Mugabe Thief, Leave The Country.
Exporting RevolutionZimbabwe cracks down on homeless shelters again - lawyerThu Jun 15, 2006 5:32 PM GMTHARARE (Reuters) - Harare authorities on Thursday demolished informal shelters and market stalls in a small settlement of about 150 people, leaving victims of last year's government slum crackdown homeless once more ...... thousands of Zimbabweans still live in poverty more than a year after President Robert Mugabe's government destroyed houses and informal businesses in urban towns in a drive it said was meant to root out crime....... The United Nations, which was extremely critical of the operation, said it made more than 700,000 people homeless....... On Thursday a human rights lawyer said municipal workers razed informal shacks at a Harare settlement housing people driven out of their homes in last year's crackdown....... criticised neighbouring countries for failing to condemn strongly the slum clearances, which they say worsened the lot of urban residents already facing rampant inflation, chronic food and fuel shortages and rising unemployment...... Mugabe denies responsibility for Zimbabwe's economic crisis, and in turn blames it on a campaign of sabotage he says his opponents have launched as payback for his controversial drive to forcibly redistribute white-owned farms among blacks.
Zimbabwe is my choice country in terms of where Nepal's April Revolution needs to be exported first.
Zimbabwe: The Constitution Is Faulty
Zimpundit: Zimbabwe
I find the African continent the most exotic of all. It is the most foreign continent to me. Getting subjected to a western education childhood up can do that to you.
The African people are a beautiful people. They deserve the dignity that democracy brings.
Mugabe is a colonial master. He is a despot, a bloodthirsty dictator.
Two Africans Kofi Annan and Samuel Tamrat have done a lot for democracy in Nepal.
Perhaps the democracy movement can be designed better in Zimbabwe than has been the case in Nepal.
Democracy Spreading Mechanism
Democracy: The Third Wave
A people have to set themselves free to realize their true potential. Freedom is worth any price. But in this day and age that price does not have to be all that big. But it is the people who have to rise. Those outside can only help.
Shut the country down for three weeks, and you will have democracy. That is the message from the April Revolution in Nepal.
It is a Global South thing to seek solidarity from movement to movement. We are all in this together. I am blac too.
My experiences in America have taught me it is in my personal self interest that Nepal becomes free. There is a direct relationship between my dignity in America and the freedom of the billions in the Global South. Call it the butterfly effect, if you will.
Proposed Republican Constitution 2006
Reorganized UN, Proposed Constitution, Methods (May 30, 2005)
On The Web
Zimbabwe Democracy Trust
BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Zimbabwe democracy comes of age
African News - Zimbabwe - Mugabe - Worldpress.org
Zimbabwe: Are "Free and Fair" Elections Possible?
Research & Teaching>>Zimbabwe>>Democracy
Interactive Bureau, London - Case Study - Zimbabwe Democracy Trust
A dark day for Zimbabwe democracy
Democracy Now! | The Zimbabwe Elections: Opposition Accuses Mugabe ...
Wisps of democracy in Zimbabwe | csmonitor.com
Washingtonpost.com | Democracy in Zimbabwe The fight for democracy is a universal struggle and therefore solidarity should be extended to those involved in that struggle. ....... During the American election predicament with the "inevitableness" of certain electoral irregularities, President Mugabe chuckled that he should send some observers to the U.S. to teach us a "thing or two" about democracy....... The fundamental difference between your elections and ours was that ours was characterised by lots of pre-election violence and election irregularities, as well as fraud. Yours was based on the rule of law: your disagreements were challenged in the courts, not on the streets. We are currently challenging 39 constituencies in the courts as result of violence, arson, rape and other irregularities. ......... I can only imagine how difficult it must be to survive let alone run a campaign in such a politically hostile environment........ www.mdczimbabwe.com ...... the government is vindictive and therefore is unable to build a national resolution on lawlessness, the land issue and the economy....... a proper land reform programme has to be implemented to the best interests of the country. ..... Our land policy will be transparent, equitable and economically viable. Anybody who has obtained land in an unlawful or corrupt way will lose it........ withdrawal of Zimbabwean forces from the Congo.... The crises of governance we are facing are constitutional in nature. We need a new people-driven constitution....... the Congo, we need to withdraw our troops. ..... The US government can help the situation by assisting the development of the civic movement who are the bedrock of any democracy. The US has been pre-occupied with Mugabe being part of the solution to the war in the Congo, and not as a problem to Zimbabwe and its people. ...... There is national consensus on the objective of land reform in Zimbabwe. The only divergence is on the methodology. Firstly, MDC's objectives on land reform are one: economic empowerment and two: equitable land distribution and three: economic viability and sustainability through an all stakeholder land commission. Finally, we need to discard all communal land practices, and move towards a system of title deeds. All sectors of our economy would benefit--agriculture, manufacturing, etc. You don't perpetuate people to permanent subsistent livelihoods........ In 1987, we centralised power into the Presidency, and undermined the role of Parliament to act as a check on the Executive...... basic provisions to safeguard human rights are lacking from our constitution. National institutions such as the police have been co-opted by Mugabe in order to promote the ruling party's interests. ....... We have a national base. But we need international support ....... 80% of black Zimbabweans do not attribute the current problems to the whites, but to the government. .....
yaledailynews.com - In US, Zimbabwe, 'democracy' label deceives
Sanctions on Zimbabwe
President Signs Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act
USAID Zimbabwe Mission: Democracy and Governance
AfricaFiles | A hollow shell: Democracy in Zimbabwe
Keeping A Live Voice: 15 Years Of Democracy In Zimbabwe
Frontline 7 - Zimbabwe: for democracy and socialism
Zimbabwe news
afrika.no: The Index on Africa : Countries : Zimbabwe : Politics ...
IRIN Africa | Southern Africa | ZIMBABWE | ZIMBABWE: Tsvangirai ...
US Bill on Zimbabwe Arouses Wide Condemnation
This is Zimbabwe » Blog Archive » Smoke, mirrors, spin: more on ...
Swans Commentary: FOOTNOTES for Zimbabwe Under Siege, by Gregory ...
The Insider - Zimbabwe: democracy in tatters
35 African Leaders Urge US to Stop Interference of Zimbabwe's Affairs
allAfrica.com: Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Presents 'Roadmap to Democracy ...
ZWNEWS.com - linking the world to Zimbabwe
afrika.no: The Index on Africa : Countries : Zimbabwe : Human Rights
The zimbabwe Situation - news on Zimbabwe updated on a daily basis ...
UNESCO | Education - Education for Human Rights & Democracy in ...
Kevin's Page of Zimbabwean Information & Links
BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Zimbabwe's online campaign
zim008 US considers sanctions against Zimbabwe
allAfrica.com: Zimbabwe: Help Us Get Mugabe Out, Delegation Asks ...
ReliefWeb » Document Preview » Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai presents ...
Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe (MMPZ)::Archives 2001
July 17, 2000 Political Site of the Week Zimbabwe Democracy Trust ->
Venezuela and Zimbabwe: Democracy on the brink | csmonitor.com
afrol News: "Zimbabwe to be hurt economically"
IRIN Africa | Southern Africa | ZIMBABWE | ZIMBABWE: No money to ...
NewsHour Extra: Zimbabwe Elections - March 13, 2002
Michigan State University Press | Democracy in Zimbabwe From ...
Political Resources on the Net - Zimbabwe (1:3 Parties & Org.)
Zimbabwe opposition says registering parties 'ssault on democracy'
Democracy Now: The Zimbabwe Elections *LINK*
Daimnation!: Zimbabwe and the Churches
Democracy Now! | Zimbabwe Amb. vs. Trade Union Leader on Forced ...
In The News
Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai presents "roadmap to democracy" and another ... Political Affairs Magazine, NY -
Zimbabwe capital destroys homeless shelters-lawyer Reuters AlertNet, UK
Zimbabwe: Politics Makes Strange Churchfellows
Mugabe party says western critics seek Zimbabwe coup
Zimbabwe: Greedy, Incompetent and Unaccountable Leaders ...
Zimbabwe: ZUPCO Case - Mugabe Takes Keen Interest
Zimbabwe: Zanu PF Succession War
Zimbabwe signs mining and power deals with China
Zimbabwe makes mining and power deals with China
Govt barters chrome for power
Zimbabwe: Zimsun Room Occupancy Falls
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