Congress Unification In Five Weeks. Maoist Soldiers In Barracks In Four Weeks. Interim Constitution In Four Weeks. This is the talk. If we can get these, that would be wonderful. Dashain would be festive for the first time in 10 years. That has been a long wait.
I commend Koirala for taking the initiative to unify the two Congress parties. He can do it if he sets his mind to it. He has the stature. He can just go ahead and decide.
Monarchy And Maoists
If the seven parties do not agree to abolish the monarchy right away, the Maoists are simply going to have to accept that position. The monarchy gets turned into an interim monarchy. I kind of like the UML proposal. You hold a referendum on the monarchy at the same time as you hold the elections to the constituent assembly. That will be fair enough.
Nepali Congress Convention
If the Nepali Congress were to hold a convention, which would be the best way for its two factions to become one, that party will get a clear republican thrust from its grassroots. And Koirala is going to get irrelevant. Or if he manages to impose himself on his party, the Nepali Congress is going to pay a heavy price for its stand for a ceremonial monarchy.
Language Policy
This is a stickler. This asks for a lot of work to be done. This was the number one topic of debate at the Alliance Picnic. (Alliance, GFIPN: Audio, Video, Alliance Picnic 2, Alliance Picnic)
Janajati In NYC
They give me much hope. There are too few Madhesis for me to have a large natural social justice base. But there are plenty of Janajatis. And I am impressed with the level of their political consciousness. (Global Federation Of Indigenous People Of Nepal, GFIPN 9)
Census, Citizenship Papers
There has to be a census, and citizenship papers have to be issued to all Nepalis before there can be constituent assembly elections.
Direct Elections, Reserved Seats For The DaMaJaMa
All those who will end up in the constituent assembly will have to be directly elected by the people. There should be no compromise on that.
And there should be reserved seats for the DaMaJaMa. Kind of like the Ram Vilas Paswan seat in India. His has been a reserved Dalit seat.
Anand Bist, Surendra Devkota
I am not a Congressi, so I don't know. But Sujata Koirala flexed her muscles and dumped Anand Bist.
I have met Surendra Devkota. He is a nice guy, and well qualified.
Perhaps these two Congress factions within the Koirala Congress will also make unification attempts. Right now there are two groups. The bifurcation got engineered from Nepal.
In The News
PM Koirala in Biratnagar; says he is committed to party unity NepalNews
Govt. appoints Katawal as acting CoAS of Nepal Army; fills various vacant posts
Referendum should decide the fate of Monarchy: Bijukchhe
Tortured repeatedly, a pro-democracy activist battles for life
"Inclusion of Nepali language in NCSU is a recognition of Nepali as a dignified community"
King owns 40,000 ropanis of land: Ministry; govt asked to ban royal land transactions
King should not be given any space in new democracy: Prachanda the King should be suspended till the elections of the constituent assembly.
Workers’ strike brings work in tea estates and processing units to halt
Lack of consensus among parties delaying interim constitution: Aryal
Koirala optimistic on party unity within five weeks Kantipur Publications the parties will be unified with dignified positions for all the members.” .....
Govt announces financial help to Jana Andolan victims; makes new appointments
Kin of 30 killed by NA seek compensation
Prachanda says King shouldn’t be given space in interim statute though several attempts were made to force them to return to war, his party wouldn’t go back to “jungle to wage war again.” ...... “Rather we are ready to launch a Kathmandu-centered revolution but we won’t return to jungle.” ......
State Minister Lekhak held up for two and half hours
Over 150 Maoist victims arrested in capital
Notorious robber Limbu among three arrested in heist attempt Limbu and his gang has plotted and successfully executed over a dozen heists in the capital in the past one year. ..... The same group looted property worth more than Rs. 2 million from Continental Marketing, Teku in Kathmandu only three weeks ago. ...... Limbu confessed that he has so far looted Rs. 1.5 million from Nawa Kantipur Finance, Rs 1.1 million from Nepal Bank Limited, and Rs. 1 million from Royal Cooperatives, and property worth Rs. 3.2 million from the house of Shrawan Kumar Goyal in Battisputali, Rs. 1.5 million from the house of Shobha Kharel and Rs. 700,000 from the house of Santosh Limbu in Dhumbarahi
Thapa alleges US of intervening in peace process Janakpur, Aug 13 - A senior leader of CPN (M) Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal ..... Thapa dubbed the problems of citizenship in Terai region as minor issue. However, Thapa admitted that the constituent assembly polls might get affected if citizenship problems were not resolved before the country embarked onto the polls. ..... his party was ready to hold talks with Goith's front.
King owns over 32,824 ropanis of land throughout country: Report
ँहतियार लुकाउँदैनौं’
धर्ना बसेका माओवादीपीडित पक्राउ
सर्वाधिक खोजिएका लुटेरा स्थानीय बासिन्दाद्वारा पक्राउ
चौकी आक्रमण गर्ने माओवादी धम्की
दलित सहभागितामा जोड
महिला भेद विभेद
हतियारको त्रासमा संविधानसभा
Nepal MPs ban sale of royal property Hindustan Times, India
Arlen Specter Visits Nepal OhmyNews International, South Korea
UN team to monitor arms in Nepal BBC News, UK
Arms management by mid-Sept in Nepal: Home Minister
Nepal-India talks on petroleum products concluded without progress People's Daily Online, China
Nepal Maoists to continue struggle Bangkok Post, Thailand
Fazlu shifts from Malaysia to Nepal Hindu, India Fazal-ur-Rehman, the underworld don who was recently arrested by the Special Cell of the Delhi police, shifted base from Malaysia to Nepal .... Fazlu, had been operating from Dubai since mid-1990s, his two brothers Irshad and Naushad had set up a business in suitcases and handbags in Nepal. They migrated to Nepal like several others from their village in Darbhanga, a district located near the porous Indo-Nepal border, in search of a better livelihood....... Fazlu committed his first crime in 1988 in Darbhanga when he abducted a young woman he was attracted towards. He was arrested in that case and spent four years in jail. Later, he came in contact with big-time gangster Jameel Khan, who introduced him to underworld dons like Babloo Srivastava. In due course, Fazlu developed close relations with the wife of Jameel's brother, with whom he had been living since. His children are pursuing their studies in Nepal. ......
UML CC Meet Continues For 10th Day Himalayan Times
NC, NC-D merger before Dashain: PM Koirala today said he would give a respectable place to the NC-D in his party...... Koirala also said that his health was improving.
No aid for govt with terrorists: US
Bill to replace military acts tabled in House The government today produced in the House of Representatives a bill to replace the Military Act 2016 BS, the Military Power Conferring Act 2015 BS and The Power, Duty, Authority and Service Condition of the CoAS Act 2026 BS. Once passed by the House, the bill would become the Military Act 2006. ...... the army will be controlled by the government and mobilised on the recommendation of the Defence Council headed by the prime minister. The defence, home, finance and foreign affairs ministers will be the ex-officio members of the council. ..... The bill also proposes that the CoAS would retire once he attains the age of 61 years. ..... Defence Council will formulate policies and programmes regarding the mobilisation and control of the Nepal Army, fix its strength and organisational structure and decide on the management of arms and ammunition. .... the government can dismiss any army officer, while the CoAS can dismiss any non-gazetted officer or demote him/her. .... Clause 28 of the proposed Act authorises the army to set up an Army Welfare Fund where every personnel must deposit 15 per cent of their salary.
Lack of consensus among parties delaying interim constitution: Aryal NepalNews a lack of consensus among the seven-party alliance (SPA) and the Maoists on important issues. ..... We need their consensus on major issues of the monarchy, alternative to the Parliament and citizenship. ..... the ruling alliance and the Maoists should form common stance on the political issues since a poorly formulated interim statute could impede the path to the constituent assembly elections. ...... Maoist leader Dina Nath Sharma..... said the inclusion of the monarchy in the interim constitution is unacceptable .......
House should not be dissolved in haste: PM Koirala Koirala has said that there was no question of dissolving the House of Representatives until there is a reliable alternative...... While the Maoists are depending on their weapons as their source of power, parliament is the source of power and weapon for the unarmed political parties and the people ........ Koirala said that the Maoists should lay down arms before joining the interim government. ..... Regarding his recent controversial remarks to provide space to the King and the Maoists in democracy, Koirala asserted that his remarks were based on the reality ..... “I will do what my conscience tells me. I am not going to bow down to anyone. ...... On the issue of unification of the two factions of Nepali Congress, he said, “Unity between the two congresses would pave the way out of the existing national crisis. It is the need of the hour." ..... NC parliamentarians expressed serious concerns over the disregard of the Maoists toward the understandings and agreements reached with the government, as they are continuing extortions, intimidation and abductions. .....
Legal experts ask to guarantee independent of Judiciary in interim constitution
Man held by Maoists found dead: Report
Summit talks by end of August: DPM Sherchan
UN special rapporteur to arrive on Sunday
Security beefed up at TIA after UK terror plot
Janakpur to Geneva: a ‘disappeared’ trail Kantipur Publications As per an optional protocol to the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, action could be initiated at the Geneva-based UN Committee against the guilty in such cases if the concerned government fails to take action against perpetrators even three months after lodging the case.
Man held by Maoists found dead
Tea garden workers to go on strike from today
137 suicide cases in past year in Kathmandu: Police
National consensus on economy must: FM Mahat
सहमतिको भित्री कथा दुवै पक्ष्ाको सेनालाई निश्चित क्याम्पमा राखेर अनुगमन गर्ने सहमतिले वास्तविक युद्धविरामको महसुस दिलाउने निश्चित छ । दुवैका सेना निश्चित घेरामा कैद भएपछि जम्काभेट हुने कुरा पनि भएन, त्यसकारण तत्काल हिंसात्मक गतिविधि हुने खतरा टरेको छ । यस सहमतिले पहिलोपटक माओवादी सेनालाई मान्यता दिएको छ । ...... साउन १६ गते एमालेले पनि त्यस्तै तीन सूत्रीय खाका प्रस्तुत गर्यो, जसमा पहिलो चरणमा माओवादी सेनालाई दर्ता र प्रमाणीकरण गरी तोकिएका शिविरमा राखिनुपर्ने, दोस्रो चरणमा हतियार र सेनालाई अलग पार्ने तथा हातहतियार संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घको निगरानीमा ताल्चा मारेर राख्नुपर्ने र अन्तिम चरणमा माओवादी सेनालाई एकीकृत गरनिुपर्ने उल्लेख थियो । ....... दिनानाथ शर्मा भन्छन्, "संसद् विघटनको मुद्दा केन्द्रीय प्रश्न थियो, त्यसलाई विषयान्तर गर्न राष्ट्रसङ्घ आयो । पछि त हतियारकै मुद्दा मुख्य रूपमा उठाइयो । जबसम्म राजनीतिक समस् यालाई केन्द्रविन्दु मानिँदैन, तबसम्म्ा दिगो हतियार व्यवस् थापन हुँदैन ।" ..... यस्तै अवधारणा माओत्सेतुङ्ले ५९ वर्षअघि चीनमा लागू गरेका थिए । सन् १९४७ मा तत्कालीन चिनियाँ शासक च्याङ् काईसेकसँग माओ आफँैले ४५ दिनसम्म वार्ता गरेर जनसेना घटाउनेदेखि आधारइलाका कम गर्नेसम्म सहमति गरे । त्यसबेला राष्ट्रियताको विषयमा जापानी सेनाविरुद्ध चिनियाँ राष्ट्रिय सेना र जनसेना एउटै कमाण्डमा आबद्ध भई लड्ने, जसको नेतृत्व सुपि्रम कमाण्ड च्याङ्काईसेकलाई दिने भन्ने थियो । चीनमा च्याङ्काईसेकको सुपि्रम कमान्डअन्तर्गत सात वर्षसम्म विद्रोही सेना सामेल भएको इतिहास छ । तर, पछि तिनै जनसेना र केही राष्ट्रिय सेनाले विद्रोह गरेर चीनमा जनवादी सत्ता ल्याइयो । यस्तै स्थिति नेपालमा आउनसक्ने आशङ् काले राजनीतिक दलहरूले पछिल्लो अवधारणालाई ठाडै अस्वीकार गरेका हुन् । ......... मिष्टुराको सात सदस्यीय टोलीले साउन १७ गते माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्ड तथा नेता डा बाबुराम भट्टराईसँग भेट्दा २५ः५० को अनुपातमा हतियार व्यवस्थापन गर्ने प्रयोग विधि अगाडि सारेको थियो । त्यो भन्नुको मतलब, सरकारी सेनाको २५ प्रतिशत हतियार प्रयोगविहीन गर्ने र विद्रोहीको ५० प्रतिशत हतियार निःशस्त्रीकरण गर्ने । तर, यस प्रस्तावलाई माओवादी नेताद्वयले इन्कार गरे । "हतियार व्यवस्थापनको कुरा उठ्दा कसैले २५ र कसैको ५० प्रतिशत निःशस्त्रीकरण गर्ने भन्ने प्रश्नै उठ्दैन, दुवैलाई समान ढङ्गले व्यवहार गरनिुपर्छ," मिष्टुरालाई प्रचण्डले जवाफ दिनुभएको थियो । ...... "राष्ट्रसङ्घले त डिभिजन स्तरका कमाण्ड बनून् भन्ने सुझाव दिएको छ तर त्यो हाम्रो अनुकूलमा खडा हुन्छ, आवश्यकता परेमा बिग्रेडस् तरका पनि क्याम्प बनाउने पनि छलफल चलाएका छौँ ।" .... "त्यस्ता विशेष दस्ताहरू डिभिजनबाटै सञ्चालित भइरहेकाले डिभिजनमा फर्किन्छन् ।" ..... "राष्ट्रियस् तरमै छुट्टाछुट्टै क्याम्प बनाएर सेनाको मान्यता दिएपछि त्यसको भरणपोषण पनि राज्यले गर्नुपर्छ । अनि, मात्र चन्दाजस् ता समस्या निवारण हुन्छन् ।" ....... "आन्दोलनकारी शक्ति बाहिर बसेर संविधानसभामा जाने कुरै हुँदैन । यदि सरकारमा सामेल नगराई जबर्जस्ती संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन गर्न खोजियो भने अर्को विद्रोह हुन्छ ।" ...... राष्ट्रसङ्घको सहभागितामा अफगानिस्तानका ५९ हजार विद्रोही सेना शान्ति प्रक्रियामा सामेल भएको थियो । ...... राष्ट्रसङ्घकै अग्रसरतामा मलायाका विद्रोहीको हतियार नष्ट गरएिको, कङ्गोमा विद्रोहीलाई राष्ट्रिय सेनामा समावेश गरेर त्यहाँ प्रजातान्त्रिक चुनाव सम्पन्न गराएको, उत्तरी आयरल्याण्डमा विद्रोहीका हतियारलाई ताल्चा लगाएर सरकारमा सामेल गराएको, सियरालियोनमा छुट्टै फौज खटाइएको अनुभव छ । ...... "विद्रोहीको हतियार नष्ट पार्नु भनेको हात काटेर फालेजस्तै हो । त्यसैले राष्ट्रसङ्घले यहाँ आएर हतियार जम्मा पार्नेभन्दा पनि कसको सेनाले कस्तो भूमिका खेलेको छ भनेर पर्यवेक्षण मात्रै गर्ने हो ।" ..... माओवादीको दीर्घकालीन योजना भनेकै राष्ट्रिय सेनामा समाहित हुने हो । ...... साउन २४ गते अध्यक्ष प्रचण्ड र डा बाबुराम भट्टराईसँगको भेटमा प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाले डा भट्टराईको अभिव्यक्तिले आफू अपमानित भएको गुनासो गर्दै, 'मलाई त्यसरी अपमानित गर्न हुन्छ ?' भन्ने प्रश्न गर्नुभएको थियो । तर, माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाका विरोधाभाषपूर्ण वक्तव्यहरूका कारण राजनीतिक आशङ्काहरू उत्पन्न भएको बताउनुभएपछि प्रधानमन्त्री कोइराला शान्त हुनुभएको थियो । सूत्रहरूका अनुसार, प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाले माओवादी नेताहरूसँग राजतन्त्रका बारेमा आफ्ना धारणाहरू जेजस्ता भए पनि संविधानसभामार्फत जनताले दिने निर्णय आफ्ना लागि मान्य हुने बताउनुभएको थियो । .... प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाको स्वास्थ्यमा सुधारको अर्थ शान्ति प्रक्रियामा बढी गतिशीलता आउनु पनि हो ।
ठेक्कापट्टामा माओवादी
खाँचो दीर्घकालीन एकीकरणको
एमालेमा सरकारको आलोचना
ँम कोइरालाको फलोअर नै हो’
छोरा खोज्न जेनेभासम्म
एकीकरणबिना समाधान हुँदैन'
घाइते आन्दोलनकारी आजदेखि विरोधमा
ँवार्ता भाँड्न पार्टीभित्रै सक्रिय’
'बार्ताबाट निकास'
सेना पुनर्संरचनाबारे बिर्सिएको आयाम
Attack Pak, B’desh, enter Nepal: Rajnath Mumbai Mirror, India
'Nepal's top Maoist leaders are in India' Times of India, India The Maoist leaders could meet a senior party leader Mohan Vaidya, who is currently imprisoned in Siliguri.... India is widely perceived as having brokered an agreement between the Maoists and the opposition parties, resulting in a united movement against the king that forced him to step down this year.
12:55 | Google Inc., Mountain View, United States |
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6. | 13:27 | Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd., Nepal |
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16:47 | Comcast Communications, Alexandria, United States |
Letter To The Editor
Nepali Aawaz
Dear Sir.
As a regular reader and occasional contributor to your groundbreaking
paper and an active member of the New York City Nepali community, I am
offended by your coverage of the SAJA convention, which is otherwise a
work of quality. I was a panelist at the top panel discussion at that
major convention, and I have not so much as been mentioned. This makes
your paper no different from the Pahadi/Bahun media in Kathmandu that
has so far never mentioned me in the context of the April Revolution
and has always refused to print my political articles although I was
the first person Madhav Nepal reached out to when under house arrest
once he managed to smuggle internet access into his residence, and when
Deuba was in NYC he walked over to me and said "Thanks for saving me,"
something he did not say in such personal terms to any other Nepali in
the city. I happen to be the only Nepali in America who did full time
work for a year for the April Revolution. Your deliberate omission is
especially curious since the paper has a Janajati editor. When I have
talked of Madhesi rights, I have at the same time talked of the
DaMaJaMa coalition, Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati, Mahila. I maintain a
blog. It is not journalism. It is politics at the speed of thought. It
is leadership at lightning speed. Some day the Pahadi media in
Kathmandu is going to catch up to that fact. And hopefully your paper
will cure itself of its blind spot.
Thank you.
Paramendra Bhagat
Brooklyn, NYC
Nepali Aawaz
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