Money, Message, Organization. Those are the three components of power in a democratic setup.
People have questioned my role in the democracy movement in Nepal. What has it been? How large? If anything? Whatever it has been, it has been transparent. I feel like I have been very much part of the conversation at the highest levels in the democracy movement. This blog has been politics at the speed of thought. This blog has been leadership at lightning speed. The style of my political involvement in the democracy movement has been bleeding edge, cutting edge.
Go visit this particular page and see the parallel between what I have suggested and what ended up happening on the ground. UML Inching Towards Federalism.
I have felt like I were one of the seven party leaders all along. I have had the advantage of not being intrusive, not appearing so.
There was a reason I focused more on this blog than on offline stuff for the duration of the democracy movement. I was trying to make my presence felt at the leadership level in Nepal, elsewhere in the diaspora.
Turning the tripolar conflict into a bipolar one was crucial. That was the turning point. And that was not easy coming.
I spent a lot of time on the phone.
The hard part is over. But the more important part is ahead of us. A new Nepal is in the process of being born. And also for that I have done my work: Proposed Constitution.
But now I am more eager to focus more on face time than screen time. That is why I am excited about the idea of the April Convention: April Convention: Creating A Glowing Core. And I am already thinking beyond: Think Tank.
And I have played my part for the peace process and arms management.
A few people have been dismissive of my work. He is just a writer. He is just a journalist. Google News refused to index this blog. This blog is not journalism. Not all that characterization can be described as anti Madhesi prejudice. I have been inducted in the Madhesi Hall Of Fame as an "analyst." Maybe I am also that. But my work has been political. It is just that my method has been cutting edge.
But I do feel a sense of completion. I do feel like I have come full circle. I am going to maintain my involvement though. You can not give your all to the hard part, and miss the more important, more rewarding part.
Globalization and the internet are the two megatrends on the planet today. You have to understand those two terms to appreciate my involvement in the democracy movement in Nepal.
Who Will Tie The Bell Round The Cat's Neck
Language Policy
The Next Revolution Will Be At The Ballot Box
Political Synthesis Nepali Style
Federal Republic Guaranteed
Mainstream Jay Krishna Goit Also
Arms Management: Break It Down Into Smaller Pieces
Madhesi Caucus In Interim Parliament Needed
UML Thoughts On Interim Constitution
Paying For Democracy
Hindi Is At The Core Of The Madhesi Identity
Critiquing The Nepali Congress Proposed Constitution
नेपाली कांग्रेसको संविधान मस्यौदा
Critiquing The Maoist Proposed Constitution
माओवादीको संविधान मस्यौदा
Girija, Resign
Interim Monarchy, Interim Army, Interim Parliament
The Concept Of National Capital And The Maoists
Direct Elections, One Seat For Every 100,000 People, Reservations, Primaries
Federalism: Competing Maps
Moriarty Was Wrong On The 12 Point Agreement
Political Decisions, House Dissolution, Maoist Transformation
C.K. Lal: NRIs In Nepal
ANA Convention: My Hamro Nepal Speech
My Federalism Is Economic, Scientific, Not Ethnic
Interim Constitution Draft
Two Armies: What To Do
Not So Fast, Indian Communists
Madhesis, Social Justice, And The DaMaJaMa Equation In Nepal
Why Were The Women Beat Up?
June 17 Madhesi Gathering In New York City
The King Should Abdicate
Involve The UN In The Peace Process
Frustration, Chemical Imbalance, Mental Imbalance
Exporting Revolution
Bahun, Chhetri, Sunni
Abolish The Monarchy, Abolish The Army
Monarchy, Army, Federalism
40 Seats For Maoists, 25 For Others
Right To Property, Right To Free Speech
Nepal As A Cutting Edge Democracy
Democracy Diwali At The Nepali Mandir
Land Reform, Truth And Reconciliation
One Central Committee Member For Every Million Nepali
मधेशीसँग संख्या छ, शिक्त छैन
Internalized Racism Among Nepalis In NYC
No Short Cuts: Madhesis Will Have To March
Dismantle The Two Armies
Chitralekha Yadav: Speaker
Reciprocate The Maoist Ceasefire Immediately
Army Under Parliament, Now
Declare Constituent Assembly On First Day Of Parliament
Madhesi Rights: Total Equality
ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ
18 Days Of April Revolution: Victory
Proposed Constitution
UML Inching Towards Federalism
In The News
Govt tables new Army Act at HoR with sweeping changes NepalNews The bill also proposes that recruitments in the army be done by the Public Service Commission....... aims to democratise the Nepali Army
South Korea exploits migrant workers: AI
PM unveils NC, NC-D unification plan Koirala said a 21-member working committee would be formed immediately with members from both parties to take up the unification process.
Maoists run parallel govt., take up the role of 'culture police' While in Maoist custody, the rebels quizzed Indian nationals regarding their alleged misbehaviour towards Nepali woman. ...... Early this week, the rebels demanded up to 100,000 rupees from each shop in Dhulabari Bazar of Jhapa district in eastern region. ...... at Chisapani of Kailali district in the far-western region, the rebels have set up barriers to collect "taxes" from vehicles and consumer items entering the region. The rebels have set up seven `customs points' throughout the district while the Nepal government has only two ....... As Nepal government and local administrations turn mute spectators, Maoist rebels have been continuing abductions, extortion and torturing people by violating the 25-point code of conduct they signed with the government in May this year. ...... In eastern district of Ilam, Maoist cadres are running "kangaroo courts" and subjecting commoners to harsh physical punishment ..... Maoist leaders, on their part, insist that their party should be seen as a parallel government and its activities seen accordingly. ....... described 'abductions' as taking people under their control for interrogation and extortion as collection of taxes said that they would continue such activities unless two governments and two armies were merged in the country into one. .......
NPC irrelevant, restructure it: Experts "A centralised body like the NPC is irrelevant at a time when the country is heading for a federal system"
Discontent brewing in Nepal's terai region Hindustan Times, India While the Maoist insurgency, that unleashed a decade-old cycle of violence in Nepal and killed over 13,000 people, is heading for resolution, a new armed revolt is threatening to take its place in the terai region of Nepal. ..... southern Nepal is still plagued by violence ..... "Two months ago, when Koirala and Maoist chief Prachanda signed an agreement in the capital to consolidate the ceasefire, Goit's men were exploding bombs in Raj Biraj town in southern Nepal," says Rajendra Mahato, an MP from Nepal Sadbhavana Party, a party of the terai region that is now part of the coalition government....... "We have asked both the government and the Maoists to start talks with Goit. Peace talks shouldn't take place in a piecemeal manner. If the terai issues are not addressed, Nepal would know no peace in spite of the Maoist ceasefire." ...... Though the fertile plains are called the food bowl of Nepal, providing the lion's share of food grains, it is also the most neglected. ..... There are virtually no terai people in the army, bureaucracy or judiciary. Over 50 lakh terai residents have no citizenship, which prevents them from taking part in any decision-making process. .... "The Maoist movement has sent out an important message to the young men of the terai region," says Mahato. "Ten years ago, no one listened to the Maoists. But after they took up the gun, they are getting a red carpet treatment. .... "If the problems of the terai region- unemployment, exclusion, lack of education and healthcare - are not addressed, in another five years the terai people might follow in the footsteps of the Maoists and take up arms to wrest their rights."
Communist rebels, breakaway faction clash in Nepal Malaysia Star, Malaysia in the country's biggest clash since the insurgents signed a cease-fire with the government in April ..... "This group is involved in activities aimed at disrupting peace and bringing communal faction (violence) between people in the mountain area and the southern plain areas,'' said Dina Nath Sharma, a member of the Maoist rebels' peace talks team. .... "The activities by this group are serious in certain parts of the region, but we are discussing with the government on how to take control of the situation,'' Sharma said.
UN team arrives in Nepal within 10-12 days: PM People's Daily Online, China
Nepal PM Rules Out Parliament Dissolution without Arms Management Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
Foreign experts keen to support Nepal in new constitution Kantipur Publications
House will be adjourned during summit talks: PM Koirala “The restored House would be temporarily adjourned during the decisive round of much-awaited summit talks.” ........ “I may or may not remain alive but once the process enters a systematic phase, all the problems will be gradually sorted out,” Koirala added expressing that minor agendas discussed in the House might “caste a shadow over major ones.” ....... “Because the leaders and party cadres are weak, people are suspicious and apprehensive of the situation but now everyone can be assured of the success of peace process and return to villages to fight for complete democracy,” the prime minister said. ..... “It is the people who will decide monarchy’s fate. If the people want republic they will decide. It is not only me who is talking about ceremonial monarchy but the House passed the proposal unanimously.” .......
Much-awaited new Military Act presented at House
SEBS provides financial assistance to Janaandolan injured The Society of Ex-Budhanlkantha Students (SEBS), the Budhanilkantha School alumni, handed over an assistance of Rs. 54,00 each to 27 individuals injured during the Janandolan last April. ..... an initiation of the North American chapter of SEBS ..... Terming the government’s efforts in this regard as “inadequate”, the recipients at the function thanked SEBS for the initiative ...... SEBS president Bishan B. Wagle ..... Relief Programmes during natural calamities like floods; Nationwide Scholarship Programme for secondary students in various parts of the country; and the World Bank funded Doko Dai Mobile Library programme are among other SEBS activities.
Maoists put Siraha DDC in the red The Siraha District Development Committee (DDC) has suffered severe financial crisis after the Maoists hijacked all its revenue sources. .... after the Maoists began raising taxes from contracts, which otherwise used to generate Rs 15 million for the DDC ...... The DDC has no funds to meet even its basic utility expenses such as telephone, electricity and drinking water, monitoring, stationery and contingency bills ...... charged the government of not being serious to address the problem.
Maoists keep up abductions, extortion
Maoists, JTMM trade fire for 2 hrs
हतियार व्यवस्थापनपछि मात्रै संसद् विघटन’
जापान जानेमा नेतैनेताका छोराछोरी एमालेका तीन, कांग्रेसका दुई तथा कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) र जनमोर्चाका एक/एक जना परेका छन् ..... छानिएका एमालेका सचिव सोमनाथ अधिकारी 'प्यासी' का नाति निर्माण लम्साल, सोही पार्टी निकट डाक्टर विश्वकल्याण पराजुलीका छोरा मानव पराजुली, उक्त पार्टीकै जगनाथ बास्तोलाकी छोरी अस्मिता बास्तोला, कांग्रेस सभापति यज्ञबहादुर थापाकी छोरी साम्राज्ञ थापा, सोही पार्टीका युवा नेता तथा पूर्वउपप्रमुख नरेशशंकर पालिखेका छोरा योगेश पालिखे, कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) क्षेत्रीय सभापति वीरेन्द्रनारायाण बिजुक्छेकी छोरी सुविका बिजुक्छे र जनमोर्चाका कृष्णप्रसाद सापकोटाका छोरा मदन सापकोटा
एमालेद्वारा संघात्मक राज्यको प्रस्ताव नेपाललाई जातीय, भाषिक, सांस्कृतिक र प्रादेशिक स्वायत्ततामा आधारित अखण्ड, अभिभाज्य, स्वतन्त्र र सार्वभौमसत्ता सम्पन्न राज्यका रूपमा विकास गरिनेछ । 'यसअन्तर्गतको शासन प्रणाली केन्द्र, प्रदेश र स्थानीय निकाय बीच अधिकार र कर्तव्यको स्पष्ट बाँडफाँड गरिएको स्वशासनको ढाँचामा आधारित हुनेछ ....... 'यसअन्तर्गत एउटा बहुजातीय केन्द्रीय संरचना हुनेछ । केन्द्रभन्दा मुनि नेपाली विशेषताअनुरूपका विधायकी अधिकारसहितका बहुजातीय प्रदेशहरू रहने छन्,' प्रस्तावमा छ । त्यसभन्दा तल नगर र गाउँको वर्तमान संरचनालाई पुनः समायोजन गरिने उल्लेख छ । ........ केन्द्रसँग राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षा, वैदेशिक सम्बन्ध, केन्द्रीय बैंक, मुद्रा र वित्तीय प्रणाली, रेलवे, हवाई उडान र प्रमुख राष्ट्रिय मार्गहरू, केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय, मानव अधिकार र मौलिक अधिकारको संरक्षण, सर्वोच्च अदालत, भन्सार राजस्व, जमिनमुनिको खनिज सम्पदा, ठूला जलविद्युत् आयोजना, बहुप्रादेशिक प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरूको बाँडफाँट र प्रादेशिक विवादका समाधानजस्ता अधिकार र त्यसअन्तर्गतका नागरिकप्रतिका दायित्वहरू निहित रहने छन् । ........ प्रादेशिक तहमा विधायिकी अधिकारसहितको संसद्, सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा, व्यापार, उद्योग र श्रम व्यस्था, सडक, जंगल, जल र जमिनको व्यवस्थापन र उपयोग, शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यको प्रबन्धजस्ता अधिकार र त्यसअन्तर्गतका नागरिक दायित्व छन् । ...... स्थानीय तहमा सडक निर्माण र संरक्षण, ग्यास, विद्युत् र जलआपूर्ति, सरसफाइ, स्थानीय योजना, कर, सार्वजनिक शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रबन्ध, ग्रामीण समुदायमा आधारित ग्रामीण यातायातका साथै प्राकृतिक स्रोत र साधनको व्यवस्थापनको अधिकार रहनेछ । ...... लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रको एजेन्डा पार्टीले तय गरिसकेको अवस्थामा जननिर्वाचित राष्ट्राध्यक्षको व्यवस्था गर्नुपर्ने प्रस्ताव छ । ...... व्यवस्थापिका दुई सदनात्मक हुनुपर्ने र राष्ट्रिय सभालाई जातीयसभाका रूपमा निर्माण गर्नुपर्ने पार्टीको धारणा छ । ....... एक लाख जनसंख्या बराबर एक प्रतिनिधि हुने गरी जनप्रतिनिधिमूलक निकायका रूपमा प्रतिनिधिसभा व्यवस्था गरिनेछ । राष्ट्रियसभा जातीयसभाका रूपमा निर्माण गरिनेछ ...... बहुमत प्रणाली र समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणालीको मिश्रति स्वरूप अवलम्बन गर्न सकिने प्रस्ताव ....... ५० प्रतिशत निर्वाचन क्षे त्रबाट निर्वाचित हुने र पचास प्रतिशत दलले प्राप्त गरेको मतका आधारमा सूची समानुपातिक हिसाबले प्रतिनिधित्व हुने व्यवस्था उपयुक्त देखिन्छ ...... 'राष्ट्रिय सभाको सदस्यको हकमा भने केन्द्र, प्रदेश र स्थानीय निकायका निर्वाचित जनप्रतिनिधिहरूले एकल संक्रमणीय मत प्रणालीका आधारमा केही निश्चित प्रतिशत समावेशीकृत हुन नसकेको वर्ग वा समुदायका बीचबाट मनोनीत गर्न सकिने व्यवस्था कायम गरिनुपर्छ ।' .......
ँ१२ कक्षासम्म मावि तह गर्न उचित’
शुक्रबार नागरिक धर्ना
माझी अधिवेशनका लागि बाटाघाटा मर्मत
सैनिकद्वारा कुटपिट
नेपालगन्ज नाका अवरुद्ध
माओवादीको विरोध
अन्तरिम विधान र विवाद
राजतन्त्रलाई कोइरालाको ँस्पेस’
आरक्षणमा दलित महिला
महिला सबैका उपनिवेश
11:20 | National Internet Backbone, India |
12:31 | Columbia University, United States |
12:32 | NTL Internet, Winnersh, United Kingdom |
12:32 | Columbia University, United States |
12:34 | Harvard University, Cambridge, United States |
12:35 | Equant, France |
12:36 | Fannie Mae, Washington, D.C., United States |
12:40 | Iowa State University, Ames, United States |
12:54 | Salomon Smith Barney Inc., United States |
12:57 | Communications and communicate, Nepal |
13:01 | University of Maryland, Baltimore, United States |
13:02 | University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, United States |
13:04 | Caterpillar, Inc., Peoria, United States |
13:12 | United States (utah-inter.net) |
13:16 | Computer Associates, Islandia, United States |
13:35 | Duane Reade Pharmacy, United States |
1 comment:
There is nothing like blowing your own trumpet !!
Trying to snuggle up to the history pages and cement your name ..by writing it over and over and over and over and reminding people over and over and over .. Seems like you are a bit too desperate bro .. ha ha some folks motives are just too clear !! that is what is so "transparent" about you !!
Your contribution was zero simply because Nepal doesn't have democracy .. and you probably sowed the seeds of destruction... Nepal is in complete limbo and "bleeding" on the edge...
Frankly, your racial profiling has gone a bit too far ..if you know what I mean !!
And what about your crazy ideas.. well, you are right ..MONEY is the key.. if Nepal was a car park and if you had trillion to develop it into a city .. you ideas would have made sense .. or if all the people were your clones, your ideas would have made sense and would have worked.. but that is now how Nepal is ... is it .. !!
But you must be applauded for making full use of the internet.. if only all things came free or cheap as the internet... Nepal would have been a heaven to live in ... oh sorry.. Did you say , you don't wanna go to Nepal ?? By the way did you say your home town is a Nepali colony ??????????? so you are saying, Time to return to motherland huh .. feel free bro feel free !! :)
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