The monarchy is on its way to getting abolished. The army is being brought under the paliament, and will get restructured, and might even get abolished. Nepal is on its way to becoming a federal republic. All these are big, positive changes.
But there is no talk of reforming the political parties. There is no talk of reducing the powers of the political party leaders. This is alarming.
The goal of the April Revolution is to empower the individual citizen, not the political party leaders. And that has to get reflected in Nepal's next constitution.
Proposed Constitution
Direct Elections
All MPs in both houses at the federal and state levels have to be directly elected by the people, without exception. That also applies to all seats in the constituent assembly. This is a must. I see an unhealthy tendency among the political parties to suggest they should have the power to nominate a few members, and they are exploiting the social justice agenda to put forth that position.
I am all for social justice, but moving away from direct elections is to move away from social justice. Instead we should be looking at the idea of reserved seats. So if a seat is reserved for Dalits, all candidates in that constituency will have to be Dalits. You end up with a Dalit MP, but that MP is still directly elected by the people.
I feel strongly about the idea of direct elections, just like I feel strongly about the idea of democracy. Power to the people, not to the political party leaders.
State Funds For Political Parties
It is the misfortune for Nepal that its entire political class is beholden to either Karl Marx or to the British Magna Carta. If some westerner did not think of it before, it can not be done.
This is also a way to balance the first past the post, direct elections system. The one with the most votes wins. But all national political parties earn state funds in direct proportion to the number of votes earned. And that is the only source of money for the political parties. This has never been tried before. And this arrangement is the only idea that will do to true justice to the greatness of the April Revolution. Minus this idea the April Revolution will have been just another Third World hartal.
And of course all the book keeping of the parties will have to be transparent.
Reserved Seats
The Pratinidhi Sabha will have reserved seats for the four groups, Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati and Mahila, 5%, 10%, 9%, and 12% with some overlaps. Half of the seats for women will cut across that of these four groups as well. For example, of the 5% seats for Dalits, 50% of them will have to be women. And the 5% for Dalits will be half in the Terai, but that is not to cut into the Madhesi reserved seats. 5, 10, 9 and 12 are a quarter of the supposed shares of the populations of these groups, to be revised each census. When identifying the seats for the Dalit, Madhesi and the Janajati, the Election Commission will seek constituencies where the groups have their largest share of populations. No three contiguous seats may be reserved seats. The total number of reserved seats may not exceed 40% of the total. In addition to this formula, seats will be reserved so as to ensure women as a group get 33% of the total seats.This is another twist to the one person, one vote idea. I am calling it the social justice formula. There is the gender identity. And as long as women, who are half the population, are not at least 40% of the half in the parliament, they qualify for reservations. If some day they become 40% of the parliament, or 80% of their due share, the reservations cease, but kick back in if their share goes below 40% of what is due them.
(Source: Proposed Constitution)
Then there is the primary identity. That is where the Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati come in. Women qualify for 33% reservations. These three groups qualify for 25% of their share in the population.
The total proportion of reserved seats do not exceed 50% for the constituent assembly and 40% after that for the federal parliament.
I am attempting a formula of potential universal appeal. Again, this has not bee tried in any other democracy. This would be another first. This would be another way to add glory to the April Revolution.
Cadres of a political party at the said level or below are the ones who decide who gets the party tickets at various levels. It should not be top down, but rather bottom up. This idea will likely face a lot of resistance from the current crop of party leaders. But this is so very necessary.
Get the crown off the heads of the party leaders. The country is going republican.
Family Property Statements
Eveyone on state payroll should submit an annual family property statement. This is also key.
I feel the civil society leaders are uniquely positioned to tie the bell around the cat's neck. But that would be a second choice. The first choice would be for the party people themselves to take the lead. They should think in terms of their place in history and do it.
On The Web
Political Reform
California Secretary of State - Political Reform Division
Political Reform
Illinois Campaign for Political Reform Homepage
NWHM Woman Suffrage Cyber Exhibit
Political Reform page
Political Reform in Wisconsin (1910), by Emanuel L. Philipp
California Fair Political Practices Commission -- The Political ...
Promoting Political Reform Jim Mangia has been a leader of ...
Political Reform in the Arab World: A New Ferment? - Carnegie ...
Democratic Leadership Council: Political Reform
On the Verge of Political Reform
Politics1 - Campaign Reform - Research Links
University of California Political Reform Act Disqualification ...
[PDF] Saudi Arabia: Islamic Threat, Political Reform, and the Global War ...
Center for Governmental Studies / Political Reform
Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
Political reform
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | US urges Chinese political reform
Political corruption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Category:Political corruption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political Corruption
reviewjournal.com -- Political Corruption: The Galardi Investigation
political corruption: Information From Answers.com
Political Corruption in the United States and Around the Globe
Political Corruption
Gene C. Gerard | The Political Corruption of Science
WorldNetDaily: Political corruption alleged in Schiavo case
[PDF] Part one Political corruption
Reference.com/Encyclopedia/Political corruption
Political Corruption in the Ranks
Corruption - Wikiquote
Political Corruption page
Amazon.com: Political Corruption in America: An Encyclopedia of ...
The Political Corruption of Science
Transparency International-- CORIS - CORIS - English - CORISweb ...
IPSN: Organized Crime & Political Corruption
RealClearPolitics - Commentary - Political Corruption by Thomas Sowell
Political Corruption | Politics of Corruption | Misuse of Public ...
Brookings Institute: Campaign Finance Reform
Public Campaign -- Real Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign finance reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Public Agenda Issue Guide: Campaign Reform
Campaign Finance Homepage
Almanac of Policy Issues: Campaign Finance Reform
The Campaign Finance Information Center (CFIC)
Public Citizen | Campaign Finance Reform - Campaign Finance Reform
Washingtonpost.com: Campaign Finance Special Report
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
President Signs Campaign Finance Reform Act
Tracking the Payback - Campaign Finance Reform
Common Cause
Brennan Center Democracy Program - Campaign Finance Reform
LWV | Campaign Finance Reform
Real Campaign Reform
Campaign Finance Reform: Source Book Default Page
US Campaign Finance Reform in the Yahoo! Directory
Money Line
[PDF] Election Procedures Review of Skagit County 2005 General Election
[PDF] In 1992, the Washington State Legislature enacted legislation ...
Voter Information
Welcome to Weld County, Colorado - About - Election Procedures
Florida Division of Elections
Law and Procedures Pertaining to Election Administrators
Primary election - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States presidential primary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Primary Election Calendar and Registration and Ballot Return Deadlines
California Elections Division
Kansas Secretary of State - 2006 Primary Election
Direct election - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
direct election: Information From Answers.com
Direct Elections Now!
AsiaMedia :: Media's role in direct elections
Technorati Tag: Direct Elections
Russia: Putin Signs Bill Eliminating Direct Elections Of Governors ...
BW Online | April 19, 2004 | Hong Kong: No Direct Elections Soon
Hong Kong takes step towards direct elections - Yahoo! News UK
The Harvard Crimson :: Opinion :: Direct Elections for a Better UC
The Electoral Reform Society
Electoral reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reform Elections.org
Center for Voting and Democracy
Californians for Electoral Reform
Electoral College Reform
Electoral Reform - Nader for President 2004 - www.votenader.org
Approval Voting: Rational, Constitutional Electoral Reform
Electoral Reform Services
electoral reform - electoralreform - electoralreform.com
Canadian Electoral Reform
Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
British Columbia electoral reform referendum, 2005 - Wikipedia ...
Google Directory - Society > Politics > Campaigns and Elections ...
Public Campaign -- Real Campaign Finance Reform
Democracy Toolkit Highlights Voter Owned Elections | Public Campaign
Bill promotes publicly financed elections - Metro
Public Financing - Common Cause
Poll: Overwhelming Support for Publicly Financed Elections | TPMCafe
Clean Elections
SC Clean Elections
Common Cause Blog :: Our Most Critical Hour for Publicly Financed ...
Publicly-Financed Elections:
US Newswire : Releases : "Connecticut Assembly Passes Publicly ...
The Reform Institute | For Campaign and Election Issues
Berkeley Daily Planet
Democracy Matters - Press Library - Bill Promotes Publicly ...
The Yale Herald - Nov 19, 2004 - Publicly financed elections can ...
Hot Blava: Publicly Financed Elections?
Money in Politics Research Action Project
kazablog: When publicly financed elections aren't really "voter-owned"
Publicly Financed Elections?
The Yale Herald - November 19, 2004 - Publicly financed elections ...
Money in Politics Research Action Project
Yale Daily News - State gives nod to public funding
Yale Daily News - Rell rejects lobbyists' funds
Features | Is Rhode Island ready for Clean Elections?
DemocracyFund PAC | Publicly Financed Elections for the Public Good
Group wants elections publicly financed | The San Diego Union-Tribune
Clean Up California | Public Campaign Action Fund
The Blog | David Sirota: Dems' Deafening Silence on Real Reform ...
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