Police rough up women demanding equal participation NepalNews Police assaulted and beat up women rights activists and women leaders from a sit-in protest in front of the Singha Durbar on Sunday demanding adequate representation of women in all process carried out by the coalition government. ..... rally organized by women wings of seven political parties and several women rights organizations ...... central committee leader of Nepali Congress (Democratic) Uma Adhikari was beaten up, while Sashi Shrestha of People's Front Nepal was roughed up ....... Meena Pandey, central member of NC, Sarita Giri, central leader of Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandidevi), Meera Dhungana, advocate at Forum for Women, Law and Development, Sarmila Karki, president of Jagaran Nepal among others were arrested ..... Giri said that women would continue their protest until the seven party alliance ensured women's proportional representation in all the committees including the government's peace negotiation committee and Interim Constitution Drafting Committee....... only two women representatives in the 31-member Ceasefire and Code of Conduct National Monitoring Committee and only one state minister in the 20-member cabinet. There is no representation of women from both sides of the talks team...... agreeing that women have been excluded from the state mechanism, State Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare, Urmila Aryal, promised to make laws to legitimise the proclamation on women......This is so very wrong. This is offensive. The April Revolution might not have earned the women total equality yet, but it sure earned them and everyone else the right to peaceful assembly. Why were they roughed up? Senior ministers should have come out to meet them and listen to their grievances.
The way these women got beat up, you would think this is pre-April Revolution Nepal and the fascists are back in power.
I am so glad the House is to be dissolved. It reflected the social dysfunction of the 1990s and before. But I am worried the interim government will look as bad. Bahun Chhetri men may not make up more than 20% of the interim government. The interim government has to be one that looks like Nepal.
But if the interim constitution drafting committee is any indication, we will likely get disappointed.
The seven party alliance has taken a political decision on everything else, but on the issue of Chitralekha Yadav it wanted a vote. That was a major warning sign. (Chitralekha Yadav: Speaker)
I believe the DaMaJaMa have to get together and see common ground and wage a second revolution.
Dalit 10%, Janajati 35%, Madhesi 35%, Bahun Chhetri 20%. Women 50% across the board. It is a 20-80 proposition along ethnic lines, but a 10-90 proposition if the women were to see common ground with the other groups and vice versa.
If the interim government is going to have 20 members, not more than four may be Bahun Chhetri.
The country has to be given one seat for each 100,000 people, and 50% of those seats have to be reserved for the constituent assembly.
The DaMaJaMa have to treat the Bahun Chhetri men in power in all parties like all democrats treated the king. These people are not about to listen. You can not really reason with them. You have to organize and come out into the streets, build coalitions, form a common minimum program.
The interim constitution drafting committee has been a major sore point. Hridayesh Tripathy came out disgruntled. Rana at Harvard has created a major firestorm over email about Janajati non representation. Women are up in arms. I am sure Dalits are unhappy. These Bahuns will not change.
I think the DaMaJaMa keeps making the mistake of thinking there is a shortcut, that they will not have to do the political work. Too much goodwill is being reposited in these Bahuns. No wonder the Bahuns misunderstand the DaMaJaMa voices to be mere background noise.
(1) Form a common minimum program.
(2) Build organization, deepen existing ones, take them to the grassroots. Become mass based.
(3) Build coalitions across the DaMaJaMa spectrum.
(4) Come out into the streets in large numbers.
(5) Turn all that into votes and seats in the constituent assembly.
There should be a 33% reservation for women in the constituent assembly.
Rameshwor Shah: Inclusive Constituent Assembly
June 17 Madhesi Gathering In New York City
Madhesi Gathering Photos 2
Madhesi Gathering Photos
Girija Koirala: Not In Tune With The April Revolution
Frustration, Chemical Imbalance, Mental Imbalance
UML Inching Towards Federalism
Bahun, Chhetri, Sunni
The Bahun Male idea of social justice is that maybe they will make a few cosmetic changes, pass a few resolutions, maybe amend a few laws, but all that still has to happen through them. They still want to be holding all the positions of power. They are not going to just give in any more than the king did. Power will have to be snatched. And now is the time. After the country gets a new constitution will be too late.
Prachanda is no revolutionary. He is just another Bahun Male. He saw nothing wrong with agreeing to a committee for drafting the interim constitution that has not a single woman in it. At least a third of that committee has to be women.
In The News
Aaaa, where are the women?? - By Nisha Onta once again for the women of Nepal the rug has been pulled from under our feet. The demand of being treated as equal citizen of Nepal has been crushed. The demand for one-third representation of women in the sate structure has fallen into deaf ears....... committee for drafting the interim constitution has brought us back two steps. In the committee of six members there are no women, not even one.......
Manage arms before taking the Maoists on-board: Thapa NepalNews Thapa said since the date for elections for the Constituent Assembly (CA) had almost been finalized, management of arms had become urgent ... not appropriate or rationale to manage the arms just ahead of the elections ..... Central leaders of the major constituents of the SPA-- Nepali Congress, CPN (UML) and Nepali Congress (Democratic)—took their top leadership to task regarding the eight-point agreement saying that they signed into the agreement without proper consultation within their own parties..... alleged that the SPA top leadership had been ‘bullied’ by the Maoist chairman, Prachanda ..... Pashupati Shumsher Rana .. didn’t refer to the death of nearly 14,000 people during the decade-old Maoist insurgency in its eight-point agreement
NC central members express dissatisfaction over 8-point agreement strong reservation over the eight-point agreement ..... making such an important agreement in a hurry and without doing proper homework..... Maoists should not be included in the interim government unless the issue of weapon management is settled...... The eight-point understanding reached between seven party alliance and the Maoists had agreed to form an interim government including the Maoists within a month after the interim constitution was formed within 15 days. The agreement also agreed to dissolve the parliament and people’s government of Maoists after issuing an interim constitution..
Swiss government ready to support peace and constitution making process: Baechler "The field of support will be in technical expertise with institutional support and financial help." ..... Swiss government can help Nepal enhance rural employment, build local infrastructure and develop skills of the ex-combatants....... Swiss expertise in constitution-making and elections can be useful in Nepal's peace process...... Switzerland will vote for Nepal in its bid to have a non-permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council for next year, reciprocating Nepal's backing of Switzerland for the UN Human Rights Council seat..... Stating that the eight-point peace pact between the government and the Maoists was a breakthrough ...... "Individual leaders of both sides have shown a remarkable political will to settle the conflict peacefully, which indicates that the peace process is going to be successful." ... there always remains a risk of the breakdown of the peace processes ...... "If there is a risk in Nepal, it is because of the lack of clear technical agreements about the sequencing of further steps; about the decommissioning of arms and the demobilization and reintegration of the armies." ....... Nepal's situation was quite different from that of other conflict countries in Africa and Asia. ...... "Parties to the conflict had to be forced to the talks table, to be guided through the process with help of a mediator. Not so in Nepal, where both sides came on their own, and that makes a huge difference." ...... stressed a clear "verification" process, which eventually will lead to disarmament and demobilisation...... establish mechanisms for dialogue, peace and reconciliation at the local level as well
NC (D) parliamentarians demand clarity on party’s stance on monarchy Parliamentarians affiliated with the Nepali Congress (Democratic) have pressurized party president Sher Bahadur Deuba to make the party stance on monarchy clear before the election of the constituent assembly....... a core political issue that is likely to see rapid polarization of parties that are republican and ceremonial-monarchist. ...... Most of the parliamentarians stressed the need for continuity of the House until it is replaced by another elected authority...... topics like the Government-Maoist cease-fire, effective implementation of the code of conduct, returning the property and assets of the politicians and the general public seized by the Maoists, the issue of management of the army and the arms of both sides and the dissolution of the Parliament
Members of Interim Constitution Drafting Committee yet to get formal recognition
The Myth of the Hydro-Dollar Kantipur
Commission names 150 people for suppressing April uprising ministers of the erstwhile royal regime, suspended high-ranking security officials and the administrators directly supporting the royal government would be summoned first for interrogation. ..... At least 21 people lost their lives and more than 6,000 pro-democracy demonstrators were injured across the country during the three-week-long protests.
No going back for VDC secys, more toil for people
Indian left leaders hail SPA-Maoist peace roadmap left and socialist party leaders in India have called on the Maoist or Naxalite groups in India to emulate their Nepalese comrades...... Their argument is this: "the concept of power through bullet has been repudiated even in Nepal"...... Communist Party of India - Marxist, Communist Party of India and Forward Bloc have said that "the historic accord between the Maoists and the SPA" in Nepal would have a direct impact on Maoist movement in South Asia, including the ''revolutionary corridor"' from Kashmir to Vishakapatanam....... will have far-reaching repercussions not only in our sub-continent but also over the Marxist extremist thinking all over the world.'' ....... the Maoists elements in India will have to redraft their political and strategic tactics. ..... today Maoist revolt a la Nepal has seriously gripped India , with nearly 200 districts in 13 Indian states affected ......
सहमतिप्रति पार्टीहरूमा गम्भीर असन्तुष्टि
भावी नेपाल ँलोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र’
अन्तरिम संविधान निर्माणमा महिला सहभागिताको माग
महिलाद्वारा प्रदर्शन
दमनकारीको सूची सार्वजनिक पाँचथर, असार ४ कालोसूचीमा पर्नेमा तत्कालीन प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी गोविन्दमणि भुर्तेल, डीएसपी अजय भट्टराई, सई केशव भट्टराई, फिदिम माविका प्रधानाध्यापक पुष्प भण्डारी र राप्रपा -थापा) निकट नेपाल राष्ट्रिय शिक्षक परिषद्, पाँचथरका अध्यक्ष हरिप्रकाश सुवेदी छन् ।
थापा र ढकाल रिहा रिहापछि अदालत परिसरमा थापाले संविधान, कानुनविपरीत आफूले काम नगरेको बताए । 'आयोग गठन भएको छ । उसले बोलायो भने गएर सबै जवाफ दिनेछु,' दमन गरेको सम्बन्धी संवाददाताको जिज्ञासामा उनले भने । सरकारी आरोप खण्डन गर्दै उनले विकसित घटनाविरुद्ध कुनै काम नगरेको बताए । 'परिवर्तित अवस्था त्यति कमजोर छैन', उनको प्रश्न थियो- 'दुई जनालाई नथुन्दा अहिलेको व्यवस्था बिगि्रएर जान्छ ?' आफ्नो ३५ वर्षको राजनीतिक जीवनमा एक पटक पनि बन्दी हुन नपाएको तर सरकारले यो अवसर दिएको भन्दै उनले रकारप्रति व्यंग्य पनि गरे । 'म त सरकारलाई धन्यवाद दिन्छु', थापाले हाँस्दै भने ।
सरकारभन्दा वन माफिया बलवान
शान्ति वार्ता र जनमुक्ति सेना
NC for democratic republic: Poudel Himalayan Times general secretary of the Nepali Congress (NC), Ram Chandra Poudel ..... said his party’s mahasamiti meeting would take a decision on leading Nepal towards a democratic republic......Poudel said he met PM Girija Prasad Koirala on Friday and asked him three questions — “‘Will the King be willing to remain a ceremonial head?’ ‘Will the King, who is surrounded by generals, not breach the new constitution?’ and, ‘Can the NC go to the people with an agenda of a ceremonial monarchy?’”....... UML’s Bamdev Gautam, NC youth leader Gagan Thapa and ANNFSU leader Ram Kumari Jhankri said the country would never prosper until monarchy is eliminated.... Gautam said Koirala spoke against the spirit of the 11th national convention of the NC that remained impervious to monarchy..... Dr Devendra Raj Pandey said it was not possible for the parties to give monarchy even a ceremonial role.
Yadav has a different take
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