The Maoists are for a federal republic. The UML is for a federal republic. The Deuba Congress is for a federal republic. The Jana Morcha is for a federal republic. The Sadbhavana is.
The Koirala Congress is not against federalism. And that party's last convention broke away from the idea of a constitutional monarchy, although its party president went on record recently saying he is still for a ceremonial monarchy. But then the senior Koirala might only be trying to smoothen the transition. He is talking of keeping the monarchy today.
Do the math. The support for a federal republic is not unanimous yet, but it is overwhelming. And if you agree to the basic democratic axiom that only another party convention of the Nepali Congress can reverse what that party decided at its last convention, then the support for a republic is unanimous.
But I am okay with the idea that a referendum will finally take the decision. That is not my first choice. My first choice would be to end the monarchy through a unanimous political decision of the eight parties.
Ending the monarchy was the street slogan of the April Revolution. How can you not see that?
I have enormous respects for Girija Koirala. He is the only Nepali who has played an important role in every single democracy movement in Nepal's history. But then his failing health is not his fault. His old age is not his fault. And because he holds a position of power, I am going to stay critical of his ways, especially those that are not democratic. There is an utter lack of democracy inside the Nepali Congress.
If I were an advisor to the king, I would suggest he abdicate and cut a deal in the process. How can you not see the monarchy will end? And if end it will, why not get yourself a safe landing when you still have a chance? For the good of your family, for the good of your country?
The King Should Abdicate
The good thing about a federal republic getting guaranteed will be that the country will be able to focus on other more important issues. For example, what shape should that federalism take? Should the country have an army? What size? What composition?
Arms Management: Break It Down Into Smaller Pieces
If all eight parties can agree on the common slogan of a federal republic, another reason that is good news is that then they will become more likely to also agree on the details of arms management. Agreeing on something takes political work. If you will be capable of it once, you will be capable of it again.
In The News
Joint letter to UN by Wednesday : Minister Gyawali NepalNews the government and the Maoists were preparing to send a joint letter to the United Nations on Wednesday, requesting the world body for help in the management of arms of the Nepali Army and the Maoist People’s Liberation Army (PLA). ....... Girija Prasad Koirala gave directions to the government’s talks team to reach an agreement with the Maoist side over the joint better by tomorrow ..... the two sides are yet to officially clarify what would be the point of consensus between them
Probe panel grills 16 police officials Four Superintendents of Police (SP), six Deputy Superintendents (DSP) and six Inspectors .... They said they only followed the orders of the government as required by their professional ethics.... SPs Surendra Bahadur Shah, Tula Bahadur KC, Dhananda Bhatta, and Rajan Bahadur Bista and DSPs Basanta Lama, Manoj Neupane and Thule Rai.
Koirala asks to find consensus on arms issues soon The disagreement on the issue is the government is in favour of setting political issues after arms management, while the rebels want to settle the political issues first. ...... The government talks team also held meeting with the Prime Minister on Monday as well after the meeting of the council of Ministers to discuss the issue.
Nepali, Indian Maoists jointly condemn US 'intervention' in S Asia, Israeli attacks in Lebanon In a rare joint statement on Tuesday, the CPN (Maoist) and CPI (Maoist) said the ‘US imperialists’ had been increasingly intervening in South Asia, particularly in Nepal and India. The two rebel outfits took the opportunity to lash out at America through the joint press statement issued in reaction to media reports about the growing differences between them....... “…Even in South Asia the US imperialists are more and more openly intervening in the countries of the region. Particularly in Nepal and India they have been directly intervening in the suppression of the Maoist movements.” ...... “As part of their direct intervention the US officers have themselves been training the RNA [now Nepali Army] and even entering every sphere of society to subvert the ongoing anti-monarchial movement. In India the US diplomats have been openly visiting Chhatisgargh and the military-run jungle warfare camp as part of their plans to suppress the Maoists.” ...... The US government has already warned of stopping its assistance to Nepal if the Maoists were brought to the government before they laid down arms. The US government’s position has not only irked the rebels but also some partners of the ruling the seven-party alliance. ...... the two Maoist parties also denounced the ‘US-backed’ Israeli attacks in Lebanon ..... “The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) jointly re-assert their firm commitment to proletarian internationalism, mutual fraternal relations, on the basis of MLM,” the statement said, adding, “All tactical questions being adopted in the respective countries are the sole concern of the parties operating there. Both parties will seek to learn from the positive experiences of the other party as also the experiences of the Maoists who comprise the ICM.” ...... “While doing so we shall continue debates on ideological, political and strategic issues on which we differ in the true democratic traditions of the international communist movement. These debates and discussions will take place bilaterally and also, occasionally, publicly.” ...... While their Nepali counterparts, who are considered far more successful, have joined the peace process, the Indian Maoists have not been forthcoming in the central government’s offer for talks. ...... The Indian Maoist outfits are mainly active in rural parts of states like Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pardesh, Bihar and Jharkhand.
NRNA establishes contact office for Nepalis stranded in Lebanon in the City of Tripoli near Beirut, in order to establish contacts with Nepali nationals ..... more than 4,000 Nepalis are currently living in the war-ridden country. Apart from a few rescued by India and international humanitarian organizations the fate of majority of Nepalis in the country remains unknown . NRN-ICC has requested Nepali nationals in Lebanon to contact Miss Zeina EL Haj of Company Rawabina at 961 6 427209 or 9613 304310 or via email to rawabina@idm.net ..... the 'NRN Relief Fund for Nepalis in Lebanon' in Kathmandu-based Sanima Bank with account number 0160 612 and Federal Bank of Middle East (FBME) in Cyprus .... According to the President of NRN-ICC Dr. Upendra Mahato, the association will very soon make an appeal to the governments of Nepal, Lebanon, India and other SAARC countries for necessary help in rescue attempts of the Nepalis stranded there.
Indian, British envoys call on premier Koirala Meanwhile, Chief of Army Staff of the Nepali Army, General Pyar Jung Thapa, called on premier Koirala, who also holds defense portfolio, this morning and briefed him about the security situation in the country ...... General Thapa is to retire next month. Reports said he is likely to go on a month-long leave prior to his retirement as per the Army’s tradition.
PM’s statement valid till CA polls: Home Minister Sitaula “We all know that the NC has left it to the constituent assembly to decide the fate of monarchy...... The central committee meeting of the CPN-UML also concluded that the statement of Koirala is against the sprit of the Jana Andolan (People’s movement) II.
Chaotic Kathmandu - By Shiva Gautam Senior leaders of political parties including the prime minister and Maoists reach an understanding, but the junior leaders cry foul. When these junior leaders and Maoists reach an understanding, the prime minister tells the media that he is unaware of it. ...... "We drive on the right side of the road in America, they drive on the left side of the road in the United Kingdom, but they drive on both sides of the road in Kathmandu" wrote an American traveler. ..... a flap of a butterfly's wings at one part of the globe may spawn a powerful thunderstorm in the other part....... Parties and Maoists came up with exactly the same 12-point declaration but there were no joint signatures; they signed it separately. So it is a common document, and at the same time not a common document..... Party leaders say they want to do way with monarchy, but keep amending rules regarding monarchy. The parties fought so hard to reinstate the parliament only to fight again for its immediate dissolution. ...... The army in clear and yet subtle way defies government's important decisions, and also says it supports the government. ..... I am told that Maoist army, now confident that they have the rural area, is stationed outside Katmandu valley in temporary barracks......
Rights activists worry over termination of peace talks; ask Govt. to ratify Rome statute
NRB revises its monetary policy
Thousands join in civil society demo in the capital 
Maoists in India, Nepal say US trying to crush them Reuters India, India
Nepal premier tries to rescue peace dealHouston Chronicle
'US trying to scuttle Nepal peace talks'Times of India
Nepal talks 'not breaking down' BBC News
100 days of reinstated parliament of Nepal People's Daily Online, China
Nepali guerrilla asks for national army including guerrillasPeople's Daily Online
Nepal's Awkward Alliance Wall Street Journal (subscription)
Ceasefire makes Nepal attractive for Indian entrepreneurs India eNews.com, India
NEPAL: Aid work threatened by Maoist rebels IRINnews.org, NY
Dawood's aide arrested on Indo-Nepal border Hindustan Times, India
Rights Activists Fear Deadlock in Nepal Peace Process Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
Rights activists worry over termination of peace talks; ask Govt. ...Nepalnews.com
Nepal:No Farewell to Arms Yet, Maoists Tell UN OneWorld.net, UK
India for political consensus in Nepal Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Koirala's affection for monarchy Kantipur Publications
Probe committee finds army men guilty, recommends strong action
Chinese nabbed with Yarchagumba
Maoist-tortured woman attempts self-immolation When Muna came out of the room, there were bruises all over her body, Jayprakash said. As Muna could not overcome the trauma of the torture, she soaked herself with kerosene and set herself on fire the following day. Jayprakash too sustained some injuries while trying to save his wife.
Maoists abduct NC cadre NC district president, Ram Krishna Yadav, has called on the rebels for his immediate release. .... another group of Maoists seized a motorcycle of VDC secretary Bharat Pajiyar, from his residence at Janakpur-4 .... CPN-UML district committee urged the Maoists to immediately stop such atrocities.
‘Bear with donations for some time’ "In the absence of budgetary support from the government, we have no option but to raise money from donations. But this phase will pass off as soon as the interim government, including the Maoists, is formed," said Dr Babu Ram Bhattarai, second-in-command of the CPN (Maoist). ..... the Maoists were soon coming up with a centrally controlled donation collecting mechanism so that non-Maoists could not take advantage of the situation. "It will be a one-window system, as you businessmen prefer to say," said he. ...... Dr Bhattarai also asked the entrepreneurs and the Maoist-affiliated trade unions to form a joint task force to deal with deteriorating industrial relations. ...... Dr Bhattarai said that his party was not against private industries and property ownership. "Nationalization of private property is not the agenda of the Maoist ....... However, he said extension of school-level education and health services should be the state's responsibility and the Maoists were for the nationalization of schools and health services with appropriate compensation. ...... private sector can venture into higher-level education and other sectors of commercial activities ...... "Currently, agriculture sector is over employed, and no country can progress and prosper by anchoring its economy on agriculture" ...... Dr Bhattarai further said that the state's investment should go in infrastructure and telecommunication development, while private sector should invest on profit-making ventures. ...... the CPN (Maoist) would selectively welcome foreign investment. "These policies of the CPN (Maoist), however, are mere conceptual framework. We will devise the concrete economic model in consultation with the private sector," said he, answering queries of the business community.
ँवार्ता असफल हुने विन्दुमा’
प्रधानमन्त्रीको भनाइप्रति एमालेको आपत्ति
सरकार गम्भीर
सैनिक ऐन पारित
जनआन्दोलनका घाइते चार महिनादेखि अचेत
सेनाको दोष’
अपहरित छोरी खोजी नगर्न धम्की
सहाराविहीन महिला अदालतमा
माओवादीद्वारा चन्दा संकलन तीव्र
लिम्बुवान् स्वायत्त राज्य माग
सेनाद्वारा जिप बेपत्ता
वार्ताप्रति इमानदारी
राष्ट्रसंघमा नेपाली प्रहरी
चेली बेचबिखनको चक्रव्यूह
हतियार व्यवस्थापनको मुद्दा
जनताका प्रश्न
Maoists in India, Nepal say US trying to crush them Reuters India, India
Nepal premier tries to rescue peace deal
Nepali guerrilla asks for national army including guerrillas
NEPAL: Aid work threatened by Maoist rebels IRINnews.org, NY
Dawood's aide arrested on Indo-Nepal border Hindustan Times, India
Rights Activists Fear Deadlock in Nepal Peace Process Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
Rights activists worry over termination of peace talks; ask Govt. ...
India for political consensus in Nepal Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Koirala's affection for monarchy Kantipur Publications
Probe committee finds army men guilty, recommends strong action
Chinese nabbed with Yarchagumba
Maoist-tortured woman attempts self-immolation When Muna came out of the room, there were bruises all over her body, Jayprakash said. As Muna could not overcome the trauma of the torture, she soaked herself with kerosene and set herself on fire the following day. Jayprakash too sustained some injuries while trying to save his wife.
Maoists abduct NC cadre NC district president, Ram Krishna Yadav, has called on the rebels for his immediate release. .... another group of Maoists seized a motorcycle of VDC secretary Bharat Pajiyar, from his residence at Janakpur-4 .... CPN-UML district committee urged the Maoists to immediately stop such atrocities.
‘Bear with donations for some time’ "In the absence of budgetary support from the government, we have no option but to raise money from donations. But this phase will pass off as soon as the interim government, including the Maoists, is formed," said Dr Babu Ram Bhattarai, second-in-command of the CPN (Maoist). ..... the Maoists were soon coming up with a centrally controlled donation collecting mechanism so that non-Maoists could not take advantage of the situation. "It will be a one-window system, as you businessmen prefer to say," said he. ...... Dr Bhattarai also asked the entrepreneurs and the Maoist-affiliated trade unions to form a joint task force to deal with deteriorating industrial relations. ...... Dr Bhattarai said that his party was not against private industries and property ownership. "Nationalization of private property is not the agenda of the Maoist ....... However, he said extension of school-level education and health services should be the state's responsibility and the Maoists were for the nationalization of schools and health services with appropriate compensation. ...... private sector can venture into higher-level education and other sectors of commercial activities ...... "Currently, agriculture sector is over employed, and no country can progress and prosper by anchoring its economy on agriculture" ...... Dr Bhattarai further said that the state's investment should go in infrastructure and telecommunication development, while private sector should invest on profit-making ventures. ...... the CPN (Maoist) would selectively welcome foreign investment. "These policies of the CPN (Maoist), however, are mere conceptual framework. We will devise the concrete economic model in consultation with the private sector," said he, answering queries of the business community.
प्रधानमन्त्रीको भनाइप्रति एमालेको आपत्ति
सरकार गम्भीर
सैनिक ऐन पारित
जनआन्दोलनका घाइते चार महिनादेखि अचेत
सेनाको दोष’
अपहरित छोरी खोजी नगर्न धम्की
सहाराविहीन महिला अदालतमा
माओवादीद्वारा चन्दा संकलन तीव्र
लिम्बुवान् स्वायत्त राज्य माग
सेनाद्वारा जिप बेपत्ता
वार्ताप्रति इमानदारी
राष्ट्रसंघमा नेपाली प्रहरी
चेली बेचबिखनको चक्रव्यूह
हतियार व्यवस्थापनको मुद्दा
जनताका प्रश्न
1 comment:
I would agree with your analysis of a federal republic after the CA. However I don't understand why you would support a political decision over a referendum (or the CA) to end the monarchy.
But I am okay with the idea that a referendum will finally take the decision. That is not my first choice. My first choice would be to end the monarchy through a unanimous political decision of the eight parties.
The eight parties are just that, eight parties. Do they really represent the views of the general population? They might, but the only way to find that out is by an election or referendum. The danger with political decisions is that they could be temporal. If the King does not abdicate quiety as you suggest and instead stages a coup, all political decisions of the HoR as well as the one to end the monarchy itself will be erased faster than ink on a blotting paper.
Don't you think then that a referendum or elections that truly puts out the demands of the public in quantitative terms is actually the first choice? Besides, it also gives the ownership of the choice to end the monarchy to the people, not just the eight parties.
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