Is Madhes a colony?
If definition for colonism is:
A policy by which a nation maintains or extends its control over foreign dependencies.
Control by one power over a dependent area or people. The purposes of colonialism include economic exploitation of the colony's natural resources, creation of new markets for the colonizer, and extension of the colonizer's way of life beyond its national borders.
Colonialism is the extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory beyond its borders by the establishment of either settler colonies or administrative dependencies in which indigenous populations are directly ruled or displaced.
Colonizers generally dominate the resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory and may also impose socio-cultural, religious and linguistic structures on the conquered population. The term colonialism also refers to a set of beliefs used to legitimize or promote this system, especially the ethnocentric belief that the mores of the colonizer are superior to those of the colonized. Such beliefs are often a form of racism.
On the basis for the criteria given for colonization, if we sincerely analyze what do we find? Is Mahes a colony?
In ---------- Madhes was an independent country/state with its sovereignty.
In----------- Gorkha king Prithvi Narayan Sah won several small sovereign states including Kathmandu and Madhes; and very clearly colonized won states under shadow of unification of the country Nepal. Evidences of colonization of Madhes is:
Sovereignty of Madhes is lost, and it was controlled by the policy of Prithvi Narayan Sah.
Colonizers (Pahari) have dominated over the resources of Madhes, imposed pahari socio-cultural and Nepali linguistic structure over indigenous socio- cultural structure and languages (Bhojpuri, Maithili, Hindi etc languages of Madesh) on the conquered Madhesi population.
The original name of ‘Madhes’ was changed by the ruler (colonizer) to ‘Terai’ that was totally against the conciousness of the indigenous Madhesi population.
Prevalent very serious racism provoked by concept of Pahari (colonizer) are far superior, and Madhesi (colonized) are very inferior.
Pahari (colonizers) are administrators over existing sizeable native populations (Madhesi) exercising control by use and/ threat of force. If somebody raised the voice for justice he was killed, and family was ruined.
Pahari are immigrating to Madhes land, and displacing indigenous Madhesi populations.
If it is a colony, till date under dark, deserve freedom with complete sovernigity.
A policy by which a nation maintains or extends its control over foreign dependencies.
Control by one power over a dependent area or people. The purposes of colonialism include economic exploitation of the colony's natural resources, creation of new markets for the colonizer, and extension of the colonizer's way of life beyond its national borders.
The most active practitioners were European countries; in the years 1500–1900, Europe colonized all of North and South America and Australia, most of Africa, and much of Asia by sending settlers to populate the land or by taking control of governments.
The control of one nation by “transplanted” people of another nation — often a geographically distant nation that has a different culture and dominant racial or ethnic group. (See ethnicity.)
· Control that is economic and cultural, rather than political, is often called neocolonialism.
The noun colonialism has one meaning:
Meaning #1: exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one; the use of the weaker country's resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country
Colonialism is the extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory beyond its borders by the establishment of either settler colonies or administrative dependencies in which indigenous populations are directly ruled or displaced. Colonizers generally dominate the resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory and may also impose socio-cultural, religious and linguistic structures on the conquered population; this has led critics of colonialism to call it cultural imperialism. However, though colonialism is often used interchangeably with imperialism, the latter is broader as it covers control exercised informally (via influence) as well as formally. The term colonialism also refers to a set of beliefs used to legitimize or promote this system, especially the ethnocentric belief that the mores of the colonizer are superior to those of the colonized. Such beliefs are often a form of racism, and were codified as pseudo-scientific theories at the end of the 19th century. The historical phenomenon of European colonisation may be broadly divided into two large waves, the first one starting with the "Age of Exploration" and the beginning of the Columbian Exchange, and the second one beginning in the second part of the 19th century with the New Imperialism period.
Colonisation and decolonisation have overlapped themselves, since most of the New World colonies had already acquired their independence when the scramble for Africa and the New Imperialism began.
Types of colonialism
Settler colonies, dependencies, plantations colonies, trading posts
Different types of colonialism may be distinguished, according to the form of colonization and also the date. Settler colonies, such as the original thirteen states of the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina arose from the emigration of peoples from a metropole, or mother country, and involved displacement of the indigenous peoples to their permanent detriment [1].
Settler colonies may be contrasted with dependencies, where the colonizers did not arrive as part of a mass emigration, but rather as administrators over existing sizeable native populations, exercising control by use or threat of force.
A fourth category may be considered for plantation colonies such as Barbados, Saint-Domingue and Jamaica where the white colonizers imported black slaves who rapidly began to outnumber their owners, leading to minority rule, similar to a dependency. Trading posts, such as Macau, Malacca, Deshima and Singapore constitute a fifth category, where the primary purpose of the colony was to engage in trade rather than as a staging post for further colonization of the hinterland.
The contradiction between the unity of the nation-state and imperialism: Hannah Arendt
According to Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), there was a contradiction between the unity of the nation-state and 19th century imperialism, which was, by definition, unlimited. She thus quoted Cecil Rhodes, the colonizer of Rhodesia, declaring: "all of these stars... these vast worlds that remain out of reach. If I could, I would annex other planets" [2]. Arendt underlined this contradiction between the economic expansion upheld by the bourgeoisie, and nationalism which aimed at integrating all citizens in one unity, the nation-state.
According to Arendt, this explains the two different models of colonization: on one hand, the British Empire created the Commonwealth and used indirect rule, allowing the local elites to govern the colonies, under the supervision of the colonial administration; on the other hand, the French Third Republic (1871-1940) directly ruled over the colonies, claiming they were integrally part of the French Republic. Separation was thus opposed to the French ideal of assimilation, based on its universalist philosophy, a legacy of the 1789 French Revolution and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Thus, the Republic tried to extend French citizenship to the colonies.
On The Web
Colonisation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colonization (computer game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colonization: The African-American Mosaic (Library of Congress ...
The Unofficial Microprose Colonization
American Timeline: Colonization
Cultural Readings: Colonization and Print in the Americas
Space Colonisation
Amazon.com: Aftershocks (Colonization, Book 3): Books: Harry ...
On Colonies and Colonization
Colonization - HomeworkSpot.com
TomPaine.com - Colonization of Palestine Precludes Peace
Dutch Colonization
Colonization and Settlement
About The Nineteenth Century - Books on British Colonization
Open Directory - Science: Technology: Space: Colonization: Mars
US Library of Congress - American Colonization Society: Liberia Maps
Africans in America| Part 3 | Narrative: Colonization
New England Colonies
"Coca-Colonization" of the Third World - Global Policy Forum ...
French Colonization of Louisiana and Louisiana Purchase Map ...
Saree Makdisi: An Iron Wall of Colonization
From Revolution to Reconstruction: Essays: Anglo-American ...
Early American Colonization
Definition of colonization - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Sharing the Land of Canaan - Colonization
[PDF] Colonization of Venus
Colonization and Invasion by Bacterial Pathogens
[PDF] A View of the Art of Colonization
Teaching About Jamestown | Corporate Colonization
Government of Saskatchewan - colonization
USATODAY.com - Pennsylvania town poised for crackdown on illegal ...
Leadup to French Colonization
Did Colonization Matter for Growth? An Empirical Exploration into ...
On Colonization
Commentary: Exemplifying the Horror of European Colonization ...
Tom Crumpacker: Planning for the Re-Colonization of Cuba
Colonialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Post-colonialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
African History -- Colonialism
Project MUSE - Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
The Chronicle: 5/10/2002: Two Cheers for Colonialism
Political Discourse -- Theories of Colonialism and Postcolonialism ...
Statistics on the Extent of European Colonialism
The myth of Neo-colonialism
The Story of Africa| BBC World Service
Colonialism and Nationalism in Southeast Asia
Africa - Colonialsim
colonialism: Definition and Much More From Answers.com
African Timelines Part IV: Anti-Colonialism & Reconstruction
"Post-Colonialism or Post-Imperialism?" by Luke Strongman
Colonialism in Greenland: An Inuit Perspective
Colonialism and Africa's Technology
Amazon.com: Discourse on Colonialism: Books: Aimé Césaire,Aime ...
Colonialism and its aftermath
BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Africans on Africa: Colonialism
CIA Narco-Colonialism
Globalization and Autonomy
[PDF] Environmental Colonialism
Amazon.com: Colonialism and Neocolonialism: Books: J. Sartre
Colonialism and Colonies - MSN Encarta
AllRefer.com - North Korea - The Legacy Of Japanese Colonialism ...
French Colonialism in Africa
Ancient tomb sheds new light on Egyptian colonialism
Doctrines on Colonialism
Pinko Feminist Hellcat: Not stress. Colonialism, brutality and ...
Democracy and Colonialism - by Ran HaCohen
Sexual politics / Third World development / Colonialism - Serge Kreutz
Bandwidth Colonialism? The Implications of Internet Infrastructure ...
British Colonialism and repression in Iraq- Global Policy Forum ...
Imperialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Imperialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Age of Imperialism
Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Imperialism
Modern History Sourcebook: John Hobson: Imperialism, 1902
History of Imperialism
Imperialism 101
Lenin: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Eco-Imperialism - Green Power. Black Death. - Paul Driessen
Imperialism Resources
Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom: Supporter's Summit 2006
Amazon.com: Islamic Imperialism : A History: Books: Efraim Karsh
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