Prachanda lives under the illusion that he engineered the April Revolution. Prachanda did not engineer it, Girija did not engineer it.
Someone who has spent the better part of his life espousing that "power flows through the barrel of a gun" could not have engineered a revolution that has become a glowing example of what a non-violent revolution should be.
Prachanda claimed to have taken over the countryside before April. The April Revolution primarily happened in Kathmandu and the urban areas. The movement in April was not launched by Prachanda. It was not even launched by the seven parties. The seven parties started with a four day long protest program. But the people's response to that program surprised the seven party leaders, all of whom stayed home for the larger part of those 19 historic days.
On days 3, 4 and 5, when it was obvious the people were in for a decisive struggle that both Girija and Mahara jumped in to take credit. The credit goes to the people, not to Girija or Mahara.
The idea of a continuous movement is not in the books of the seven parties, not in that of the Maoists. The April Revolution embodied the idea of a continuous movement.
There was a rallying cry for a republic. That was the street slogan of the April Revolution. But the seven party alliance had not collectively come around to the slogan of a republic before April, or during April, and it has not today. And so that disconnect shows the seven party alliance can take only so much credit for the April Revolution.
The Maoists have been for a republic, but they can not take credit for the street slogans of the April Revolution either. The peaceful protestors were not inspired by the Maoists in their call for a republic.
The credit goes to the people. The April Revolution is proof the people will not put up with any kind of dictatorship. It is the April Revolution that tells me the people of Nepal will not put up with any dictatorial tendencies that people like Prachanda might still harbor.
The Nepali people will get democracy, and they will get peace, and by the way, Gyanendra, Prachanda, and Girija can go to hell. That was the message of the April Revolution.
Prachanda says all he has to do is issue one more call and the people will come out into the streets all over again. He is daydreaming. Again? As if the people came out in April because Prachanda so suggested?
I admire Girija. He has been the only Nepali who has been a major part of every single democracy movement in Nepal's history. It is just that one has to ask as to why there were so many! BP Koirala was naive at statecraft, that's why. He took the army away from the Rana prime minister and handed it over to the Shaha king in 2007 B.S., that's why.
I admire Prachanda and Baburam trying not to be dogmatic like all those failed communists of the previous century. But their newfound commitment to multi-party democracy, rule of law, and human rights has to be total and unconditional. All their cadres have to do the same. And those few goondas at the local levels who don't are not a party discipline problem, they are a law enforcement problem, and have to be dealt with as such.
Prachanda and Baburam have to stay committed to multi-party democracy, rule of law, and human rights with or without the seven parties, with or without the ceasefire agreement. Power through the barrel of a gun is over for good, forever.
I want Prachanda to run for president of the country. If he does not, he is chicken. He says he just wants to stay on as party chairperson. I think he is scared of facing the people. He enjoys his dictatorship inside his party too much. I think he is scared of being defeated at the ballot box.
The country will become a republic. And it will get a new constitution. And there will be elections for a parliament and a president. The election for president has to be direct. And I want to see Prachanda run.
There can be no compromise on free and fair elections to a constituent assembly. If the elections are not free, the exercise will be meaningless. It is better not to have such elections than to have them under a cloud of fear.
I am alarmed by the talk of a militia doing law enforcement work during the elections. All armed Maoists will be in barracks. I don't care if you don't call them soldiers and instead call them militia, no gun-wielding Maoist can be seen anywhere outside their barracks. Or there is no point in going for the constituent assembly elections. We might as well prepare for a military confrontation with the Maoists. People and parties that are committed to multi-party democracy, rule of law, and human rights can legitimately pick up arms against people and parties that are not so committed. The state army has been brought under civilian control, the royal control part is over. And there will be total international support to our side, moral as well as logistical.
I am not at all suggesting we should prepare for another round of civil war. What I am saying is we should negotiate for free and fair elections to the constituent assembly from a position of strength. We are in a great position of strength.
Prachanda's fantassy is that the Indian masses are waiting for him to save them. There are 9,000 armed Maoists in India. India has over a billion people. 9,000 versus 1,200,000,000.
I actally admire some of the political and social agenda of the Maoists, especially to do with social justice. I look down upon elements of the seven party alliance that have not competed with the Maoists on the social justice agenda. My message to the Maoists is, just get rid of the gun, focus on your social justice agenda, and you will do great electorally. And I am not saying surrender. I am okay with confining all armed Maoists to barracks. And I mean all, not just some.
The message of the April Revolution was democracy and peace. The message was a republic. The message was social justice. The message was political honesty. If Prachanda has relapses to his old messages, he is not in tune.
When Prachanda talks of a world revolution, I am not scared. I myself want Nepal to export the April Revolution to all countries that are not yet democracies. But we are talking strictly non-violence. Power flows through street protests, power flows through the ballot box. Power does not flow through the barrel of a gun. Prachanda needs to understand that once and for all. He has no choice, if he is politically pragmatic.
Girija Koirala: Not In Tune With The April Revolution
Prachanda: Frank Or Scary?
Bodyguards For Prachanda And Baburam
Prachanda's Transitional Republic
We Want To Stop Bloodshed: Prachanda
Prachanda Audio Interview, A First
Prachanda Statement
Prachanda, Extend The Ceasefire By Three Months
Face To Face With Prachanda
Interview With Comrade Prachanda
Prachanda, Do Not Break The Ceasefire
What Is Prachanda Doing?
Is Prachanda For Real?
Prachanda, Order Your Cadres To Live
Prachanda's Meaningful Statement
Prachanda Press Statement
Baburam: Prachanda's Best Bet, Litmust Test, And Only Option
Prachanda's Letter Bomb Of 5/1
Prachanda: A Profile
Prachanda Is Angry
The Twins Gyanendra And Prachanda Are Watching Closed-Circuit Television
To: Prachanda, Baburam, Mahara, Badal And The Rest Of The Maoist Leadership
Baburam Bhattarai, Janadesh Article
Baburam Bhattarai: Lokatantric Ganatantra Ko Prasab Bedana
Baburam Moriarty Debate
Lohani Baburam Debate
Baburam Bhattarai May Not Preach Violence To The Seven Party Alliance
To: Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
Baburam Bhattarai, Pramod Aryal, Ram Chandra Poudel
Chitra Tiwari eInterview With Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
Tehelka Interview With Baburam
Baburam Bhattarai Press Statement
Baburam: Prachanda's Best Bet, Litmust Test, And Only Option
Doing Business With Baburam Bhattarai
Baburam Bhattarai On A Democratic Republic
Sought eDialogue with Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
Interim Parliament: 101 Members Total
Interim Constitution Draft
Proposed Constitution
In The News
Draft constitution is like an empty bottle: Dr. Bhattarai NepalNews an "empty bottle" in which political issues were yet to be finalized....... Bhattarai alleged that the meeting of the SPA on Friday did not enter into political issues and discussed minor issues only....... charged that the political parties were trying to turn back from elections for the constituent assembly ...... He added that there was a need of another revolt for the establishment of a democratic republican set up in the country..... Bhattarai said the UN team could not assist the peace process unless political forces within the country reached into a consensus on major political issues.
Nepal to hold referendum on monarchy NDTV.com, India
Score's attend first gay marriage in tradition-bound Nepal Irish Examiner, Ireland
'Mother of Nepal protests' dies at 86 DailyIndia.com, NY
SPA, Maoists to Remove Differences on Draft Statute: Leaders Himalayan Times UML standing committee member Bharat Mohan Adhikari said that the ICDC had accomplished the three-fourth job of the interim constitution and the rest would be done by the political parties. ...... Mutual trust could be built only after the issue of arms management is settled amicably, which means that the Maoist guerrillas must confine to cantonment areas and the Nepali Army is made accountable to the government. ...... the SPA and the Maoists must reach consensus on interim legislature, monarchy, executive, judiciary, arms management and form and process of the election to constituent assembly .... nobody needed to worry about monarchy, which, he said, is a declining force in the country.
Chanya Devi Dies at 88
Govt, Maoists Flayed For Truce Code Violations the ongoing human rights violations and the lack of implementation of the twenty-five-point ceasefire code of conduct between the government and Maoists. ...... Both the government and Maoists are found to have been involved in human rights violations, said Sudip Pathak, former NHRC member. The peace process will be difficult if the human rights violations continue to increase, he said urging the need to begin the arms management process...... the continuing threat to teachers by the Maoists and the government's refusal to pay some of the teachers' salaries. ..... "Although the Maoists' central committee is trying to resolve the conflict through dialogue, Maoist leader Prachanda has failed to bring the Maoists cadres under control" ...... The Maoist cadres are openly going against their central committee's directions ..... Displaced individuals and families have been asked to go home but the Maoists continue to occupy their households and property
Tripartite Talks Must To Resolve Refugee Crisis: Indian Team
Aryal panel axes King as head of state
SPA, Maoist brass to give the onceover and clear it “We will table the interim constitution to the summit meeting of leaders of both sides and it will settle differences on political issues,” said Sitaula. ...... Once the interim constitution comes into force, the issues of arms management and the process of an election to a constituent assembly (CA) would also pick up momentum ..... Earlier in the day, leaders of the seven-party alliance met at Prime Minister GP Koirala’s house. The meeting remained inconclusive on issues like the process of the constituent assembly election, the role and fate of monarchy, the citizenship issue and fundamental rights.
Leaders dissatisfied over 'incomplete' interim draft constitution Kantipur Publications Senior leaders of the ruling seven-party alliance have expressed their dissatisfaction over the "incomplete" draft of the interim constitution .... UML's Standing Committee member Bharat Mohan Adhikari said that he was dissatisfied by the draft of the interim statute made public yesterday by sidestepping the key political issues. ....... "We should have made a collective effort to give the interim constitution a complete shape but we failed to do so in time," said Adhikari. ...... Nepali Congress leader Chakra Prasad Bastola said, "The seven-party alliance leaders could have reached a consensus on the major political issues including the position of the king, interim legislator, among others, before making the interim constitution public" ....... The draft statue has suggested four options to the political parties on the type of Nepali state - regional federal republic, federal democratic, socialist heading toward republic and heading toward republic.
Bus looted on Koshi barrage
Interim draft constitution: Referendum on monarchy proposed
Annan ‘firmly committed’ to support Nepal's peace process appointment of Ian Martin as the Annan's Personal Representative in Nepal for Support to the Peace Process, initially for six months ...... will be joined by a small multi-disciplinary team that will assist him in advising the parties ...... at least four advisors - on political, electoral, military and ceasefire monitoring matters ......
Cabinet endorses Public Procurement Act
ICDC hands over draft constitution
अन्तरिम संविधान मस्यौदा तयार
खाली बोतलजस्तो ः माओवादी
दलले शीर्ष बैठकबाट टुंगो लगाउने
गाउँलेको मागमा माओवादीको आपत्ति
सैनिक ऐनबारे छलफल गर’
राजमार्गमा ट्रक लुटियो
जिल्लामै पहिलो सरकारी वेबसाइट
अनेमसंघ क्रन्तिकारी सम्मेलन
नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान
धर्ना, भोक हडताल र जुसको राजनीति
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Looks like you have now "got" Prachanda better. But I still think you have not "got" him entirely.
Prachanda is putting two legs on two boats -- his left foot is on the idea of a bourgeouis republic but his favorite right foot is still on a totalitarian Maoist republic. You accuse BP of political naivette for handing the army to the Shahs. Would you now want him [SPA] to deliver it to the Maoists?
if some on deserves credit for april revolution it is one and only Gyanendra Bir Bikram shah.
He single handedly forced people to be so intolerant to him. Offcourse he was aided in excellent manner by his 'people' like tulsi giri and kamal thapa.
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