(sent to Kantipur)
Like many other good things for the democracy movement, it started in Janakpur. The transport workers took out a rally against the Maoist excesses. No to royal dictatorship, no to Maoist dictatorship.
The first big rally leading to the April Revolution was held in Janakpur on January 12. Nepal had never before in its history seen such a huge rally. The movement to grant citizenship papers to the Madhesis started in Janakpur. People blocked the east west highway for hours.
Janakpur has oomph.
Janakpur Gherao
June 7 Madhesi Rally In Janakpur
Janakpur Rally, Biggest In Nepal Since 1990
If the Maoists don't make sense during the peace talks, they are going to be at the receiving end of an October Revolution they have been talking about. The people will come out into the streets against them.
There can be no compromise whatsoever on the basics. The basics are multi-party democracy, rule of law, and human rights. The Maoists have been taking talk of a parallel state a little too far. In a legitimate state, the tax collector does not show up at your house with a pistol. You don't get abducted when you don't pay taxes. Maoist extortions are signs of lawlessness.
But within the basic framework of multi-party democracy, rule of law, and human rights, many good things are possible. Like constituent assembly, democratic republic, federalism, land reform, education, health, micro credit.
Power flows through the ballot box. Power does not flow through the barrel of a gun. Power should not flow through the barrel of a gun. Power flowing through the barrel of a gun is primitive, uncivilized.
Within the framework of power flowing through the ballot box, it is possible to make party finances transparent, it is possible to imagine state funded parties.
Nepal is not two states. It can have only one army, one police, one tax collection agency.
Misbehaving low level Maoist cadres are not a party discipline problem. They are a law enforcement issue. Abductions, extortions, assault, murder: these are crimes. Let the police deal with the criminals.
Arguing With The Maoists
Need To Revive The 12 Point Agreement Spirit
In The News
Interim government only after arms management: DPM Oli NepalNews
Maoists abduct transport entrepreneur in Birgunj; transporters halt service in five districts Transporters in Bara, Parsa, Rautahat, Makwanpur and Chitwan district have called a vehicle strike to protest against the abduction of Kausal Dahal, treasurer of Narayani Zonal Transport Entrepreneurs’ Association, in Birgunj by the Maoists yesterday..... All long and short route vehicles remain off the road from around 11:00 a.m. Friday in the five districts due to the transporters’ protest, reports said. The protesting transporters have demanded that the Maoists immediately release Dahal and stop harassing them. .....
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Transporters’ protest shuts down Janakpur, Pokhara
Nepali deputy PM asks Chinese to invest in Nepal People's Daily Online, China
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India to help build 150 MW hydropower project in Nepal Hindustan Times, India
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Nepal relaxes its citizenship laws
Nepal: October In The Air NewsBlaze, CA The Maoists now insist they will not lay down weapons until ethnic and regional autonomy with the right of self-determination is guaranteed, the monarchy abolished and the army restructured. How much room that leaves for compromise obviously depends on one's level of optimism. ....... folks like Nepali Congress leader Ram Chandra Poudel, who until the other day saw the Maoists as reasonable republican cohorts, are now hitting out hard against the rebels. ....... the rebel supremo now insists he would not be ready even to confine the Maoist militia to specific cantonments unless both the armies were treated on par.
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Arms management at any cost: PM Koirala Reiterating the significance of the five-point joint letter sent to the UN, PM Koirala said, "It (joint letter) had drawn up a guideline for the same (arms management) and it seems everyone has forgotten that. If we work according to that (five-point joint letter), we can successfully complete the peace process as well as being able to hold elections to a constituent assembly very soon." ...... "I don't know about the statements made outside. I will move ahead as per the talks I have had so far with the Maoist leadership. I do not care 'who says what'." "I have always moved ahead following the philosophy of late BP Koirala."
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दलितलाई मन्दिर प्रवेशमा रोक लगाउन जुलुस दिपालय, भदौ २२ - संसद्ले गरेको 'जातीय छूवाछूत मुक्त देश' घोषणाविरुद्ध केही गैर दलितले डोटीमा दलितलाई मन्दिर प्रवेशमा रोक्न लगाउनु पर्ने आह्वानका साथ जुलुस प्रदर्शन गरेका छन् । जुलुस प्रदर्शन गर्नेमा कार्यालयका कर्मचारी, शिक्षक र संघसंस्थाका व्यक्ति समेत रहेका थिए । बुधबार सदरमुकाम सिलगढीमा २०-२५ जनाले निकालेको जुलुसमा पत्रकार, मानवअधिकारकर्मीका विरोधमा पनि नारा लगाइएको थियो ।जनआन्दोलनको बलमा बनेको संसदले जातीय छुवाछूत मुक्त देश घोषणा गरेपछि खुशी भएका दलितले मन्दिर प्रवेश गर्न खोजेपछि पुजारी लगायतका केही गैरदलित कानुनलाई नै चेतावनी दिने गरी विरोधमा उत्रेका हुन् । स्थानीय दलित नेता कुमारसिंह टेलर भन्छन्, 'दलितलाई मन्दिर प्रवेश गर्न दिनु हुँदैन भनेर गैर कानुनी ढंगले प्रतिगामी तत्त्वहरूको एक झुन्डले जुलुस प्रदर्शन गर्दा पनि प्रशासन मौन बस्नुले हामीलाई अचम्म लागेको छ ।'
भुटानी आन्दोलनमा सघाउन आग्रह
भूमिहीनको आन्दोलन
विधवाको पुनर्विवाह
राज लगानीको लेखाजोखा
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We need a democarcy with no king, to have a head of state who opposes democarcy would bring in instability, when we need unity, to defend a system Nepal needs
To have a head of state who opposes the Constitutional ideals is the surest route to instabiltyy, Especially one so openly cunning duplicitous, and ready to do anything to keep power, I.E a king of Nepal, who was willing to ally to any land on Earth so he could have absolute power, when the political parties were ready to co-opertae all along with him, and now he has no power we have peace, we need equality, to make Nepalis for the first time, equals under the law, like the USA or France, not the saudi way
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