Will the Maoists of Nepal ever disarm? Financial Express, India After 10 years of a bloody war and with 10,000 cadres killed, why would Maoists settle for a number three slot in Parliament, as opinion polls suggest? Aside from the regular 30,000 odd fighting force of the Maoist army, there are about the 100,000-strong militia which the Maoists have built up in the countryside, an “invisible” force that consists mainly of 14-18 year olds who help enforce the writ of the Maoists.Most of them carry some sort of weapons, ranging from crude knives country pistols, but they do not wear uniforms and do not necessarily take part in military activities. They assist the guerilla only when required and are mostly responsible for guarding villages under Maoist control. They are in effect the future recruits. The presence of this militia has created a pervasive fear in rural areas, and many experts see a parallel between current-day Nepal and Cambodia during the post-1979 period.It is not possible to imagine free and fair elections to a constituent assembly if there are any armed Maoists anywhere outside their seven cantonments. I don't care if you call them soldiers or militia. To me they are both the same. Both are armed.
The Maoists say they have 36,000 soldiers. And they have 100,000 militia. If they have issues with disarming their so-called militia, they are going to have to agree to putting also those 100,000 into cantonments, away from the villages. And why would they want to do that? They will not have any cadres left to do the political work in the villages.
On this point there can be no compromise. If you will have 100,000 Maoist militia roaming the villages, there is no way you can have free and fair elections. Out of question.
The cloud of fear has to evaporate off completely.
The Maoists destroyed the state police infrastructure in the countryside. The state police has had the same problems as the state army and the rest of the state apparatus. The DaMaJaMa have been sidelined.
It would be perfectly legitimate for the Maoists to demand that the state police be restructured. And why only the Maoists? The seven party alliance should itself take the initiative.
It is for that state police to maintain law and order all over the country. It is for that state police to ensure free and fair elections, not for the armed Maoist militia.
The seven party alliance has to be absolutely uncompromising on this issue. You can not possibly hold elections between a state and seven political parties. The state will dwarf the parties hands down. It is better to have no elections than to have sham elections.
We are close to having an interim government in the country. The idea of an interim government is that there is no more a parallel Maoist state anywhere in the country.
There can not be a separate Maoist police/militia for law and order. There can not be separate Maoist courts.
As a Madhesi I am hypercritical of the state structure as it has existed. That means I am dissatisfied with the structure of the police, the army, the courts. That means you come together and agree to restructure all three. That does not mean you allow one political party to run parallel police, army and courts. That is a state, that is not a political party that does that.
The Maoists can not be a parallel state and still hope to join the interim government. If they try, you have to get suspicious.
The UN formula on the 36,000 Maoist soldiers is satisfactory. You confine 36,000 Maoist soldiers to seven cantonments across the country. Half of them give up their weapons to be locked away, keys to be shared by the Maoist commanders and the UN.
That is giving thought to the idea that the Maoists have an army. Similarly thought also has to be given to the fact that the Maoists also have a police and courts. They are going to have to let go. The state will have to step in. And that state will be an eight party interim state, a transitional state.
The idea of eight party governments at the center, and at local levels should take care of a lot of confusion.
Power flows through the ballot box, not the barrel of a gun.
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The Next Revolution Will Be At The Ballot Box
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On The Web
Militia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michigan Militia
US National Militia Directory
Constitution Society Militia Page
Militia of Montana
A Well Regulated Militia...
Militia (2000)
BSA: Sasquatch Militia
North Carolina Citizen's Militia
Indiana Militia Corps
Militia Movements in the Yahoo! Directory
WP: Iraq militia defends its slaughter - washingtonpost.com ...
Iraqi troops battle Shiite militia - Conflict in Iraq - MSNBC.com
California Militia
Fort Minor Militia
Shiite Militia Clashes With Iraqi Troops - New York Times
the Citizens Militia of Maryland
Michigan Militia
Virginia Citizens Militia
At least 28 Iraqis killed as Shiite militia and army clash - News ...
British Leave Iraqi Base; Militia Supporters Jubilant
Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia
Militia of Montana Page
New York Naval Militia
Indiana Citizens Volunteer Militia homepage
Georgia Militia
Molly's Militia
Pennsylvania - Marietta Militia
New Jersey Militia
Sadr's Militia and the Slaughter in the Streets
Detroit Techno Militia
Mountainbike Militiamen Movement
Iraqi minister cancels truce with Shiite militia - Yahoo! News
1st Ulster County Militia
The Militia of Georgia
New Jersey Military and Veterans Affairs - Militia Museum of New ...
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Michigan Militia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Detroit Techno Militia - 313 Techno Soldiers - Home
kentuckymilitia : Kentucky Militia - A Place for KY Patriots to Unite
New Jersey militia during the Revolutionary war
Outwater's Militia home page
Nebraska - Official Pack 44 Militia
The Militia Group
Shi'ite militia, Iraqi troops in fierce clashes | Top News ...
Greene County Militia
1st New Market Colonial Militia
Enrolled Missouri Militia
Amazon.com: Gathering Storm: America's Militia Threat: Books ...
History of the Militia and National Guard, John K. Mahon
militia: Definition and Much More From Answers.com
The Southern Indiana Regional Militia
Militia's other weapon: videos | csmonitor.com Abu Mujtaba is not your typical filmmaker. He doesn't have an agent, he doesn't aspire to move to Hollywood, and his interest in film is chillingly practical. He considers Black Hawk Down a "great film," for instance, because it shows him how to kill Americans. ....... Abu Mujtaba is a member of the media department of Moqtada al-Sadr's Shiite militia. He uses a tiny digital Sony Handycam instead of a Kalashnikov and is one of a half-dozen guerrilla filmmakers who record their acts of war to encourage their followers, spread their beliefs, and portray what they see as the heroism of Sadr's militia, the Mahdi Army......... Mahdi's moviemakers have been shooting digital videos during battles in Sadr City and in Karbala, as well as all throughout the standoff in Najaf ...... The Mahdi Army, of course, are only the latest militant movement to have taken up video as a political weapon. From the kidnapping videos of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to the suicide bomber videos on the West Bank and video- fatwas of Osama bin Laden, video has become a phenomenon for militant Islamic movements around the world.......guerrilla videos have become a way of bypassing mainstream media and going directly to the masses....... "This tells me that they are dynamic ... as opposed to fading old terrorist groups ...... The Mahdi Army's films are sold on cheap CDs (for about 16 cents each) and have a shaky-handed roughness similar to many a late-night police-car-chase videos in the US. But the images and the messages they contain are violent - and for Mahdi Army supporters, addictive....... the videos are sold primarily in Sadr City, a Shiite slum of 2.5 million in Baghdad, where Iraqi police don't tread and are unable to shut down the stores selling the Mahdi Army propaganda designed to recruit new members....... "I went to Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya with this video, but nobody accepted the film," complains Mujtaba. "So then we invited them to come to Sadr City and film the fighting themselves, but they also refused that offer. It is not just me who thinks the TV channels are liars, it is the whole world."....... Last month, the Iraqi government closed the Baghdad bureau of Qatar-based Al Jazeera. Prime Minister Iyad Allawi accused the station of inciting racial and religious hatred by airing footage of kidnappings and fighting...... Mr. Rana, who says he used to film weddings and special occasions before the Shiite uprising began last April...... To shoot video, Rana says he often has to take more risks than he does as a fighter, in order to get close to what he is filming. The work is dangerous for his family, as well. He has sent them out of Sadr City to live with relatives until the fighting stops or until he's dead. "People are telling me that my children are crying, they want to see me," he says. "When I visit them once a week, it takes me two hours to pry them off my legs." ........ Hamid Kareem, a young laborer, says that these videos are the only news he can trust. "There is no truth on TV, the media are liars," he says. "During Saddam's time, the government used to hide all the news about the Shiites and how many he had killed. Now it's all the same thing."........Imad, a 14-year-old wearing an NBA cap, says he has 20 of the videos and watches them all the time. "It makes me happy to watch the American tanks burn," he says. "My uncles are with the Mahdi Army, and I wish I could be one of them too.".... Moussa, his 10-year-old friend, agrees. "I like to watch them kill the Americans."
Machinima.com: Militia II (Insane Quality Version)
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Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment Supporters
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Militia Mix
militia.co.uk: The Leading Moles Site on the Net
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Shiite militia battles Iraqi troops - Africa & Middle East ...
Iraqi Shi'ite militia ready to join fight - World - The Washington ...
20th New York State Militia - Ulster Guard - (80th NY Vols.)
1 comment:
Bravo! The clarity of your position is refreshing. But do you think it will happen?
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