapons that were intercepted in India aboard Russian-planes were stopped outside of Kathmandu early this morning and have now entered the city.
Shops around the Japanese Embassy in Lazenpath, where this Journalist was visiting were started to shut-down as people blocked the streets, milled-around and some started tyre-fires. Cabs have stopped working, and there is panic reported in much of the Capital.
The Maoist were quick to sieze on the weapon delivery and rushed around various parts of the cith calling for investigation and "Peoples War"...
Near the Palace large crowds and police seemed confused, angry, and ready for conffotation.
The Maoist have called for demonstrations to mark International Revolutionary Woman's Day and the crowds angered by the arms delivery have grown to more than 30,000 in Ratna Park, as reported by mobile-phone and are still growing.
There seems to be dwindeling security for visitor or Nepali and I have been been warned by friends and strangers," not to go out at night, not to carry much money, and to take care of myself".
A wind of uncertanty and anarchy blows in the streets of Kathmandu, Nepal.
D,Michael Van De Veer-Freelance Jouranlist, Mamber SAJA(South Asian Journalist Association), Host OUT OF THE BOX KKCR-FM www.kkcr.org
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