Dear Friends/Colleagues:
Attached please find the text of the Interim Constition of Nepal which was submitted to the High Level Dialogue Committee(s) yesterday--August 24th. Please respond to the concerned political parties and the drafting committee with your critical observation as soon as possible in order to make it a comprehensive document in true spirit of the Jana Andolan.
Gopal Krishna Siwakoti, PhD
President INHURED International
Kathmandu, Nepal
Bharat Mohan Adhikari Is In Town September 12, 2005
UML Thoughts On Interim Constitution
Critiquing The Nepali Congress Proposed Constitution
नेपाली कांग्रेसको संविधान मस्यौदा
Critiquing The Maoist Proposed Constitution
माओवादीको संविधान मस्यौदा
Indigenous Nationalities Peace Commission Nepal: Interim Constitution
Interim Constitution Draft
Interim Constitution, Revolutionary Parliament
Proposed Constitution
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