I Support The Civil Society Agitation
The seven party alliance has been dragging its feet on the peace process. That has to change.
These Maoists started out as classic Maoists, true. In classic Maoism, power flows through the barrel of a gun. You kill class enemies in the most public ways possible. And so on. To that either you seek a military solution, or a political solution. I think we have decided to seek a political solution.
If you don't want a military solution, or can not have it, and you drag your feet on the political solution, then what message are you sending?
When the Maoists say the House has to be dissolved, the seven party says no, it should not. The more apt answer would be to demand the Maoist local governments should be dissolved at the same time. The seven party alliance has to get more proactive.
Interim Army: You Can Walk And Chew Gum At The Same Time
Direct Elections, One Seat For Every 100,000 People, Reservations, Primaries
Political Decisions, House Dissolution, Maoist Transformation
New Triangle: Maoists, Seven Parties, Civil Society
The Physically Challenged
First the women got beat up. Then the Kamaiya got beat up. Now the physically challenged have been arrested. This is wrong. Why can't one of the ministers instead come out and meet the protesting crowd? Why can't they instead invite this group in for some tea and some talk?
Arrests like these are an insult to the April Revolution.
In Solidarity With The Kamaiya Movement
Why Were The Women Beat Up?
Truth And Reconciliation Commission
It worries me that noone in the seven party alliance has brought this up yet. I can not imagine a permanent peace without this.
Land Reform, Truth And Reconciliation
All human rights abuses and atrocities of the past years by both armies have to be documented. That might still lead to forgiveness, but all stories have to be heard. There is no short cut there.
This is of fundamental importance.
In The News
Civil society activists take to streets, Maoist cadres join in NepalNews Nearly two hundred students, led by ANNFSU (Revolutionary) president Lekhnath Neupane, joined the sit-in led by civil society leaders Dr. Devendra Raj Panday and Krishna Pahadi. The students chanted slogans against the “old parliament”
Arms of Maoists going to the underworld: India the nature of smuggling along the Nepal-India border has changed from "consumer and industrial goods to arms and ammunition, explosives and fake Indian currency notes" ...... now smugglers employ individuals and smaller groups for supplying contraband..... vehicles coming from Nepal, especially empty oil tankers have been used to smuggle in arms into India....... report mentions Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Myanmar borders used for smuggling arms and ammunition into India
Rayamajhi commission grills eight royal administrators
Three members of ‘high level’ UN team arrives in Kathmandu
PM directs talks team to concentrate on core agenda talks team quoted Koirala as saying the talks would be successful as it was going ahead positively ......
Police arrest nearly two-dozen disabled people Police arrested nearly two dozen physically challenged people from the protest programme organized by the Federation of Disabled People in front of Singha Durbar, the main administrative hub of the country demanding their representation in the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee....... the democratic government had neglected their demands. One of their demands is reservation for disabled people in all sectors.....
SC nullifies EC decision to freeze Rana-led RPP’s election symbol
New Highest Railway Opens All-Round Inter-Regional Link Prospects the first regular railway service to Lhasa was flagged off from Beijing . Covering 4062 KM, the train reached Lhasa after 48 hours ...... 4th of July in 1837 when Grand Junction Railway, world's first long-distance railway, was opened between Birmingham and Liverpool in the UK ...... India and Pakistan, two of the eventual major destinations of the Chinese railway ..... the rail service travels through the highest elevation of 5072 meters from the sea level. ....... the world's highest altitude and longest plateau railway-extending 1956 km from Qinghai province's capital Xining to Lhasa in the south-west.......... About 550 km of this railway track run on permanently frozen earth. ...... the railway uses 1686-meter long Kunlung mountain tunnel, the world's longest tunnel built on permanently frozen earth. The train speed on the permanently frozen earth is designed to be 100 km/hour while this will reach to 120 km/hour on normal track ...... Yunnan-Myanmar and Bangladesh and Tibet-Nepal and the heartland of India (that is, India 's Bihar , UP, Delhi , Punjab and Haryana provinces) ...... has brought Nepal closer to Asia 's Far East (that is, Japan , Republic of Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea ) via Shanghai ...... Lhasa these days is abuzz with standardization of new lexicon or gamut of words/phrases relating to train services as they did not exist in the Tibetan language before. And one of these phrases is "Mei Kuo Er" or "railway" though "Ri Li" can also be used in Tibetan oral expression for the train. ...... Nepal , a nation which shares with Tibet the most extensive social, cultural and economic ties.
Nepal donors resume peace and aid talks Hindustan Times, India
Nepal King's aunt received undue medical assistance
NEPAL: Rebels not ready to disarm until peace process completed ... Reuters AlertNet, UK
Nepal Parliament Asks Govt to Ratify Rome Statute Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
Nepal Police arrest & detain 21 Tibetans for illegal entry Phayul, Tibet
'Maoists' arms being smuggled into India from Nepal'
Civil societies' role important: Indian leaders Dubbed 'Nepal Chetana Yatra', the unique road mission from New Delhi to Kathmandu was flagged off outside veteran leader Chandra Shekhar's 3, South Avenue Lane residence by Janata Dal United {JD (U)} leader Sharad Yadav and Rastriya Lok Dal leader Ajith Singh..... The automotive 'Yatra' also includes BJP's Pankaj Choudhary and socialist leaders Kamal Morarkia and Ravindra Manchanda. ... Commenting on the Maoist supremo, Tripathi quipped, "He is Pushpa Kamal, he does not need to be Prachanda."
Hundreds hit out at govt to speed up peace process
Maoist cadres approach police for their security . Maoists had kept them in prison since eight days accusing them of indulging in 'cultural crime' i.e. maintaining sexual relations with consent. .... He said their colleagues had chased them all the way. ..... Human rights activists tried to negotiate with Maoist cadres as the latter encircled the police office demanding that the duo be handed back. They agreed go back after agreement was reached that they would not be tortured and dissatisfaction and faults, if any within the party would be discussed. ..... The agreement was reached after Maoist leader Agni Sapkota exerted pressure on the local administration and human rights activists insisting that the rebels should be allowed to take away their cadres. At least 12 Maoist cadres had reached the police office. ... Man Bahadur, a resident of Padampokhari-3 of Makawanpur is a platoon commander with Third Bethan Smriti Brigade. Over 50 Maoists were under his control. Muna, who hails from Banakhu VDC-1 of Kavre district, had joined PLA two years ago.
Tales of abuse and exploitation in Lebanon Smiling she added, "I don't have any money. I don't know how I'll pay the Rs 28,000 I borrowed for my trip to Lebanon." ..... Rina Siwakoti, of Jhapa, who returned after six years of "some domestic" service in Beirut, said none of the Nepali "house maids" working in and around Beirut were happy....... And once in Beirut, a monthly paycheck of $350 (Rs 26,250) too. "But we had to pay [Dahal the agent] $100 from our monthly salary," Prem Bahadur said. What's worse is that the guys in their twenties had to work for 16 hours every day -- and not for 8 hours as promised by the agent. ...... Indra Dhimal, 38, of Jhapa, who worked and lived there for nearly 13 years. They made $ 300 (Rs 22,500) a month. ..... She reached Beirut on June 16, and was making $ 110 (Rs 8,250) a month. ...... Radha Rai, 25 [Menaka's distant cousin], who spent five years in Beirut , confessed she used to steal food in order to survive.
Govt to form foreign employment department
Travel, trekking open to foreign investment
Helen Shah received $57,735 more in aid
सांस्कृतिक अपराध' मा माओवादी दण्ड
प्रचण्डको पत्रले परिस्थिति बिगार्दैन’
प्रतिनिधिसभाद्वारा सरकारलाई निर्देशन
नागरिक आन्दोलन आजदेखि ३० जिल्लामा बुधबारै सडक संघर्षका कार्यक्रम हुने आन्दोलनले जनाएको छ । माग पूरा नभए संघर्षलाई सहर र टोलटोलसम्म पुर्याउने योजना छ । आन्दोलनले सात दल र माओवादी आठबुँदे सहमति कार्यान्वयन, शान्ति वार्ताको निष्कर्ष, संविधानसभाको मिति तोक्न, प्रतिनिधिसभा विघटन गर्न, युद्धविराम आचारसंहिता अक्षरशः पालना गर्न र दमनकारी प्रमुख सैनिक अधिकारीहरूलाई कारबाही गर्न माग राखेको छ ।
नागरिक समाजको कार्यक्रममा नजान निर्देशन तनहुँ, साउन ९ - नागरिक समाजले आयोजना गरेको दबाबमूलक कार्यक्रममा सहभागी नहुन कांग्रेस जिल्ला कार्यसमितिले आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई निर्देशन दिएको छ । ...... आफ्ना कुनै पनि कार्यकर्तालाई त्यसमा सहभागी नहुन कडा निर्देशन दिएको हो । .... कांग्रेसको यो निर्णयले कार्यक्रममा गम्भीर असर पुगेको स्थानीय आयोजकमध्येका एक नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघका जिल्ला सभापति प्रदीप काफ्लेले बताए । 'कार्यक्रममा मुख्य गरी सञ्चरकर्मी, मानव अधिकारवादी र कानुन व्यवसायी सहभागी हुने निधो थियो,' काफ्लेले भने- 'अधिकांश मानव अधिकारवादी र कानुन व्यवसायी कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता पनि भएकाले यो निर्णयले निकै असर पार्यो ।'
आज चार बजे रत्नपार्कमा
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1 comment:
How come the civil soceity is demanding the dissolution of the House and not the Maoists local governments? They also seem to be keeping entirely mum on the issue of arms management and demobilization of both militaries when they could be providing a real non-partisan leadership on this crucial issue?
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