BBC NEWS | Americas | Costa Rica stands apart It has no army, and throughout the turbulent 1980s, as wars and rebellions raged elsewhere in the region, it managed to stay largely neutral..... Costa Rica actually hosted the start of what was later to become the peace accords that eventually ended the region's conflicts. .... "The cold war is over - and that means there is no such thing as foreign aid," said Oscar Arias, the former president of Costa Rica who won a Nobel prize for his peace plan for Central America.Today I went to Somnath Ghimire's place to watch the first match of World Cup Soccer. (Somnath Ghimire: Why Republic, Somnath Ghimire, Family, Friends, Somnath Ghimire: Open Letter To Deuba) The original plan was to do it at the Nepali Mandir but the setup is not complete yet there. (Aitabare Mela 2, Aitabare Mela, Top Dangi, Democracy Diwali At The Nepali Mandir, Nepali Mandir) Somji's parents are in town. Somji was at work. I watched Germany beat Cost Rica. Then I skipped the second game. I took Somji's parents for a ride in my car.
Costa Rica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Costa Rica was the first country in the world to constitutionally abolish its army. ..... On December 1, 1948, president José Figueres Ferrer of Costa Rica abolished the country's army after victory in the civil war in that year. In a ceremony in the Cuartel Bellavista, Figueres broke a wall with a mallet symbolizing the end of Costa Rica's military spirit. In 1949 the abolition of the military was introduced in the Article 12 of the 1949 Constitution. ..... The budget previously dedicated to the military now is dedicated to security, education and culture; the country maintains armed Polices Guard forces..... In 1986, president Oscar Arias Sánchez declared December 1 as the Día de la Abolición del Ejército (Military abolition day) with law #8115. Andrew Reding: In Costa Rica, where there is no army, the wealthy ... Yet a war is being waged there—a war of words, ideas, and images, not guns and grenades. ..... “The upper classes of Latin American countries normally control by means of the army,” says Pablo Richard, a prominent Chilean theologian living in exile in Costa Rica. “Since there’s no army here, they do so through the media of communications.” ..... Despite a law limiting imported programs to 75 percent of broadcast schedules, about 90 percent are, in fact, imports. ..... Costa Rica began universal free public education in 1879 and social security in 1942, abolished the death penalty in 1882, and has elected its president and legislature since 1889. It has the region’s highest standard of living, and a life expectancy comparable to the United States...... laws like the one that requires broadcasters to accept political ads during campaign periods...... the Costa Rican media carry a wider range of views than those of less democratic Third World countries. Costa Rica History Costa Rica (10/05) Costa Rica has no military and maintains only domestic police and security forces for internal security. A professional Coast Guard was established in 2000.
Costa Rica - Coast-to-Coast Discovery a tranquil country with a stable democracy and no army (which allows the government to spend more on health, education
More Teachers than Police and No Military, Costa Rica in English We believe that one of the main reasons Costa Rica is called the Switzerland of Central America is its educational system. Compulsory education exists since 1843. Costa Rica's high education levels - besides the absence of a military - are probably what make it the most politically stable country in Latin America. About 20% of the national budget goes toward education. With the highest literacy rate in Latin America (95.2% of the population aged 10 and over according to a census in 2000) and compulsory education going through ninth grade (age 14), the education system appears to be in good shape. "History of Costa Rica and Why There Is No Military" Nicaragua complains about border 'militarization' by Costa Rica ... No Military Threat in Costa Rica! Peaceful. Democratic. They are a neutral country..... between two countries, Panama and Nicaragua, known in the past..... for their violent revolutions, and yet... Costa Rica has no military. No Army...... Most Often... these "revolutions" were caused... by the United States Government... and Military... and secret dark forces....... to disrupt their countries... so they could take over... the "natural resources" of these countries......... In Central America... at the end of the 20th century, amidst an area of regimes, strongmen, revolutions, dictatorships, coups, and assassinations... we find a people... of extraordinary normalcy, seemingly nestled... in a lyrical country... of magnificent, diverse topography..... and "Diverse life forms", which they also cherish.
For me the highlight of the game was a tidbit I learned about Costa Rica that I did not know before. A sports commentator casually mentioned that Costa Rica is the first country in the world to have abolished its army. And that little fact struck me like a thunderbolt.
Dismantle The Two Armies (April 30)
Costa Rica has lessons for Nepal.
Dismantling the two armies will be less complicated than any formula for integration. I am all for it.
In The News
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Include Dalits in governance: Activists
Bhai Bhai Koirala has always been notorious for not consulting ...... Why do we have to always prove our nationalism by baiting India? Let’s start defining ourselves by what we are rather than what we aren’t. .......
How we envy the World Cup - By Kofi Annan the World Cup makes us in the UN green with envy ..... FIFA has 207 members; we have only 191. .... the World Cup is an event in which everybody knows where their team stands, and what it did to get there. They know who scored and how and in what minute of the game; they know who missed the open goal; they know who saved the penalty. I wish we had more of that sort of competition in the family of nations. Countries openly vying for the best standing in the table of respect for human rights, and trying to outdo one another in child survival rates or enrolment in secondary education. States parading their performance for all the world to see. Governments being held accountable for what actions led them to that result........ Normally tongue-tied teenagers suddenly becoming eloquent, confident, and dazzlingly analytical experts. I wish we had more of that sort of conversation in the world at large. Citizens consumed by the topic of how their country could do better on the Human Development Index, or in reducing the number of carbon emissions or new HIV infections....... the World Cup is an event which takes place on a level playing field, where every country has a chance to participate on equal terms. Only two commodities matter in this game: talent and team work. I wish we had more levellers like that in the global arena. Free and fair exchanges without the interference of subsidies, barriers or tariffs. Every country getting a real chance to field its strengths on the world stage...... More and more national teams now welcome coaches from other countries, who bring new ways of thinking and playing. ..... I wish it were equally plain for all to see that human migration in general can create triple wins -- for migrants, for their countries of origin, and for the societies that receive them. That migrants not only build better lives for themselves and their families, but are also agents of development -- economic, social, and cultural -- in the countries they go and work in, and in the homelands they inspire through new-won ideas and know-how when they return....... For countries qualifying for the first time, such as my native Ghana, it is a badge of honour. For those who are doing so after years of adversity, such as Angola, it provides a sense of national renewal. And for those who are currently riven by conflict, like Côte d’Ivoire, but whose World Cup team is a unique and powerful symbol of national unity, it inspires nothing less than the hope of national rebirth....... brings me to what is perhaps most enviable of all for us in the United Nations: the World Cup is an event in which we actually see goals being reached. I’m not talking only about the goals a country scores; I also mean the most important goal of all -- being there, part of the family of nations and peoples, celebrating our common humanity.
DPM Oli hints on appointment of new envoys
Nepal govt, Maoists in face-off over parliament Times of India, India
Advani accepts Nepal's new secular credentials Asian Tribune, Thailand
NEPAL:capital tastes villagers' fear OneWorld.net, UK Traffic was disrupted as hundreds of buses flying the rebels' red hammer and sickle flags and packed with supporters in red T-shirts lumbered along main roads leading into the valley housing more than one million people. Once they stopped, their chanting riders spontaneously launched dozens of small parades that blocked inner city streets...... The meeting took place in the heart of the capital, about one kilometre from the royal palace ..... the parties (who now lead the government) and rebel leaders have sparred publicly over the best route to travel to a constituent assembly....... "This country is very poor," said one of them. "They (the rebels) can bring development," he added confidently........ hundreds of armed Maoists reportedly moved openly at a meeting in the eastern city of Biratnagar on Thursday. ...... a member of the rebels peace talks team, Dev Gurung, warned earlier this week, "The possibility of a coup will increase even if the (constituent assembly) elections is delayed by six months."
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India to release Nepalese Maoists, supports UN involvement in arms monitoring the 150-odd Nepalese Maoists jailed in different parts of India. They also include top leaders Mohan Baidya and C.P. Gajurel, who are jailed in Siliguri and Chennai ...... a soft loan assistance of US $ 100 million ...... write off debts worth I Rs 1.5 billion from Nepalese Defense Ministry, which has been receiving non-lethal and lethal military assistance from India since 1964...... defer the recovery of dues of about IRs 5 billion from Nepal Oil Corporation...... infrastructure projects like the 1,500-km Hulaki Highway in the Terai region, Budhi Gandaki hydroelectricity project, the East-West Railways, a Polytechnic School in the Far-Western region...... Mukherjee ruled out any possibility of immediate military assistance to the Nepalese Army ...... Congress-affiliated Nepali Janasamparka Samiti ......
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DAY-III: A Gandhian Day for G.P. Koirala The 84-year-old leader, hailed here as "among the greatest pro-democracy strugglers of the Asian region", also recounted his meeting with Gandhi when Koirala was a young Nepali activist partaking in India's freedom struggle against the British rule nearly 60 year ago. ........ "After listening to Koirala, my conclusion is that Nepal's Maoists are indeed willing to shun violence and join the multiparty framework."
Nepal stresses unity among political forces Madav Kumar Nepal on Thursday said that the seven-party alliance and the Maoists should not delay in "building a new Nepal." ..... Prakash Man Singh ... said that the Maoists should be included in the government without any delay.
ँसंसद् संविधानसभामा व्यस्त’
नागरिकता समस्या समाधान हुनुपर्छ ः त्रिपाठी सद्भावना पार्टी -आनन्दीदेवी) ले संविधानसभा निर्वाचन अगावै नागरिकता समस्या समाधान हुनुपर्ने बताएको छ । 'एक महिनाभित्रै मुलुकको जनगणना हुनुपर्छ,' सद्भावना महासचिव हृदयेश त्रिपाठीले बिहीबार कान्तिपुरसँगको संक्षिप्त कुराकानीमा भने- 'अस्थायी निस्साको आधारमा नागरिकता वितरण हुनुपर्छ ।' आमा वा बाबु नेपालमा जन्मेको अथवा विभिन्न समयमा सरकारी टोलीद्वारा वितरित अस्थायी निस्साको आधारमा आश्रतिलाई समेत नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र वितरण हुनुपर्ने अडान पार्टीको रहेको पनि उनले बताए । उनले करिब ६० लाख मधेसी नागरिकता पाउनबाट वञ्चित रहेको दाबी गरे । जनआन्दोलनमा नागरिकता नपाएका नेपाली नागरिक पनि त्यत्तिकै सक्रिय रहेको त्रिपाठीले उल्लेख गरे । संविधानसभा निसर्त हुने उल्लेख गर्दै यसको पूर्वाधारका लागि अनिवार्य विषय मानिएको जनगणना सही, निष्पक्ष र तटस्थ हुनुपर्ने भएकाले तत्काल जनगणना आवश्यक रहेको उनले बताए । विगतका जनगणना मुलुक आन्तरिक सशस्त्र द्वन्द्वमा फसेको बेला भएकाले आन्तरिक र बाह्य विस्थापनले जनगणना तथ्यांकको सट्टा मिथ्यांक रहेको सद्भावनाको दाबी छ ।
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Dissolve Parliament Only Two Months Before Constituent Assembly Elections
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