The Maoists As Parallel State
The Maoists have claimed their extortions are taxation by a parallel state. If that be true, that parallel state comes to and end as soon as the interim arrangement takes shape from the national to the local levels. They have said they need all that money to feed their army. That will no longer be true once the interim Prime Minister becomes Commander In Chief also of the Maoist army restricted to their barracks.
What happens to all that money that the Maoists have as a parallel state? Does that state swiftly become a party and keep all that money? Will those huge amounts of money not seriously distort the subsequent political process, the subsequent elections to a constituent assembly? Or if the Maoists might keep all that money, should the seven parties give themselves huge chunks of money from the state treasury to make up for it?
Parallel State To Political Party
The Maoists are on their way to becoming one of the eight political parties. A political party does not keep an army. A political party does not collect taxes.
I am of the strong view the country should end up with just one army before we even go for the constituent assembly elections. How can a parallel state legitimately compete against political parties in elections? The elections have to be a competition between parties.
Prachanda's Ideological Relapses
Prachanda must be under considerable pressure from the Indian Maoists and from his comrades globally to stick to dogmatic ultra left communist thinking. And he succumbs. He gives in to them periodically.
Prachanda: Frank Or Scary?
He has to have the guts to realize power through the barrel of a gun is over for good. Tata, bye bye. The new reality is that power flows through the ballot box. Within that new paradigm, Prachanda can hope to be president, he can hope to be Commander In Chief. Within that new paradigm, major land reforms are possible in ways that have never been possible through the gun. Within that new paradigm, major education and health programs can be designed for the destitute masses.
So instead of being lead by his global comrades who have little ground to show for, he should make an effort to lead them instead. He should announce power through the barrel of a gun is over in communist ideology. This is a new century. Now it is power through the ballot box.
Money And Political Parties
Power flows through the ballot box. To firmly establish that dictum in ways that is truly one person, one vote, you have to redesign democracy itself. And that is where Prachanda and Baburam have to be focusing.
Paying For Democracy
Who Will Tie The Bell Round The Cat's Neck
Proposed Constitution
Transparency In Party Finances
The interim constitution should have a provision that should say all political parties have to make their book keeping public. They should all tell the people how much money they have. That is step one.
State Funded Political Parties
Step two is to end up with state funded political parties. It surprises me that the Maoists have not taken the lead on this one. And it is because they happen to be the richest political party in Nepal for now. That is curious. A party with its origin in class conflicts is so beholden to the money it has amassed.
US Law, Nepali Law
US laws do not apply in Nepal. But then Nepali laws do not apply in the US either. Moriarty has so far paraded one Senator - one of the top US Senators - and four US House members through Nepal to make the point. It is not me, it is the US law. If the Maoists join the interim government while they still have an army, there can be no US aid to that government. Plain and simple. The seven parties still will have the option to ignore US law and forge ahead, in which case the seven parties will have to be confident that the Maoists have no ulterior motives. On the other hand, if you have reservations, you have reservations.
Arms Management: Break It Down Into Smaller Pieces
The problem is the seven parties have not given much thought to their idea of what a state army should look like. There are no competing suggestions.
It is entirely possible to integrate the two armies fully before holding the constituent assembly elections.
Money Matters And The Nepal Army
A lot of top honchos in the Nepal Army have been interrogated for the atrocities in April. But so far there is no talk of auditing the army's finances of the past few years. There has been a lot of mismanagement. Culprits have to be dug out. Money has to be confiscated on behalf of the people.
Gurung Not Katawal For Army Chief
Arms Management: Break It Down Into Smaller Pieces
Interim Monarchy, Interim Army, Interim Parliament
Interim Army: You Can Walk And Chew Gum At The Same Time
International Sanctions On Nepal Army Have To Continue
Abolish The Monarchy, Abolish The Army
Monarchy, Army, Federalism
Shobhakar Budhathoki: Transitioning The “Royal” Nepal Army
Army Under Parliament, Now
The Police, The Army Need To Stop Following Illegitimate Orders
Mugabe Chor, Desh Chhor
The King Should Abdicate
ICG: Nepal: From People Power to Peace?, Asia Report N°115, 10 May 2006 King Gyanendra’s capitulation on 24 April 2006 in the face of a mass movement marked a victory for democracy in Nepal and, with a ceasefire between the new government and the Maoists now in place, the start of a serious peace process....... the parties’ five-month-old agreement with the Maoists...... The international community lost credibility by attempting to pressure the parties into an unworkable compromise with the king and must now work hard to support a difficult transition and peace process while avoiding similar mistakes. ...... – even in the face of the massed ranks of loyal security forces – left the king with no option but surrender. ...... People remained suspicious of the parties, both on the basis of their mixed record in government and their perceived willingness to do a deal with the king against the country’s best interests........ Maoist support, much as mainstream democrats are loath to admit it, was crucial to the movement’s success. But people did not rally under the Maoist flag, even in rural areas where the insurgents had directly urged their participation. While most endorsed elements of the Maoist agenda they did not heed calls for a revolutionary insurrection and sent a strong signal that people power is a constraint on the actions of the rebels as well as the palace and parties......... Nepal is particularly exposed to external influence. Sandwiched between regional superpowers and long dependent on foreign aid, its leaders and people have often looked to outsiders at times of crisis. This time India, the U.S. and some European powers did help to create the environment for a democracy movement but were brushed off when they appeared to press for an unpopular solution to end the crisis. ........ the people at large .... did so in the face of a coordinated international campaign to halt the protests ......... the parties’ November 2005 twelve-point agreement with the Maoists, without which the movement would never have been possible. ........ considering funding a thorough professional auditing of government, palace and military expenditure by reputable international accountants. ........ pressure to be maintained for full and transparent investigation of human rights abuses, including unresolved cases of forced disappearance, and for adequate sentencing of those convictedIn The News
Probe panel summons King’s principal secretary, King’s interrogation 'likely' NepalNews summon order to King Gyanendra’s principal secretary, Pashupati Bhakta Maharjan ...... Maharjan, who was conferred with the honorary title ‘Mir Subba’ by the palace last year, worked as a pointman in political meetings of the King Gyanendra, mainly after his October 4, 2002, move when he sacked then Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba. ........ the BBC said Maharan was being summoned by the commission to discuss the procedures for questioning the King over the brutal clampdown on the democratic movement ....... “A panel member said many of those questioned had pointed fingers at King Gyanendra who headed the government as chairman of the council of ministers” ........ this will be the first questioning of a monarch in Nepalese history by any probe body. China hopes for early political reconciliation in Nepal: Chinese FM The Chinese FM also appreciated Nepal’s firm support on issues concerning Tibet, Taiwan and human rights. UN to fully support Nepal peace process: Martin Ian Martin has said that he is very optimistic for lasting peace in Nepal. ...... move from the basic understanding that now exists to the design and establishment of actual assistance by UN to the peace process ...... a peace process which was demanded and is led by the Nepali people ..... Martin did not say whether the UN will give recognition to the temporary camps established by the Maoists. "Let my military advisor join me first"
Govt. to send 850 soldiers to Lebanon
Signing of peace accord a must for lasting peace: Dr Gunthar
Japanese parliamentarians to visit Nepal
Surrendering arms is not a solution: DPM Sherchan holding high level talks between the government and the Maoists within a week...... unresolved six issues include status of monarchy, interim legislature and procedures for constituent assembly elections ....... Sherchan, who also holds the health portfolio, also said that the Ministry will amend all discriminatory laws in the health sector. SC asks government to form powerful committee to investigate the whereabouts of three detainees Rajendra Prasad Dhakal, Bipin Bhandari and Dil Bahadur Rai. ..... the first time the apex court has ordered to form such a probe committee to seek the whereabouts of disappeared people ...... Dhakal, the then President of Gorkha NBA Unit, has gone missing for the last nine years, while whereabouts of Maoist student leaders Bhandari and Rai is unknown since they were arrested from Chabahil, Kathmandu, in 2001.
Govt to form taskforce to expedite peace talks
Rescue teams mobilized in flood-hit Accham district 
German government supports Nepal peace process
Politicians in Nepal blame India for floods Hindustan Times, India
Nepal king to be questioned over protest crackdown Reuters AlertNet, UK an unprecedented move in a nation which once revered its monarch ....... troops shot and beat protesters who brought Nepal to a standstill for three weeks ...... Many officials questioned so far had blamed the government of the day for the crackdown, said Harihar Birahi, a member of the panel ....... "If Saddam Hussein has been given a chance to clear his position, why should our king not get an opportunity," Birahi asked, referring to the deposed Iraqi leader. ........ "This is not an insult to him. It is an opportunity," Birahi said. ...... He said no decision had been taken on whether members of the panel would go to the palace or send written questions to the king asking him to explain his role. ....... "I think the king should be questioned and punished if found guilty," said Mani Lama, a 23-year-old taxi driver. "There is nothing wrong in this."
Western Nepal reels under floods Hindu, India
China to extend Tibetan railway to Nepal border Hindustan Times, India
At least 22 die in Nepal mudslides CNN International
Nepal's Umbilical Cord Nepalnews.com, Nepal
UN to work for reconciliation between Nepal's government, Maoists Raw Story, MA
UN’s role limited to helping peace process: Martin Kantipur Publications
Royals use Guthi Sansthan land in capital, report says
Qinghai-Tibet Railway may extend to Nepal, says report
Commission summons king’s principal secretary
Maoist central committee meeting discusses draft interim statute, summit talks
ँराष्ट्रसंघ कार्यदललाई निशस्त्रीकरण अधिकार हुनुपर्छ’
सांसदहरूद्वारा आलोचना
सांसदको नयाँ लोगो
दलित समस्याबारे ध्यानाकर्षण
राजाको लगानीका थप उद्योगको खोज्
सुरक्षा संयन्त्र
शान्ति प्रक्रियाबारे गहन प्रश्न
७२ मिनेटमा हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं राजधानीलाई तराईसँग जोड्ने वैकल्पिक मार्गको खोजी जारी छ । तिनमा कान्ति राजपथ, रेल मार्ग, हेटौंडा-फाखेल-फर्पिङ सडक, वाग्मती करिडर र हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं 'फास्ट ट्रयाक' छन् । हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं सुरुङ एउटा त्यस्तै विशिष्ट मार्ग हो । ....... पछिल्लो अध्ययनअनुसार थानकोटदेखि चित्लाङ्ग फँेदीसम्म ३.४ किलोमिटरको सुरुङ बन्नेछ । मार्खु पुग्नुअगाडि ०.६ किमि र देउराली चिसापानीगढीको ३.२ । तीनवटा सुरुङको लम्बाई ७.२ किमि मात्र हुनेछ । ........ तीन सुरुङ र सडक ५२ किमि गरी कुल लम्बाइ ५९.२ किमि हुने उनले बताएका थिए । यो मार्ग बनेपछि हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं यात्रा ७२ मिनेटमा पूरा हुनेछ । निर्माण लागत ९ अर्ब ३५ करोड लाग्ने अनुमान थियो । प्रतिटि्रप ६ सय रुपैयाँले सडक शुल्क उठाउँदा वाषिर्क ५४ करोड उठ्नेछ । १७ वर्षमा लागत उठ्ने भएकाले ३५ वर्ष निम्ति सम्झौता हुनुपर्ने भनिएको थियो । ......... राजधानीमा बढ्दो जनसंख्याको चाप नजिकै पर्ने गाविसमा स्थानान्तरित हुन्छ । पानी सोस्ने र प्रदूषण गर्ने उद्योग उपत्यका बाहिर पठाउन सकिन्छ । यस मार्ग वरिपरि पर्ने मकवानपुरका नौवटा गाविस काठमाडौंको बगैंचाको रूपमा विकास गर्न सकिन्छ । ...... काठमाडौंबाट हेटौंडा पुग्न २ सय २९ किमिको बदला जम्मा ५९ र वीरगञ्ज २ सय ८४ साटो १ सय १४ किमिको यात्रा कस्तो सहज होला ? ........ काठमाडौंबाट हेटौंडा-वीरगन्ज डेढ घन्टाको दूरी, नारायणगढ वा चन्द्रनिगाहपुर साढे दुई र राजविराज वा भैरहवा साढे चार घन्टाको दूरीमा रूपान्तरित हुनेछ । ....... झन्डै ८ अर्ब रुपैयाँ सवारी साधनबाट मात्र बचत हुन्छ । ........ यो फास्ट ट्रयाकमा ट्रली, रेल सञ्चालन गर्न सक्नेछौं । ....... नेपालले चीन र भारतको ट्रान्जिट बन्न इच्छा व्यक्त गरेपछि पुनः हेटौंडा - काठमाडौं दु्रतमार्गको चर्चा चलेको छ । .... ०६० मा सरकारले 'बीओटी' अवधारणाबाट निर्माण गर्ने प्राथमिकतामा राखेकेा थियो । ..... नेपाल रसिया उद्योग वाणिज्य संघ तथा मस्कोस्थित स्टेट टेक्निकल युनिभर्सिटी, मादी युनिभर्सिटी लगायतमा छलफल भएको थियो । त्यहाँ रहेका गैर आवासीय नेपालीलगायतले संयुक्त लगानी गर्न सकिने बताए । त्यसका लागि आवश्यक ऐन नियम स्पष्ट हुनु पर्ने धारणा उनीहरूबाट आएको थियो । ......
अमेरिकाद्वारा साढे २ अर्ब सहयोग
German government supports Nepal peace process
Politicians in Nepal blame India for floods Hindustan Times, India
Nepal king to be questioned over protest crackdown Reuters AlertNet, UK an unprecedented move in a nation which once revered its monarch ....... troops shot and beat protesters who brought Nepal to a standstill for three weeks ...... Many officials questioned so far had blamed the government of the day for the crackdown, said Harihar Birahi, a member of the panel ....... "If Saddam Hussein has been given a chance to clear his position, why should our king not get an opportunity," Birahi asked, referring to the deposed Iraqi leader. ........ "This is not an insult to him. It is an opportunity," Birahi said. ...... He said no decision had been taken on whether members of the panel would go to the palace or send written questions to the king asking him to explain his role. ....... "I think the king should be questioned and punished if found guilty," said Mani Lama, a 23-year-old taxi driver. "There is nothing wrong in this."
Western Nepal reels under floods Hindu, India
China to extend Tibetan railway to Nepal border Hindustan Times, India
At least 22 die in Nepal mudslides CNN International
Nepal's Umbilical Cord Nepalnews.com, Nepal
UN to work for reconciliation between Nepal's government, Maoists Raw Story, MA
UN’s role limited to helping peace process: Martin Kantipur Publications
Royals use Guthi Sansthan land in capital, report says
Qinghai-Tibet Railway may extend to Nepal, says report
Commission summons king’s principal secretary
Maoist central committee meeting discusses draft interim statute, summit talks
ँराष्ट्रसंघ कार्यदललाई निशस्त्रीकरण अधिकार हुनुपर्छ’
सांसदहरूद्वारा आलोचना
सांसदको नयाँ लोगो
दलित समस्याबारे ध्यानाकर्षण
राजाको लगानीका थप उद्योगको खोज्
सुरक्षा संयन्त्र
शान्ति प्रक्रियाबारे गहन प्रश्न
७२ मिनेटमा हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं राजधानीलाई तराईसँग जोड्ने वैकल्पिक मार्गको खोजी जारी छ । तिनमा कान्ति राजपथ, रेल मार्ग, हेटौंडा-फाखेल-फर्पिङ सडक, वाग्मती करिडर र हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं 'फास्ट ट्रयाक' छन् । हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं सुरुङ एउटा त्यस्तै विशिष्ट मार्ग हो । ....... पछिल्लो अध्ययनअनुसार थानकोटदेखि चित्लाङ्ग फँेदीसम्म ३.४ किलोमिटरको सुरुङ बन्नेछ । मार्खु पुग्नुअगाडि ०.६ किमि र देउराली चिसापानीगढीको ३.२ । तीनवटा सुरुङको लम्बाई ७.२ किमि मात्र हुनेछ । ........ तीन सुरुङ र सडक ५२ किमि गरी कुल लम्बाइ ५९.२ किमि हुने उनले बताएका थिए । यो मार्ग बनेपछि हेटौंडा-काठमाडौं यात्रा ७२ मिनेटमा पूरा हुनेछ । निर्माण लागत ९ अर्ब ३५ करोड लाग्ने अनुमान थियो । प्रतिटि्रप ६ सय रुपैयाँले सडक शुल्क उठाउँदा वाषिर्क ५४ करोड उठ्नेछ । १७ वर्षमा लागत उठ्ने भएकाले ३५ वर्ष निम्ति सम्झौता हुनुपर्ने भनिएको थियो । ......... राजधानीमा बढ्दो जनसंख्याको चाप नजिकै पर्ने गाविसमा स्थानान्तरित हुन्छ । पानी सोस्ने र प्रदूषण गर्ने उद्योग उपत्यका बाहिर पठाउन सकिन्छ । यस मार्ग वरिपरि पर्ने मकवानपुरका नौवटा गाविस काठमाडौंको बगैंचाको रूपमा विकास गर्न सकिन्छ । ...... काठमाडौंबाट हेटौंडा पुग्न २ सय २९ किमिको बदला जम्मा ५९ र वीरगञ्ज २ सय ८४ साटो १ सय १४ किमिको यात्रा कस्तो सहज होला ? ........ काठमाडौंबाट हेटौंडा-वीरगन्ज डेढ घन्टाको दूरी, नारायणगढ वा चन्द्रनिगाहपुर साढे दुई र राजविराज वा भैरहवा साढे चार घन्टाको दूरीमा रूपान्तरित हुनेछ । ....... झन्डै ८ अर्ब रुपैयाँ सवारी साधनबाट मात्र बचत हुन्छ । ........ यो फास्ट ट्रयाकमा ट्रली, रेल सञ्चालन गर्न सक्नेछौं । ....... नेपालले चीन र भारतको ट्रान्जिट बन्न इच्छा व्यक्त गरेपछि पुनः हेटौंडा - काठमाडौं दु्रतमार्गको चर्चा चलेको छ । .... ०६० मा सरकारले 'बीओटी' अवधारणाबाट निर्माण गर्ने प्राथमिकतामा राखेकेा थियो । ..... नेपाल रसिया उद्योग वाणिज्य संघ तथा मस्कोस्थित स्टेट टेक्निकल युनिभर्सिटी, मादी युनिभर्सिटी लगायतमा छलफल भएको थियो । त्यहाँ रहेका गैर आवासीय नेपालीलगायतले संयुक्त लगानी गर्न सकिने बताए । त्यसका लागि आवश्यक ऐन नियम स्पष्ट हुनु पर्ने धारणा उनीहरूबाट आएको थियो । ......
अमेरिकाद्वारा साढे २ अर्ब सहयोग
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