There are 120,000 Nepalis in America. 40,000 of them are in New York City. Say we try to organize 25% of them. That is 10,000 people. How do you go about it?
I think the basic building block has to be the House Party. If you gather 10 people on average per party, that is 1,000 house parties in the city you are looking at.
All these 10,000 people do not need to belong to the same organization. As long as they all are interconnected is all that matters.
That is where blogging comes in. Text, audio, video, photo.
Blogger Google Video YouTube BlastPodcast Audio Blogger eBay Devnagari
Blogging is what will make all the difference. Once you blog a house party, it can be related to at the city level, it can be related to by the people in Nepal.
It would help to have it at the same time all over the place. What would that be? The first Sunday of each month in the evening? Or the first weekend of each month? So it is okay if some people have it on Friday, some on Saturday, some on Sunday. Some might have it for lunch, some for dinner.
But you can only get the effect if all house parties feel connected. And for that there has to be an overriding theme.
That theme has to be political empowerment of the Nepali diaspora in New York City. That has to emerge as the topic that brings it all together. That is still a broad topic. And so this is at best the beginning of a conversation.
It has to get much more specific. Like voting rights in New York City. The goal has to be specific, and achievable. When you achieve one, you set a new goal, the next, bigger goal.
Once you set up the infrastructure, you go up, up and up.
Do events, blog events.
Expand organizations, launch organizations.
Nepali Convention: Venue Options, Website, Core 200
Community Center Idea: A Few Options
Shailesh Shrestha Recognized
Nepali Community Center
Alliance, GFIPN: Audio, Video
Business Ideas
Chandra Prakash Sharma 2
Nepal Vista Site Of The Month
April Convention: Creating A Glowing Core
April Convention: Emerging Picture
Chicago Convention September 2-4
April Revolution, April Convention
SAJA Convention 2
MaHa Sanjh
FDI, NRN, Upendra Mahato, $100 Million Fund, Dual Citizenship
ANA Convention: My Hamro Nepal Speech
Tara Niraula At City Hall
On The Web
The Immigrant Voting Project
Immigrant Voting Project --Democracy for All
AALDEF: Voting Rights
Migration Information Source - Immigrant Voting Rights Receive ...
Giving the Newest New Yorkers the Vote (Gotham Gazette. July, 2006)
[PDF] November 14, 2005 Re: Testimony in Support of the Voting Rights ...
Immigration and Refugees - News - Times Topics - The New York ...
Urban Politics: Machines and Reformes / Voting Rights and ...
New Voices / Voting Rights and Citizenship
Non-Citizens Expected to Get Voting Rights in NYC Legislation granting non-citizens the right to vote is expected to pass in New York City this year, immigration rights advocates tell the Amsterdam News...... "We’re very excited and very optimistic that this will pass," New York City Councilman Charles Barron said at a recent press briefing. "We see this as the historical launching of something that should have happened a long time ago," the outspoken Democrat added...... Dubbed the "Voting Rights Restoration Act," the measure would permit immigrants who have a green card to vote in municipal elections, including for mayor, comptroller and city council, after having lived in the city for six months....... The New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights sees the measure being extended one day to state and even federal elections. "There is nothing in either the U.S. or the New York State Constitution that prevents us from expanding the franchise to include non-citizen residents," a spokesman for the group argued in January.......... 22 states and federal territories allowed non-citizen voting during the 18th and 19th centuries. In New York, non-citizen residents were denied the right to vote in 1804...... the measure's impact on New York City elections would be substantial, adding up to 1.5 million voters to rolls. Most of the new voters, experts predict, would cast their ballots for Democrats........ "East Harlem, Mott Haven and the Upper West Side are home to at least 25 thousand non-citizens of voting age who contribute in countless ways to the economic, social and cultural vitality of District 8 and NYC as a whole. Unfortunately they are not allowed to directly participate in choosing the municipal representatives who make the policies that affect their daily lives."
Demos - A Network for Ideas & Action - New York Voting Rights ...
: ALIEN SUFFRAGE: City Mulls Granting Voting Rights To Queens ...
Migration Information Source - Immigrant Voting Rights Receive ...
[PDF] New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights
Election Updates: New Ron Hayduk book on immigrant voting rights
Immigrant Rights :: Immigrant Solidarity Network for Immigrant ...
Diaspora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jewish diaspora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Armenia Diaspora
South Asian Diaspora
Amazon.com: Diaspora: A Novel: Books: Greg Egan
Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
Manas: The Indian Diaspora
The High Level Committee on Indian Diaspora
Border Crossings: Diaspora
Chinese Diaspora Websites, Bibliography, and other interesting ...
Telugu Diaspora
African Diaspora
Irish Diaspora Studies
The Diaspora
African Diaspora Archaeology Network, African American Archaeology
JewishEncyclopedia.com - DIASPORA:
African Diaspora in Latin America - LANIC
Columbia University Libraries - African Diaspora
Amazon.com: Diaspora: Music
The Museum of the African Diaspora
African Studies: African Diaspora Biography
American diaspora - Katrina
South Asian Diaspora literature in English
Diaspora Vibe Gallery
African Diaspora Film Festival
Amazon.co.uk: Diaspora: Books
from jesus to christ: a portrait of jesus' world: the jewish diaspora
African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics
OML - Exodus and Exile: The Spaces of Diaspora
Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre (Shaml)
Harriet Tubman Resource Centre on the African Diaspora
Avraham Rosenblum & Diaspora
Africa Diaspora Investment Week
Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Diaspora and Israel - 1
South Asian Diaspora: Bibliographic Guides
Networking the SA diaspora - SouthAfrica.info
Manas: Reflections on the Indian Diaspora
The Meaning of the Russian Diaspora
Romanian Diaspora
Tulane University - African & African Diaspora Studies
Jazz Diaspora
DePaul Center for Black Diaspora
Diaspora - Sangam's South Asian Newsletter
In the Ukrainian Diaspora at BRAMA - Gateway Ukraine
DIASPORA: homelands in exile
Anasazi Diaspora
Photographs From the African Diaspora | Salon | MoAD
LRB | Eric Hobsbawm : Benefits of Diaspora
South Asian Diaspora
SAJA Stylebook
History of the South Asian Diaspora
History of the South Asian Diaspora
AnthroGlobe Bibliography: South Asian Diaspora and East Africa
Indian, South Asian Diaspora
Sasialit: Literature Of South Asia And The Indian Diaspora
South Asian Development Partnership - The South Asian Diaspora
poojamakhijani.com | south asia and the south asian diaspora in ...
South Asian Diaspora
Amazon.com: Home Truths: Fictions of the South Asian Diaspora in ...
September 5, 2003 - Deadline: South Asian Diaspora Playwrights ...
Contemporary Art and Identity: South Asian Diaspora in North America
Articles on the South Asian Diaspora
Videos explore South Asian diaspora
Duck of Destiny: The South Asian diaspora and speculative fiction
South Asia links
South Asian Diaspora - A Xanga Blogring
South Asian Dispora Database Search
Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Nepal: Business ideas for ...
Global Voices Online » Nepal
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Nepalese diaspora fears for future
United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal - We Blog For Peace And ...
society - diaspora
global: Thamel.com –Serving Diaspora Communities through ICT
Interview with Thamel.com | NextBillion.net - Development Through ...
eKantipur.com - Global Nepali
Diaspora Nepalis
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Diaspora Logistical Help To The Movement
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Money, Message, Organization
Caste in India & Diaspora

On The Web
Dual Citizenship FAQ
US law relating to dual citizenship
US State Department Services Dual Nationality
CIC Canada | Dual Citizenship
Multiple citizenship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia nothing in international law prevents anyone from establishing citizenship in two countries. ...... 4-5 million Australians (up to 25% of the Australian population - by far the largest group at 1.6 million of these, from the UK) had dual citizenship in 2000. An estimated sixty percent of Swiss nationals living abroad in 1998 were dual citizens. Approximately 89 countries in the world officially allow some form of dual or multiple citizenship. In the United States it is estimated that millions of Americans are also citizens of other countries...... most people born in Northern Ireland (who are usually British citizens) may, if they wish, exercise an entitlement to Irish citizenship by simply applying for an Irish passport....... In European Union law there is the concept of EU citizenship which flows from citizenship of a member state..... The Commonwealth of Nations has a Commonwealth citizenship for the citizens of its members. Some member states (such as the UK) allow non-nationals who are Commonwealth citizens to vote and stand for election while resident there........ In Canada, conversely, federal cabinet ministers often have dual citizenship with France or the United Kingdom ...... A dual citizen is subject to travel restrictions, embargoes and sets of laws issued by multiple governments governing one's behaviour domestically and while travelling abroad. Also, as a drawback peculiar to a few countries such as the U.S., citizens are obligated to pay taxes in both the country of origin and the actual country of residence. However, many countries and territories have contracted treaties or agreements of avoiding double taxation. ....... The number of multiple citizens is large and increasing. Millions of people in the world are now citizens of more than one country. The number of multiple citizens is going to increase rapidly as people become ever more mobile, living, marrying and having children in multiple countries over the course of their lives.......... A British citizen also holds European Union and Commonwealth of Nations citizenship.
Dual Citizenship - Consular Affairs
Philippines : Gov.Ph : Frequently Asked Questions : Philippines
Dual Nationality (Adults) from BritainUSA
Italian Citizenship - Italian Dual Citizenship
Dual Nationality - FAQ - Consular Affairs
The Hindu : Front Page : What is dual citizenship
Ministry of Home Affairs - Overseas Citizenship of India
AMCITS • Dual CitizenshipU.S. Consular Services in Canada
Non Resident Indians - Dual Citizenship
Dual Citizenship
BBC NEWS | Talking Point | South Asian Debates | Dual citizenship ...
South African Department of Home Affairs
Dual Citizenship India, Dual Citizenship info : Indiaday.org
Center for Immigration Studies
[PDF] United States Office of Personnel Management Investigations Service
Dual Nationality - Dual Citizenship, US Entry, Passport ...
Dual citizenship policy: SC notice to govt- The Times of India
Free Italian American Dual Citizenship Questionnaire
Dual Citizenship
US Policy on Dual Nationality
Ministry of Home Affairs - Overseas Citizenship of India
Citizens of India will be allowed dual citizenship with USA
UDI: Dual citizenship
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