First, that is what is in the 12 point agreement. Second, it is in the best interests of countries like Nepal to treat the UN with respect. Third, we should also be open to involving the other powers like the US, EU, India and China, because that will make it more possible to seek monetary aid during the peace process, and aid sure will be needed. Fourth, it is a myth that Nepal needs India's permission before it can invite the UN in. It does not. The relationship between a state like Nepal and a body like the UN is direct. If Kofi Annan did not understand this, he would never have extended his helping hand like he repeatedly has. I am comfortable with Annan's understanding of the nuances of international politics. What about you? Fifth, it is in India's best interests to see the UN play a meaningful role in Nepal. India needs the UN to become a major player on the global stage that it is not yet. Sixth, the UN's involvement in the Nepal peace process could see many firsts for world history. It could be thoroughly successful in many innovative ways. Subsequently Nepal could draw upon that experience to play much bigger roles in peace making and democracy spreading experiments in other countries. That will be honorable. The UN's possible involvement is a huge opportunity for Nepal: snatch it.
Getting the two armies out of the picture during the constituent assembly elections is key to having free and fair elections. We surely should invite international observers of the widest possible spectrum for that period. That should also be a time for us to express our appreciation to all those global friends that were with us during our royal ordeal. That includes INGOs. That includes the Carter Center. That includes the top human rights organizations.
What would that involve? I think both armies should do two things.
(1) Get all their soldiers into barracks.
(2) Give up all their arms and ammunition to be locked up and guarded by African soldiers under UN supervision for safekeeping for the duration of the election.
Extortions Have To Come To A Complete Stop
Otherwise there can not, should not be any peace talks.
What is the idea behind these extortions? That the Maoists run a parallel state? If Nepal is two countries, why even hold peace talks?
Peace talks whose conclusions have already been reached should be something the Maoists should be able to trust. The Maoists should not act like they are preparing for yet another round of civil war.
The money the Maoists collect was not earned by Nepali citizens through some command economy.
If the Maoists keep up with their extortions, they are but gangsters.
I think it is high time both the seven party alliance and the Maoists did their very best to engage in confidence building measures. The state needs to cooperate on the issue of the imprisoned and disappeared Maoists.
10 years are enough. The country does not need any more violence.
In The News
Former Ministers Pandey and Rana arrested NepalNews
Former Home Minister Thapa taken into custody
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Maoist leaders call to fulfill their demands for talks: Prachanda to lead Maoist talk team
Maoist affiliated student union submits its demands to Prime Minister
Valley districts get CDOs
Parliament allows senior civil servants to join trade unions
Team to scale Mt. Everest to mark the success of people's movement
Maoists release former Sarlahi CDO
"Violation of human rights makes people poor"
Five former ministers arrested; all 4 security chiefs suspended Kantipur Publications
HoR to elect Speaker tomorrow
Assailants target Industrialist in Birgunj
Government intervenes to resolve Moondrops affair
Compensation to martyrs’ families in limbo
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पाँच दिनसम्म भोजैभोज
बाँच्ने आशा पलायो
उपसचिवसम्मले टे्रड युनियन अधिकार पाउने
सभामुख पदको विवाद बढ्यो
मुख्यसचिवले गाडी फर्काए
गृहमा हेरफेर
गाउँ-गाउँमा चन्दा आतंक
गृह जिल्लामै कालोसूचीमा थापा
युद्धविराममा चन्दा असुली
उपभोक्ता अदालत
समावेशीकरण र पारदर्शिता
प्रस्तावित राष्ट्रगान
परिवर्तनको दिशा र हाम्रो कार्यभार
जनक्रान्तिपछिको आर्थिक क्रान्ति
New Era in Nepal Leads to New Constitution Zaman Online, Turkey
All eyes on big, fat Nepal wedding CNN-IBN, India
Nepal plans to enroll 120,000 children to primary schools in 2006 People's Daily Online, China
‘Eternal vigilance needed against King Gyanendra’
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"If Nepal is two countries, why even hold peace talks?"
That makes no sense. Korea is two, and they talk. Vietnam was, Germany was, and they talked as well, before unifying.
The point being Nepal is not two countries.
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