UML to go for democratic republic NepalNews Girija Prasad Koirala, however, said that there was a need to give continuity to what he called the ‘ceremonial monarchy.” ...... Koirala said that in the transitional phase monarchy needed to be continued in the country to avoid dissidence and rebellion....... UML ..... stressed on moving towards interim constitution and interim government by holding “summit talks” between top leadership of the SPA and CPN (Maoist).The Koirala Congress and the other Congress both dragged their feet on the constituent assembly forever. Why could Girija not have gone for a constituent assembly in the year 2000? There is no political answer to that question. The blame can be heaped on Girija's intellectual lethargy, on his status quo mentality, on his lack of political innovation, on his regressive thinking within a democratic setup. Why could he not have listened to political reason? Instead why did he wait until more than 10,000 lives were lost?
King should have ceremonial role: PM Koirala At a time when most political forces are moving towards a democratic republican set up in the country through election of the constituent assembly, Prime Minister and President of the Nepali Congress, Girija Prasad Koirala has said that the king should be given a ceremonial role..... Saying that all (forces) needed to be given some space in the transition phase, Koirala said if all sides are not given some room in democracy, it leads to disappointment and unpleasant incidents. ....... Koirala said that his party would put forth its stand on the agenda of constituent assembly and federal governance system on the negotiating table
The Sadbhavana asked for a constituent assembly back in 1990, but the Congress would not listen. The Maoists asked for one during the first peace talks. Girija would not listen. He waited until people died. Even then he was reluctant. The king organized his coup, and Girija was still opposed to the only viable option: a constituent assembly. How could he not have seen, especially after 2/1, that a constituent assembly was the only meeting ground for the three forces in the country?
Time For The Nepali Congress To Take A Stand On The Constituent Assembly Question (March 19, 2005)
Then there was the issue of an interim government. That is where all three forces could have met and then together gone for a constituent assembly. But he vetoed the idea. Fine. Now we got a House.
Newton, Apples, And Girija's House Revival Idea (November 17, 2005)
But if there was one obvious voice during the April Revolution, it was that for a republic. Noone was shouting House revival out in the streets. Noone died to revive the House. Listen to the slogans out in the streets. They have been recorded. The April Revolution was a republican revolution.
But Girija's ears are not to the ground. He is still uttering ceremonial monarchy.
Koirala Disappoints: He Is The Same Worn Out Record (April 2, 2005)
Girija Koirala is one person. He does not have the democratic option to decide for an entire party. As to what to do with the monarchy is the number one political question facing the country. He should start with a debate in his party's central committee, and he should be ready to call a special convention of his party on this question. Through a democratic process if the Koirala Congress decides to adopt a ceremonial monarchy, that will be just fine. But then it will be for the Nepali people to decide if they want to go with it or not. I predict a major shrinking of the Koirala Congress if it goes into the constituent assembly elections with a plank for a ceremonial monarchy. Having a little bit of monarchy is like having a little bit of evil, a little bit of darkness, a little bit of backwardness. Monarchy in any form is a social regression.
But Girija has no intent whatsoever to consult his party on this all important question. His party needs to revolt against him. Is Girija a democrat? If he is, why does he insist on acting like a dictator?
The king used to say, don't ask for democracy, don't talk of human rights, or the Maoists will come. Now it is Girija's turn. Save the monarchy, or the Maoists will come. What's the difference between the two?
The money to be spent on the monarchy instead should be paid to every elected official in the country in the form of decent salaries, instead should be paid to political parties in direction proportion to the number of votes they might earn, so as to establish a cutting edge democracy.
A monarchy is an unnecessary expense on a poor people. It is a cruel joke upon the destitute.
Girija is against the idea of a republic. That is offensive enough. That is an insult to the April Revolution. He is also against federalism. That makes him an out an out opponent, as far as I am concerned. That is fundamentally offensive for a party that has its primary base in the eastern Terai. Both Girija Koirala and BP Koirala have only cheated the Madhesis of Nepal. They have been for democracy, alright, but they have been against equal rights for Madhesis within that democracy.
Girija is basically suggesting if we don't give the king some space, he might misbehave. So we should give him space because he might snatch away the democracy again? How ridiculous of Girija to suggest this? Where was he in April? Girija is going to have to come up with a better reasoning than that.
The Koirala Congress as a party going for a ceremonial monarchy is valid as long as that decision is reached through a democratic process. But Girija may not impose himself on his party, let alone the country.
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